Today I admit it: Zig Forums was right

So these are actual screenshots from a video in this channel:

So on first glance it's an innocent-looking jew cult on youtube, but this one brags about taking over the world, seriously.

- They want a global government run by them, which they call the "New World Order", lol seriously?

- They are required to use the "Jew Equation" (actual name) to make sure the jew to gentile ratio is good so countries don't turn fascist and cause another holocaust. They literally think Trump is going to be hitler reincarnated. Well that explains why the media thinks that. LOL

- They're pushing forced child transgenderism as a "spiritual change" that ((( must take place ))). That explains why the media wants that so bad for no actual reason?

They explain this shit in such detail and have elaborate justification and planning that it's undeniable what's going on.

Seriously, to think fucking atheists were organized enough to push for dumb political shit like genderqueer kids, it was always the jews/kabbalists. There's no other way there could be total convergence of completely unpopular ideas, and to know that celebrities are publicly part of this cult. You guys were right. Everything makes way more sense when you can watch it come straight from the horse's mouth.


Attached: supremacy.png (791x858, 817.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Took you long enough.

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Use every one of these opportunities as a gift. They're putting themselves on the list. If some magic sky wizard; an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent all powerful entity wanted them in charge, couldn't he swoop down from the heavens and put them in charge of everything himself? Sure, but he didn't. So, they've self-appointed. They believe they are Gods. Let's test them to see if they can survive hellish full-on assault. We haven't even begun to fight back

Is there a particular video on this channel that touches in all these points. I don't want to have to search all this kike shit.

Zig Forums is always right.

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That quote sounds pretty fake when read. I'm guessing there is no source?

The best part is there's nothing anybody can to stop it. They have gathered too much chutzpah.

Spotted the jew. Pilpul much?

You should go and learn about The Kalergi plan which was written by the founder of the EU.
It specifically mentions reducing whites to sub 80IQ mixed race in order to more easily control them.


Come on man.

Also, it doesn't mention IQ at all. It implies it will be some new brown egyptian like race, with Jews holding a sort of priestly position.
Kelgari likely believed all races were equal or some such stuff, and so only tribalism would be eliminated except for the jews.


Best thing to do with this knowledge is to join King Rothschild's cult. The Chinese, like the Christians, are too cultured to bring down the kosher barbarians. They're not arming their citizens. They will go down next.

You've got Rothschilds fucking and marrying niggers, that's an indicator that the family has become diseased and its only a matter of time until power slips from their grasp.

Yeah, kind of like 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' often touted as a "forgery". People hear the term forgery and think they heard the term "fake". In the meantime, it matches everything happening to a 'Tee'

Here's a source:
…so that you don't have to sully your precious kike hands, ya fucking kike!

No you daft cunt, Zig Forums IS right.

you don't say?

Attached: jew_dance_Trim.mp4 (226x400, 1.45M)


Fake news, Jews would never do this.

lol natsoc

can we just gas them all?

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This is really the best that Kushner can come up with to garner support in our community? What's funny is it would be so devastating if it was ever linked back to (((team trump))) that I'm sure you're the best of the bunch.

You need to work on your shit or hire me. I could use the cash. Do not ever quote "new world order" you may was well be quoting "illuminati."
Put your brackets next to your text too, nigger.

You go a little too far with your hyperbolic tense and you need to loosen it up a bit as well. Don't use dashes either, use >

I could use some extra cash. Jus sayin.

Link and timestamps, nigger.

What makes more sense:

Attached: jews_expelled_throughout_history.png (928x8800, 1004.96K)

Don't be stupid you need jews that pass as the mutt races to be the figureheads. There are loads of black jews from the richer dynasties already. Now there will be one in the (((royal family))).


this will make a fine addition to my collection

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It is fake. I don't know why people bother spreading bullshit like that, when we have more than enough evidence to condemn the jew.

What you think they just stick to that partner rather than squirting out the part jew golem, accepted by the masses, but still jewish enough. You honestly think they don't have a breeding program when they have one for everything else?

Attached: Open letter to all Whites and Gentiles.webm (854x480, 3.81M)

Read the Sumerian Swindle, Mein Kampf and Siege.

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Post a link to the video you nigger

what a waste of digits

that makes no sense you assume POL is as easily influenced by group think as you

That video… I don't even know what's real anymore.

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Kill yourself.

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How do we archive these videos somewhere that their contents can be guaranteed to be not removed from the Internet, so that I may cite them later?
Do these guys have a website of their own where their beliefs and actions are listed as text, for example?

Do yourself a huge favor and stop thinking/talking like a gay 14 year old hipster.

Fuck you CIA kike bitch! I'm so sick of your shitty pedo fake jihadi crap. Go rig another election and leave us to our memes.

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On NPR this weekend, there was a radio play about the mostly Jewish heads of media & film studios holding a meeting during one of anti-communist political purges of the last century & calling the politicians who were putting pressure on the film studios to fire communists "Nazi's" and constantly alleging that they were motivated by "anti-semitism", not "anti-communism". Also the studio heads kept defending themselves by saying that their only concern was to make the most $, and that they were motivated by "green not red". Fairly audacious.

Also, saw the video in OP a few weeks ago. Solid find. I have to say it has excellent production. They are trying to touch into the "data science" & "algorithm" hype by saying that they used algorithms to figure out that jews were network nodes (i.e. not only do they know a lot of gentiles, they also are all connected to each other as a sort of set of skeletons in the network).

You're missing one, user.

Attached: cannedhate.JPG (590x324 25.56 KB, 42.95K)

Read Siege you alt-kike faggot. Stop listening to TRSodomite e-celebs.
No evidence
No evidence
No evidence
< White Jihad is bad
Nigger what do you think we're in? We're in a fucking race war in a country '''occupied by our
biggest fucking racial enemy throughout the entirety of history'''

Attached: james mason rainbow six siege.png (1000x561, 1017.24K)

The problem that I have with this is lowIQ mongrels don't want to work. No matter what you do, you will not get African Dancing Niggers to sit down and write a report, or work a wrench on a car for hours, or type out a program or… or… or…

At some point, the jew is going to have to figure out that the world isn't theirs and they aren't God. Realities exist and those realities can't be forcibly changed. People don't want to live among others of vastly differing cultures and theological postulates. Arbitrary barriers enact the same Pavlovian response as rational barriers. Unilateral laws create resentment and they continue to sit on the other side of the fence throughout history.

I think too much disdain and turmoil has been stirred up at this point to just raise the white flag and call it a day. There's no partnering with these sycophants.

wtf nigger line break pwnd my boldtext

They basically crumbled after Elevatorgate. Moreover, the atheist movements scattered in such a way that resulted in a non-negligible number of those people winding up here.

It took me being personally exposed to a Jew (I had not ever personally met a Jew until the age of 23) to figure it out. Everyone figures it out a different way, some people need a good smack around the head, others need someone explaining it to them very slowly. . See embed

I don't think I've ever hear a siegefag articulate why, they just spam 'read siege'.
Read (as many times as necessary to understand) The Book of the New Sun, and maybe I'll 'reed seege'

Excellent analysis on our racial situation post WW2, it changes peoples perspective and stops them from thinking in their bluepilled and myopic alt-kikeish manner, in which they believe that the kike controlled system is somehow politically salvageable, that we can just do a few votes, PRcuck politics and the kikes will nod their head and White genocide will go away. Most faggots don't even understand that this conspiracy is completely international and that their national governments are nothing more than totally controlled puppet institutions. Just look at all of the spastic faggots worshipping Trumpstein and neo-cohens.
It's in line with Can Life Prevail by Linkola and Technological Slavery by Kaczynski. If you aren't a niggerfaggot, you'll read those too.
jej why

>Don't be stupid you need jews that pass as the mutt races to be the figureheads. There are loads of black jews from the richer dynasties already. Now there will be one in the (((royal family))).
This is true in more ways than people realize. Jews are abandoning their (((white))) appearance and shaping up to resemble their allies, the niggerjew. Niggerjews are extremely common in media and in politics and are the unspoken hybrid that allows jews to operate on more than one side - simultaneously one of the tribe and recognized by niggers as one of them.

Of course, if anyone read a bit of Tacitus they would realize jews were always niggers. And that explains why jews are so fond of them. They are simply returning to a state closer to their origin. is a good place I've yet to see anything Zig Forums related be censored there.

your brain will work overtime on it
I think someone once described it as an alien bible. I don't think that's quite right, but I don't have a better description handy

I guess I get the first two… 'goals', but in order to have that ratio, means having people WHO DO want to kill them. So wtf Shlomo?

The kid shit rules out this being a goof. Trying to equal trannies with spirituality is a new one. Just a jew gimmick to legally be pedos.

Sounds like something that should be reported.

Why circumcision? Lack of water in desert prevents the 10-second-per-day cleaning necessary, leading to buildup of dick cheese and infection. Thus circumcision = obsolete tradition from the primeval desert continued through a desert religion.
Possible counterpoint: was the middle east indeed a desert when circumcision developed?

wrong thread

Congrats, now you know what (((Atheism+))) was.


Attached: Why Do Jews Hate - Why Are Jews Hated.jpg (4800x8424 8.08 MB, 6.09M)


Same CIA, same lefty hand path faggots, different meme

Attached: alt right 2.0 siege neo nazi satanist pedo 2.jpg (455x715, 113.46K)

I think he is a Kabbalist and this is some "symbolic" interpretation of Jewish scripture. Jews and Gentiles are not racial groups but forms of consciousness. Basically, globalism and unity is Jew consciousness and Empire, Nationalism and Genocide are Gentile Consciousness.

I imagine he would say that ethnic Jews can be Gentiles and vice versa.

If you would point out that the Old Testament is all about religiously sanctioned genocide, empire and nationalism against gentiles, he would say it is all symbolic. Basically, it is a super far left interpretation of Jewish scripture that is essentially New Age.

It is probably also an outlet for Jewish mental illness and autism. Jews tend to hyper analyze things to the point of obsession.

He also says that "antisemitism" is illogical. I don't know why these kikes can never take the step of self awareness where you actually listen to your detractors and accept criticism. They are impervious to it. You could tell a Jew, "I hate you because you push for mass immigration" and they would walk away wondering why they are hated.

Fuck off Moarpheus you cripple.

neetsoc Zig Forums demands groupthink as an antidote to individualism. There is room for a kind of autonomy in thought but only inasmuch as it benefits the nation.

what the fuck is this

After Siege pick up Fanged Noumena.

The bigger problem is not dealing with Jews but having to bring the brain dead members of the general public up to speed while also breaking their programmed conditioning to never question or oppose Jewish interest. The average person will openly and forcefully oppose white interest but bring their attention to Jewish interest for example relating to Israel and they shy away not wanting to even risk being label antisemitic. Many of those same people will fight to support Muslim interest and call anyone talking against Islam as Islamaphobic racist bigot but bring up the Jewish state of Israel bombing Muslims and they stay quiet.

This shit would not be such a problem if you didn't have to wade through the morons and brain dead zombies to get to a point were people are paying attention.

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Zig Forums hasn't been right about anything since the Turkroach kike Imkampfy got rid of Gex, since then Zig Forums became a NeoCohen Republican cheerleading hangout for jew, queers and retarded MAGApede spastics.

Pretty much. Kikes own all the anti-kike sites.

Oh look a jew hypnosis induction video about kabbalah
3:22 long

I would not describe it like that at all. Book of the new sun is cool because it is a well developed universe that is only ever partially revealed throughout reading it. You have a setting so far in the future society has forgotten most of its knowledge and much is relegated to myth. You have an imperial dictatorship with a space empire which is never even described. The books let you imagine what might be there, and that may be the best part. The protagonist is flawed, and fiercely independent but not in a cartoonish way. You see things through the protagonist's eyes as though you are learning with him, throughout his journey. It's a great read. On par, if not better than Dune.

Our enemies spread shit like
They spread it until it becomes accepted and regurgitated by the less curious among us.
Then they use it to ridicule and discredit us. Once it catches on with us, suddenly (((snopes))) and other sites know all about the real origin and we'll look ridiculous to the average normalfag.

I can think of two examples of this off the top of my head:
-the one attributed to Darwin about the nigger never dreaming a sail and crunching diamonds beneath his feet until the white man showed him how it sparkles
-the one attributed to Voltaire about finding out who rules you by finding out who you are not allowed to criticize
Darwin or Voltaire never said those things; Thomas Dixon and Kevin Alfred Strom did.
And I can almost guarantee that Foxman never publicly said a thing about the desirability of the death of the white race. It's a trick to get the stupidest of us to repeat lies and falsehoods and make the rest of us look silly by association.

Attached: they live.jpg (625x475, 62.42K)

Yeah, what the fuck are they trying to do here? The constant interruptions and quick voyeuristic clips remind me of things I read about mind control cults way back, but I can't quite put a finger on it. There's also something mesmerizing about the video.

It's also worth noting that this guy starts in Bushwick after the camera has zoomed up from somewhere in Manhattan. He gets off at Wilson Ave but I'm pretty sure that isn't the kind of train that stops there. In any case he gets off in Brooklyn and suddenly he's in Manhattan, wandering around Central Park. He then crosses the Brooklyn Bridge on foot, and as near as I can tell he then gets off in fucking Queens.

I could probably be a better New Yorker and I'm sure I'm wrong about some of these things, but there's a deliberate violation of logical movement through the most famous place in the world, and I don't think it's just me nitpicking because they had to reshoot a scene in a subway car.

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Read Heidegger you mental midget

Exactly what I said, it's a hypnotic induction. They are trying to make you enter trance state so that you may have suggestion implanted.
There were laws against doing this using TV, there's nothing for the net. It's also what those "suicide games" are. Someone, or people with hypnosis knowledge being cunts.

I think it's better than Dune. Pretty much nothing is as it appears, despite the protagonist describing everything extremely literally. By the end of the book, so much of what was previously said needs to be reexamined. At one point someone says to the protagonist something along the lines of 'Did you never think that he who wears a mask might wear two?'. The whole book is like that, masks over masks over masks.

its completely fake. stormniggers are often indistinguishable from JIDF shills, if you haven't noticed

user I…

Someone needs to archive this channel before its shoa'd

a bit slow, eh?

We need mirrors too. All self-admissions by Jews need to be treated like gold.


Jewish hate groups are rapidly growing. Their recruitment material is increasingly more violent. Warn people of the danger, user.

Attached: Jewish-Hate-Groups-Increase-700-percent-in-2017.jpg (864x1199 490.45 KB, 327.69K)

That video is just using implications over implications to prove it's point creating it's "grim truth". "Genocides don't work", "we blame the Jew when we have nothing to blame" or some shit like that. Schlomo in the video, as he's a Jew, doesn't supposedly understand that his own nature is literally the one break humanity has in overcoming degeneracy and achieving eternal greatness. He is control, he is divide and conquer. He wants you to forget what he has once done so he can do it again. Everything he has ever done had it's roots remain to the true goal of his race:turning the world in an everconsumerism degenerate state with his own mind devoid of morals in charge. He doesn't understand the concept of progress, only the concept of control. He is the last enemy of nature, the only enemy.

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kill them

The Voltaire thing has spread to lots of people, not just us.

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After sort of viewing the first two videos and the latter quote explanation, it kinda makes sense
it describes gentile as being cattle mentality and that is a big true we know of, most people, the absolute majority can be steered up with social peer pressure without the faintest hint of rationality
being able to put your head above the rest and seeing things for what they are is a gift few have, the fuck, am I a jew now?
also, indeed those videos these is some sort of baiting strategy, is fast paced moving of scenes and dialog with big letter quotes, not exactly brain washing, but a tactic to keep hooked attention when he's saying something more complex
which otherwise the more ADD of us would fail completely to comprehend, on the other hand for someone with proper interpretative capacity, it can be harder to watch and understand

Attached: jewish_writer.jpg (500x750, 45.74K)

guys this didn't quite take 10 minutes for me to make and shouldn't take 20 minutes for most of you to make, I didn't even have to change the bit rate. Please next time just put forth the effort to rip the video with youtube-dl and then convert it with ffmpeg
ffmpeg -i "6. The World, the Jews, and the science of Human Survival-fv5Lzb9jPDE.mp4" -c:v libvpx-vp9 -c:a libopus -pix_fmt yuv420p "out.webm"

Attached: 6. The World, the Jews, and the science of Human Survival-fv5Lzb9jPDE.webm (640x360, 7.65M)

Attached: Come home, goyim.jpg (640x404, 37.1K)

Jesus fuck you clown, learn to use ffmpeg.

Attached: literally_miho.png (300x300, 147.63K)

quit acting like a kike and make you're own you lazy cunt

Zig Forums is always right

checkin these dubs captain obvious

fyi, you didn't even need to convert, just fucking download it in the suitable format

Attached: fv5Lzb9jPDE.webm (640x360, 10.71M)

How did you download it? youtube dl gave me a 20mb for webm and a 18 for mp4

Don’t worry. Trump has the Jew cock in his mouth, up his ass, and in each hand. We are fucked.

Sheldon Adelson needs moar casinos. Trump wins 2020.

Don't worry about Trump. Worry about the people taking back their cities and turning our country into a White ethnostate.


Just proves the power and rightousness of the ideology, tbh.

Yeah OP, pretty much everything they do is ritual magic, even if faggots want to screech >>>/x/. Christcunts are just fuel for Saturn (Satan, Moloch, Ba'al, et cetera; all the same entity by a different name) as well, just don't tell >>>Zig Forums retards, they'll bend over backwards trying to disprove they are kike cattle using Jüdische Lügen.

Learn to use -fs and -pass at the very fucking least.

Attached: 6. The World, the Jews, and the science of Human Survival.webm (640x360, 15.95M)

Right until it said anti-semitism, I agreed with it. Everything is connected and we can all feel the kike menace whether most people can place it or not. The first 80 seconds of that is a good redpill.

If only there was some way to renounce all of the Judaism…

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One of the scams being pushed to undermined the Right is that if you want nationalism you must support Zionism (Israeli Jewish Nationalism) and you will then be allowed to have your own nationalism. Of course it does not work that way. If you support Zionism then Zionism benefits and the anti-nationalist of course will be fine with you supporting Zionism but they will not be fine with nationalism outside of Israel nor will the Zionist support your own nationalism. A kind of bait and switch. A "support us and we promise to support you" bullshit lie.

Supporting Zionist interest does not grant you the ability to support your own nationalism. The "I support Israel thus I am not a Nazi so let me support nationalism in the United States and Europe" bullshit does not work.

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