Russia now Keeps Israel’s Netanyahu at an Arm's Length
"It is over a month since Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he was going to Moscow to meet Vladimir Putin with a view toward opening a new page in the relations between the two countries following the incident over Syrian skies on September 17 when a Russian reconnaissance plane was shot down killing 15 personnel
Ruskees Snub King of Kikes "However, Moscow has not scheduled Netanyahu’s visit so far. Netanyahu hoped that on the sidelines of the ceremony marking the centenary of the World War 1 armistice in Paris …The Israelis sought a meeting. But Moscow apparently hasn’t (said yes).
"Clearly, Moscow is keeping Netanyahu in the anteroom, …signaling that it cannot be ‘business as usual’ now. In a hard-hitting interview with Times of Israel, the Russian ambassador to Israel Anatoly Viktorov made it clear in the weekend that the September 17 (plane shoot-down) incident rankled Russians. He said Russian defence establishment is “extremely disappointed” with Israel.
Israel's Paranoia about Persian Troops in Syria is of No Concern Ambassador Viktorov also rubbed it in that the Israeli demand for the removal of all Iranian troops on Syrian soil is both “unrealistic” and unnecessary …
Jew flyboys fear Syrian S-300s "Quite obviously, Russia has hardened its stance vis-à-vis Israel. Conceivably, Moscow must be pleased with the ‘new normal’. According to Russian reports, since the deployment of the awesome S-300 missile system in Syria, the Israeli Air Force “hasn’t conducted a single air mission in Syria.”
Russia honors its treaty with Syria… Israelis and jews everywhere seem baffled by the concept. I look for (((them))) to appoint a blue ribbon committee to investigate this odd concept called 'honor'.
All these decades of reading the book of revelations describing what is almost certainly a muslim/Russia army besieging israel, never pictured myself responding with "cant blame Them the Jews are being major assholes."
Gabriel Thomas
Jewtin got what he wanted: S300's all over syria. This removes the aerial advantage (((ISIS))) had against the SAA. Now the SAA will smash subs into dust as they reconquista their land again. Kikes are so fuckin pissed that they're lashing out against their slaves in gaza. This lead to a ceasefire and pissed off the minister of defence so he quit. This will cause another reelection early next year (Mar 19) to usher in a new kike whos even more bloodthirsty.
The affair of the destruction of the Ilyuchin-20 on 17 September 2018 handed Russia the occasion to terminate this extended war and come to an agreement with the White House to stand against other aggressors. This is a rerun, on a smaller scale, of the Russian / US reaction to the Suez crisis of 1956 [14].
Moscow has not only given the Syrian Arab Army anti-aircraft missiles (S-300’s), but has also deployed an entire integrated surveillance system. As soon as this system is operational, and Syrian officers have been trained to use it, which will take three months at the most, it will be impossible for Western armies to over-fly the country without permission from Damascus [15].
President Trump announced in advance that he intends to withdraw US troops from Syria. He went back on this decision under pressure from the Pentagon, then agreed with his general officers to maintain pressure on Damascus as long as the United States were excluded from the peace negotiations in Sotchi. The deployment of the Russian armies – for which the White House had probably given its agreement – provided President Trump with the occasion of forcing the Pentagon to back off. It would have to withdraw its troops, but it could maintain the presence of its mercenaries (as it happens, these would be the Kurds and Arabs from the Democratic Forces) [16].
The Syrian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Walid el-Mouallem, speaking before the General Assembly of the UNO, demanded the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of the foreign forces of occupation, US, French and Turkish [17].
If the United States leave, then the French and Turkish troops will be unable to stay. The Israëlis would no longer be able to overfly and bomb the country. The British have already left.
However, Tel-Aviv, Paris and Ankara still hope that President Trump will lose the elections of 6 November and will be fired. They are therefore awaiting the results of this fateful election before they decide.
If it happens that Donald Trump should win the mid-term elections in Congress, another question will arise. If the Western powers give up on the battle in Syria, where will they go to continue their endless war? This is indeed a reality on which all experts agree – the Western ruling class has become so swamped in bad blood and hubris that it is unable to accept the idea of being geared back behind the new Asian powers.
Wisdom would dictate that once the war is lost, the aggressors should withdraw. But the intellectual disposition of the West prevents them from doing so. The war here will cease only when they find a new bone to gnaw on.
Only the United Kingdom has given its response any thought. It is clear by now that although London maintains its diplomatic pressure on Syria via the Small Group, its attention is already focused on the revival of the « Grand Game » which saw the Crown confront the Tsar throughout all of the 19th century. After having invented the Skripal affair, and on the model of the « Zinoviev Letter » [18], London has just ’caught’ the Russian Exterior Intelligence Services red-handed in their attempt to discover what is being plotted against them by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPWC).
This geopolitical doctrine is independent of the events which serve as its pretext. The « Grand Game » was the strategy of the British Empire. Its resumption by the current United Kingdom is the consequence of Brexit and the policy of « Global Britain ». Just as in the 19th century, this anti-Russian configuration will lead in time to an exacerbated rivalry between London and Paris. On the contrary, should Theresa May fail, along with the questions concerning Brexit and the maintenance of the United Kingdom in the European Union, all these projections will be cancelled.
Aaron Rogers
Putin still sucks Israels cock
Michael Adams
Though I don't know if this will all be enough to stop the insanity of "redrawing" the map of the middle east according to the map of Lt Col Ralph Peters..
good post mate, wish people were this redpilled on your facebook tho, all I see is a bunch of israelite americucks that hates Putin
Parker Davis
jewish random statement
Ian Kelly
My thesis is that the jews represent a meta political power, centered in Asia. Even the Jews worst enemies still underestimate what they're up to and what they have done, what they've accomplished.
The jews have controlled the vital Silk Road from time immemorial, perhaps even going back as far as 5000 or 6000 years ago. It's the vital corridor that allows China and India to exchange goods with the burgeoning Mediterranean basin. Whenever this road has been cut off to them prolonged economic depression has followed in China and India. (one day I'll have to translate Pierro Rossi's Cite d'Isis, Vraie Histoire Des Arabes and post it here). Along the way they not only made allies (gypsys, the Ismaeli) but they also manipulated various key factions along the way by inventing new analogous religions to serve specific purposes; Christianity, Islam, Sikhism. These religions acted to help them destroy, loot, and maintain dominion over specific territories till this very day. At times they use other more brutal techniques to enforce their will over the road; the jews of Venice for example paid the Mongols to burn Kiev to the ground to prevent it from challenging their own route to the Silk Road. Now Syria is the target of the same kind of warfare to stop it from being the mouth onto the Mediterranean for the Silk Road.
I could never believe this map or take it seriously.
Grayson Sanders
But now the plan is much greater than a mere control over the Silk Road; it's global in nature.
It has already been clearly enunciated from the US Naval War College by Admiral Cebrowski and his prostelytzer Thomas Barnett and his Pentagon's new Map.
Basically it dictates that vast areas of the world are to have utter chaos, the kind of chaos where there are no schools, no hospitals, no sewage treatment plants for the inhabitants of the designated areas the "non integrated gap areas". Since 911 we are in an age of perpetual war to create unending chaos. This is what the Trump/Putin axis is trying to allay. The Democrats are screaming them down so they can attain their aims, to ignite this global murderous regime.
The middle east is just the test ground for this project. Note it envelops Central America, NW South America and all Africa and SE Asia as well. Will there be another war soon in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos with Malasia and Indonesia thrown in?
These ideas and fantasies first of all led President Bush and the Navy to organise the world’s most wide-ranging network for international kidnapping and torture, which created 80,000 victims. Then President Obama set up an assassination programme mainly using drones, but also commandos, which operates in 80 countries, and enjoys an annual budget of 14 billion dollars [4].
As from 9/11, Admiral Cebrowski’s assistant, Thomas P. M. Barnett, has given numerous conferences at the Pentagon and in military academies in order to announce the shape of the new map of the world according to the Pentagon [5]. This project was made possible by the structural reforms of US armies – these reforms are the source of this new vision of the world. At first, it seemed so crazy that foreign observers too quickly considered it as one more piece of rhetoric aimed at striking fear into the people they wanted to dominate.
Barnett declared that in order to maintain their hegemony over the world, the United States would have to « settle for less », in other words, to divide the world in two. On one side, the stable states (the members of the G8 and their allies), on the other, the rest of the world, considered only as a simple reservoir of natural resources. Contrary to his predecessors, Barnett no longer considered access to these resources as vital for Washington, but claimed that they would only be accessible to the stable states by transit via the services of the US army. From now on, it was necessary to systematically destroy all state structures in the reservoir of resources, so that one day, no-one would be able to oppose the will of Washington, nor deal directly with the stable states.
During his State of the Union speech in January 1980, President Carter announced his doctrine - Washington considered that the supply of its economy with oil from the Gulf was a question of national security [6]. Following that, the Pentagon created CentCom in order to control the region. But today, Washington takes less oil from Iraq and Libya than it exploited before those wars – and it doesn’t care !
Destroying the state structures is to operate a plunge into chaos, a concept borrowed from Leo Strauss, but to which Barnett gives new meaning. For the Jewish philosopher, the Jewish people can no longer trust democracies after the failure of the Weimar Republic and the Shoah. The only way to protect itself from a new form of Nazism, is to establish its own world dictatorship – in the name of Good, of course. It would therefore be necessary to destroy certain resistant states, drag them into chaos and rebuild them according to different laws [7]. This is what Condoleezza Rice said during the first days of the 2006 war against Lebanon, when Israël still seemed victorious - « I do not see the point of diplomacy if it’s purpose is to return to the status quo ante between Israël and Lebanon. I think that would be a mistake. What we are seeing here, in a way, is the beginning, the contractions of the birth of a new Middle East, and whatever we do, we have to be sure that we are pushing towards the new Middle East and that we are not returning to the old ». On the contrary, for Barnett, not only the few resistant people should be forced into chaos, but all those who have not attained a certain standard of life - and once they are reduced to chaos, they must be kept there.
The jews didn't exist until Josephus created them using Persian and Sumerian creation myths as his own. Arabs didn't even exist, either, until the silk road alllowed for the mixing of Asians, Persians, and Africans, which is what an arab is.
lol the mongoloid manlet won't do anything about this
Jayden Evans
Adrian Hughes
God damned fat fingers. Meant to say that it's funny Israel hasn't been seen in the skies of Syria since the S-300 arrived. Hopefully Russia uses this opportunity to cut ties with Kikeistan.
Brayden Evans
Interesting times user.
Logan Johnson
Putin is a chink puppet, chinks are puppets of israel. Its all a game.
The Bible isn't a prophetic book (same as Nostradamus' weren't); it's a caravanserai's version of reader's digest, created out of old historical and allegorical tales passed around along trading routes, which kikes misappropriated and twisted in order to self-agrandize and justify themselves.
Oliver Flores
BULLSHIT The S-300 is outdated. The S-400 is already out.
Jason Lee
Resha, I…
Leo Allen
I think they are designed for different ranges and altitudes. S-400 can go for hundreds of miles.
Ian Flores
hahahah bullshit, it's all theatre, who do you think runs israel? the european jewish congress? jewish private security/mafia groups (just like weinstein's) and russian government are virtually one and the same mob.
Great KFFP thanks user. Russia really embarassed USA in 2015 when they started that shit. Notice how they keep Syria out of the news as much as possible lately while burgers try to start shit with Iran?
Luis Bailey
Noah Roberts
This map is ridiculous for a few reasons, but mainly the following:
The Middle East is more likely to be unified under one or two powers a la Ottomans and Safavids rather than explode like this
How did people even come up with this shit?
Ian Campbell
Unlikely given that the S-400 is a direct derivative of S-300. Maybe you mean S-400 vs S-500 with the later being more anti-ICBM oriented and the earlier being of more generic anti-air use.
John Wilson
You seem retarded. Jew cannot create, as creation is to manifest God. Jew can distort and destroy, as they are the physical manifestation of Satan - the opponent of man and the soul.
Jack Ortiz
People who shit on Russian sams have no fucking clue what they are on about. They are the most battle tested of all too.
Jose Perry
A typical strategy is to claim more power and influence than you really have. Etc. Typical, bold kike lies, and an insult to all the people on Earth.
Brayden Robinson
My country's most advanced anti-air is the S-300PMU, would not want to shit on them but S-300 is indeed "obsolete" in the sense that Russia can produce their much more capable upgrade, the S-400, at only marginally higher cost.
Ryan Lopez
Bad Vlad
Lincoln Adams
If truly Putin and his supporters control Russia then he had better do something to limit the Muslim expansion and jewish inroads into Russian culture for the jews are completely happy to play the long game in a state that protects them. Its illegal in Russia to use "scriptural verses for anti-Semitic purposes" as well as "make historically confrontational anti-Semitic comments". Of course if you want to denounce Christianity or Buddhism in country, knock yourself out, but don't mention the Book of Veles or you'll find yourself in prison for extremism.
Putin's civic nationalist, multiculturalism, may work for his presidency, but will put a few generations from now into the same place we find ourselves in: “I am very excited to be here today…. The Jewish Holocaust was the most shameful and dark event in human history, and the Soviet Army was the one who crushed the head of the Nazi monster… This amazing monument strengthens the respect I feel towards to the Jewish people and the State of Israel." -Vladimir Putin, 2012
Nice to see Putin has a spine, too bad ZOGnald Trump doesn't.
Gavin Myers
Jews are perfectly able to create as long as it is limited to new forms of bullshit. See Abrahamic religions (christcuck oy veys!), communism, cultural marxism et cetera. If you understand this, then you should also understand that there is no such thing as Satan.
Jaxson Ward
No. Their ability to create is nonexistent, as they lack a soul. [Citation needed]. They created neither Christianity nor Islam. They didn't even create Judaism, merely inherited it from Pharisees and repeat it like machines. Communism is just peasant revolt in written form.
Adam Turner
If I had full autonomy and could dictate how the weather is, things would be different… But alas, I'm limited to human things. Politicians are limited, and this applies to dictators as well. Jews would mobilize their obedient democratic states against Russia in arms if Russia made too open moves against jews. Unfortunately they don't seem to mind Islam at all, and that's not so much because of jews.
The S-500 is under development by the Almaz-Antey Air Defence Concern, initially planned to be in production in 2014 it is currently targeting 2020 for deployment. With its characteristics it will be very similar to the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system.[3]
Brandon Miller
fucking pissrael can't keep to just bombing pallys. always gotta be niggers about everything.
Juvenal was complaining about jews in Rome int the first century. Josephus died around 100 AD.
Thus the jews existed well before Josephus.
Elijah Diaz
Wasn't the whole point of drawing the middle east like it is today so that no nation in there would be strong enough to be on their own except Israel and what became of Saudi Arabia once they realized their neighbors were weak?
Carter Watson
The only good thing about this map is that Armenia retains Ararat. Even then, as pointed out, Azerbaijan at that size would invade Armenia and fuck the stability of that region up completely
William Bell
He admits that he and his mentors are hardcore Catholics, and he basically sees globalization as a an absolute necessity. When will Zig Forums finally admit that Christianity is an enemy ideology?
Chase Nelson
some fingerprints here?
Brody Thomas
You seem to be confused. That is the map that the US and Israel is imposing on the middle east. It's the plan, a play the US taxpayer is paying for. And it's going ahead quite well.
Also the countries of the Middle East as they existed from 1950 to 2001 were all artificially imposed by the British and to a lesser degree the French colonial forces. The borders were arbitrary. That alignment is being deliberately broken down with the new emphasis on small tribal entities mired in interminable tribal wars, to create never ending chaos and poverty and ruin. This is the desired outcome by NATO powers and Israel.
Julian James
It's the jews.
In the first part of this article, I pointed out the fact that currently, President Bachar el-Assad is the only personality who has adapted to the new « grand US strategy » - all the others continue to think as if the present conflicts were simply a continuation of those we have been experiencing since the end of the Second World War. They persist in interpreting these events as tentatives by the United States to hog natural ressources for themselves by organising the overthrow of the pertinent governments.
As I intend to demonstrate, I believe that they are wrong, and that their error could hasten humanity down the road to hell.
US strategic thought For the last 70 years, the obsession of US strategists has not been to defend their people, but to maintain their military superiority over the rest of the world. During the decade between the dissolution of the USSR and the terrorist attacks of 9/11, they searched for ways to intimidate those who resisted them.
Harlan K. Ullman developed the idea of terrorising populations by dealing them a horrifying blow to the head (Shock and awe) [1]. This was the idea behind the use of the atomic bomb against the Japanese and the bombing of Baghdad with a storm of cruise missiles.
The Straussians (meaning the disciples of philosopher Leo Strauss) dreamed of waging and winning several wars at once (Full-spectrum dominance). This led to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, placed under a common command [2].
Admiral Arthur K. Cebrowski suggested reorganising the armies in order to facilitate the treament and sharing of a wealth of data simultaneously. In this way, robots would one day be able to indicate the best tactics instantaneously [3]. As we shall see, the major reforms he initiated were soon to produce poisonous fruit.
US neo-imperialist thought These ideas and fantasies first of all led President Bush and the Navy to organise the world’s most wide-ranging network for international kidnapping and torture, which created 80,000 victims. Then President Obama set up an assassination programme mainly using drones, but also commandos, which operates in 80 countries, and enjoys an annual budget of 14 billion dollars [4].
As from 9/11, Admiral Cebrowski’s assistant, Thomas P. M. Barnett, has given numerous conferences at the Pentagon and in military academies in order to announce the shape of the new map of the world according to the Pentagon [5]. This project was made possible by the structural reforms of US armies – these reforms are the source of this new vision of the world. At first, it seemed so crazy that foreign observers too quickly considered it as one more piece of rhetoric aimed at striking fear into the people they wanted to dominate.
Barnett declared that in order to maintain their hegemony over the world, the United States would have to « settle for less », in other words, to divide the world in two. On one side, the stable states (the members of the G8 and their allies), on the other, the rest of the world, considered only as a simple reservoir of natural resources. Contrary to his predecessors, Barnett no longer considered access to these resources as vital for Washington, but claimed that they would only be accessible to the stable states by transit via the services of the US army. From now on, it was necessary to systematically destroy all state structures in the reservoir of resources, so that one day, no-one would be able to oppose the will of Washington, nor deal directly with the stable states.
Luis Williams
Exactly; it's not supposed to be stable; it's designed to be chaos, permanent chaos where there are no hospitals, no food, no functional police or judicial system.
Gavin Cook
The answer to this is obvious. We liberate Constantinople, and exile all the turkroaches. This will create a flood of rapefugees from turkey that are funnelled south and east, leading to chaos in the middle east and likely all the way to the kikes in israel and to china.