R.I.P "god father" of cape-shit
tmz .com/2018/11/12/stan-lee-dead-dies-marvel-comics/

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forgot the archive because i'm a faggot

Dead Jews is good news.

I wonder if there's any capefag salt to be mined.

So long, you dumb Jew bastard.

I hope more old kikes follow that disgusting cuck.

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i haven't seen any yet, but i guarantee if you look for it, there will be LOADS.

/co/ doesn't seem to give a shit.

Go to /v/ and /co/. There are still some fags who have soft spots for him for some fucking reason.

Same reason for all it. They don't know the truth.

Reminder that this yid stole every character he is known for from people with or under him and was wholly devoid of talent.

Well /co/ I could understand, since they gobble down capeshit all the time. But I have no idea why there was even a thread about this on /v/ since it's not even vidya. The kike took it down thankfully.

What truth? Aside from being a Jew and having money, what did he do to make his death worthy of celebration?
Mourning someone you don't even know who never even knew you existed is stupid, sure.
Celebrating the death of a guy who isn't Soros or Podesta-tier is another matter.

Unless Stan Lee was Weimar-tier I just don't get it.

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What am I missing?

That itself is enough for a celebration. But he's done some nefarious shit in the past like introducing Marvel Method and stealing all the credit for everything.

About time this kike bit the dirt

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Kissinger doesn't look too healthy right now, but thankfully Trump had dozens of other evil zionist elite kikes backing him to take up the slack that would create

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Came here to ask this.

He had AIDS

Make it so, user…only you can keep your dreams from becoming memes.

burn in hell

Woooo! The big bad Stan Lee is gone! Finally comics will be good now! Oh wait, this changes nothing? Well, nevermind then.

anytime a kike dies is cause for celebration nigger

Shame he couldn't live to witness the death of the kike that robbed him of all his rightful recognition. Of course he didn't have enough shekels for baby blood and foreskins to keep him alive like Stein Lee did.

Kissinger looks like mr potato head / head detective. He can’t die soon enough.


The soy will flow tonight …..

>the (((shootings))) were being overdone, especially 2 in 1 week with sloppily done paid actors
This is getting predictably old, yids.

He's a jew, but his comics werent SJW shit or kike messiah like superman. He had all white characters and didnt have any kikes or stand ins - not even hair cuts or kike sounding names. Magneto is like the only kike and he's a genocidal villain and 'mutant supremacist' aka a nazi.

Go read some of his stuff. It's not the complete garbage of today or even early 90s pushing nigger replacements and female empowerment and minority shit. And dont confuse it with the shitty formulaic movies.

Show me where Stan Lee was a disruptive undermining kike and I'll change my mind.

.there is no such thing as a good jew

The thread is anchored on /v/.

That's a lie. There are dead kikes.

It is interesting how many people fail in this basic understanding, isn't it.

Comics were always crap.


At the end of the credits for the venom movie, they show a spider-man cartoon. Apparently Peter Parker passes the job on to a niglet. They show the niglet visiting Peter Parker's grave and kvetching about something. Tragic! Good riddance to him and his generation.

He kiked the comicbook industry to such a degree that too this day it's all the exact same garbage over and over again.

I know I'm going to get shit on for this, but I actually liked Stan Lee. Jew or not, comics used to actually be good before the shitty fanfiction squad took over as writers and artists. But that was after Stan had already stepped down. So he isn't responsible for the shit-tier stories they're printing now. As someone who actually grew up reading them, and with a father who read them when he was a lad, both of us are bummed with how the company has been treated for the last ten years.


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Phew…good riddance. Maybe now they will stop doing capeshits.

Stan Martin (((Lieber))) was a lazy credit stealing kike straight from the kike formula.


the true hero of old Marvel was Jack Kirby, not Stan Lee. it was Kirby who invented the characters, the plot and wrote it all. Stan Lee was just your typical kike "manager" who did none of the work himself, then changed a few things after the product is completed by Kirby and slaps him name on the credits.

fuck Stan Lee

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There is no sentence in my post that suggests differently. Your shitskin is showing.

Capekike died, nobody cried.

Since we're discussing American high art, The Hitman's Bodyguard is another example of the America being a complete disgrace to humanity. Some nigger assassin, who kills only bad guys of course, kills some white mass murderer of Belarus because the courts couldn't get the job done. A true hero and role model for the youth. He also, as you will be reminded several times throughout the movie, has a big dick. Why can't somebody nuke this shithole already?

>kills thread for the (((dead)))
Am I in >>>/co/?
No. So fuckoff faggot, a better thread died for this even if it was a bumplocked slide

You mean nuke hollywood? Why would we nuke our own nation when we can just take it back by force?

You realise that Jack Kirby was born (((Jacob Kurtzberg))), right? Kike stole from a kike, big surprise there.

Spidy man Dead? but me love his web slinging ant ticks. Me watch Al the film's. I love living in America. Home of the superheros.

This reminds me of something from the independent comics surge of the '90's.
There was one artist who had a multi-issue rant — I want to say Todd McFarlane — wherein he laid out how the industry was monopolized by a small contingent and did its best to crush any threat of competition/independents or its bottom-line.
In retrospect, he was taking great pains to talk around the jewish question, and knew damn well what the problem was with the industry.
Keep in mind that this was over 20 years ago and I am, in all likelihood, forgetting some key facts.
On the plus side, I may very well still possess said comics (in storage unit); will have to see if I can manage to exhume them.

That's 1:39 EST

I saw Black Panther (not my decision) and in the scene Stan Lee shows up, the black main protagonist wins a casino game but walks away before his win is announced. The white guy he's with then tells him he won but he doesn't hear him. So he turns his attention back to the game, and stan lee shows up and says he'll hold onto the money for safe keeping. So the tweet is wrong about him being white, but the "putting their (((noses))) in places it doesn't belong" is great.

I guess there's still a chance for a military coup or some sort of spontaneous gathering to bring on a a revolution if an impeachment actually happens. Not holding my breathe.

Silicon Valley is another masterpiece where a jew landlord lets innovators work hard to invent stuff for him while he smokes weed.

Comics were Jewish poison before even Stan Lee got into the business.

Oh god no, user. I meant that WE, THE PEOPLE, would have to take it back. The entire government is corrupt as fuck. Nothing good in the entire institution including the military.


That's a movie with spidermen from different universes/timelines. You are right there's a token nigger (((bendis))) made.

i did not realize that, thanks for the tip. these shapeshifting kikes constantly changing their names to (((hide))) their true reptillian blood is annoying af. always having to Jewgle any name to double check for kikeness or not. i could care less about kikes stealing from kikes. that actually makes it even more hilarious. capefags were always kike propaganda to subvert the 1954 Comics Code Authority which censored and clamped down on the kike's flooding the pages with ever imaginable degeneracy.

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Has the science of infant blood and baby foreskins gone too far?

Weren't they the ones that wanted it given what they made at the time was capeshit? Capeshit existed long before that, by a decade at least.

And still, he created a capeshit that is a nigger, that loves his family (more unrealistic than having demonic super powers) and cares about his daughter (even more unrealistic), and fights "evil" that are all white men. And said nigger fucks a white female angel, and God himself is depicted as being a sheboon.
Todd McFarlane is as marxist as any other capeshit creator in this 100% leftist industry.

What gets me is that IIRC Stanley put his nose on every Marvel movie to date.

>The Stan Lee Foundation was founded in 2010 to focus on literacy, education, and the arts. Its stated goals include supporting programs and ideas that improve access to literacy resources, as well as promoting (((diversity))), national literacy, culture and the arts

He also co-created black panther. He wasn't that bad compared to other Jews.

If you, for some reason care about comics, than Stan Lee dying is a bad thing because he will be replaced by a more leftist individual.
But overall Lee dying is a good thing since Marvel will now become more pozzed and non-political consumers will be forced into right-wing politics.

What a surprise.

they milked that old man till the day he died.


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It will

Holy shit, really?
FFS, glad I stopped reading comics before that.
It was inevitable, anyway; I couldn't put my finger on it at the time, but, something about the state of the industry had turned me off, and I now understand it was the kikeing to which my naive, teenage self was unaware.

The only shame is that he didn't live any longer to be abused by his Shiksa daughter some more.
Kike rat dead = National news
Kikes subvert midterms = nothing to see here

Thanks for posting on tor so I can filter you.

Oy vey, reveal your IP goy.
Where did I say that? I simply stated that he wasn't as bad as most Jews. And I pointed out that he was still bad enough.

didn't kike lee stole batman (or spiderman or some shit) from a white writer?

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Why do yids have such a huge lifespan, there is way too many elite kikes who are borderline centenarians.

Yeah it was, faggot. And it was the wrong one.

rolling for this

never having to work in their life

Fucking hell,for some reason i saw STALIN insead of STAN LEE.


No it's war between the left and right and each side happen to have whites and Jews, poltard

Nope it is a war between Europeans and subhumans. One we intend on winning.


Do you not understand how quotation marks work, Mr. Big brained centrist man?
I grow tired of this world.

I hope your logic have no basis in reality or else we'll have to sustain NEETS (and senile NEETS) for at least three generations.

All Eurcucks are poor innocent souls who never contributed to the left and it's all the Jews who converted them to lefties

why do you hate white people so much?

shut up kikeboy



The idea of a comic book superhero itself is fundamentally jewish. Before (((modernity))), we had myths, legends, fairytales, etc. telling about the heroes and gods of our race, as well as teaching lessons about life and morality. The jewish instinct to co-opt subvert from within saw the declining interest in traditional folk tales and religion, and attempted to fill this void with new "superheroes" whom they 'control' by virtue of being their creators.

If you watch superhero movies (and movies in general obviously, which are all heavily jewish as we know) you have probably noticed that there are values and 'lessons' that are presented in a positive light via the protagonists. As with fairytales, these movies present a strong character the audience identifies with, and then, through storytelling, imparts a worldview onto the audience.

The Norse god Thor himself is probably the most noteworthy case of the jewish superhero industry subverting our own gods and legends into a story they create–not to mention their cinematic versions of various European fairytales such as Snow White.

All of this has a nefarious purpose: to disconnect us from the TRUE knowledge and true meaning of our own myths and gods, and to replace it. The replacement part is very important, because if they simply tried to destroy it, we would shortly thereafter attempt to find its true meaning again. But why replacing them, they attempt to fill the void with their poison, and blot out the true meanings of these tales forever. Follow the Wisdom and Tradition of your own race! Not those who wish to force THEIR (((worldview))) onto you!

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What 'eurocucks' have done or not done is none of your fucking business KIKE. We will take care of our own without your supervision.

Stan Lee seemed ok. There was never any degeneracy in his works. Got to remember Stan Lee has not been in charge of Marvel in some time. In fact that company went down hill as far as degeneracy and NWO messaging and propaganda since he gave up control of Marvel. I think atm Disney is the enemy. Not some old dude that was responsible for the most nationalistic comic character of all time. I am not going to cry over this guy, but not the worst of his kind.

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BTW Judiasm isn't race or species it's national religion, anyone can convert to it unlike muh white race


Rot in piss kike

So soon
Death comes for her

I remember Stan Lee said he was against established white characters getting their races changed. He hasn't worked for Marvel in many years, so he doesn't have a say in the shit they do. Stan only did cameos for Marvel media after he left the company and retired as a comic writer.

This makes a lot of sense for many reasons. For one think about how fundamentally weak in character superheros are. Most of them would be the failure human version of themselves if not for some impossible event with a magic animal or radioactive waste. Great lesson.
Fucking kikes.

How do you know I'm white? My post are directed against Jews. Please unpack your assumptions before posting on this anti supremacists board, friend.

This was meant for:

Really? Maybe he is /ourkike/
A man on the inside if you will.
Well, he's fucking dead now anyways so who knows.

Most poltards are whites if you haven't noticed and I bet they hate you too

You mean the board that keep praising Hitler and degrading any other groups?! ROFL