Why are Tankies such fucking assholes online? Next to Anarchists I swear to god their the worst leftist tendency to deal with.
Why are Tankies such fucking assholes online...
u w0t?
anyways, the worst to deal with are leftcomms, degen enabling, open borders advocates and destroyers of the bastion of socialism, the family unit. even Tankies know family contributes future workers to a vibrant state economy.
I imagine MLs on this board would have a much harder time getting along with twitter tanks than they would leftcoms/anarchists/trots here. I mean just look at how tankie twitter treats Unruhe, Finbol, Phil Greaves etc these days
They don't like Phil Greaves? Why? I thought he was the human embodiment of tankiedom.
The woke types don't like him.
I don't get along with leftcomms period.
only exceptions like Camatte will do
ftfy, we know you only like your utopian flavour of socialism and nothing else because your approach to leftism is undialectical
Seriously, who gets along with Leftcoms? Everyone I met is a massive wrecker with a distorted view on political economy. Also often invested in their own type of IdPol, not demanding from you to check your privilege but calling you a red fascist if you tell them that posting lolicon might be a bad idea.
You had me until you went all moralfag with the loli, cunt
actually I think its too late for utopia. watch and learn. theoretically I'd prefer something oppressive that controls human nature and keeps it in the set mode it began, a treatise against the transhumanist aspects, but realistically its "unreal"
in international law, its a bad idea. we need to escape. 20 year old men used to fuck 9-13 girls. obviously under the guise of Christian marriage but lets be real here.
It literally doesn't matter if we agree if it's morally good or bad. It's a matter of fact that it will alienate everybody from the organisation you represent, or from the group you claim speak for. I have no interest in discussing if it's okay or not okay. I look at this from an utilitarian standpoint.
This never happened even during the middle ages. You didn't have sex with your child bride before her turning 17 at least. Game of Thrones is not a history show.
Maybe YOU don't…
a fucking embarassment
Remember that there's a significant difference between "leftypol tankies" and "reddit/twitter tankies".
The former are more often Europeans, autistically versed in reading Stalin and knowing (bad) Soviet history, but are more likely to sperg out against Americans and "imperialism."
The latter are more often American teens/transgenders/radlibs who don't read but transgressively support the worst Soviet governments to get attention and denounce people they don't like.
Both flavors are good at wrecking online spaces, but twitter tankies actually overlap with IRL org wreckers instead of being confined to the internet.
They have an undue sense of importance and believe their ideology will make a revolution. There's also a divide between the yuropoor and burger tanks with the former having an almost conservative stance on social issies while the latter are mostly fags and trannies, I hope they will infight over this and end up crippling each other's movements.
I doubt this was universal. I've never heard of European kings waiting for their brides to turn 17.
Source? :^) ) ) ) ) ) )
KKE voted against shit for trannies and fags in the greek parliament and SPGB (ML) holds similar views. You can find the former easily enough with a search engine and the latter ask some bongs about it and they'll point you to some sources.
Yes I'm sure there are groups like that, but you need to do better than that to prove some generalized attitude among European communist parties.
As far as I know, it's pretty much just the KKE and CPRF.
I'm even surprised why we even have tankies and nazbols on Zig Forums. We are an anti authoritarian board, not Zig Forums 2.0.
That being said, the worst of the bunch are the religifags here. Religion is bourgeois and anyone that supports/practices religion is a class traitor that deserves to be hanged.
If we're factoring in size and relative political power, KKE and CPRF are better indicators than the relatively minor parties in Germany or France. And from what I've been able to tell from listening to the German ML that posts here, his party is closer on social issues to KKE than the burger ML parties like PSL, WWP, and whatever a few chapters of the WWP split to after the rape thing. If these parties are not socially conservative, then from what I know from the yuropoor MLs who posted on /left(y)pol/ over the last 4 years they are different enough from our lovely twitter tanks(who make up a significant portion of the burger ML party younger membership) to be accused of class reductionism.
How is it that kraut MLs remain relatively sane, when (what at least appears to my distant burgerstani perspective) the mainstream of kraut anarchists in antideutsche are practically living, breathing JIDF white genocidist caricatures straight out of Zig Forums?
Antideustche is an insignificant minority among kraut anarchists, if the ones I'm in contact with are reliable sources. Like most of the proponets of white genocide they exist in the paranoid fantasy of sexually frustrated autists more than they do in reality.
You sound pretty authoritarian yourself
Socialism is inherently not just atheist in nature, but anti-religious (anti-theism). Religifags are bourgeois scumbags.
Most religions predate capitalism though, also I wasn't calling authoritarian for simply being anti clerical but for wanting to execute everyone that isn't an atheist. Not all religions are abrahamic shit either.
Is it weird for me a BurgerTrot to be socially conservative. (My family is from the midwest, but I live in the suburbs of NYC) I remember one time where I defended the Second Amendment and people looked at my like I have three eyes, it’s weird because when politics is brought up people only talk about social issues so they think I’m a right winger.
Well it's not like Trots have coherent beliefs anyways.
The moral case for executing them is because they are more likely to push reactionary agendas. Neo-nazism, fascism, third positionism, ethno-nationalism, zionism, islamic terrorism, capitalism… you name it. All of those were created by religion.
Allowing religious people to live is like maintaining smallpox rampant.
You have to be 18 or older to use this board.
Eh opposing gun control is hardly "conservative", most posters here are opposed to any attempts to disarm the proletariat, even some very SJWish/idpol leftists would agree with this especially since gun control has a somewhat racist history. Using the constitution in your argument is really your only deviation from the standard communist position on guns
Oh come on a little smallpox won't hurt a big bad scientist like you now, sweaty?
Besides atheism created condescending pricks like you and I'm sure you're not a natalist are ya, chief?
Gnostic Christianity rejects the concept of an existing Jewish God so that's a cute generalization
The yuropoor tankies are remnants of soviet satellite parties that still believe soviet propaganda and with that exist in the time warp bubble that such belief requires. The burger tankies are edgelords for whom the soviet union is the next best thing after Marilyn Manson, late term abortions and patricide, the sort of hyper-moralists for whom the soviet union, like satan and insane clown serial killers, is righteous punishment.
I'm American and I don't like any of that. And Marilyn Manson is just boneless Skinny Puppy
It can be.
This. I'm rural Victorian era America it wasn't uncommon either but I'm sure based science nigger itt is gonna call them bourgeois for just being rural Christians, forgetting most worker revolts in America happened in devoutly religious states.
We don't represent a group, just a collective of ideas. Bordiga said activism wasn't relevant to change society, and left/center/right he is being proven more correct everyday, especially here in the debased west. I prefer a modicum of escapism where I can entertain my thoughts internally or with others on similar planes of thinking.
Both the DKP and the KPD say literally nothing about gender politics. Like zero, nada. I have no idea how socially conservative individual members are because I'd have to ask them and I don't wanna be a wrecker. Some of them are Cold War boomers so I'm sure you'd find a bunch with a stick up their asses but it's not a trend or any official policy to attract NazBolish types. Maybe it's for the better because the CPGB-ML chose to die on the trans issue hill. Cockshott also isn't a fan of trans politics.
The MLPD puts liberation of women as one of their main platform points but I never heard them saying anything about LGBT issues. That implies they are probably having a TERFish attitude which isn't surprising because the party is a cult.
To say that European ML parties are more conservative is a smear, I'd say they are generally more anti-IdPol, which isn't the same as right-wing IdPol, while identity politics is always huge in the US, since Americans are fed this shit on their mother's teats. The entire history of the US is heavily influenced by identity politics.
Freie Arbeiter Union (FAU) is a based anarchist organization in Germany. They have very nuanced stances, are anti-IdPol, and I haven't seen any antideutsch nonsense from them. And by the way, antideutsche MLs exist as well, albeit far more rare. These people literally celebrate Stalin and the GDR while waving Israel flags. This is same level of surreal retardation like these Russian ultranationalists who put Stalin next to Tsar Nicki.
Meh, while they might be the minority in numeral terms, they do tend to be one of the loudest factions and get disproportionate media coverage, or even support - obviously because their entire fucking stance aligns 100% with German imperialism, sometimes they even "out-right" the government line like Thomas Maul who has called the AfD "the only force of enlightenment and progress". When they are being accused of being fucking right-wingers they say that's because the entire society is actually German supremacist and they are standing against a red-brown alliance. Literally schizo.
To give a concrete example, Belltower and Jungle World, two rather influential rags in the alternative "left-wing" scene in Germany are all heavily influenced by the Antideutsche. But it's not all horrible here, Germany has the currently best ML newspaper in the Western world, the Junge Welt. Speaking from my personal experience however, it is far more likely for me to run into an Antideutsch fag than to run into a "normal" anarchist or ML. Maybe it's just the shabby milieu I spend my time in. Remember that you are also very likely to become Antideutsch if you get a political/philosophical education at uni, as they slide this shit in as a side package when you learn about Adorno and stuff.
This is objectively untrue as the former communist ruling parties all turned reformist and SocDem while the newly founded ML parties from post-1991 were created by a small marginalised faction of the former ruling party. Most of them also adopted the new view of Stalin which MLs post-1991 adhered to if they weren't Hoxhaists or Maoists, which is a thing the USSR was cracking down upon before 1991.
Maybe so but then you say we have no identity at all? Same issue when we're mutts and inbred at the same time.
I'm no terf but idc about women's lib one way or other. In the West it's only caused damage.
I didn't say Americans have no identity. Maybe you are thinking about some snobbish European redditor who conflates identity with culture. Some Europeans, especially on reddit jerk off on this WE WUZ ROMANS AND KNIGHTS AND SHIAT. I was commenting on American politics which is driven by IdPol - that hasn't always been bad, how do you even achieve a liberation of slaves if you don't make use of black identity politics? I'm just saying political factions in the US are often just a mask for identity politics, like some blacks use ML as a cover for ethnonationalism. The same way many African politics are really just a cover for ethnic politics rather than ideologies because these societies remain tribal.
I'd even go a step further an claim that most former colonies/settler-colonial states are built on identity politics because the settler had to harvest this kind of shit to form a sense of belonging. Even in Venezuela nowadays the conflict is pretty divided between the brown, lower class Chavistas and the white, middle-class opposition. Europe never had that kind of history, you'd be laughed at if you say "I identify as a Hessian and want to resist Saxon-Prussian appropriation of my culture" in Germany. Exceptions being formerly oppressed regions like Catalonia or Ireland.
I also never called an American working class person a mutt I only use this to insult burger Zig Forumsyps.
They're everywhere, those people who don't confirm to marxist expectations of how they should act. I guess this yet again proves the marxist theory that marxism is so true that capitalism has to put in all its efforts to make the entire world seem like marxism isn't true.
Where does Marxism prescribe how people "should" act? Calling out false consciousness is not a description of human behaviour, it's just pointing out that some people believe in wrong things.
Well about that deathmetal.org
Scenario 1 : Class is the master-signifier in a natural order, people act according to how this fact implores them to.
Marxism is right
Scenario 2: Class takes no such position in a natural order, with other things being far more prominent.
Capitalists created all of this to distract people from the truth of marxism. Marxism is right.
Scenario 1: Obama ordered the sandy hook massacre, kids got killed to take away our guns.
Alex Jones is right
Scenario 2: The sandy hook massacre didn't look like that at all.
Obama has ordered the media FBI globalist order to make it look exactly like he didn't order the sandy hook massacre. Alex Jones is right.
Did it take long to build these strawmen?
My point is that I'm right, so if you point out that I'm wrong, you are therefor misrepresenting my point.
Seems like you've read your art of debate.
I have zero motivation to have a debate with you because you misrepresent Marxism in your stupid oversimplifying strawmen. Dialectical materialism literally says that there is a superstructure that is closer to the daily interaction of humans while the base, e.g. is obscured through the reproduction of capitalism itself, therefore appearing as natural. Only when the system breaks down it becomes apparent and class struggle emerges.
e.g. the productive relations*
If marxism can represent beliefs, religions and cultures as a "superstructure" without those referring to themselves as such, then why can't marxism be represented other than how it presents itself?
The world is controlled by reptillian aliens, while this is obscured through the reproduction of the reptilian reich, therefor appearing as if the world isn't controlled by reptilians.
That goes back to how society comodifies the vilified user domini, and takes his unique other away. Bataille stresses that we should accept the vilified as a whole as it's a reflection of our hidden desire. That explains why nazbol became a thing here.
As what? Please do tell, how do such things come about, in your opinion?
Based and Evola pilled
The what isn't a specific tenet, it's the principle that marxism can only be correctly represented as how it presents itself (in this instance, how you're presenting it) while everything else can be correctly represented through marxism regardless of how it presents itself. (For instance, you see christianity as part of the superstructure, even though the bible never mentions a base-superstructure dialectic).
What I'm implying is that you're begging the question.
Nice way of conflating what I said. There is material basis but also a metaphysical one. Tell Mr. Based science nigger, if you're a physicist, why do you have the business of studying metaphysics? No gods no masters types sure are spooked by the existence of a 'metaphysical' other. Economics of a given country both have basis in science (material) and esoterica (the metaphysical). If humans have prerequisite to act a certain way, can an event caused to said people affect future outcomes, either on their own doing or by those not of their given doctrine (ethnic, class, gender, etc)
Ofc I'm pretty essentialist so I would say the outcomes tend to reflect on their original being. Humanity is often it's own worst enemy.
If you subscribe to the neoclassical economic model, maybe. I'm not le based science nigga, if you knew me you'd be surprised, but I'm not gonna subscribe to a theory pulled out of some emotional right-wingers ass which quite literally not observable.
Ten linen equals one clock isn't wrong just because there is or isn't the metaphysical. Talking physics, there is quite a bit of criticism you could make against the Kopenhagen interpretation but physicists don't care because their opponents come to the same results and it's a question of philosophers.
fuck you too revisionist
If you don't critically support comrade Xi Xinping and his Blackwater agents you are an imperialist white leftcom settler kkkolonialist!
That being said, the worst of the bunch are the religifags here. Religion is bourgeois and anyone that supports/practices religion is a class traitor that deserves to be hanged.
Inserts Banana into asshole
Ok bend over I'm going in dry
most poor people are useless for that matters
very proletarian of you comrade.
Religion is awesome, it's easy to spin it in a favorable political direction and gives pretty loyal people after that. You just need to know how to talk to them, and you can only do that after you listened.
t. Capitalist
wrong. useless people are actually very useful for capitalists
I came here to laugh at you
Now carry on, production quotas have been increased for this gulag
More posting and dank memes are expected of (you)
Yeah I'm gonna need a source on that pic
They are unapologetic to the purges they commit and say it straight to your face that they would purge you if the end justifies the means (why not now, what are you waiting for?).
But the end will never come and all what remains is the mean. First as a tragedy, then as a farce.
Look, I acknowledge that MLs are kind of the "neckbeards" of the left, but these online ancom radlibs are insufferable
The Portuguese Communist Party, the oldest Marxist-Leninist party in the world, is pretty social conservative.
You'll be shocked at the fash shit they do IRL
I wish this was true tankdom in general, the ones on twatter wokescold moralfag roasties
This. 'M'-Ls are the worst of both worlds.
Ancom here. You're not helping yourself or anyone else with sweeping generalisations. I've met M-Ls that are absolutely insufferable but I still refuse to generalise.
Well you reject the science of Marxism so what do you expect?
Yeah because the Anarkids are totally fine and usually well-adjusted, right?
he a terf
At least we can grow beards. Anarkiddies are just little faggots
Being an asshole keeps the class conflict going
With the hidden camera and the 12 year old girl?
No, but they only come in one flavour of terrible
I mean yah, but the class conflict is against the rich. Not fellow leftists. Be an asshole to the people that deserve it. Asshole.
u r all gay
Why would you want to? The historical material legacy of chattel slavery puts many blacks in the same circumstances making it potentially easier for someone to raise class consciousness.
This eagerness to abandon historical legacy of ethnic minorities that characterized Zig Forums always reeked recovering Zig Forumsyps to me that automatically equate black idpol with anti-white idpol. They always deny it but, but I can count on one hand how many times I've seen Zig Forums genuinely critique white idpol outside of Nazism, which even Democrats have the sense to do.