How to define white

How to define white

By European standard we do look upon our southorn neighboors of being that of shitskin

Even the Italians on the peninsula regard everything in Rome and South of it as Terroni

This kind of swarthyness is not something exclusive to Italy

But goes for all the Medditerreanean Nations of the south, with the invasions of Moors, Arabs & Turks the demographics of the areas have changed

The easiset way of telling that a specific person is not European is by checking their hablogroup, of which you get from your patriachal side, if a man of italy or Spain has J2 Hablogroup we can safely say he is a decendant of the Arabs,

By definition the only acceptable Hablogroups is I1,I2.R1A,RIB,&N

These hablogroups are however a minority in places like Italy and Greece, and therefor we can regard these areas as NON white, and instead decendants of Arabs

Post in this thread also Nordic Material & Nordicism,

What the southrons do not understand regarding Nordicism is that

This Race of Paleo Europeans, That are even found outside of Europe, As in Ancient Egypt, Northern India, China, Meso america should in my opinon not be considered as White, in the way it should be mixed with other whites, but instead as being part of the Paleo HerrenRasse, and instead be segregated to prosper the race into greater Numbers.

In the Future i will make sure this to Happen by erecting great walls around scandinavia, with great Eugenics programs to Ensure a multiplication of their Numbers,
To once again prosper in an age of Enligtenment

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Other urls found in this thread: IS NOT EUROPEAN/country/SE/

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White people are there ones who pay for everything and want others to step up and take care of their own shit.

Nordicism did nothing wrong tbh. Meds are absolutely blacked and should not be mixed with.

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I was going to say people of purely European descent because I'm a leaf-burger with phenotypes from everything north of Italy and west of the Baltic sea, but:

This is both accurate and funny in a disgusting way, as well.

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kek that mentally ill amerimutt mongrel shitposts even here it seems

OP is a Swedish Christian retard

Who has been been spamming his Swedecuck fantasies on Zig Forums
Here is some of his Christfag shilling IS NOT EUROPEAN/country/SE/
He has a thread about /pagan infighting/ on Christian about half of a year ago

yes goyim we should interbreed with nonwhite italians and spanish and pollute our ethnicity good call
do not listen to the god fearing swede italians are white!
Spanish are white!
Ignore genetic testing goyim!


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Reminder: the only people who want to define what "white" is are mutts. One hundred years ago, there never was a term for "white people", you were irish, Germanic, Italian, Slavic ect. Each of these ethnic groups were treated differently but each other. The Irish were literally treated the same as blacks in early America.
Mutts think being white is some sort of game.
Grow the fuck up

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Nigger hair colouring and wigs have been things since before the roman era

Die with fire, jew.
Paternal, and no, maternal dna classification uses Haplogroups, too.
Incorrect. All Arabs are "Semites", or "Shemites", sons of Shem, a son of Noah, a man that never existed. Only the J1 Haplogroup contains "Semitic" lineages and they are limited to two subclades, FGC11 and L93, Haplogroup subclades unique to the Arabian peninsula and North Africa. All of these people descend from on ancient Arab man and have only formed two family lineages because inbreeding.
The Nordic people are Germanic, user. They speak a Germanic language and were once various Germanic tribes.
There is no "white". Persians are included in the history of Europa, since they have blue eyes and light hair, the actual Persians, though, not the modern Arabs with black hair and black eyes. Ancient Egypt Pharoahs were mixed Celtic from Europa and Aryan from Persia.
Will not work as well as the snow and ice of the glacial period. We need another 40,000 year Ice Age to cleanse Europe and North America.

Also, pic related #2 is of modern genetics and not ancient. Only recently has Italia become brown, with the exception of Sicily, whic has been brown since Arab invasions. For centuries it was Italic, Germanic, and Southern Slavic genetics.

not anymore torposter, not anymore

You do say yourself this

Haplogroup subclades unique to the Arabian peninsula and North Africa. All of these people descend from on ancient Arab man '

In actuality that is not true, have a look at that image, theres over 10000 years of genetic difference between us, and instead they use to 40% a nordic language and 60% latin language

the confusion startred with the romans naming everything across the rhine as Germanic
Second image

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high quality post neatly pointing out where that poster was wrong.
Clearly he is a kike because you said so.

user, you have 23 chromosome pairs, which is 46 chromosomes. Half come from your father and half from your mother. The y-dna you get from your father, if you are male, is passed down unchanged for thousands, possibly millions, of years. You are half what your father is as he is half what his father is. The x-dna you get from your mother, if you are male or female, is a mix of their mother's and their father's mother's dna, as the x-dna recombines in different proportions upon passing down to a child. Thus, you are genetically very different than you are nationally or culturally. I am paternally a Frank and maternally a Scot. You are your father's people accented with the beauty of your mother's people.

The mediterranean/mittelmeerisch race was considered even by Günther as one of the founding races of the German Volk. Second pic is what he said about the headform, which was essentially the consensus among most anthropologists of the time, the inability to tell apart a mediterranid from a nordid purely by skull measures, given they are both essentially aurignacoid.

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Medditerreanean from a nordic individual,,,

That Nordid individual was not NORDIC

but instead German

In actuallity theres a great skull difference between NORDIC and MED

First image in the OP

your shitposting is very poor, skull on the right isn't mediterranid
sage again

No thanks mate?

Do not argue with him, there is no point, he is too autistic for it
best is if he gets no replies, just archive his spam and it is the best you can post against him

just showing that that mongrel of OP is wrong even by natsoc approved anthropology, on top of the rest
and DNA doesn't tell you much about physical anthropology, not yet, at least inside European variation, not to mention that DNA is not always available

Oh look another D&C sperg thread.
Gas yourselves you filthy kike faggots.

The best of your posting is instead your insults

You claim that the Nordid individual was instead Nordic and not German

I claim it was German and not Nordic

Till you prove that point

Seaze insulting like a jew

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please feel free to point me to which SNPs are linked to a brachycephalic head index vs a dolicocephalic one, or which SNPs determine orbital height and breadth, or which determine cheekbones retreat, and so on
as far as I'm aware there are like around 200 markers that can sort of tell apart an individual with an african skull from a west and east Eurasian, but nothing of the sort on a finer scale

americans, spanniggers and italishits eternally btfo

J1 and J2 are different.
Most of the J1 in the Caucasus, Anatolia and Europe is of the non-J1-P58 variety. These branches diverged from one another during the Ice Age and have nothing to do with Semitic people. In fact the origins of J1 lie around the Caucasus, which explains that all branches other than P58 are most common in that region, as well as in Anatolia and Europe.
Not clear who "they" are but I will presume you mean Germanic people. The Germanic language is 0% Latin, since all Latin languages evolved from Italo-celtic language branch and differ from Grmanic languages.

If you are saying Southern Germanic people with dark hair and dark eyes are not true Northern Europeans, you are correct, but the Franks and others who lived along the norther coast of Europe are and have the paternal I2 Haplogroup.
Says the Germanic people were cucks yet they were the only group to never be conqored. In fact, those that lived north of the Rhine, the Franks, were called such because 'Frank' means "free". They were never subject to Italia's rule.

White is a synonym for Aryan and the conception of an overarching white race has existed for a huge swath of time.

It does not. Aryan is ancient Persian. Darius says so.

J1 and J2 are different.

Doesnt matter what color the poop is, it is still shit

Yes that is true

The German language is bastardized

Says the Germanic people were cucks yet they were the only group to never be conqored. In fact, those that lived north of the Rhine, the Franks, were called such because 'Frank' means "free". They were never subject to Italia's rule.

Yes Nordics came in small numbers and ruled over these people, being the minority

The populations did not become Nordic however

Also Germany was conquered many times, France aswell,

The only nation to never be conquered is infact Sweden

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Either you start breeding like rabbits or you get exterminated. While I agree White ethnicities do need to be preserved, it's all a matter of how many White Women you knock up before tyrone or muhammad do.
So start breeding and stop whining.

This is starting to bug me.

Cro Magnon is the name of a specific find, not a species. It is famous because it used to be the earliest known example of modern man.

The question is "are niggers homo sapiens sapiens?". The answer seems to be "close; but no". They are a closely related phylum that can be objectively defined by their morphology and genes. The albino nog pictures are a perfect example of this. Even a (white) toddler could recognize the difference.

I'm surprised that evolutionary anthropology, which has long held that "racism" (the name itself implies that they are a different species) is natural and beneficial, seems to be surviving the current moral panic.

God only knows what their departments look like at this point though.

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Stop bumping this spammer

Hello fellow Jews.

How do we define Jewish?

There are so many Jewish groups! Orthodox, Sephadic, Ashkenazi!

We should all fight each other, right, fellow Jews?

while i dont disagree with anything you are saying you have to understand the immense strategic advantage sweden has due to its location surrounded by a natural mote and also countries to shield it

Yet, here we are: Sweden is getting conquered!

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Oh my bad

they are importing their own suicide yes but as a country trying to invade another country sweden is probably the most strategically advantageous location on the planet

I'm glad I'm not a nord cuck. I get way more pussy than every paper jaw blonde fag.

My bloodline ranges from German and French northwards, out to everything UK when it was white. I am a mutt, but nobody in my family has ever bred a shitskin.

By what you say I'm German and Celtic mostly, which is true, I'm only Français du côté de la mère and have Anglo on both sides. I'm a freckled blonde with blue eyes and I'd be a ginger without hitting the genetic lottery via ma mère.

Anyway, as somebody pointed out, white is only really a term for those with numerous European tribal bloodlines and nothing else muddying them. I'm fine with being white rather than having just one distinct European bloodline, even if it means all of my ancestors fled their homelands rather than fighting to the death to de-kike them. I have no intentions of making the same mistake.

I apologise user, I just actually read that instead of instantaneously ignoring it due to operant conditioning.

if you had actually hit the genetic lottery you would of been a ginger

gingers by definition are the next step in white evolution

I'd still rather be blonde hair and blue eyes than ginger and green. One of my siblings looks like pic related minus kike features.

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In that they are the result of blondes and brunettes mixing, as is green eye color.

Isn't that issue more so with the skull structure though? Red and Green are just as complementary as Yellow and Blue.

I'm not going to trash on you guys for figuring out genetics and what not, but it seems to me to be a fracture point.

they arent the result of a blonde and and brown mixture they are their own distinct evolution branch due to cold weather climate and what are whites but humans that evolved due to cold weather red heads are the best at surviving the cold and the most evolved to deal with it

red haired and blue eyed is the best outcome for a person

Oh, I just meant that my brother is a goofy looking fuck and I managed to miss out on it, hence the genetic lottery comment. Polite sage as I've just been blogposting here.

Gingers are more white than blondes
I personally know gingers who have mixed with light-brown haired people and their children are blonde

Rarest thing in my family is dark brown and blues, none of the gingers have blue eyes, I probably should've said that when posting the Alfred E. Neuman picture in reference to my brother.

In actuality I believe the Gaelics to be the most cursed off the Atlantian Decendants, Somehow related to us Paleo europeans, survivors of the Ice age, lived here in Europe for aslong as we did

The ginger hair i believe to be a demonic Taint

A nephilim trait Look at that image>>12407522

Second one

cuckchan tier posting
reddit spacing
please fuck off schizo spammer

While I am cursed in a way more doxxing than telling Zig Forums what my relatives without Faceberg look like, this sounds like Christcunt schizophrenic dribble.
>>>Zig Forums

But it is. The "red hair gene" is stupid because where did it come from first ? From mixing people with less and more melanin, same as green eyes. The colors are an optical illusion in a sense; they exist as light spectrum is reflected. With eyes it aligns to the light spectrum quite clearly. Blue eyes are at the ultraviolet end of the spectrum, in that they have less melanin and thus reflect less colors within the spectrum. Black eyes are not at the other end of the spectrum, infrared, but, having much more melanin, they reflect more colors in the spectrum. Because these darker eyes reflect all the colors of the spectrum they blend into a dark black. Eyes between ice blue (almost white) and black contain varying amounts of melanin and become other colors such as green or orange, even in just certain parts of the iris. The same is happening with red hair.

Demons are jew lies, user. There is only black-hearted humans, they are called jew.

Every time until you grasp it:
"White" is more than just skin color. Any semi-high caste Indian can buy skin whitener (and they do) to look more European. That doesn't make him white. Whites exhibit certain cultural and psychological traits that you do not find in other races, like empathy and diligence. In the same vein, any race that fails to show these traits should not be considered white.

you're confused green eyes are indeed a mix of blue and brown red hair is not a mix of blonde and brown

Do you know what a fucking mutation is you mongo?

Don't really care what albinos up north are up to. Good luck dealing with the Africans, but Etruscans were obviously med.

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Define Jew.

Thinly veiled consensus cracker.
Core leftard rhetorical technique for undermining race.

tanned blondes in that first image you turkic fuck

western and northern slavs are white southern italians are not

do some more stickman art npc

This shit has been posted countless times at this point in the same exact manner. This shit has been repeatedly argued with neither side coming to a conclusion obviously. OP is also extremely obviously an Amerilard desperate for some measure of racial collection, someone with a massive inferiority complex attempting to assuage that feeling by lashing out at others exactly as a kike does. So on and so forth.

Allow me to put it this way: doesn't matter anymore. Your precious northern strongholds of pure h'witeness? Are getting hit a lot harder than the "skitskin south" ever was. Within 10 to 20 years these exact same threads will be made but in reverse. Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland? They're Brazil now. Sweden especially, and their close proximity ensures the further Brazilification of their neighbors. Seeing how the logic here is once a shitskin steps foot on European clay the entire nation's people magically mutate into muds the North is now the exact same as those inferior Southerners. That great wall you want built is gonna be to protect the remaining whites alright, all in Eastern Europe now. Also interesting to note is the disturbing similarity between the dichotomies of the North and South in both the USA and Europe, and that's all in gonna say about that.

If the subhumans that populate this board now didn't posess such beastial IQ perhaps things would be different. Perhaps further atomizing ourselves when the rest of the globe is now an aligned enemy isn't the best idea. Perhaps gainging any measure of allies amongst ourselves in the face of a coordinated assault would be the most logical. Or perhaps we've reached a point where none of this matters. This will not only be a reawakening but also a purification event. A lot of subhuman h'wites have flooded our homelands this past century both north and south. Genetic dead weight. Trash. Genetically white but spiritually and mentally shitskin. A label that is guaranteed to include the OP. The powerful prevail and the unworthy are cast into the flames. I welcome it.

We need a new breed of Aryan man. One that isn't inferior but instead superior. One that will not simply sit and cry nor take out their immeasurable incompetence on their peers. One that will not simply sit in their house and merely pray to survive, but will instead thrive. The furnace is hot and the anvil is weathered by millennia of our forefathers efforts. The old forge must be cast aside and revitalized, instead of iron the new Aryan man must be made of steel. North or South, the unworthy and profane will be exterminated and forgotten. Their blood will mingle with our enemies, rightfully so; and their only contribution in life will be to reinvigorate a parched land so that the worthy, the superior, may strike his anvil and bring new life to these cursed lands.

Africans. Semites. Mongoloids. The weak and foul. All will perish one way or another. Those of you able to perform the sacred alchemy and forge yourselves anew will find yourselves agrip in the Manifest Destiny of this millennia. Do not mourn the filth that will not make it.

He is pretty obviously a Swedish schizo spammer from Zig Forums

Be on guard.
They are trying to divide whites even further based on heritage, ancestry, nationality, etc., despite the fact that they are trying to rid the earth of ALL whites.

Ooo. Nice D&C thread.

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this actually works and turns college students into antisemites

Attached: 【東方手描きPV】無生命サーフェス【石鹸屋】-zf2dr-EfYYc.mp4_snapshot_01.37_[2018.07.23_20.27.53].jpg (1920x1080, 234.04K)
Here is his thread on Zig Forums which links to IS NOT EUROPEAN/country/SE/
Which links to haplogroup spam
Schizo posts

Attached: Swedeshillspammer.png (3000x2446, 1.44M)

Remember to report low effort D&C threads

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He does not argue
He just rigidly posts his spam over and over again
It does not matter him to what you say, to him it matters that you waste your time or believe him

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Also another quote which perfectly represents his behaviour

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he's a poster from cuckpol and /int/ from years ago, really bad case of schizophrenia



This is an Imkikey thread. He said he was going to bomb Zig Forums with "you're not white' shit.

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Slavdanavian Americans

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sure thing torpedo kike

what a fucking cripple

Not that hard to grasp.
This is a fucking boomer tier meme on par with 'demz r da REAL rayciss'

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What kind of nigger-IQ monkey gets an explanation of color so backwards and twisted? Did a million niggers on a million typewriters produce this by random chance? (And how did others not notice this? Are you awake, anons?)

Anybody of majority European stock is considered white, take pic related as an example of that. Now fuck off with your D&C horseshit.

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Earlier this year, I went through an unfortunate faze where I decided to create a Facebook account. Thankfully, I woke up after a couple months and immediately deleted my account, but not before I had the misfortune of coming across many über white nationalists profiles of people who were in fact mutts! Two in particular really went all out, accusing each other of not being full European. It was amusing for awhile until it wasn’t. Apparently the dark haired one is Italian and even posted a (doctored) DNA result. Same with the blonde. Both claim to be 100% European. Blonde has two kids - one Hispanic and youngest is “white” with blonde hair and blue eyes. Personally, I don’t believe them. I know in the grand scheme of things, this kind of shit doesn’t matter. It was just perplexing to see so many ultra white nationalists that aren’t even white.

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