Fools. Did you not know that Zig Forums is literally part of Freemasonry?
Fools. Did you not know that Zig Forums is literally part of Freemasonry?
We all know that
Good, there will be more than natsoc propaganda to read. Upload now pls.
I only come here to test myself against their latest mind control tbh.
If you came here to tell us, you where already too low on the ladder…
I'll try less next time.
The fact you felt so compelled to create a thread about such nonsense makes me think you have a vagina that only shitskins use.
I do. It's not on my own body but it belongs to me, in principle.
Then in principle, kill yourself.
what the fuck is it with these weekly mason threads? they are always vague as fuck with no proof, data, or sources. saged filtered reported
Basically confirming you're on their payroll as well as OP.
Nigger stringing words together.
I come here to test myself against the latest mind control instead.
You know what? In a way, I'm glad this thread didn't get deleted right away. Why? Because it shows exactly what's wrong this shithole.
Sort out this mess on your own.
wtf am i a mason now?
If you could give us a ballpark estimate, what is the general opinion among freemasons on the state of niggers in Africa?
so you're just blowing the whistle about jim being a mason shabbos goy or what
Doesn't really matter anymore. The party's moved upstairs.
The G inside the tool set is significant in symbolism. God is in the design. Becoming a master of a trade or skill actually allows one to glimpse the divine. My geology teacher was a top master of the discipline and told that the miraculous nature of our existence, let alone the Earth coming to have many spheres (bio, atmos, etc) that coordinate so perfectly to allow for our existence is no accident unless the impossible odds just happen to hit. Perhaps. You will find though that masters of crafts happen to believe in God, whether comedy or psychology, but only the best. The truth is in there, the design. I have shitposted so long that I can feel your jimmies rustling from here, praise the Lord.
Who's sad, you or us?
Yeah no shit pig farmer jim is a freemason
hail jahbulon amirite, goy ? :^)
The current site owner is a freemason living in the Philippines. That's not an exaggeration, just an objective statement.
This universe is disgusting on so many levels and only a cuck could see anything divine in it. Fuck you and your kike god.
The God of the Jews isn't a Jew. :^)
Nothing wrong with the universe, only something wrong with mankind
Where is 'upstairs'? Whose party.
What's the pass Word?
It wouldn't make any difference I am the wrong sex to attend your party…you can either tell me or not. ;)
'Friend?' as in Speak Friend and Enter? lel
LMAO I can't believe you are watching this thread.
Lol, anyone is welcome who has the Word. I can't believe you don't know it.
You already have the proof.
I have lots of words, most would say TOO MANY. hahaha
You guys are totally cute…don't let anyone give you too much shit.
Like who?
Anyone who talks to me for a prolonged period. LOL
I don't mind if I give myself shit. I'm used to it.
Leave it to me to be vague. I guess this is one time when I could have used a few more words. ;)
K, enjoy your party!
Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Wear at least one lampshade.
Post photos to the outernet.
Thanks for stopping by, mystery lady!
Wish you could stay and chat!
It was fun, thanks for that laughs. :)
What's your name. Mine's Alec.
About what? I am supposed to be studying. (e_e)
Alec, on Zig Forums my name is 'user'. But a lot of people around here call me other names like faggot, kike, dick, CIAglownigger, so technically I have almost as many names as I have words, an endless list.
Oh nice! I love catfish.
Still surprised you haven't figured out the Word. Not just any Word. Not the other Words. But the Word.
Who knew that you guys loved your clubhouse this much?
That video is a bit LOUD…not really my musical taste either. Apply it to your sensitive eardrums with extreme caution.
He does have nice hands though…never seen an honest days work in his life.
Hahaha no not the bird. Keep trying.
Actually I just realized it doesn't matter. You're basically already here. Almost.
Wait (LMAO)…
I just realized that at this point we have both given you 'the bird'…one intentional and one not. Alec, do you ever wonder what these types of synchronicities really mean, you know like what is really going on here? I mean, it is kind of weird, don't you think…what do you think it means? Anything? Or is it some fandom glitch?
What do you think it means?
I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
But sharing is caring.
I have no idea, honestly. Seems a bit strange though.
Life is a bit strange though.
Sharing is caring. I learned that when my teacher wanted to punish me with the values of communism for bringing candy to 2nd grade.
Apparently communism was caring.
Nah but for real, am I talking to a dude?
Doh!! I replied to myself!
That's not a teacher I would necessarily agree with.
Now you're weirding me out.
No…do I sound like a dude? I have spent a long time in the pit online…fighting, so I might sound like a guy, I guess.
Oh, sorry I can go study instead.
Nah you don't.
I like talking to you. I just have a feeling that this thread is going to be deleted pretty soon by the low level mods and it will make me sad. I'm not going to be the one to do it. What do you study btw.
The people in my life tell me I should be afraid of guys like you - like NatSoc etc. because you guys are extremists or whatever but everything you guys say i think is really interesting. I’m so unsure of myself.
I'm not saying I'm not an extremist and a zealot. But you can't generalize and call us Nazi's.
Oh of course I can’t generalize. That’s why I feel like they don’t know what they’re talking about but like I said I’m always unsure of myself.
I'm ultra right wing in a sense but I also believe in the sanctity of human life, so I guess that puts me at ODDS with some of our peers.
Well, right now I am studying ancient Babylonian/Hurrian Literature "The Marezah" as it relates to Semitic adaptations, tomorrow I might study Physics, the day after that Bio-Chem…or Math, you know, that kind of stuff…I actually have a couple videos going in the background as well…sort of working back and forth between them.
No waaaayyyyy. All of the above please. Text me 4388862973.
Did you notice the pattern in our ID's? Must be fate.
I believe the NSDAP did too or am I wrong?I don’t think they were bad but people make me feel like a really bad person for thinking that. I’m always trying to be a good person but I can’t help what I believe.
What is your opinion of Auschwitz?
Alec…I would never do that, despite enjoying you. ;) Not in a million. You are a funny guy but I am an ABSOLUTE FREAK OF NATURE about my privacy. I guard it more closely than anything except my family. Ok…super super fun. Thank you so much for the laughs, Alec. You are a fun guy. I like you on an instinctual level. I will see you around Zig Forums.
:) Got to go study…
What in the HECK Alec that is freakishly weird as well!! Mine is even colored the same as yours…so similar that I made a mistake and responded to me when I meant to respond to you. Lemme take a screenshot. Will post one sec.
Come on. I'm not evil. Promise. I'm just bored a dude in a basement. I have good girlfriends friends that were doxxed… would never do that. But do you. :)
And yeah, I don't come here often. I'm about to disappear from your life forever.
I don't think your evil. I have just spent years guarding myself. Would never blow that for some fun.
Anyhow, weird, eh…you are white letters and I am black letters (I wonder if that is part of the program when they assign a color to an ID)?
Ok…have a great evening Alec. :) Will see you around.
Alright. I'll keep the thread up for as long as it's not dead. If you want to jump back on then I'll c u l8r. If not, see you in Heaven.
B-but Alex Jones said itz the gay Chinese Mexican Illuminati!
More accurately, see you in another life, when we are both cats.
Well Auschwitz was a work camp not a death camp. The gas chambers were actually delousing chambers. Pictures were photoshopped. 6 million is a made up number. Elie Wiesel is a liar, The Anne Frank Story is a lie. None of it makes sense and nobody is allowed to even question it. The Holocaust is exactly what the Jews needed to continue their world domination. They succeeded in holding the world hostage with their endless guilt trips. I could go on for days about everything wrong with the Holocaust.
It is a deal, Alec. I will see you in Heaven as well and I will give you a huge HUG and we will laugh at silly things. Ok, later, really, have to go study. :)
I don wanna be a cat. I am going to Heaven, you can be a cat.
Can you blame someone for weaponizing guilt? Less lethal than gas chambers at least, right?
How can something be less lethal than something completely made up?
By the way, that wasn't what I meant when I asked your opinion on Auschwitz. I meant, supposing the worst case Jewish account of history is fully accurate (even if it's not), what is your opinion on it as far as policy options go, from the perspective of a German government. Is it a course of action you'd advise Hitler to pursue if you were his advisor? Considering your bitterness over it, I'm going to say you'd reject it.
Ok, less lethal than British bombs over Hamburg then. Stay with me.
Then you should of worded your question better. Go back to talking about being a cat in another life with your Zig Forums gf. You suck
Hahaha ok. Apologies for asking the question from the man's perspective and not the pussy bitch perspective.
Ok explain the man’s perspective as I’m a pussy bitch in need of an education. Enthrall me.
Is Auschwitz a course of action you'd advise Hitler to pursue if you were his advisor?
Would you? Stop being wish washy
By the way, cat lady, I know you're reading. I deleted my number but it's 438862973. I wouldn't even know how to track someone's phone number if I tried. I'm the one putting my security on the line with my first name and a number, you get it easy. If you text me I'll text back with my full address and identity so it's not a mystery. But again, I understand if you don't want to take Zig Forums friendships offline. But sometimes it gets lonely too so I'm just saying.
I'm asking the question, but for my part that's a definite NO. I would not use industrial strength machinery to systematically murder a race or religion. Would you?
Why are you on Zig Forums? Ok we get it, you’re trying to be all virtuous for some reason…..who are you trying to impress anyway? I’m not wasting my time as you’re one of these people that likes to ask questions but can’t handle the answers. I don’t even believe the Holocaust was real. I’m not sure how you could’ve missed that. Do you actually think Jews were the only ones to die in the war?
As a slav, I absolutely do not believe that. Fuck off. Nor am I virtue signalling. You asked me the question this time, if you forgot. Look, there's no shame in admitting you wouldn't pull the lever on Auschwitz. Only on Zig Forums does that sentence need to be uttered…
I'm on Zig Forums to inform the general public that it is literally an arm of Freemasonry. Read the OP.