Trump is doing such a better job than Obama. I bet those niggers will line up to vote for him in 2020. Democrats are the real racists. No more prison plantation!
President Trump Makes an Announcement Regarding H.R. 5682, the "First Step Act"
kike free first post
I expect nothing, so I cannot be disappointed.
Magapede statement. They're racists but don't act like Zig Forums or anyone aligned on the right has the higher ground.
Nice ID. Checked.
Reminder that the caravan has already crossed the border and no one is talking about it.
The sad part is some on the right really DO believe we're all equals. Civnat cuckery has been undermining the Right for far too long.
Oh look. It's good goy Zognald with his kike daughter on a kike's radio show implying they'd have no prob dating kikes, but of course, she married a fellow kike as kikes often do. Nothing to see here.
no prob dating niggers*
Trump bitches and moans about the drug crisis then supports a bill that is designed to release drug dealers. This guy is fucking trash.
Prisons put people in rape cages and makes them into super criminals. It's total ZOG Prison Industrial Complex bullshit.
It doesn't do any of that.
would federal decriminalization of weed fix the opioid shit? Meaning states decide the status and the fed maybe rules on import rules.
Look at these two degenerates.
They're not white.
really niggers?
So, basically if I want a hand up I have to break the law and get myself sent to prison first?
Cool! I'm gonna go rob a bank that way if I get away with it, I have a good start in life and if I don't, I have a good start in life.
Wow, this is all so based, especially with the niggers behind him. That’s a really nice touch. And we shouldn’t give a shit that nigger and Latino criminals get a second chance.
I think the op is being sarcastic.
^^^Is this true, OP?
Are you busy tomorrow night?
Maybe next election he'll get 15% of the nigger vote!
The CIA is importing the drugs from Afghanistan.
Nothing short of the destruction of the federal government is going to stop it.
Even putting the incarcerated before hardworking Europeans. Cute.
You're all dead in the end.
Mentors of what? Aspiring drug dealers?
Sounds like getting arrested is better for Tryone than going to college now.
Another retarded talking out of his faggot ass. Prisons are filled with junkies and the mentally ill. Very few real criminals, let alone, 'super criminals'.
wtf I love violent nigger crack dealers now MAGA!
He's doing a tremendous Job. People keep walking up to me, saying "he's a doing a temendous job", just tremendous. I'm a yuge supporter.
He was mocking the statement, retard.
Based African American heterosexual patriot Van Jones is praising the god emperor Trump on Twitter RIGHT NOW! Blacks leaving the dem plantation as we speak
So many people unable to detect sarcasm. It's just sad
Wait, what if she's into that?
If we're talking prisoners, double dafuq. How the fuck are imprisoned bitches getting impregnated? Deal with THAT. The ones in jail before sentencing to prison, tough shit, stop breaking the law asshole.
Global Report.
They can't be shackled during childbirth if we sterilize them all.
Already a thread.
Posts by user ID:
7cdd43: 3 (7.69%)
Cast your sights upon these dubs!
> 99's (2 total; 50.00%)
> 44's (1 total; 25.00%)
> 88's (1 total; 25.00%)
You're posting in the first thread. Check the dates.
That's the missing money for my wall you dumb fuck.
this was the first thread, the other thread should have been deleted, but it wasn't because it had a more clickbait subject title.
Wow the all talk and no action king did something fucking gay, what a shock.
muh programs..
put to work during the day convicts and pay them out of that pool of $250 million then house them at night in prisons until their sentence is served, when they get out they'll have enough money to not steal again
with $250 million the convicts could build the wall
Trump is all talk no stick. What a fucking cuck.
LOL, fuck this kike
Edit: Thanks for the gold, anonymous redditor!
Record black unemployment in the history of America!
==Still not tired of winning!== sqeak toy sounds in the distance
"Donald Trump is not a politician, he's not like all those other guys!"
People are actually trying to defend this
are you on the spectrum or have you been drinking?
Between the kikes at the synagogue of satan telling him to fuck off and niggers voting patterns in the midterms, it's clear Trump is a fucking retard who only shills for those against him and does absolutely nothing for those that support him.
I miss when we could shitpost without autists like you taking it seriously every single time.
Hawaiian shirts really suit him
Reminder that (((Trump))) has yet to release political prisoner Matthew Hale, a man who has spent over 15 years in solitary confinement and still has 25 years remaining
Reminder that Matthew Hale committed no crime, and no evidence of any crime was produced other than a single vague statement made by a paid government informant
Three square meals a day. A roof that doesn’t leak. Free medical care. Free education. If Trump announced this at the state of the union address, the black caucus would scowl and not applaud.
Just the kind of people I want out in the streets!
No it would make it worse
Trump truly believe he's going to bring niggers over to the GOP. He beat Hillary so easily that he thought he would be able to do what the GOP couldn't do by giving niggers opportunities. Turns out Zig Forums was right again and niggers just want gibs. Who could have guessed?
*breathes in*
Still no wall, fuck him.
10x the caravan made contact with ICE in October alone. That's just one month and depending on metric could indicate 100-250k made it across without detection. Also, this is a 400% increase from the year prior.
Even back when the Democrats were the party of Jim Crow and Republicans literally freed them and fought and gave them rights they still were voting Democrat. You need to understand niggers, they only do care about "gibs" rather than human rights because they are animals that love the scrap feed the man throws at them, not humans.
Trump is a fucking moron who didn't learn history and goes after the spics who voted more for him and are easier to convert than these nigger animals.
Will they get to vote as well?
While he had a strong electoral lead, Hillary did win the popular vote, so I wouldn't call it "easy".
2016 was by far the biggest gap in terms of raw numbers, and is the second biggest in terms of percentage difference. With only the 1876 election having a larger percentage difference, and not by much.
Don't try to discuss the US electoral process if you don't understand it.
Either things get better (they won't) or things get worse (they will.)
I don't even care anymore.