Trust me, I'm a (((doctor)))

Sociopath virtue signals with blood of a teenage boy all over his face.

His name is Dr Robert Lyons, CT surgeon from LA.



Attached: 1B6DB959-565C-4F5C-9686-8EDF2CB872EC.jpeg (320x320 218.33 KB, 122.88K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Women ran over some Broadway jews kid while having a seizure . Was facing fifteen years because jews are the most important people on earth. Dui manslaughter gets less than that. Women kills self. The correct choices would have been never consulting with doctors and treating yourself. Weed literally stops seizures for example. Never go anywhere near these people. Do everything you can by yourself. Be paranoid about everything. Accept boredom and poverty over unnecessary risks. When shit hits the fan for you not one person will care unless you are a jew or celebrity. Therefore adapt and the world will shift to one where responsibility for ones own problems becomes the norm. That is our true state. Money is a piece of paper with random words on it.

99999/100000 humans will force you to get drunk and risk a dui or dui manslaughter. Not because they like you but because they want to use you for attention, looking popular, steal your energy , mooch off you, favors . Then when shit gets bad they won't be there for you. The jew fears the loner.

was it a nigger?

One wonders if this violates any oaths, ethics rules or laws.

What do you think? Would the good doctor virtue signal over a white kid? no

Mashed up tree with ink on it, just like all their other 'little games' they run on us. Money, laws, the constitution, summons, court orders, loans, all of it is the biggest hoaxed bullshit that has ever entered the minds of intelligence.
They blame us for their actions and the crimes they perpetuate against us and then they blame us for getting even with them for their crimes. They play both sides of the game, always and their crimes against the Earth get worse and worse as time passes.

I'm 65. I've lived my life according to these principles. Being a bookworm and a hard workout freak is a good option to this path.

Also, I worked as a bouncer and prison guard.

If someone seriously fucks with you, like glasses your face for no reason in some bar, your chances of finding justice are damn near nil. Avoid drunks, avoid druggies, avoid bars and taverns. They're crawling with degenerates and psychotic losers seething with bottled up sadistic rage. You could be their naive victim.

He would 'virtue signal' over a thug rapist gangster 'teenager' though. Such is the state of the Earth at this point in time. Irredeemable.

Possibility of the boy/mother being White, 0.0000000000001% spics and niggers killing each other, oh nooos.

The only cure for this cancer is fire friend. Glorious, nuclear fire or bullets, lots and lots of bullets. Only then the work can really begin.

Cleanse the earth with star fire, that's what I say.

Sounds like you suck at your job, my man. Everybody knows niggers don't have hearts, brains, or souls.

access denied
page gone

Was it a nigger or not?

m'bad, needed to go poop asap

I archived a news outlet which corroborates it:

And the tweet was archived as well, thankfully.


He's doing damage control, because there was a hefty thread about it on halfchan, which got deleted by mods

Archive is blank.



BEVERLY HILLS, CA 90212-3747

Cell Phone: 772 285 0452
Landline: 757 464 4051


Associated Emails:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Alexis B. Sadecky
Jay R. Sadecky
Lori S. Sadecky
Michael D. Sadecky
Steven J. Sadecky
Aileen M. Sadecky
Carol F. Richardson

Thanks for making this thread OP.
T. Your friendly neighborhood Tor poster that's always dropping these red text doxes

lol natsoc

can we just gas them all?

Attached: 0f00aee2173c400881e8c6d609768fba.png (1081x846, 125.14K)

This faggot just got a whole ton of pizza

Yeah, it would've direct linked his twitter, but the site named his now deleted twitter handle, and has the pic of him post surgery

Here is the Complaint Form to report him to the California Medical Board:

For "Board" select:
For "License Type" select:

This fucking fag is about to kiss his license to practice goodbye, along with any future job he may have wanted. I hope it was worth the photo op.

or how about we tell the niggers to stop killing each other because the Asians and Indians don't behave and make excuses for themselves the way these ungrateful blacks do?

just need to know before i call every one of his family members and ask why he's blaming the NRA for gang violence committed with unregistered, blackmarket firearms by non-NRA members, and explain to them that its these very people that the NRA is arming citizens AGAINST

get me his IP address. this is gonna be fun

I worked with surgeons as an intern when I was in school around 2004.
I remember when doctors were too busy for this kind of shit.
Looks like he isn't doing his job if he's able to stop and tweet and take selfies. I'd be worried about seeing him, he's distracted.

Aren't cell phones very dirty? How is he taking that picture?


is this like when men force women to dress like whores?

Took his gloves off and took the pic lol don't overthink this, everyone has a phone in their pocket even people who wear scrubs in a hospital

Horrifying if true.

I'm sure you've seen some shit. At least you won't be working there during peak Weimerica

I see you're busy jumping into every thread and posting this, moshe. REported.

His Wife's facebook:

Thanks for reminding me user. For good ol fashioned lulz here are some quick links to subscribe him to free shit:

Free Mormon Door Visit

Free Qurans and Islamic Literature:

Free Gay Porn Email Newsletter

Free Gay Mail Spam

Sorry for samefagging but here are some free gun catalog request forms as well

dude I was a nurse at a hospital and I would chill all night shitposting on Zig Forums with you guys, it's just like any other job, we pass the time with our phones.

It's archived. What happens if someone saves over it?


I think that electrically grounding yourself can also fix seizures. At least, I had this idea. They're electrical discharges in the brain, right? Well, we're an electrical machine, and we hardly ever touch the ground anymore. Maybe we've got some built up static electricity that the body has to deal with somehow. Knowing the body, it probably stores it away somewhere to deal with later. Anyway, we usually wear shoes when we go outside, so this prevents an electrical flow between us and the ground. So, I looked it up, and found this.
If that's all true, and it all makes sense to me, then get some electrons in your system. Walk barefoot on the ground, or if you want something for your room, maybe get a negative ion generator. Those put negatively-charged particles in the air.
As far as I know, you can make a negative ion generator by simply applying a high negative voltage to a needle, and it will repel off of the needle point. It also makes some amount of ozone, so just factor that into whatever you do with it. Ozone might irritate your lungs, and potentially induce asthma, but negative ions also alleviate asthma, so I'm really just conflicted on whether it matters at all. Can't remember ever hearing of any problems though.

Hold on. Why the fuck is he being doxxed? I don't quite follow. He tried to fix a nigger but Jamaldeequous was a write off.
Trauma surgeons see quite some shit, you'd expect a thousand yard stare on them.

Did you even read the tweet? He took a selfie covered in a child's blood, just so he could tag the NRA in a post (one that he posted from the operating room, before he even informed the parents.) He violated a dead kid's confidentiality.

… Not to mention it looks like he poured that fucking blood on top of his head. The stains are shaped more like drops then splatters. Guy probably dipped it in the kid's chest first for the extra added effect.

They aren't even human, my lad.

But if he's one of them (((god's chosen people))) he's as good as doxxed anyway. But I don't think that's the case.

NPC logic
Taking risks is not bad
If you take risks, you get stronger
Stop being a coward
Only the ones who survive the risks are the ones worth living

How can you be this clueless?

he did not give away confidentiality of this patient, you need more info to do that if you're talking about hippa laws in the US

name/DOB would be violating this.
age and gender would not

Narcissism is out of control soon surgeons will be making vlogs while doing surgery. Forget focusing on the patient my mind is thinking about how cinematic this blood splatter is going to look. Burn it all.

He looks like a faggy male nurse trying to pass himself as a doctor on tinder.

You mean grinder. I worked with a gay dude and all he would do is search grinder all night long

The funny thing is, medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the US after heart attack and cancer. I don't have a social media account nor will I ever, but hopefully someone is rubbing this in the faces.

Too bad the kid didn’t have a better surgeon. Looks like malpractice to me. I hope they sue the shit out of him. Plus the damages of having this dickhead doctor tweeting out a picture of himself with this kids blood all over his face, fucking psycho.

Yeah they're laying into him on Twitter. Opiate stats, all that are being lobbed at him.
Medical errors happen more than you think, I actually worked at a community hospital where a surgeon operated on the incorrect limb.

Don't forget cutting dicks for kikes as well.
It is a good read.

>medical (((mistakes)))
how many of these are done on purpose to give kikes fresh organs and blood to traffic?

I'm sure some of the time it's purposeful. Doctors exercising their only power in the world and "making a mistake". I know kike plastic surgeons botch white womens surgeries all the time.

Daily reminder that homosexuals are disgusting degenerate whores:

"28% of homosexual men had more than 1000 partners: "Bell and Weinberg reported evidence of widespread sexual compulsion among homosexual men. 83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners"


oh yeah as a RN I'm all too familiar with this case and each hospital has their own guy who is like this guy but not as bad so they don't get caught like he did


Video embedded is from his YouTube channel. Has videos of himself playing Call of Duty

i've heard coworkers say "I wouldn't let Dr. so and so operate on my dog!" unfortunately, the public doesn't get access to this info
Sometimes it isn't always true either, just personal bias or they think another doctor is more handsome so they like him more. There's different styles of being a doctor and some are super fast and miss things - those are the ones you need to avoid - and the really ancient old school ones who are still doing older procedures when newer ones have better outcomes
anyway sorry i'm starting to write a blog

Look at his "wife" shaving her head from his Instagram, I would brain my women if she ever thought of doing this. Fucking a short haired girl? Might as well be a dude.

t. Faggot

Don't forget about HIPAA privacy violations.

If you want, call the UCLA HIPAA complaint office.

Maureen Shaw, 310-267-2306

One of the reasons I like weed legalization is because people no longer feel the need to gather in groups for their degeneracy (and usually other stuff too…so many faggots smoke pot it seems).

I like medicating alone.

So is stops being degenerate if you do it alone as you imply?

sorry, nigger, i like my women with large breasts and long hair

He didn't make any, but perhaps his hospital ethics board would be a better route????
Take a selfie with a patient - hippa
This isn't that.

he's saying public highness is significantly less destructive to society than public drunkenness because weed tends to make people shy away from doing risky things whereas alcohol emboldens them.

holy shit

complain to the hospital's patient right's person and always keep the threat of litigation open as well

electrical engineer here. you are so fucking stupid

Then tell me what's Actually True™, faggot.

As someone who has spent many months in the hospital due to unfortunate personal happenings, I can tell you certifiably: hell will be full of doctors. They are classic sociopaths. You may argue that its a function of their job to treat people like machines that need fixing, but I can honestly tell you that I've seen car mechanics and PC technicians who put more TLC into their work than doctors do on their patients. There is a sick sort of power relationship that doctors relish in; they become addicted to it. They experiment on patients in ways such as withholding the correct treatment to "see what happens" or give preferential treatment to patients which they take a liking to, or will somehow benefit them, such as a higher profile person. They will carelessly expose you to antibiotic-resistant bacteria by not following containment protocols, even knowing that someone 2 doors down died from it. They literally do not give a flying pooh about your life.


Thats why they hire nurses but nurses tend be subject to the same kind of sick relationship with patients. I know a woman who is a nurse and she is the kindest woman on earth which is what got her into nursing. She knew she wasn't mentally cut out to be a doctor but she cares so much for people in general she had to do something where she could feel like shes making a positive impact in peoples lives. For every one of her there are 3 who are the opposite of her.

it's a lot of women who think they can be rich


Can somebody explain me why is Zig Forums chimping out? It's not like he killed the kid on purpose, what's the problem with taking a few pics with bloody clothing? Stop being bitches

We're chimping out because of his anti-gun virtue signalling and creation of propaganda.

Yes, it's just like alcohol or sex. A beer after work or sex with your wife isn't degenerate. Getting your 17 year old neighbor stoned and talking her and her mom into a threesome is.



I've experienced this.

Nurses get into the profession for the sex and drugs, well, most nurses that stick with it.

I wonder about vets.

Attached: dr. emily.jpg (474x355, 22.76K)

Pretty sure he was covering down at UCLA Harbor and one of the victims was from this shooting:

I worked at UCLA and folks got fired for much less. They don't mess with HIPAA violations. If you call UCLA to report him be sure to mention that it was from the shooting on the 9th because based on his posting you are able to determine the identity of his patient which is the key part. If we don't ID the victim then they can say "well you have to be careful because your post could have led to the ID of the patient…and that would have been bad". If you ID the victim then he is toast.

That's a lot of untrue assumptions there, pal.

Nigger gun crime is blamed on the NRA.

poison the well shill

It wont be a nuclear fire. The Jews will never do that.
It will be fire though. The next time we get a solar event like the one that burned out all the telegraph wires in the 1800's.
Every house, every building, every street will be set ablaze. The Bible foretold this fire. And now that world is nearly completely wired… Well, it's only a matter of time…

How is this political?

HE DELETED HIS YOUTUBE???? Must have given him the spooks.. I wonder if he deleted his other social media yet.

Jesus the LA Times is really lionizong these Dr.JewLittles into fucked up heros with this whole "movement". I guess the NRA told ZOGDOCS to "Stay in their Lane" when these licensed penis tip snippers were shilling their gunzRbad shpeel. Hense this dead-eyed NPC surgeon's hashtags.

So friendly reminder to keep contacting the California Medical Board and use the links anons have provided to complain to as many higher ups as possible.

Also friendly reminder that his phone hasnt been shut off and his user name "styx1029" is peppered across the internet

Because he tagged the NRA you stupid fucking nigger. You people are so fucking clueless

That study was never replicated, even in it's time. The results might seem politically convenient to you, but they were likely fabricated.

They are definitely dripping down, but I'm wondering if you could get that sort of effect from arterial spray? I think it's more important to hammer on the fact that he whipped out a phone to take a selfie before he even went to inform the parents. A lot of people need to imagine that was their kid.

Weed is legal where I am; it's definitely made weed a more social activity since now people aren't even hiding it.

I was in the hospital for about two weeks this year. My roommate was a guy who was 102, coming up on his 103rd birthday. Doctors and nurses treated him like a whiny toddler, did not listen when he said his IV hurt. Days and days into his stay he was outright crying in pain and they finally took the bandage off and discovered it was horribly infected. Could have been avoided if literally ONE person had listened to him from day one saying the IV hurt, but they were all visibly annoyed at ever having to deal with him.

They treated ME much better, obviously because I was a "better" patient to deal with. The favoritism was obvious and blatant, and I told his family to raise a stink because they were going to goddamn kill him out of carelessness. It's obviously not like he had a lot of time left, but dying because your nurses hate dealing with you is a pathetic and insulting way to go.