>Ariel (((Ricker))) the executive director of Advocates Abroad, a major non-profit NGO which provides legal aid to migrants, has been caught on tape openly discussing how she teaches refugees to lie to border agents. The video was released by Canadian right-wing activist, author and internet personality, Lauren Southern, and will be a part of her new documentary film project 'Borderless,' which takes on the European migration crisis. “I tell them this is acting, all of this is acting… for them to get through, they must act their part in the theater.”
Only thing can stop this is right wing militia holding the border, can't trust the police, can't trust the government.
Alexander Flores
I wish we could send our esoteric immigrants there. t. US
Dylan Cox
Looks good. Let's see more of this. Honesty is for dealing with decent people, whereas nationalists have many times over proven to be brutal degenerates who undermine the worth of their nations before God.
Hudson Collins
Ex-security turned chemist here.
It's not that they're stupid. As a guard, it's your job to follow orders and protocol – nothing else. In a sane world, they would have been taught that the migrant waves are little more than waves of an invading military force and that Europe is in a state of war. Instead, they're told they have to accept "refugees". The problem is, you can't turn them away without sufficient evidence of them being fakers (which they all are) due to pozzed rules and laws. So they just let them in (because that's easiest and the least inflammatory), which is what the rulers want and strive for anyway. Essentially, they, the invaders and NGO cunts, just manipulating a massive flaw in the security because muh universal human rights and globalist agenda. As long as we have kikes in power, nothing will change.
Eli Taylor
Nope, this is like a soldier killing people and said he's just following order, each security guard has his own conscience, if he did not wish for it to happen and do not allow it to happen, he would quit that job a long time ago.
Carter Powell
I'll add:
Guards also have little to no autonomy. Your ability for action as one is basically binary by rule. I used to work as a bouncer. Where I live, I had to sometimes permit entrance to gangs as long as they weren't wearing colours/uniform.
Christian Ward
that's actually a valid defense in most cases, though
Ryder Campbell
Intuition pump: we know niggers are extremely likely to commit crime. But if you're club security, e.g., then you have to let them knowing there exists a high chance of them doing something wrong because muh anti-discrimination laws. If you let 30 in, you're virtually guaranteed to have at least one doing something illegal inside.
Eli Lopez
However, you'd be better off denying access to all of them because you'd avoid shitty situations and they don't have any money for the club anyway. You'd lose nothing. But muh laws.
Jordan Ward
Marxists exploit bureaucracy to achieve desired outcome. Jews involved.
Eli Nelson
Except in cases where he needs the money more than he cares about right and wrong.
Jonathan Hill
Brandon Richardson
NGOs are a type of Trojan Horse to aid immigration and ultimately fragment the European societies.
Migrants flee terrible nations to go to great ones. This creates pressure for terrible nations to look like great ones OR ELSE. Don't you want to or else the primitives, Zig Forums? You people aren't going soft, are you? If the terrible nations get to keep their own most motivated and mobile people, they won't be or elsed at all.
Justin Nelson
Marxist groups focused on aiding alien immigration to white countries, really. They do it because they hate white people. In reality, they should be labelled terrorist organisations or convicted of treason.
David Barnes
And so many of them were created in the same year as the Balfour declaration, while gentiles were slaughtering each other in trenches.
Alexander Gomez
Joseph Cruz
Another trick by Lauren Shimonsen to hide the Jewry at work
You literally lied in your post complaining about liars.
Leo Foster
are you trying to imply that because Lauren is a zionist jew, that she cannot tell the truth and expose jewery? They are a people divided, and the fracture points are our weapons. Given that she is exposing white genocide, i'd say attacking her and her message more reveals your intentions, Chabad user. Why don't you kill yourself? do us all a favour.
Jason Edwards
You do know they play both sides to steer people into positions they want. For example, be patriotic and love America just like zionists love Israel# See jews are based because they are nationalistic! All while keeping people away from who is responsible for preventing those from taking action from the shitskin hordes. It defend you missed the whole TRS shitstorm and how it revealed how degenerate and kiked they are.
Julian Baker
Why do these people want to willingly destroy their own countries?
Hijrah is a muslim pilgrimage, not a subversion strategy. Don't spread disinfo
Jordan Powell
Cunts like this need a hammer to the skull. Having something between their legs that ressembles some form of aquatic life, shouldn't prevent you from cracking a bitch's head open. I think some white knight type faggots might have a problem with this, but it's where migtow weirdos could shine. EVERYONE, whose an enemy of White people needs to get it.
Jeremiah Hernandez
I love how they try to paint the defenders of Europe as the bad guys, as they help illegal invaders get into Europe. They cry out in pain as they strike you.
Aiden Martin
Either you're dumb or they're really not sending their best here.
Carter Lee
drive with a female in the passenger seat of your car and look at how they react. if there's a broken car on the side of the road they'll be like "oh my goodness," if there's a lost pet sign they'll be like "awww." they will audibly express concern over that shit. if there's some grubby homeless fuck limping along the side of the road at a traffic symbol instead of getting a shower and their shit together the woman will want to give them a dollar, or two. this is what they are like. they care for everyone regardless of circumstances. that the homeless guy is literally mental and would probably love to take advantage of her hospitality before raping her and putting her in a dumpster doesn't cross the woman's mind. if someone approached you on the street asking for help, would the following thought occur to you? if so, you're a man.
now, what happens when people in political power are either a.) womyn or b.) cucks that bend over for womyn? you get mass immigration, the rape and murder of whites, and the destruction of your country. that's why people willingly destroy their own country, women are too damn nice and white men are too willing to go along with it. now as a result you can never vist paris without getting pestered by packs of niggers.
Dylan Sullivan
Ricker is a German name you mong.
Dominic Johnson
Youre really bad at this. The truth is spilling out, your tactics are failing. Soon a torrent of reality will absolutely crush you.
Caleb Long
I'm not going to kill myself, Jew. I will endlessly expose you for what you are.
Ricker can be a Jewish surname, and the facial features of the woman - Ariel Ricker, only add to the suspicion.
Joshua White
oh yeah I agree with you, and to add onto that I'm actually starting to get annoyed now with people only identifying kikes by their noses. I find their eye and forehead area (the upper third) to be far more distinct. A lot of other ethnic types out there have big, and or hooked noses, but the kike brow ridge is unmistakable.
Yep or they try so hard to be a man they just end up being a dick to everyone. Woman are a huge political liability. You'll know it when Hillary's getting sworn in @ 2020. Because she's a woman is good enough for most women.
They are not even hiding it anymore. Good job user. Archived that shit. archive.is/SX4s9
Matthew Baker
Yep when Israel kicks out all the black people that's another fracture point. The shit they're doing to those Palestinians is beyond fucked up. If they care so much about refugees there's no group more worthy than the Palestinians.
The whole Arab world used to be allies, real allies not backstabbing phonies like Israel.
I bet you anything Israel is blaming America for the shit that's happening.