Hillary 2020

So since that bitch wants to run again, I've been thinking
We shouldn't really make fun of it or talk about it in the light of how much of a stupid decision it is. Because here's the deal, if she runs as a forward of the Democratic party we all understand how dumb it is, we all know that "hey, thats an automatic lose for her" but if we talk about it, the democrats may catch on and actually do something and choose a sensible strategy and we don't need that. I think she would be an amazingly easy victory for trump and even though he'd have no trouble crushing biden or kennedy, it would be the funniest thing in the world to pretend that she can win and to see this shitshow again

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Honestly, we're anons and we thrive in chaos. I'm kinda leaning for the "I'm with her" angle for the final Lulz!

Election 2020, Doomsday!
I'm With -U- Hillary

Get it? U for Uranium!

Guess that bitch will be humiliated a third time.

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Thats what the movement needs to have fun

Americans always re-elect. Trump wont get as many rightwing votes because he cucked out hard, but a ton of moderates will vote for him because he cucked out hard.

For people to get the joke wouldn't it better to say I'm with U* Hillary. *U being Uranium1

Her victory is probably preferable to Trumps. At least she would accelerate the current paradigm to destruction and radicalize whites. Trump's boomer conservatism will not save us and only serves to pacify whites. Just the other day he said he is okay with the migrant caravan coming in as long as it is LEGAL because of all the jobs being created in the United States. He completely misses the point and just views America as rootless economic platform with no true people. Vote Hillary 2020 Lads

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Hillary for President baby!

You cucks really underestimate the power of an enraged group of people who ave been watching your every move now for the last two years. Hillary won't make it to the DNC.

How the fuck do you get that? He's saying they have to enter at a legal point of entry or there's no asylum available. Concurrently, he's tightening who is eligible for asylum. This is a formula to send them back home.

Try again hillary shill with your stupid accelerationism.

Are you blind or just retarded? Re-read what I said. I said Trump would get re-elected.

Someone on Zig Forums possesses a strategic mind. Well done.

Remember the key to victory is to never prevent your opponent from making a mistake. The other is giving your opponent bad advice, so that they makes a mistake. Keeping the democrats hopelessly dependent on shillary is great.

Sorry donny boy, you turned your back on your people. You can climb in the oven with your daughter now.

"I'm with U -Hillary- #1"
Imagine the mental gymnasitcs the fuck squad over at twitter would be doing trying to figure out what to censor and what not?

Remember demonrat don't vote shills
Two Scoops
Two Genders
Two Judges(about to get another)
Two Terms

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Illegal immigration is at record highs atm. Wall seems very unlikely to be built now that dems have the house and trump doesnt have the balls to do an exec order. Anyways even if we stopped all legal and illegal immigration (which will never happen) today the demographics are already set to make whites a minority. We need to start thinking way bigger. Trump doesnt even counter signal legal immigration for godsake. He is the pinnacle based black loving boomer con.

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This, maybe she'll shit her pants live during the debate

His ego is way too huge to not build the wall before his Presidency is over. The dude will find a way just to save his reputation.

the sooner a massive, existential war in the continental US begins, the better. tree is dry af. I'm with her.

The 2016 elections where rigged for Trump and Hilldawg helped. Full expose coming soon.

Did you make that pepe? that's a good pepe.

With Trump cucking like he has and disenfranchising his supporters, Texas becoming a swing state and over a million felons getting the vote in Florida it's ogre for any Republican. I mean jesus fuck the only reason Trump won in '16 is because the DNC imploded from sheer incompetence and that lightning isn't going to strike twice.

Unless something big happens there's no chance.

I hope so user. But he seemed to be backing off the topic in his press conference. I imagine his strategy will be just to blame leftists for obstruction and just try to create more white resentment towards the dems, and will probably lose 2020 because he did not fulfill his biggest campaign promise and most salient point

No, I got it from cuckchan a couple years back.

They're just running A and B testing to see how you faggots will react and how the demokikes will react.

The wall was an esoteric metaphor for the strength everyday Americans find within themselves when they use teamwork. Only shitskins took it like it meant a literal wall.

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My greatest hope is that Biden gets pushed as the candidate so the whole pedo corruption can be exposed, having the video of him wanting to rape that one girl played on loop on news channels as they go full damage control would be the highlight of the century. I will contribute if Hillary runs again, less emphatically of course.

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Oh god yes please. Tempt the powers that be to make you actually shit yourself on a stage in public. Fucking do it.

Go. Back. To. Cuck. Chan.

Maybe. More likely, its a bot/sperg spamming cuckchan threads.

I unironically think she's the leader of the 4th Reich and the playing into the subhuman sympathy is just assembling of her useful idiots.

Hillary is so racist, she makes Zig Forums look like San Francisco Charlies on a Ladies Night.

most ironic would be if hillary ran on a pro-2a, pro property, audit the fed, anti-abortion, anti israel ticket. after trump, that would pretty much fry brains

Biden legit the only guy blue dogs and moderates ‘might Like. Democrats have to depend on democratic changing. Because they are about to lose the moderates.

if she just ran on an Anti-Israel ticket, she would win over enough of trumps base that it would be a lock.
A lot of whites are openly criticizing jews these days. A lot.

Still plenty of things to watch out for, but at least some of these GOP-indoctrinated idiots are starting to see that Demographics are starting to really look important for their future.

The libshits are pushing for that carpetbagger Beto the White King Nigger to run.

Hillary Clinton is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a thief, traitor, cuckold, geriatric, serial killer, felon, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But tell her she will never be President and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

tell that to 41.

I always lol every time you kikes try this.

Oh god yes please.

Go. Back. To. Cuck. Chan.

Maybe. More likely, its a bot/sperg spamming cuckchan threads.

Only thing this means is that they'll fucktuple their cheating efforts, they might even just start assassinating people.

We'll have to wait till the inevitable recession happens, when, we don't know. There's also the factor in what the next Dem President is gonna run on, along with with how the Dem House is doubling down and wanting to tax everyone, it's pretty hard, along with the recent election extension bullshit with magical ballots.

either 1 of 100 unironic fucking stormfags that exist on the entire planet or libtard.

If she loses to Trump again the salt will cover the Earth.

Good point, Aristotle.

Look for a Bloomberg/Female combo. On paper, this is the easy replacement for all concerned retarded voters who can't grasp ending the Korean conflict is more important than being rude to fat girls online.

But if she wins, all hell breaks loose.

I don't know about you all, but I'm there. I'm ready for the apocalypse.

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You are already being replaced by niggers and spics, in fact at a faster rate than ever. Illegal immigration is at record highs. Also aid to Israel is also at an all time high. But just keep voting Republican goy that will save the white race.

I can't tell if this is because the left is that retarded, or if it's because she's that deadset on being president. Either way yes please fucking do it. Really though who else would they run? They were pushing that spic chick a while back until she blew herself the fuck out, and they tried Pocahontas until she also blew herself the fuck out. They don't really have anyone and it's getting damn close to election time.

Reminder to never underestimate your enemy. If she somehow gets past nomination they will be a guaranteed steamroll of corruption to put this walking corpse in power. Trump is a mere misstep (if you could even call it that due to his submissiveness) on the the flight of stairs (((they))) have in store.

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I don't think he was a misstep. I think he is a pacifier while a lot of shit goes through that otherwise wouldn't. Gun Confiscation was legalized in October and nobody said a word about it.

1. Mass Migration
2. Gun Confiscation

Everything beyond those two points are subsequent to the objective.

if I was a betting man… they'll let her and everyone else think she'll run, then 6 months before the primaries they kill her in a false flag which magically makes everyone forget all her sins and then an actual candidate uses her death to boost his potus run.

The dem convention is going to an all time shit show, the primaries and debates leading to it will be the greatest show on earth for us.
I cant wait hilarity shall ensue.

Wouldn't put my hopes on these boomercucks or millennial npcs, if they aren't told a thing is happening, it never happened. So the Korean War is not on their priority. And the democrat's prospective candidates are either old guard dems like Nigger Spartacus, Kamala Khan, dear god, Pelosi. Or young progressive shitstains like Beto or Gillium. And finally, the socialist variety

Their world order is collapsing in North America and Europe, there's a stranglehold over power and where the West will go, not even the kikes like a chaotic golem.

I yearn to see her blast out her colostomy bag to catastrophic overflowing and totally drench her pure white pance suit with a massive stain of reeking wet shit. Even the big nigger with the epipen will recoil from approaching her as she goes into her spastic St. Vitius dance.

Vote for Hillary. Zoggy Donnie is flooding us with spics and banning guns.

Hillary running again is the only possible way that Trump could win again


Having fun while saving your race is important.

It's not just whites. Every young demographic including likes themselves are anti-israel, and almost all the non-kike youth have at least limited knowledge of fed/Roths/911/etc

Elections are real and that is why the same people from designated families are the only ones who are allowed to run! There have been like 90 President Joe Smith's,! These people who segregate from normal society, live in gated communities, send their kids to schools free of gross working class people, and make billions solving none of the problems they create know what's best for us?!!?!

I'm the fucking president and there is nothing you can do about it. I'm the president of Earth. Chelsea Clinton is going to be thrown in a giant ass microwave and afterwords she will become 3% more attractive!

Consensus I've been getting from Dems is that they have zero idea who is going to run, which is concerning for them since they tend to announce in the year after an election.

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the day Crooked Hillary croaks, guess what happens? under FOIA, her FBI dossier can be declassified. since @FBIRecordsVault is /ourguy/, i could see them having her file ready to publish on the day she dies, the same way reporters write celeb obituaries years ahead of time. all of her thousands of crimes, her murders, her accomplices, her lesbian lovers which FBI dutifully recorded can be publishded. of course FBI itself will be incriminated too. it'll bring the house down. oh and it means the rest of ger 33,000 emails can be declassified too.

in a sense, Crooked Hillary is a prisoner of the baggage of her own dark heart. she has to keep running for President, double or nothing, and she cant just go away because she has to cover up her own criminal legacy to prevent her Shadow Govt from collapsing.

that's because she's more confident in election rigging seeing how the midterms turned out.

heiled double dubbs

They are kinda in a fucking bin, there's still growing support for their Socialist Progressive wing of retards for Goatface Cortez and Bernie to run again and there's the old guard, Kamala Khan, Black Spartacus, and White Obama Beto O'Rourke. And here's White Women, Shillary, Pelosi or Warren are fucking hinting at running.

trump won because they didn't have enough time to rig the election. Jeb! was supposed to run against her so he can take a fall like a coke fiend boxer in debt, then she would finally get "her turn". The midterms was a rigging exercise that's still ongoing.

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vote for me. i can't be any worse than these other jerks.

Could play the physical health / mental health angle.
Only fascists care about good health.

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how can a person hold office if they die before that? what, are we gonna get zombie hilldawg

should have known we got fucked when trump immediately after winning, made it clear that she would not be locked up. It was all right there the first day. I didn't want to believe it, neither did you. I hope he pulls some crazy shit and it was actually 4d the whole time, but i fucking doubt it


I know a bunch of liberals that actually wish he would lock her up just because they know if/when she runs again she will flop even harder. This isn't even 4d chess, this is just checkers.

Of course she won't give up. Recently one of her group went to organize this Florida recount.

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Well, there's "Latino" Beto O'Rourke they've been shilling even since he lost his carpetbagger race in Texas by Cruz.

What happened to Ossoff?

The democrat primaries are going to be the mother of all lolcows. Last time killary only won because she shat out billions from her donors and since onigger had bankrupted them, the DNC never really had a choice of accepting her.
I wonder if she tries to pull the same trick a third time and if her (((donors))) will really trust her with any more money.

The carpetbagger Jew from last year? his "political" career went into the toilet after wasting pedowood endorsements and out-of-state commiefornia donations, losing a special election that was supposed to destroy the Orange Man. It's what awaits Gillium the Black Commie if he doesn't manage to steal Florida's election.

I hope she runs because yet another humiliating defeat might finally send this rotten cunt to the grave

Then what's the difference with Little Beto? He should face the same fate, disappearing into obscurity, however celebs and media are still shilling for him. It seems that they've put a lot of resources for him (the most expensive senate race) and can't get over from it.
Last time I remember, the democrats new star should have been another Kennedy. But I guess he was too white and ginger for them.

That's fucking stupid, you kike loving shill.
I wish all these NPCs fucked off our board already.

Satanic child eating witch
high yellow homosexual
Gangbang footage exists
lol no

Either they fucking invested too much in his image, because get this, they were celebrating him losing in Texas by inviting him to the late night propaganda shows while being teary-eyed at not having enough votes to turn Texas into New Mexico or Nevada. Or it's just the afterglow discontent wish-fulfillment circlejerk, like what Shillary has been doing for 10 fucking years since losing to King Nig and Trump. Just either wait till next year if they'll still mention his skinny ass.

Why shouldn't they? They could always just print more.

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This. The (((money-power))) available for purposes of war and domination is functionally infinite.


I am aware but that does not change the fact that killery is walking croaking failed investment and she will always remain so. If they are going to diarrhea cash they might as well try other candidates which will mean that cunton doesn't even pass the primaries.

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They knew how unlikeable and unelectable she was previously and still went ahead with it, because she had the (among other (((qualities))) I couldn't even begin to imagine) combination of being a ruthless, shameless bloodthirsty warmonger and being completely, totally, absolutely under their control.

I know she is a daemon but you can't argue that anyone other from the dems would be hard to control. This abomination barely controls her bowels and the other candidates are nothing but puppets. No reason why fear, bribery and blackmail wouldn't keep them in line just as well without the warp-infused baggage of cunton.
Kikes might not control everyone but sure as hell do they control everyone at the democucks.

If anyone has been humiliated its anyone who hoped for a wall

Bullshit, you have no clue, the wall is not built until it's actually built, stop the hope cope

Too little too late. Remember, you can't vote yourself out of genocide.

Yeah, but Trump can't pull the same rabbit out of the same hat. He won because he hammered their gaping weak spots as hard as possible and that was barely enough even with the DNC self-destructing at an incredible pace.

Booker, obviously. Negro Jesus 2.0. On top of the black vote (there go Florida and Georgia lol), from the get-go his campaign will address all of the things the DNC completely blew last time - the rust belt, the Sandernistas, etc. - and will probably have more energy than Trump's campaign.

It couldn't be just anyone at the dems. There would be too many that are too spineless for what they want, not trusted, not to mention the risk of another )))JFK((( moment.

Trump has used his muslim ban and legal tender to say assylm seekers and refugees have to file their claims at valid ports of entry, anything else is an automatic arrest and deport scenario.


Their jewish judges with block it, it'll go before the supreme court in 8-14 months and they'll give it the green light due to previous precedent. Catch and release is practically gone. That'll be 70,000 less spics entering the US minimum. Hes doing stuff, you just aren't paying attention.

thats 70,000 less per year as of next year. You can't wade through a swamp thats been 50 years in the making in a day.

I see so they need a higher class golem for this and the only one available is cunton. Looks like the kikes are in a bigger bind than I thought.

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Checked. Very checked.

Checked. Pity the post wasn't any goood

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You stick out jew.

Run? She cannot even walk…

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Brace yourselves for her upcoming crawling for PotUS…

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I am seeing a pattern in this anons posting…

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