Chodekikey's shitposting habits

are a little strange, aren't they? :^)
Reminder that CHODEKIKEY has no problem with turning 8/pol/ into a FUCKING CLONE of 4cucks.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that "GLOBAL MODERATION" is totally inadequate for this board.
The (((Global Mods))) are not doing their jobs.

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In this email, CHODEKIKEY reveals that he does not want to help clean up the RAMPANT spam and cuckchan bait threads in the catalog!

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CHODEKIKEY will never deglobalize Zig Forums. This situation will NEVER change.

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I am former polvol4. Get fucked chodekikey.

They don't have vols on this timeslot as per fucking usual. I used to vol and always shoah the indian shitter, pretty hands off vol'ing and most users liked my methods - I'm MrClean.

It's time this imageboard was taken back from the globals. Enough is enough, it's being turned into fucking cuckchan and shilled and spammed to fucking hell by outsiders who do not fit in.

Attached: mr clean.jpg (768x768, 149.03K)

Zig Forums is controlled by Kushner. MODS exist to de-radicalize the board from National Socialist to Trump cult. They did the same shit on the Stormer and 4chan but they're having a harder time here and are forced to act slower or risk exposure.

That will never happen. Read the email in post and you will see that chodekikey doesn't want that to happen.

Yes it can happen when the entire userbase of 3000 people spams the global report function demanding this and shits the board up.

Which is basically what happened to kikey the first time around when he neglected the board after firing all the vols including me.

Basically what I'm saying is history repeats. And this is the end path for Zig Forums. It either becomes cuckchan 2.0, or it fights back.
Now is the time to fight back, it's easy for anons to post stuff +/-2 hours from now because the dumb niggers running this shitshow don't have vols covering this period.
Burgers are asleep and eurofags are in the morning.

That's not a good thing though. Look at the catalog. Cuckchan everywhere. Trumpstain threads everywhere.

Half of the "userbase" is cuckchanners, redditors and shills IP hopping. The only solution is to move to another imageboard. Personally I'd say nanochan is the best choice because I'm the admin but even jewch or 3pajeet would be better than 8chode.

Of course it's a terrible thing.
But it's great opportunity if one was looking to put certain information to Zig Forums or start an uprising, without it being anchored/deleted. like you are doing now
Trump shilling threads are no worse than 'x is kike' 'orange man 100% everything is bad' because it's not all bad all the time, or there are opportunities for ops, info promulgation/redpills, kvetching, salt generation etc.
Isn't nanochan torfagging shit? How many users?
Some of us have moved to another bunker nearby which is under the radar for now. Anons are still setting up contingencies etc before publicising.

nanochan averages 70 posts per day. What that means in terms of user count I have no idea, because it's over tor, and as such I can't identify users or count them.

That's actually an esoteric metaphor for fascism. You see, if we fear and hate shitposters, we (the true Aryans of Zig Forums) will band together so we could be safe from the shitposting. Pretty 4.7D chess if you ask me.

Kill yourself.

Understood. That's not too bad then.
t.winfag, what client is best or is it just straight tor? I don't care for/use that shit after taking the 'all your firmware/hardware is poz' blackpill over a decade ago. Being a hardware tech and having family who know the extent of it (storage capacity etc) and have seen the equipment also doesn't help.

It's not banding together to hide from shitposting. It's that moderation does not stop threads beign derailed becuase it's not against the fucking rules.
So how can Zig Forums achieve things like in past or do effective ops, when threads are derailed and cuckchan fails to ignore the bait? is the official website, download tor browser for wangblows.

Thanks, I'll check it out in a bit.

P.s. thanks for leaking that post history.



There are no "global mods." You are talking about board mods. The board mods are not allowed to ban these things, otherwise they will be removed by codemonkey.


Spotted the hapa faggot

Just say kikes, user. We've known it for years now since pigfarmer Jim the masonic thai sex tourist bought the site.

Now that you've been canned will you admit digging threw my post history and banning for a WEEK OLD post was rulecuck move?

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You should be banned for shitposts made a year ago, kike

Holy shit, kike5 & kike6 are down?

Zig Forums might get back to its glory soon.


No, you're just retarded, yid.

Maybe you should pay more attention before posting, shill.

Damn, I was hoping that the kike mods get their due.

The mods are not doing their job, one nazi kikebot is spamming muh Zig Forums is a Nazi board every times it's brought up, yet it's never banned.

Kampfy and the polvol4 were the only ones to ever ban I actually haden't been banned after may 26 until that avatarfag was put into power

The civnat tears since the election have been delicious

Reported for paid jewish shilling. Zig Forums is and always has been a natsoc board.

Not really, seeing as our entire board has been completely destroyed by them and now the website owner defends them against us.


See? The nazi kikebot is here.

Yet no one bans it, why?

It's a mystery, isn't it. Reported for paid jewish shilling. Zig Forums is and always has been a natsoc board.

Hasbarafag thread

Attached: Hasbarafag Bingo.jpg (512x356, 77.75K)

Learn what words mean before you use them.

But no fact is posted, it's just spam. Which is the mystery.

Could it be that the kike mods are all behind it? Maybe.

It's a mystery, isn't it. Reported for paid jewish shilling. Zig Forums is and always has been a natsoc board.

You are crying about "Nazis" because your grand strategy of calling Democrats the real racists on facebook failed spectacularly

Oh look the h@sbarafag semi-b0t is here, it even posted the same response to two different posts.
Let's see if it responds automatically?

Attached: hasbarafag shilling against whitepills this time.png (2541x1176, 922.66K)

It's a real mystery, seems like kike mods are behind your spam. I guess Discord?

Or because some nazi kikes are spamming on this board.

So hows voting Republican working out for you?

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It's a mystery, isn't it. Reported for paid jewish shilling. Zig Forums is and always has been a natsoc board.

No, imkikey, no one believes a word you say.

Hmm, more spam.

Not working well, which is why other means must be tried.

other means you say?

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Yes I'm kampfy because you said I am like ten other anons this week, of course I lied and fabricated those screenshots, because anons can't go and read you (((shilling))) against white students making a hitler salute in the very thread those caps are from you filthy yid.

Go and see hasbarafag shilling for yourself, anons. Or just see the screeny, notice how no one took the kikes' bait?

P.s. How's the coordination efforts going at JIDF? Sounds like a bad day for you, kikel.

Reported for paid jewish shilling. Zig Forums is and always has been a natsoc board.

Hi, imkikey.

You're fucking cancer and you're the reason this imageboard was so shit.

Faggot shill thread made by another retarded MAGApede. Sage and ignore this shit.

Nobody cares about your schizophrenia, Jamal.


Lmao get a fucking life dude.

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You lost the election.
Get over it votecuck.

let's be honest all these BTFO and demoralization threads should be immediately deleted and the IPs banned…'s what ruined 4chan (well moot ruined 4chan)


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Fuck yeah bruh, fuck these kikes.

Kek, they started shilling 'votecuck' recently, quite funny.

Moot and his kikes ruined 4chan.

Nice photoshop holy shit yid, get better dunekoon interns.

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I miss the roach. it was bad, but it wasn't horrible like this. I can only be assed to check in here weekly. Each time is worse than the last

Lmao Hitler loved the jews, fact.

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Kampfy you foul gaslighting kikeroach, why are you even here anymore?
No one's ever believed you then and less so now, so why do you persist in being such a salty Kushner-clown knowing you've no power to influence and ban at will anymore?

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Do you expect anyone to support you?

I remember when the JIDF used to try.

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Yeah they really fucked that one up, probably not kikes if they didn't know why though.

Kek I maybe could have written that better while being sarcastic.
I along with ten other anons at least, have been accused of being Kampfy. Including the anime poster kek.

To think when Kampfy was moderating, this board was becoming famous in the world-media, even (((mafia media))) couldn't ignore it. Some rebel organizations began to take content from here and ran with it, good stuff too. It was a highly influential board and became more infamous as a result.

Now though, it's just a shit pile where shills feel safe.

We all need a peer to peer board that can't be taken offline.

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The guy was a machine.

I used to report many shariablue and low effort threads and he used to wipe them off within minutes of reporting, then a autist jamal sperged all over /sudo/ constantly.

I kinda miss him kampfy.

Not very natsoc of you famalam.

He fucked up when he filtered the word nigger for redditor, plus in the last few months of his reign it was just him and one other mod. He gave me an hour ban with an invite as modship but never got back to me via email. Prolly took its toll on him trying to please everyone and he just went on a shitposting spree.

Fuck off kamphy.
But in all seriousness, kamphy was leagues better than polvol2, 4 and 6. Bunch of fucking retards the lot of them.

I'm not going to say I miss Kampfy. The turkroach faggot banned anything even remotely critical of Trump, and during the last few months of his reign when people had enough, he'd ban people for daring to question him. Ousting him, I believe, was a good move if we could get someone who wasn't autistic in power.

But I will say globalizing the board was not a good idea. The fact we had to replace him with the polvol retards only made things worse.

Everybody deserves a second chance.

i say kamphy should be reinstated.

No one is going to support you, kikey.

This is codemonkey's fault.


Lmao everyone?
At thos point, I don't give a shit. This board fucking blows ass and I don't think it'll ever recover. I mostly just visit to baitpost and shit on faggots that think theyre the second coming of Hitler or think they speak for Zig Forums.
Whatever niggers.

Like this fucking try hard faggot. Zig Forums is politics and recent events. If you want a natsoc board >>>/natsoc/ leave.

Complaining that the board is shit then admitting that you're contributing to it isn't going to do anyone any good.

Kek and what the fuck do you propose I do? Call everyone kamphy and announce that their posts are paid jewish shilling? How bout I just call everyone an Amerimutt redditor with format spacing issues? Nah. I'd rather just shitpost ironically and take the ban tbh.

No one believes you. Zig Forums is and has always been natsoc.

Fuck off you paid jewish shill.

You're dumb at best, malicious at worst. Either way, neck yourself

^ check out this tremendous yid if you want to know what "chutzpah" looks like, very didactic.

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Holy fucking christ, REPORTED. No one believes you. Zig Forums is and has always been natsoc.

It's kind of like you let a bunch of infiltrators convince you to open up your borders, huh? (((Global board))) lol what a joke.
Back to the bunker, have fun being cucks.

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lol, pathetic

I'm gonna link that shill ID thread that the Imkamfy hate-boner club claims was made by him here and post some smug anime girls. Am I Imkamfy, too?

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You don't get it. Codenigger removed the old board owner because he was tired of getting emails. He didn't poll the users, he didn't find a new BO. He just said "global board" and like that it was done.

Codenigger did this because he hates Zig Forums and hates himself for being a half white hapa mongrel.

I suppose all of those are accidents right?

I do get it. This board celebrated when it happened, and just like zion don, no one is allowed to question, just repeat your programming like a good npc.
This is pol. If you hate codemonkey that much, make irl a personal hell for him. Plan an op. Do something other than cry victim like a bitch.

Timestamp with my arm when I get back from work.
You won't be able to dox me and you'll be exposed for the d&c hasbarafag you are.

Why? He's a pathetic hapa faggot, he'll kill himself without my intervention.
implying you're not him
sorry you were raped by daddy and have no racial roots that matter

Kill yourself, CHODEKIKEY

I only celebrated because it meant an end to the rachposting. Outside of that, Kampfy was a good vol overall. He actually kept the board clean. So it makes sense that shills will come in and smear him as to try and make an example of him. That says that he was doing a good job.

Best insults ever

It better be lopped off, otherwise we don't give a fuck.

Go back to reddit.

Nu/pol/ in all its glory.