BONGISTAN: vigilante mob now!

BONGISTAN: vigilante mob now!
Nearly 400 join vigilante mob after losing trust in local police

a gang of seven thugs hacking a man on the floor with a machete.

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Forgot archive link, my bad. CBA to do it now tbh.

Are bongfags going to finally wake up?

no lol

Fuck off kike. I know they seem cucked now, but these are the same people who gave us Oswald Mosley

Did… did some of the lads of Bongistan just uncuck themselves and form a neighborhood watch?


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Police will arrest them and throw them separately into Muslim and nigger controlled prisons for the safety of kikes and their stooges. Then set up their children with the local Mudslime social services worker to sex traffic them. Unless they start harassing the actual criminals out of their country that is.

next step
next step
next step

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they also gave the world capitalism and liberalism and those are the hills they wish to die on, defending their hundreds of years of pozzed gayshit from nasty muslims, who, although they are shitskin barbarians with a knock-off kike religion, actually have some degree of traditionalism.

Hopefully the 1 million+ Poles living there give them all the aid they can.

Don't give up, Britain!

Attached: Learning to identify Polish immigrants.mp4 (320x180, 605.6K)

What part of;

do you not understand?

Bongs are still in this cucked mentality that the government is just a bunch of incompetent buffoons and not a bunch of scheming fucks.

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Just like the Tucker Carlson says Brenda Republican Nigger in Florida is just "incompetent"

What makes you think they wouldn't be shoah'd for wrongthink the moment they tried to say they don't trust the government?


Now with that being said… there is no reasoning with Britain's current government. End of story. Britain just needs a new government.

A facebook group can be shutdown. These guys need a way to organise in real life.

Ten years ago these people may not have known that "their" print and broadcast media would be against them.

Now everyone knows of the media bias, and yet these 400 people are standing up anyway. Good on 'em.

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Fuck off kike.

They shouldn't be giving their group publicity this way since it gives room for cuckolds who unironically trust the government then.

Oh trust me I know my fellow Americans are fucking retarded too, no doubt. But I severely doubt Tucker is anything but a talking head in place to pacify the masses.


Lets not undermine what looks to be good entertainment and perhaps even a good start. The argument about police funding being too small is a simple way to shit on (((critics))).
Were seeing more and more of these small groups form across Europe. Groups in Norway clearing trainstations, Finland clearing the streets, Netherlands delivering shitskins at the courthouse, Germany showing more and more open displays of solidarity to their own people. Its a slow process and the people have been boiled in a multicultural kike stew, but apathy is slowly making place for anger. Anger is good. Hatred is good.

White thugs or nigger thugs? White victim or a removal of a problem?

Do whites usually use machetes where you live?


I beleive that was arabs choppign up a west indies nig


A bunch of people who will have tea and biscuits with you after you have been skullfucked by an african home invader, say "there, there, we understand." And do precisely fuck all in the way of hunting and punishing those the state doesn't want to.
Zig Forums reality:
Fucking right wing death squads, Bongs fight back, check out these "vigilantes" 400 whole people signed up to a facebook group (200 feds, ngos and antifa) meanwhile 50000 new arrivals per week.

Of the few English I know, they're all very liberal and don't seem to think there's anything strange about their ethnic homeland suddenly filling up with blacks, Pakis, Arabs and Indians to the point where entire English cities are nothing but women wearing tents and bearded men in pajamas who look like they just time-traveled from the 11th century. One of them privately confided in me that she is worried about the Muslims, but I think it's because I'm not English. You shouldn't have to look outside your own country for someone you can confide in.

THIS is how we start taking back our countries. Form neighbourhood watches with based lads.

Are neighborhood watch groups really considered vigilantism in the UK?


The ones that don't come with a sticker from the police for your window and aren't coordinated by a mason are.

Lack of funding? Sounds like time to take out another loan from (((Ally Bank))) to pay for another million Somalians. *Rubs hands together* You're not a Nazi are you? Then you should be fine letting your kids be laden with debt they have to exclusively pay back while rape and murder are on the rise over 5000%.

How did anyone think listening to kikes was a good idea? Bong police are the most ineffective in the world. What gets me is, cases like Jack the Ripper were once in a lifetime legends. Now with blacks, it's many times a week and no one seems to give a fuck and your government says it's fine. Could you imagine 1860 bongs thinking an increase in hundreds of dismembering rape murder cases every year was fine? What do you think they would do if the entire increase was related to brown people? Now here's the thing, do you think their reaction or our current reaction would be more likely to make it such that our population would still be around in a couple hundred years?

*The reddist of pills is that no one ever went extinct that didn't deserve it. Fight back or your maladaptations will lead to your extinction.*

Sounds like the start of RWDS to me!

Keep talking dirty to me.

LOL not until you touch their pensions.

They already took 5 years off it, that is you have to work 5 more years to get now.
Nobody did a fucking thing.

Brits are too worried about the brexit deal for a country that wont even be theres in 10-15 years

Nobody cares about your jewish country. This is Zig Forums

Attached: H.P. Lovecraft - A Psychotic Jew - British Propagandist.jpg (600x1536 626.21 KB, 248.62K)

he says, in English

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H.P. Lovecraft was New England WASP who hated everyone else. The idea he is a Jew is non-sense.

His whole millieu are WASP's being devoured by barbarians, golems and goblins. He also wrote extensively against miscegenation

Keep 'em coming

Attached: H.P. Lovecraft.jpg (4832x5787, 2.2M)

Why was the camera there?

The Royal Family are jewish, protestants view the monarch as the head of the church, and that it is the monarchs god given right to rule. Basically installing a jewish head of the church until they managed to fully infiltrate the vatican and take that over too.
If Lovecraft had a decent iq and supported that, he may as well be a jew.

Somente already postes about that.

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17-20th century WASP = Jew
So do Jews

Ha ha, what a joke. What are they going to do? Show up to a machete fight with their bare hands? Or bring weapons and go to prison for oppressing a protected minority? And then their friends can go to prison for illegally reporting on the trial?

a) join a vigilante group
b) join a facebook group that gets news coverage

pick one and only one or neither

Bongistan Bobby's are the most baste cuckolds. There needs to be an award for the top 2

All these guys need to do now is occupy police stations and become enforces that the community needs.

Uh huh, sure thing reddit.

Its probably run by 5'3 Tommy Robinson. With the proverbial judaic-hand stuck right up his ass pulling the vocal cords.

called it.
only a matter of time until there's a lynch mob

thoughty-2 is unironically the most right wing brit I know


It's so pathetic that they're so easy to defeat, yet the governments keep restricting people from lashing back at them. Same applies with communists and feminists, they will always claim to be strong and powerful but only because they're backed up by the institutions and NGOs. In a real fight they would crumb.

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If they'd be real vigilantes they'd be incarcerated for decades.

Jewish honey pot to lure out people actually willing to defend fellow whites in their communities and gulag them forever?

A sickening seven-on-one attack saw a man being attacked in the street with machetes as he was kicked in the head.

Disturbing footage shows the man repeatedly slashed with the huge knives as he lay helpless and unable to get away.

One of the attackers struck a huge machete at his head before another kicked the helpless victim square in the face, leaving him crumpled on the pavement.

Lying motionless, the savage gang continued to stamp on the victim's head and body while cries of, 'what motherf*' and, 'p****' could be heard.

The attack happened in broad daylight less than a mile away from Villa Park in Brimingham.

Just another day in Bongistan. Nuke it already…

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e-celebs by default aren't right-wing.

Oy! You got a loicense for that meme?

As an American, I regularly play vidya with Bongs online and I can tell you they are as dumb as rocks, like literally 7 IQ points above retarded.

And when you are not that level of dumb trust me the demoralisation stings like a motherfucker. Most people are so dumb they wander their corroded environments as it all falls apart like nothing is even slightly wrong. It's rather creepy, they don't see a thing wrong as all around the country wilts and fades, jobs vanish and no one cares, demographics change almost overnight and most don't even feel a thing. All I hope for now is that I can get out before this country winds up on fire or glassed, because saving this fucker is going to be next to impossible

Birmingham should be glassed.

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I sure hope they tell this to their members with a wink and a nudge. If they are serious about asking the police for help they already lost.

I expect the bong government to crack down hard on them anyway.

You should know by now that there are shit skin shills around that will try to tell you everyone is secretly a jew. Especially people Zig Forums likes.

I want to eat that kangaroo!

Where did I hear this before?

There's a restaurant near my house where they serve a Kangaroo steak wrapped around in a kangaroo bacon strip, it's pretty good.

What's with the random screenshot?

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I can shed some light on this subject. Essentially no, we are not waking up, at least not to the degree many would hope. Neighbourhood watch schemes are usually staffed exclusively by 40's onwards, the same generations who venerate Churchill and still believe in the "values" of muh Empire. But the issue presented isn't quite as widespread as media would have you believe.

Most concerntrations of diversity and vibrancy are found around the cities of London and Birmingham and expanding out from these two points. Think of them as Washington and Detroit in this manner. While the disease is spreading due to a lacklustre resistance of long term programming consisting of either "Diversity is great!" or the (((nationalist))) idea of "Muh Imperial citizen", it's veracity is partially slowed by needing to estabilish a strong point that can push the poz. An observation i've made over the years is the utilisation of Universities in towns and cities to sell such propaganda. It usually begins with posters or stickers supporting a local "Socialist" party followed closely by open borders flyers and stickers.

Remember though, the government does help supercede these actions by literally shoving them into random rural areas far out the way, destroying the small pockets of British culture that remain scattered in that regard, luckily though so far these events are few and far between but I expect an increase in these actions soon. Should such events speed up it likely means the end game is in sight for Britain.

My advice for those seeking to wake up Britfags is to expose our false idols while showing those who actually did believe in both Britain and the European peoples. Tear down Churchill and show them Mosley, that type of thing. Although do not bother with Britpol. Their all lost as it is. They have never and will never move beyond their "cozy British gentleman" larp. My every interaction with my brothers there has made me realise that in this dark hour of European history they intend to sit there as our people lose everything. No true Briton can abide this pathetic attitude, it frankly sickens me even if it does not surprise me. The programming in Britain is heavy but it is no excuse for such weakness.

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I dare you to talk like this to the average person and watch them look at your like a fucking autist who is as out of touch with them as the kikes in power. Learn to fucking ground yourself. What Brits need is to be reminded that Britian is more than Churchill and it's the people that make it. Keep it simple and feasible.

What is it with NS/WN/Alt-Right and flowery faggy language? Just shut the fuck and do you job in saving our Race and not sucking your own dick.

That's what the media printed you fucking niglord.


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Just because not everyone opts to cheapen their language and debase their tongue on here does not mean we have forgotten the goal of our people. You fail to remember this board isn't just a collection of neets and simpletons screeching "reed seege", some of us come from actual areas of education, commerce and literature. There is nothing flowery in being literate.

you might as well just screech ALOHA SNACKBAR at us. kys my mud

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Oi ye have a loicense for that “mob”?

No, you're just a faggot. Shut the fuck up. This is why I don't (((educated))) cunts like you. You have no understanding of when to use your big brained zoggotry. The average Brit doesn't want some uni zoomer like you to lie to them with flowery langauge. Just get on with telling the truth but put it simple for efficiency and effectiveness.

No one cares, lad.

Lovecraft had a yid wife you fucking moron.

I moved out of London a little while ago and I have to say that my experience is the complete opposite to your own. One thing that I believe a lot of Zig Forums, and really 'foreigners' do not understand about the British is that we are inherently a polite people. Not polite in some pacified, pussy-footed sort of way; but in-so-far as there are certain topics which are not acceptable in the public domain. Amongst other things these include politics, religion, philosophy and really ANYTHING that people are likely to have strong feelings about. I know that such thinking must be incomprehensible to Americans who cannot help but sperg out about their hatred for Trump or their love of the USA, USA, USA; and I am also well aware that it is rare amongst Poles as I have had several great conversations with Polish taxi drivers who are perfectly happy to launch into conversations concerning the changing demographics of the nation, Brexit, etc. (and who also affirmed that, in the area I live at least - the average person is very much anti-EU and is not happy about foreigners).

My advice to you if you want the truth is to go to a pub. Start up a conversation about religion, politics, philosophy; and randomers will join in and give you their opinions, wanted or otherwise. The vast majority of white men in this country are sick to death of political correctness, they hate islam, they want out of the EU. On average they know nothing about the jews, but I've got exceedingly drunk multiple times in the past and gone on rants about kikes, made Roman salutes and played videos of Mosley on my phone to random people. A few might have been a bit weirded out, but no one has any love for the yid; they are just not on the radar at all.

If you start sperging out on the street or in public then people are not going to talk to you. They are going to avoid you. They are not going to give their real views, they are not going to discuss things, and if harassed by reporters or surveys they're going to give two word answers and walk away. That's just what the culture is here. You might hate it, but as said I hate that Americans can never shut the fuck about their shit in public; no one wants to hear that. If you want a real discussion go to a more appropriate place and you will get it.

As an aside; even in London the few white Brits I worked with, despite being young and from multicultural hellholes like Camden; all spoke about niggers and muslims with disdain.

Britain has not fallen. Britons are just capable of keeping their mouths shut until they suddenly aren't; and I'm sure you've all born witness to Brits sperging out publically when they get pushed too far. Certainly there is a lot of work to do, but all the doom and gloom here is, in my experience at least, simply wrong. Our people are only pacified at the moment because some semblance of order has been maintained; as soon as the facade of order drops, the people will be on streets. Just like the people in the OP.

Get a load of this (2) kike that is paid to browse Zig Forums and derail/demoralize.

Did you forget which country created modern Israel in the first place?

As you can see in this thread multiculturalism at it's finest and a failed police state.

So many blackpill shills here. Kikes, the lot of you. These people are actually doing something. That is a step in the right direction. We should encourage this kind of thing.

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A true Richard cranium.

But there is alot of power in understanding the language. Don't ever cheapen yourself for people like that. As you say, there are still people on this board that enjoy the eloquent discussions.

Pffft, why should we give aid to britfags
Literally their punching bag
They will have to figure it out themselves

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Another day in New Pakistan.

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Is there any place online redpilled Brits can talk to each other?

It matters to them.
Who said it does? Abrahamic religions need to fuck off.
Islam is still infinitely more respectable that British (((liberal capitalist))) cancer.

You should read Siege though.

If you want to go and deal with the relentless faggotory at brit/pol/, go there >>>Zig Forums
Though you won't find anything worthwhile, except a bunch of bluepilled faggots swearing allegiance to the system.

And in Britain in general. Jacob Rees Mogg is quite possibly the most popular politician in England at the moment and he speaks in an incredibly posh, old fashioned way. A lot of people admitted to initially not liking him because he was 'posh', but that has changed relatively quickly upon hearing what he was actually saying.

I'm pretty sure the board is mostly shills. They are trying desperately to make us into spiteful, malicious hate-mongers who are wholly dedicated to destruction. Sadly I think they have had some level of success, likely among the edgy element that was always present. But there's still a good deal of people who want to innovate, create and make better here. Certainly we need a healthy level of hatred and a willingness to do battle; but we fight for the future, for our people; not because we have nothing in us but hatred and malice.

Why not here? Better yet, go out and redpill random Brits. Many are very open to the message, just look at the reception of groups like Britain First? Hugely popular and took state intervention and constant media demonisation, as well as harassment campaigns and baseless arrests to damage them.

brit bongs, american fbi can't touch you if you steal guns and kill police and judges over there

You've done nothing but be a flowery bitch. You had to be called out. Not my fault your sensitive.

Jesus christ, the absolute state of muds on this board.

Have you ever been as far as to do more look like?

You fucking illiterate britcucks need to fuck off back to your own board

It makes me miss when the mods were more active. The D&C shills and black pills should have no place here.

The absolute state of muds.

Not a bong, but just reading up on the man at the present. Seeing as he just called a vote of no confidence.

America has infiltrated every country. America sneezes, the rest of the world knows about it. We are here because Americans are completely unaware. As they say

We have to know whats going on around the world, because just like you, we want to secure our countries. Find common ground with each other, stop doing the enemies work and dividing us.

If the shit skins aren't following the rules you can't either Games got rules civilization requires team work you mix in people not willing to play the game the right way fuck it Fight back most bluff puff and Scream anyway Bushwacking monkeys the longer you let them push you Red coats around the more Embolden they become it only gets worst you can't bow down to these Retards they take over your dead your country dies the can not run a civilized place look at the behavior look at the origins in which they came they do not change they bring problems that keep your country from advancing

I structured terribly. Top paragraph is in response to you.
The rest of the post is for the people I've specified.
Apologies, pushing 19 hours awake so far.