I was raised as an atheist, feminist NPC. Losing some year in this deadlock, I finally redpilled myself : 09/11, cancer of feminism and women vote, trap of EU, limitless immigration… One bringing the other.
Most of all I found faith. I became a muslim 2 years ago.
I see why christiannism would be easier to live since it's european culture (live in France) but I won't allow myself being hypocritical on that.
I am now seriously wondering where to find a proper husband whome will lead our family. I am lost for mariage ? What does Zig Forums think ?
If not what would you men recomand me to do to find him ? What do you want women to do ?
Man knows best so I ask
Other urls found in this thread:
But feminism is a basted supremicist identitarian tribal ideology. How can a feminist be NPC unless you admit a penchant for education by osmosis rather than hard won learning from independent study? Tbh I’d respect you more if you didn’t fall for the redpill, which is the bluepill in fact.
Go to Google Earth and compare the deserts to Islamic countries then ask yourself why you'd worship a desert religion and betray the way of your people (assuming you're white). Sage for shit bait.
it wont because it's a shill, notice no redpill on WW2
emigrate to a muslim country, you have chosen your side
So essentially nothing changed, because Islam is an atheistical, feminist religion for npcs.
Yes by osmosis since it was told to me since I was a child, trying to improve judjing by myself
WW2 as well
That's the thing. I feel more attached to truth then to pure tradition. I think tradition are good cause they they are a print of the truth our ancestor embrassed
How transparent can OP be here. This is a slide thread, nothing more.
Astrologer here. (Indian Astrology practicing 15 years)
Send me your birth time to the minute from your birth certificate and your birth city.
I will give you a quick profile of your spouse.
You're retarded.
Serve Allah and Ackbar yourself and become a virgin in heaven to service Ahmed for eternity.
You should probably first ask yourself why you follow the same religion that the majority of the worlds mentally ill and inbred believe.
Atheistical: Muslims belief in a single, impersonal God they call Allah, a God is a limited personal being like Christ or Donar or what else, which you means Muslims are Atheists.
Feminism: Woman are special and need to be protected, have to wear a burkha and need to stay in the house….
NPC: You have to blindly follow stupid islamic rules or otherwise you are an infidel.
Yeah, Islam is an atheistical, feminist religion for NPC's.
Do us all a favor and kill yourself.
Pic very much related
I was convinced and what is known cannot be unknown.
I've learn about the Holy Coran and I cannot find an other way then admitting it is a miracle. For example the sourate about iron contain, the atomic number of this element, the one about bees the number of their chromosoms…
I believe in Jesus, peace be upon him, and in his miracles, his prophety and his teaching, and I believe in the virgin Mary.
I just don't think he his God but a prophet of God.
Which of the thousands of Gods is he a prophet off and what does Allah look like.
If you say there is only one God, you are an atheist because Gods are plural and if you say Allah has no form, you are an atheist because Gods always have forms!
You’re attempting to misdirect by emphasizing your prior training as being the inherited viewpoint when I’m clearly suggesting your newfound interest in tradthottery is yet more of the same uncritical reception of edgelord badgirl rebellion. You simply cannot expect to strive for such levels of purity in this culture or these material and economic conditions. Rather, you are seeking to unburden your conscience, summon free theraputics, a daddy figure to rescue you, niggercattle slut that you are, etc. These are not your questions, not your concerns. You are in groupthink and content to become an hero, for the right group, when you have a responsibility to think for, and save, yourself. I’m disappointed in you, Spraynard.
Kill yourself.
Looks like someone is trying to run his gay ops like they did with Atomwaffen, to find few vulnerable people that will actually convert and radicalize.
everyone who bumps this thread has a vested interest in bumping this thread
it's all the cuckchan retards who don't know what an sage is
That's not how words work, fucktard. Atheist means "without god" aka "homosexual nigger." If I have just one god, I cannot be without god. Now gas yourself for being a boring edgelord with the IQ of a female wetback
Assuming you're white, go find your ethnic religion (what Christkikes call paganism).
If you're not, I'm not sure what do you expect us to tell you, it's true that Povl Riis-Knudsen dated a Palestinian, but they had no kids and such racemixings should be avoided anyhow.
No, Allah is not a God, allah is an impersonal philosophical concept.
Ill' prove it. What does Allah look like, what is his personality like, where does he life.
You can't awnser that, because he isn't something concrete or personal.
Go the fuck away, cunt. Talking to women is a waste of time because none of you have any self-awareness.
this is cuckchan tier thread. you have to go back. no one here likes mudslimes except Zig Forums
Indeed He is an impersonal concept,
He doesn't look human, or live somewhere or have a personnality. That's the point. Ever heared about transendance ?
Exactly, he is not a God, so you are no better then an atheist. You could just as well worship nature or logic.
Obviously a larp for data mining.
Here's my credit card number : 4505 0555 0566 0545 exp feb 2023 last 3 digits 768
My name Is Jon Doe born in 1976 12 march.
I love pickles up my ass. Please have a bite whit me OP.
Confirmed shill
you didn't find faith; you found subversion
islam is a cult founded by a pedophilic nigger-tier criminal who started it out by committing crimes and getting people in on his crimes as long as they'd abide by "islam", which promotes hedonism and raping women from other countries if there aren't enough women for you, which there wouldn't be if polygamy exists, which according to islam is a thing
it is perhaps the most worldly so-called "religion" in the entire world
also, the so-called angel that spoke to mohammed was one that got kicked out of Heaven; it might've been satan, and it might've been some other fallen angel
and those 72 virgins? have you read the descriptions of them? they're practically ayys or demons, and not even hot ones
sage because the OP is promoting islam
youtu. be/VTIZezQEZcQ
bait thread, saging.
If you're serious, I'd suggest (in order of your likely preference)
1) >>>/isis/
2) Convert to Christianity, talk to your pastor, have him set you up with someone nice.
3) Drop religion altogether, find a single STEM major that you personally like (they frequent coffee shops and are usually shy…if you do this, YOU should be the one to approach), marry him, do whatever makes him happy.
Honestly, finding a proper husband is mostly up to your taste. You shouldn't have much difficulty with this as long as you're not obese, hideous, or have a horrifying personality.
… fucking seriously? How dumb can women fucking get?
You went from a religion (feminism/leftism) that is authoritarian and brutal, that is backwards and would see the civilization it preys on weakened to the point of destruction and returning to an age of mud huts and total loss of culture, society, and thus civilization… and you REPLACED it with a religion that is brutal and authoritarian, that is backwards and has produced NOTHING of value (make no mistake, the muslims didnt invent shit, they copied things from the nations they invaded and peoples they raped and subjugated), and following that religion will see you and your entire race snuffed out in favor of a bunch of mud hut dwelling inbred retards who are mostly illiterate and constantly killing each other and losing their minds because someone did something "bad" to a copy of their fairy tale book
All you did was switch one idiotic illiterate backwards ruler for another. What is wrong with you? Are you just that hard up for sex and domination that you don't care who offers it, you just want to be beaten and raped that badly?
No, if you were truly redpilled, youd realize that islam is just as disgusting and backwards as feminism and leftism. They are both religions of idiots who cannot achieve anything on their own, who aspire to no greater heights than the base dogma of their religion, and who will see humanity die on this watery rock we live on because they'll spend their entire time destroying themselves and anyone who ever aspires to anything greater.
I mean think about it, you really think science can flourish under islam? No, it cannot, because to reach the heights of science you need to be willing to set aside all faith and ideology and look for scientific answers. To NOT accept "god did it" as an answer, and to even be willing to reject "god did it" as a possibility in order to FIND the answer. In islam you CANNOT do this or else you'll be killed. Thus, greatly limiting its capacity to expand its scientific understanding of the universe. Just like feminism does not allow you to reject the idea that "male oppression" is responsible for everything, and does not allow you to reject the idea that "everything is a spectrum," without being punished. Feminism nor islam will ever offer anything for science, in fact they have BOTH openly DESTROYED AND UNDERMINED scientific understanding in the name of their religions.
Not to mention, Islam's backwards view of what femininity is about. To them women are nothing but breeding sows. They are not to think, or speak, or do anything but shit out new sand niggers. They are not the equal but opposite of men in islam, they are inferior in every way in islam. They are not the nurturers and care takers of the home and children, who provide comfort and succor to their husbands to give them the strength and will to aspire to greater heights.. no, they are servants to be fucked, bred, and abused as needed. This sort of backwards approach to relations between the two sexes is incredibly destructive to a society. No, women shouldnt be encouraged to try to be "the same as" men, because they arent. But they ARE a necessary opposite. Its a binary system that requires both equal but opposite parts performing their roles to truly build a great civilization. Islam has never achieved anything of merit in part because of this attitude.
In short: you're a fucking moron, you traded one "dom" for another. if you aren't just a kike shilling, then you are just some stupid slut who still hasn't learned anything, you take babys first redpill and think you're enlightened now. You know nothing of the proper roles of men and women, the proper roles of government, how a society truly reaches greatness, etc etc. All you know, is that feminism is garbage, but you simply went from women are all powerful, to women are trash and sex slaves… you actually need to continue to learn in order to gain any sort of understanding and balance.
But you won't do that. You'll just take up your new retarded extreme, because you still have a western slut mentality that you are smarter than you are. You know nothing.
An hero pedo
There are no decent men who will take a muslim woman. Women like you are liable to ''explode" mid-argument.
Oh so you don't mind believing in the religion created specifically for inbred retards because YOU ARE an inbred retard. Got it.
you are not a real Muslim because you have not pledged Bayah to Amir al-Mumineen Ibrahim Abu Bakr Baghdadi and you have not attempted to make Hijrah to the Khilafah or in case you cannot you have not joined the Jihad and gotten one speck of dirt on your feet in fighting the Kafir here and killing the kafir where ever you may find them.
since you are a a Mushrik Apostate you are worse than the Kafir and thererefore it is the duty of every real Muslim to kill you before killing any Kafir.
Tits or btfo