An 11-year-old racer from Thailand, Wanraya Wannapong, won the women's title World drone racing championship
how this make you feel Zig Forums ?
Thai kid won drone racing world champ
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Feels okay man. What’s the problem here?
really? hahaha good!
What is your point? It doesn't make me feel anything
How should I feel about this?
glad you are not racist and think your white race is superior to the rest of the world
Do we come into your ladyboy parlor whenever a White kid wins a medal? If we did, we'd be in there even more often than your parents, and they fucking work there.
Fuck off you slant cunt. This place has become way too public and targeted by the sub-species lately.
you should feel mad like this guy
White race is superior. You thinking that some kid winning a competition proves something, shows that you are an imbecile. Just compare Thailand to any country built by the white man.
What a hideous creature.
You sure it isn't a boy? I mean it is thailand…
thailand win WW2 while in axis
that's the prove our country are superior
Nope she's girl
what's with all of the fags making threads lately? this one is especially bad
It's so superior that it is the prime tourist destination for perverts. Your kids and ladyboys are getting fucked by thousands of degenerates from around the globe right this moment.
it's call business like prostitute in your country murika. but you have immigrant to help rape your woman . and that's worse than prostitute. thailand have greatest martial art. the red bull was create by thai . and we own your football team :)
It makes me feel piteous. Yes, I feel pity that the white race is so superior, lesser countries will use anything they can to not feel like the inadequate dregs they are. The white race IS the chosen race. Deal with it.
Tell me, what support have you given to your brothers in Myanmar in their struggle against the Rohingya Muslims rapists?
Hubris. Look into the vastness of the Cosmos and you will be reminded how puny you are.
Leave cunt. We both know that deep down you KNOW the white race reigns supreme or there wouldn’t even be a need for you to mouth off. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. If every other race is better (lol) then why do niggers and people like you have this desperate, frenzied need to prove yourselves, and to white people no less?
Engrish moodafuka
Do hou spreak it?
Rohingya ? our military dictator just send them out from our country and the rest is not our problem anymore .We use hand of Myanmar to kill them and survive as always we do in history . west can't rule us in the past and so the present
because I love your mad lol
a girl won a womans competition whats the big news
Wait a minute, why is there a sex division for fucking drone maneuvering contests?
What the fuck is a drone race?
I'm not being envious or unreasonable, I'm saying your "MI'm muh chosen race" hubris is a delusion. Not in relation to how you compare to the other, more pigmented, bipedal apes that you share close common ancestry, but in relation to the void that swallows the speck of dust you call Earth in its vastness.
Good that you took action. Hopefully they will be crushed.
thai vs murika vs korea vs taiwan
No thanks, kid. Enjoy your degenerate robot racing.
Does it hurt to be this stupid?