Another day another murder: Nigger from the Dominican beat 16 year old German girl to death
Apparently she didn't want to race mix and that was enough to set him off into a murderous rage. He was released from prison 5 months before.
Another day another murder: Nigger from the Dominican beat 16 year old German girl to death
Apparently she didn't want to race mix and that was enough to set him off into a murderous rage. He was released from prison 5 months before.
That smug goblin is an example of the typical Untermensch that infest and wreak havoc in Deutschland, but not for long..
What was a White girl doing in the proximity of a shitskin?
She doesn't exactly have a choice if she is in school or lives in a city.
Notice these kikes ALWAYS blame the white girl. To paraphrase the response in the other thread, you need to be smashed into a paste.
Seeking strength because all she sees is weakness when looking at white males who allow subhuman invaders into their nations in mass
fuck off jew
They arrested 200 RWDS bros. There must be thousands more, maybe a million, military and civilian, lurking and ready to administer Hammurabi's code.
Where are you, German RWDS?
because a lot of times it's proven she was dating the shitskin
Apparently, she accepted that the shitskin gives her a ride. Why?
According to the prosecution, he stepped against her neck so violently that the imprints of the shoe sole on the skin peeled off. She choked on her own blood. A pedestrian found the half-naked dead in the morning.
Ronald C. denies the act. DNA traces on the truncheon and on his clothes put a strain on him.
"I think about her every day," one witness, 17, said of Anna Lena. She spent about 15 minutes at the site's train station with the friend and her alleged killer shortly before the fact. The 24-year-old offered to bring Anna Lena home because he lived nearby, the girlfriend said. ' Her look showed that she didn't really want it that much. I should have gone along. " The defendant was loud, tense and pushy and vehemently demanded a joint, another witness reports.
This is how Kripo reconstructed the victim's last hour: Anna Lena stood with other youths at Barsinghausen station at 1.07 a.m. One sounded, smoked. Ronald C. joined in. At around 1.40am, Anna-Lena headed home. The 24-year-old, released from jail on parole just five months ago, joined in: ' That's my way too … '
Before the Adolf Grimme school, he then allegedly fell over the young woman: He punched and stepped in on her, tugged her into the bushes, struck with a 25-kilogram branch until she was dead.
They are on Zig Forums shaming white men and calling them pedos for dating 16 year old girls.
This is what happens when whites are cucks. If you don't date them, there will be no one to protect them, non-whites will rape and kill them. Every white man should have at least 2 white young school girlfriends to take care of.
If you date someone who is legally underage in your jurisdiction, you deserve every criminal penalty you get.
You must love white women getting killed
Fight or die is the natural law so get with the program and show these fucking shitskins why we are white and they aren't.
Blame the jew.
Did anyone expect anything different?
No one will do anything. Whites are lost. This place is defeat porn now.
I suggested something and got called a pedo. This board is dead.
Living in a white country that jews flooded with shitskins you fucking kike.
because she was brainwashed until she saw how horrible was shitskin. shitskin found out she didn't like it so it decided to murder her.
yup, parents and media are the one who are responsible for this girl's death.
fuck off kike
16 is above the age of consent in every European country and the majority of states in the US.
You must love white women getting killed
What people should be doing is courting the youngest legal girls in their area and if they live in one of the more kiked states like California or New York where 18 is the age of consent move to a different one. Plenty of women keep their virginity until college so you would still find plenty of virgins at 16.
Present. But I want to hunt/punish kikes as well.
This wouldn't be necessary of you would grow a pair of balls and throw out the invaders.
Same could be said of you.
I don't have any balls, but I am going to do my part in time which is more than I can say for a lot of European males. When the purge begins to happen, I will do everything in my strength to stand by my own people.
Thanks for proving women are retarded.
You think the problem of you not approaching girls will leave once Jamal the shitskin goes back to Somalia? Highly unlikely: they will not fling themselves at you because of muh skincolour. It is, however, a factor that helps, because generally you see White Woman like White men. They generally don't like Niggers/Sandskins, other than for the "exotic adventure" (which kike media, kike entertainment, kike alcohol, kike drugs and other assorted kikery facilitates). The other reason it being that it scores points on the "progressive bingo card" which they can flaunt with their girlfriendies. Then there's also the part that really racemixes, but in my experience, their numbers are pretty low. It also happens mostly in Degenerate Urban Areas, but that should come at no surprise.
In general, Girls/Women gravitate towards power, security, self-worth, purpose, influence, the ability to build and sustain a home and to offer protection. This goes for any woman. And, yes, you have to take the first step.
I also read this article in my country that, paradoxically, more women tend to stay virgins in this day and age to a relatively late age. It seems that they are rebelling against by staying true to their roots and keep their value for their Man. This nullifies the "giddum while they're young".
It's probably an addendum.
White men hate white women, what else is new? I’m glad I’m finally getting over my denial of this before I wasted anymore time actually trying to have a family. I wish it wasn’t true though
Look at this fake ass post.
IKR the kikes are hot and heavy in here today…you'd think they would at least take us out to dinner before they tried to put it in.
The problem is others not approaching girls, I'm married.
Look at your fake ass life
You sound like a nigger
Reported for spam.
If a European girl chose to betray her heritage and fuck Jamal, she is going with him…or by herself, what the fuck do I care what she does in Somalia…she is a coal burning WHORE and she can fuck right off to what she loved better than her own people. Race traitor FILTH.
They have to gravitate towards a stable provider for their young. Only a fucking fool would gravitate towards someone who would allow her offspring to starve because they were immature or flakey.
I know a few virgins, as well, they don't hold up a sign saying "virgin" but women talk; some of them are now happily married but a few are waiting to marry.
Kill yourself you’ll die alone either way
Sorry. Not into pedophilia.
Why are white men obsessed with imaginary scenarios of black men fucking white women? I wouldn’t be surprised if most of you get off to interracial porn. Be honest with yourself
Remember the truth shall set you free
You should FIGHT the invaders, not join them!
I forgot the importance of Code, and you have it . White Woman won't respect you if you go with some coal burning thot as second picks, so yes, stay true to it!
Abe, you're lost: the furnace you're expected is next to the Synagogue!
Its largely because they're flooded with imagery of it in every commercial and advertisement and come to believe its actually happening in significant numbers instead of paying attention to statistics. That said I am starting to see white women with black men a lot more often now than I used to while in public though its still less common than the media portrays. Them seeing the racemixing propaganda the entire time they've been growing up coupled with being bullied and called "racist" if they say they're not attracted to blacks is a definite problem.
Why are you talking to a Jew?
How am I supposed to fit when your mother is already there? Do I smell roast beef?
I don't watch porn, user. Never have. It has no interest for me.
I reconsidered on my scenario with the nigger lovers anyway while I was folding laundry. God knows we don't want to produce more jews (half niggers) lets just put a bullet into coal burners heads and dump them in a grave. Sending them to their nigger cannibal death and sex slavery might actually produce a nigger animal with brains and God knows we have seen enough of that already.
White revolution is the only solution.
Having sex with children is absolutely disgusting. Any organization or movement or struggle that advocates having sex with children will make every normal White parent recoil in disgust.
It is the anti-White left and their Islamic friends' embracing of pedophilia that is helping (among other things) create a popular backlash against this insane liberalism and ultimately against its jewish pushers.
So I suspect that anyone pushing for pedophilia is either an enemy or… well… a pedophile obviously.
And if having sex with children is more important to you than protecting and preserving our European race, then you are an enemy who deserves to be put to death.
Hey whatever helps you sleep at
Not worth my time and waste of damn nice dubs!
I don't believe they're a jew, I believe that they're a woman with a couple legitimate complaints about white nationalist men. I've seen a lot of virginal white nationalist TRS types that do seem to think every woman is running around being a coal burning slut.
this is how White races will extinct
If you're not a pedophile, stop promoting pedophilia.
Child marriage, child grooming, and pedophilia is disgusting and anti-White.
Define "child". A 16 year old is not a child.
women gravitate towards strength
it's their biological drive to ensure survival
there are no traitors in nature
it's a man made construct
when the Germans invade France the French women gravitate towards the invaders
when the lesser races invade the western world lower IQ women gravitate towards invaders
higher IQ women will see they won't provide or do anything for them like a high IQ white guy but when shit hits the fan or they're aging leftovers even they will relent
How about we just filter you for pushing pedo shit.
you obviously didn't read last 3 paragraphs
The blessings of multiculturalism.
I wonder what her parents would say, if the media bothered to ask their opinion on the matter?
The father should be randomly killing niggers, right now, starting with the children.
Yeah, but the economy. And the food.
You don't have any people.
Ha…kike. Die already will you.
She rejected the nigger, Jew.
That's why the nigger killed her.
She didn't fuck dog, pigs, OR niggers, because she's not into bestiality.
for all the shit you larpers like to we wuz you don't understand one thing about the ancient world.
The age of marriage was very low, you faggots fellate your past but dont understand that 1200 years of pedoshit strategies cannot be overidden in about 200 years or so. The recent shift to marriage being after age 20 is recent and cannot undo the need to commit pedophilia with some of these necrotic shills tacking on with past talks to convince retards and siegefags on this board that its okay to regress and not adopt what worked. Some of that shit needs to stay in the past, and people who want the old evolutionary strategies are just byproducts of shitty neurotic halfjew pedos.
I think we are forgetting that:
She remained strong in her dying moments. She should be praised!
Oh take me back to the dark ages MOOOHAMED so I can be just like your nigger people who can't figure out whether to eat a sheep or fuck it.
How about we just kill you for being a retard that thinks that a sexually mature woman is a child.
This is a kike line pushed over and over again because the brain does not fully "mature" until 24, however that "maturation" causes a lessened ability to learn and grow(and growing a pair bond is included in this). Its best for women to pair bond with a man for life while they are still a virgin, most women lose their virginity in their teens these days. If you do not want the white race to go extinct you need to face these facts. It should be quite obvious that the appropriate measure to take is thus to romantically pursue the youngest women who are above the age of consent, marry them, and raise children with them and again16 year olds are above the age of consent in every European country and the majority of US states. Its what I did because quite thankfully I was redpilled early in life because I found Zig Forums while I was still underageb& and was wise enough to take steps to further my own life back then and married my girlfriend immediately upon graduation. Most of you dumbfucks didn't come to the redpill until later in your life though and most teenage men just dump their girlfriends after taking their virginity and ruining them for life for other men. Ideally you all would have realized this while you were still teenagers but its still far preferable to have you pursue and marry them than have all of them pumped and dumped and made into poor material for a wife.
Yeah obviously something bad went down there that they are keeping from us. That nigger rage out on her pretty hard.
I think this is how kike tricks people, making you believe any moves to 16 year old is seen as pedophilia. wait for some years until they say any moves towards 18 year old is pedophilia thing.
I hope the 16 year olds you are 'making moves on' have parent with a shotgun.
Move on my sixteen year old and I'm going to move your corpse into a bog.
No it precipitated the fall of the nuclear family, its one of the main reasons that the divorce rate skyrocketed as people were getting married who had had premarital partners other than their spouse. Its never worked.
Look at the stock market though.
The pic that you posted (often followed by posts about child marriage being "redpilled") has a picture of a man married to a fucking 7 year old.
That's a child.
Report and filter user. That is pedophilia. The reason they are not banned already is because you haven't reported it
enjoy your dead board I spit on you christkike slave
Come here so I can show you my appreciation stupid nigger filth.
unless he's black, deny your girl to date the nigger and you will be jailed, enjoy your nigger baby grandson cuck
you won't do nothing slave, you will do nothing
Ha…you will find out soon enough.
nothing stops you from doing something about this shitskin from the article, what will you do slave? pray to your kike on a stick, that's all you can do
When I read that, I fully expected the rest of your post to be dedicated to saying "Marriage used to habben at age 9 in da middel ages so let's do that again"
And I was pleasantly surprised to be wrong.
Anyway, you mention that mariage in the past was younger and I agree. You mention post-20 marriage and yeah. Obviously marriage happened a lot younger than that in the pre-modern era and before. But not as young as many people seem to believe.
Child marriages almost exclusively happened among the elite aristocrats. The vast vast majority of people did not marry their kids off at age 8.
I mean, just think about this for a minute. Do you really think that men aged 16 were immediately married to 9 year olds for no reason? Most men and women too worked for a period to save up some money before marriage.
No, I have something much better planned for 'your type'.
That doesn't even make sense.
you would be already doing something about it cuck, gtfo
HAHAHAHA…you have no idea what I am up to.
I know, you're watching your daughter get fucked by old niggers
I JUST CAN'T WAIT…really, I can't.
Its a torpedokike. They're just throwing out whatever they can hoping for a bite.
I'm not the one who posted that pic, if you had read my response to that pic I even objected to the 13 and 14 year old part. My main issue is that there's people in here calling sixteen year olds children.
Here comes the kike victim blaming posts to make us argue with each other and not focus on the nigger.
I keep seeing this misconception posted here too. Yes, the absolute youngest legally acceptable age of marriage was 12 in Medieval times, at least in English common law established by William the Conqueror. However, common law is mostly just precedent, and cohabitation was not even legal until age 14. So, unless it was a very abnormal situation, 14 would be the absolute youngest that people would be getting married then.