Why do boomers always say stupid shit about the whole world speaking German if Hitler won like it would be a bad thing?
That is a much better future than the current white genocide being orchestrated by the Zionists. I'd much rather be speaking German than have my country flooded with shit skins who steal, rape, and murder.
The world would be 1000x better off if the Axis had won.
amerimutts hate ethno nationalism and beauty more than they ever claimed to hate commies. Remember who killed the most commies beside commies themselves. And who saved them from extinction.
Boomers are 60 years old roughly. You are an entire generation off with Trump at 80. He was born in 46. The boomers are post-war baby boom.
Second, they were learnign German in Paris. It was occupied for a while and was pretty damn peaceful. They were more upset when Americans came in. Women were raped and rape babies and they didnt care about the city or people - just tore through the place looting and abusing. It was more dangerous with Americans than the evil Nazis. So, yes, they were learning German. It's a fact.
I'm not sure why they say it's a bad thing, especially since English was forced onto Europe. As well as the fact that Spanish is going to inevitably be forced upon Americans - or how Arabic will be forced upon Northern Europeans. These people are fucking lunatics with no consistency. Well actually that's a lie - they're consistent in deceit.
Hunter Bennett
America went to shit after the civil war and we started to give blacks and women rights. I am so ashamed of my country for fighting against Germany in WW2 and allowing ourselves to be completely controlled by the jew. I'm sorry eurobros.
Trump is an anti-White lunatic. That's the long and the short of it. Europe is full of White people he wants to murder, he wants to flood with Afghan heroin through Kosovar military bases, he wants to threaten sanctions over who can buy gas from who because his fat sticky nigger fingers want in on the pie.
Kevin Jenkins
You mean like how the entire world hates the mutts? Even macron and the eu fucking shit are looking for ways to cut ties with you subhuman mutts.
Don't worry though, with the way the ZOG is going schizo muttmerica will probably end up as the incel of the world. As in involuntary isolation. Nobody wants to think about how not to be the next Saddam, Gaddafi or 42 south america spic government every night before they go to sleep. Shit is getting tiresome.
The benefit of muttmerica going incel in geopolitics is that the inevitable economic collapse that follows will give you lots breathing rooms to fight.
Ian Powell
Baby boomers were born in 46 you moron.
"Baby boomers are those people born worldwide between 1946 and 1964, the time frame most commonly used to define them. The first baby boomers reached the standard retirement age of 65 in 2011. There are about 76 million boomers in the U.S., representing about 29 percent of the population."
Man I wish Trump would cut off your foreign aid and watch you gibsniggers starve. There is nothing worse than noisy welfare slaves thinking they can talk to their masters like equals.
t.low IQ mutts Maintenance for ZOG bases and occupation of Germany, Poland and Eastern Europe in general is NOT "aids". I don't recall any food shortage in modern Germany that wasn't caused by muttmerica's epic salvation of the communist shit.
What a disgusting magazine. But this explains why muttmerica hasn't been colonizing the stars despite the German war loot and sciencetists. They are too busy feeding niggers than funding research. Hell, even their mil spending DWARFES in comparision to nigger gibs.
Unlike many other WNs, I judge white people based on their actual, current behavior - not on theoretical whites in a future ethnostate, nor on white people of ages past.
And I see that the vast majority of American whites are:
Easily brainwashed
Hateful and resentful toward truth
This is who we have to work with. It's not much, but it's all we have.
The Nib uses Memberful for their paid subscriptions. Problem is for The Nib is that they violate Memberful's Terms of Service.
It would be an absolute shame if these commies got deplatformed and deprived of monetary services by the free market in the same way they have tried to get others deplatformed.
Trump has already radically slashed foreign aid around the world to everyone but israel, who saw their aid increased.
Ryan Martinez
lol keep forcing your D&C jewish memes, that will surely not backfire
Justin Cox
>what is (((world finance))) dont be an idiot.
Easton Price
How many threads are there now about his tweets?
Jackson Nguyen
The mutt was saying how the eu was receiving gibs me dats from the mutts. Which is 100% bullshit. Unless the mutts were talking about how they fed an occupied people for their future economical values in the post war period.
Backfire like wat, mutt? The truth is the truth. You are just a dumb, stupid subhumans resentful of Europeans who are better than you.
Cooper Howard
Your nose is showing.
Gavin Stewart
Exactly. They leech off of us in so many ways, then act like impudent children.
Ayden Garcia
Picture is wrong… now they give the niggers long hair and pretend they are female niggers see tennis nigger Serena Williams or the US female Olympic track team.
Evan Bell
No one is leeching off the United States.
Blake Richardson
In what way, subhuman mutt? You are paying for your maintenance of the occupation of Europe. Tell us whatever else you are doing other than that?
Global report for hundreds of ban evasions and identical amerimutt spam in every post.
Nolan Roberts
10 shekels have been added to your account.
Angel James
How pathetic you subhumans actually have to be… Thinking I were ever "banned" for such a long time. The truth is the truth, mutt. Even your mods understand that.
How come you even HAVE shekels in the first place? :^) How suspicious. mutt IQ
Brandon Thomas
how much do you get paid?
Jaxon Martin
So do evil white Europeans devils want to go to war with White Americans or do you waspy Jew mutt colonizing RINO Euro liberals just want to see White Americans die at the hands of minorities?
Camden Martinez
Europoor's are angry because they can't have guns or talk about the holocaust without going to prison. Then they come onto our internet and our websites to talk crap, it's really a lack of self-awareness at play.
Sebastian Perez
israel + the rest of the failed states of the third world.
Benjamin Mitchell
more D&C jewish posting
John Roberts
The US isn't the one who gets to decide who is leeching in its relationship with israel. If you don't like that, start killing people. If the US wasn't getting what it wanted from the third world, it would pursue other policies.
Xavier Watson
0/10. jews.
Nathaniel Campbell
Yeah, north african niggers and arabs are hwite now. You should all die for 1945, subhumans.
Meanwhile mutts destroy the lives of people speaking out against it.
t.mutt IQ
Hosted in Phillipines, ruled by a kike hating president with actual balls. Unlike the orange kike that already banned gun accessories in some states and put in even more restriction.
Daniel Reyes
D&C? There is a hierarchy and it is natural. There is a hub of the world which produces the majority of technology and culture, and when impudent downstream leechers start talking shit, they need to swiftly be reminded of their status.
Luke Scott
Logan Barnes
pic related.
Fast food, nigger raps, spic muh dik drivel, hollywood kikes, abstract "art" and other filth.
Bach, Beethoven, Handel. Vivaldi, Wagner, Mozart, Arno Breker, Thorak, Hitler, etc.
You are right, mutt. Subhumans need to be reminded of their status.
Europeans are so superior that Mutts Nigs and Jews can easily conquer their homelands. Without Americans, Eurofags would be looking towards men in Sweden sitting to piss as their feminime failed liberal future.
Gabriel Myers
Commies would have been exterminated. Great job, subhumans.
Yeah, mutt, I guess all the jews were like, SUPER SMART DEN!
Like that kike, Albert Einstein. It's in the name, kike mutt. All good artists and writers.
But it's America who invents the internet and the brits who invent the tanks.
Adam Scott
What does he mean by this?
inb4 thousands excuses inb4 Hitler didn't personally micro-manage every little german
Jason Martin
Little faggot kikes always give themselves away. Go be a little faggot kike somewhere else, little faggot kike.
Nathaniel Bennett
Yes we invented the internet, thats not even disputed. The PC you are using, too. Post some more ancient greek sculptures tho lol. Outsourcing is just American capitalism at work. Woww super interesting.
Aiden Perez
Eurofags truly deserve to watch their cities fall into shit. It's what's best for them and all of the world, really. Nothing better than to sit at home peacefully and watch the fall of Eurotrash megashitholes on television.
Matthew Lewis
Poor little European Hitler queers are just sad that their evil countries are dealing with the terror that others deal with from Europeans for so long. It's about damn time!
Caleb Long
The Axis powers directly and indirectly gave Indonesia, the India, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Burma their independence. They were anti-Imperialist and anti-Colonialists. They were only trying to defeat the Jew World Order. This 'Taking over the World' nonsense is silly and patently absurd. If anything the ZOG of the United States has done so anyways.
Camden Smith
Fucking europoors pozzed beyond all measure. Better bring your prayer rug when you stand in line for your rations behind a thousand mudshits, you complete nigger.
Jonathan Ortiz
Care to make a list of how many kikes vs Euros won the prize? I made my claim. Care to proove yours? Oh wait, you are a low IQ inferior spic.
t.low IQ subhuman Even your historians say it is not German. Stupid mutt, can't even read.
Indeed, amerimutt isn't even capable of composing a single piece of heavenly music like Euros do. All you have is spic/nigger rap. Subhuman scum.
Europe is simply a land for Islam and Muslims. Modern European white men are too weak to do anything about it, they'll read the unabomber manifesto in a dark room while their sisters wives and mothers are raped by actually superier people. Europeans are not worth taking serious let alone fighting with or along side. Be happy that the land of everything evil is finally dying.
Jacob White
The fact kikes won at all says something. As said, it's in the name. LOL WRONG. >en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Victorian_Internet Telegraph is not internet, mutt. I thought anglos are jews? but you said he would exterminate the commies. Why didn't he?
Robert Barnes
Why do you subhuman mutts even partake in receiving the prize then? Isn't it shit like you say, mutt? Why veying over a piece of shit you hate? Mutt inferiority never ends.
t.56% mutts about to receieve millions of legal spics
90% "hutwhiet" Euro.
Liam Diaz
1. because of 70 years of intensive propaganda 2. If Hitler had won, the world would not be speaking German, you dumb boomer
Nolan Lopez
Muttmerica is simply a land for Islam and Muslims, Spics and Niggers. Modern mutt men are too weak to do anything about it, they'll read the unabomber manifesto in a dark room while their sisters wives and mothers are raped by actually superier people. Muttss are not worth taking serious let alone fighting with or along side. Be happy that the land of everything evil is finally dying.
Ok, mutt. So no actual invention then. Just mutt bullshit.
Subhuman monkey repeating a line, thinking this will make this true. Typical low IQ animal.
Which classical piece have the mutts even composed? Are you subhumans comparing beatles trashes to Bach and Vivaldi?
Mudshits get far more foreign aid than kike-land. About $21 billion goes to sand niggers alone. But really, about 99% of the world leeches off the backs of the American master race thanks to the jews and their golems. If white American men ever realized that they are the one factory keeping an entire world of worthless niggers in gibsmedats and put their hands to the blades, the reckoning would be glorious to behold.
Lesser muds than your, mutt. Obama invented peace, mutt, because he got a peace Nobel LOL It's in the name. Funny you ask this. hooktube.com/watch?v=1lKUYAnqxjU Telegraph doesn't count, mutt. This is all over Zig Forums, I thought anglos were kikes. But I talk about 1941, when Barbarossa happened and Lend Lease just started.
Pretty interesting and telling read, I think its relevant for this thread.
Angel Morgan
Global report for hundreds of ban evasions and identical amerimutt spam in every post.
Justin Robinson
Inbred president holds inbred populations beliefs, nothing new. Just a reminder that whitey american will gladly give away his guns when government says so and will offer coffee to the officer taking them. They can't even go to specific parts of the city, lol, get killed by blacks DAILY, with all their LARPing freedom and guns talk. I would recommend them to pass atleast the 9th grade, but there is a posibility they'll get shot by another white sperg school shooter.
Jonathan Lopez
Christopher Carter
I love how in one breath this is all about how European countries are dying fucking shitholes and the next breath its all about Europe still being the king of our Earth, even today. Make up your shitty, failing, disappearing, white genocide sideline watching, passive pussy minds already. Europe blows, you Chan faggots talk like Mutts more than black nigs and Mexicans.
Caleb Cook
Which would never become real without European computers. Kek. Inferior subhumans.
No hablo mexicano.
t,56% VS 90%
Subhuman monkey still repeating shit like a parrot. Again, pic related.
>hooktube.com/watch?v=1lKUYAnqxjU Oh lawd A mutt larping as le desert viking. mutt "art" at it's finest. And the low IQ animal is trying to compare this to Bach, Beethoven and Wagner.
Repeating lines like a subhuman again. Just confirms that mutts are worthless low IQ animals.
top kek
Hitler lost, I said that, shitskin. But if you really want Be a low IQ bug somewhere else, low IQ dog.
Why fight for the prize then? Shouldn't every mutt denounces this shit prize?
Have you ever considered that fact you have been projecting your own opinions about jews on to Trump and he actually has the exact opposite opinion as you?
it's even more ridiculous when essentially the whole world is speaking english anyway and said mutt language is invading every aspect of culture, as if that is somewhat better, at least German is an actual decent Germanic tongue
Juan Johnson
European men are such faggots, hiding on Zig Forums while there race dies and they egg it on. Death to Hitler, God Bless Jews
Evan Hughes
There is a reason Europe has to be occupied militarily while the mutts killed themselves when they were considered too sickly to serve the kikes in ww2.
t.shitskin from 100% shitskin land.
Owen Powell
Pretty funny that the moment Macron says something about freeing itself from America, all the WNs suddenly become neo-con.
Angel Price
t. mutt who is literally doing the same thing
Cameron Rodriguez
Well he has a point. White men are doing fuck all really to stop this and OP is a sperg. Why would Trump talk about National Socialism being good?
Adrian Wood
Europussies from the land of Kikes communism and everyrhing else you Eurodevils hate. Cry more faggot. Your continent is fucked.
Matthew Ramirez
But dayum Obama invented peace! Truth denier. You mean a goth or a vandal. Why not? This mutt cannot appreciate good art. Again, you are just repeating yourself now. How exactly? I think you mutt accused anglos of being kikes once too. But you said they would exterminate all the Soviet. But Hitler didn't just lose that battle.
Lucas Butler
Also, you sound like a bitch yourself saying shitskin. It is the shitskins that are outbreeding you, you weak fuck. Start to get money and fight back or shut the fuck up.
polite sage
Parker Morgan
This is the dying scream of the Old World. I'm glad we agree that America is the heir to Europe, though.
Brody Lee
t. %56 t. "home of the free niggers who fuck white women"
Isaac Cox
Hows it going (((polvol2)))
Landon Watson
I can go back to shitty broke boring pussy Europe when I'm bored of The USA. What can you Eurofags go?
Andrew Garcia
This thread needs to be anchored.
Jackson Martinez
Every family is a hierarchy. When the child tries to usurp the father, he must be whipped.
Joseph Flores
Not die of a natural disaster because my house isn't made out of fucking plywood and gets blown away by a strong gust of wind? Not get an injury and end up paying tens of thousands to kike hospital owners who charge people per finger re-attachment?