Illegal immigrant families shattered record in October
inb4 Trump shills "buh..buh… more people caught!"
From the story:
Up 400% from last year, motherfuckers
God… I want to become a border patrol so bad, and quit as soon as I get a waifu-tier loli. Maybe not quit right away, as I'll need money to buy stuff for our kids.
$20 on Trump saying
as his reelection catchphrase.
The primary function of government is to pretend to fail. And with parasitic kikes at every level, immigration, the partially fake drug war and human trafficking are just methods of sucking the host dry. We even have the military to play wet nurse for DHS to kill off the US citizens that dare to balk about being replaced; another elaborate, and quite significant kike money-making scam
What the fuck is your problem? Get out.
Sounds about right, we really need the wall to be built. This many people coming through just destroys the border states.
This sounds about right.
Reminder that there are numerous caravan groups that are being guided by the democrats and liberals.
Bingo. Make and keep local lists.
The primary function of government is to pretend to fail. And with parasitic kikes at every level, immigration, the partially fake drug war and human trafficking are just methods of sucking the host dry. We even have the military to play wet nurse for DHS to kill off the US citizens that dare to balk about being replaced; another elaborate, and quite significant kike money-making scam>>12408761
And we're told that some 20+ thousand were caught sneaking into the US illegally while we were watching the caravans
The jews need one kosher united brown hemisphere to attack those currency manipulating "bugmen".
Must be Trump's fault then. Can't possibly be the same reason these caravans are suddenly happening out of nowhere. Can't possibly be the same privately funded organizations that ship thousands of niggers from Africa to Europa via privately funded ships and crews. Let's ignore all that, let them operate, and whine about Trump instead. Said the shill, that is…
Already trademarked "Keeping America Great Again".
I know what you mean.
Not only illegal migration is up, so is legal. Trump has yet to even accept refugees from South Africa.
listen to me shitskin, the wall was an esoteric metaphor that only Aryans understand. The real meaning of the wall was the inner strength we find along the way.
See. Trump didn't betray his voters and the promises he made in 2016. Look how he's clamped down on immigration and deported all the illegals.
Rome wasn't built in one day.
Trump is clamping them down, and the reaction to this is the kikes putting more effort to get more muds in.
Hello shill.
You cunts are raiding hard in your desperation. Your end is close and you know it.
You spelled Jews wrong idiot
You will never be white
What the fuck is wrong with you fucking pieces of shit? Get the fuck out of this thread
I lived in Guatemala. Nice people please but dumb as oxen. Average IQ below 70. Totally unable to function in modern society. They couldn’t even figure out sanitation. The problem is Americans raped their country for decades, assassinating any local leaders who wanted to fight American giant corporations like Dole fruit. Crazy communist rebels made everything worse. Locals were forced by pro American leaders to repurchase land they already bought and paid for. They are fucked no matter what. The US fucked them over and now they want revenge.
pic related.
I'm not responsible for what other people did, so I don't owe them a thing (like living in my neighborhood and shitting it up with filth, noise, and crime, and ruining the schools and making daily life hell like the 70 IQ animals they are).
Yeah, Trump is good on immigration. You got me.
Then they can get in line, which starts directly behind the White working class who got sold out by the same kikes, particularly kike financiers, who own the corporations and back both the Communists AND the Capitalists..
I have an uncanny attraction toward the waifu in murdoch murdochs Jordan Peterson anime. Am I become a pleeb?
I had a gf was working with Hondurans to do some simple survey about sanitation. When we broke up she'd been working on it for 3 years and nothing had been accomplished because the locals were too fucking stupid to conduct a survey.
They're animals. That's why we need at least 60 million of them in the US.
So much this. I've been coming to Zig Forums to see if there are other like-minded anons here. We need to strategize on how we can get our future wives without the drones and other agents not noticing it. I think we should buy property around our area of surveillance; as soon as we get a loli, we take her home and tell her to stay put until her parents fill in the paperwork.
This is why they're stupid. Just to clarify before I go any further, I agree with everything you said in your post, you're right. However, unless there is still heavy outside US government influence, fixing problems like that starts primarily at home and expands outward. You can't hope to fix your country if your direct leadership are a bunch of corrupt shit heads. That has to be fixed and then outside agitators dealt with, if any.
Look, people act like the 15th century-20th century was the only time exploitation, colonialism, etc. ever happened in the world, and it was only done by Europeans. That Europe has somehow always been on top and never had hardship, (except when people want to stroke off early Islam how "advanced" it was and how backwards Europe was). In all reality, Europe spent most of its existence getting its shit pushed in, fighting largely defensive wars against all these "poor oppressed" peoples, getting kidnapped and sold into slavery, infighting while opportunities slipped by, etc.
Carthage was originally a Phoenician COLONY, and among its three top exports was slaves.
Mansa Musa, a BLACK AFRICAN ISLAMIC leader, has been ranked as the richest ruler in all of history. Mali, under his rule, accumulated the vast majority of that wealth from the Trans-Saharan slave trade and enslavement of Europeans.
My point is, if Europe was able to pick itself up and become know as the "privileged" people of the world, when their history was mostly filled with amazing achievements under very dire circumstances and corruption, then so can these people and all others. Just like Europe, they have to fix their home before they can fix the other related problems.
Also, If Drumpf is supposed to be the next brown hating Hitler, why are all of these brown people running TOWARDS the United States? I don't remember caravans of Jews running towards Nazi Germany. Do these leftists ever ask themselves this question?
Holy shit, get the FUCK out of my thread. Where are mods?
You're globally reported, motherfucker. You deserve to have your eyes gouged out and your testicles ripped off slowly. I hope you burn to death you pedo piece of shit.
You're globally reported, too, motherfucker.
You're globally reported, too, you motherfucker.
Right, faggot, the Jews who flooded into Germany to get free food, free housing, free medical care, and who were GUARANTEED, BY LAW, the opportunity to apply for asylum to stay in Germany.
Get the fuck out.
Safe to say they weren't moving north for the weather.
I also have some DACApede family, but I've stayed quiet about it.
Reminder that this is Donald Trump's fault.
He is indeed.
Right, but think about all the food they make us. They also do the jobs that we don't want to do. The future of the United States is brown, get used to it. We need these people for our economic growth, so its simple mathematics to give them welfare. Remember also that Mexicans are natural conservatives and christian, if we just work harder to reach out to them, they'll vote red. There are literally no downsides to migration, it's a nice and compassionate thing when people want to come and live with you. Have a heart.
Ann Coulter is in despair
haha wow…that's quite teh collection of cliches you've got there. I don't think I've ever seen such a densely impacted blob of immigration cliches anywhere else.
The Guac will rise again.
Either the best shitpost I've read or the stupidest if serious.
Shoulda built that wall, huh?