Clean it up, wagie!
Clean it up, wagie!
This is your Brian on soy.
Why is she sucking his belly button?
Said the nazi-soyboy.
Because she is a perverted Aryan whore.
Arguably as cringey as the trumpnigger memes.
This is such a schizo OP, written by someone with the worldview of a 15 yo girl, can anyone fill me in on wtf the mcdonalds wojak memes are getting at?
So the braindead nazi-cunt who blames his miserable life one the jooos, calls someone schizophrenic…
Nigger you don't even know who Edward Bernays is
What is a "one joos"? Speak English please
I blame the good goy bankers for my miserable life, same as you, just for different reasons.
Nigger, i know who he is.
He was Goebbel's role model.
The left can not meme.
Nigger dig deeper.
No, Hitler was a vegetarian and wanted all Nazis to become vegetarians and eat soybeans.
No Hitler survived through the consumption of virgin jewess blood.
Yes, are you incapable of reading what I wrote? There’s a difference between eating soy beans and drinking only soy milk to the point of castrating yourself. Apparently the left can neither meme nor read now.
Leftypol shitting so hard here, it is getting worse than the holocaustic hoax.
Are you totally retarded?
You wrote that HItler survived on pure concentrated soy milk, which is total nonsense.
Hitler was a vegetarian and wanted all the Nazis to become vegetarians and eat soybeans.
Obviously stupid Nazi-cunts can neither read nor meme.
Leftypol can't even shill well, all they can do is shill half Chan memes. For people who think of themselves as great "intellectuals" fighting against the retarded fascist hordes they really have nothing interesting to say, they can't even use proper grammar.
What I posted:
You were implying that he was a soyboy. That is what green text is and how it works. So you don’t even know what green text is, what a soyboy is, nor do you know how to read. In addition to this, you don’t even understand how to structure a proper argument; my instincts tell me that you are debased shitskin, as Jews usually have a semblance of intelligence.
You’re probably his coworker. Tell your boss to go fuck himself.
Hitler consumed 6 pounds of Jew baby flesh every day, alongside drinking the tears of Jewish mothers to wash it down. He also coated his ball sack in the crushed up intestines of polish children, in the pseudo scientific attempt to use their youth and food energy to grow a second ball. Denying these facts of history is literally historical revisionism, it is one of the most documented cases of cannibalism, and intestine to ball treatment programs in history.
Sorry fam forgot.
Do you stupid Nazi-cunt actually understand that "National Socialism" was only created only as a counter-attack against communism?
Hitler himself wrote in "Mein Kampf" that he learned the most from Marxists and copied their methods of propaganda and organization.
And besides, you stupid Nazi-cunts are unable to use correct grammar.
You could have come in here and started an actual discussion about capitalism.
Zig Forums would have actually had this discussion with you. Our disagreements with you are only partly economic, many of the more literate natsocs are actually interested in economic systems and their effects on society.
Instead you posted this.We're just going to post memes at eachother while our countries, lives, and the very planet are destroyed because only like 2% of people in any given political movement aren't total retards.
It's his mom and she's giving him raspberries.
Back to the gulag, commie scum.
In fact, Hitler even helped to create Israel, while Jews were mass slaughtered in the Soviet Union.
As I said, literally nothing of interest to say. I imagine that this little troll thinks what he's saying is actually profound, instead of something obvious. Next you're going to tell me that Marxism was invented to counter capitalism!
Along with capitalism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, genital mutilation, homosexuality, and the destruction of the environment. You don’t even understand what you are attacking.
Fuck off.
What’s next, are you going to say he was a Rothschild?
Why did Stalin blame alll his problems on "da jooz!"? Da joos are actually just a scape goat created by porky to trick young marxists into accepting his rule. Hitler understood that the real enemy was porky himself, Stalin was such a retarded anti Semite.
Hitler was financed by German capitalists and privatized everything after being Chancellor in Germany, retard.
probably shitposting from his iPhag, too.
I honestly won't mind if America goes full revsoc just because I'll be getting to shoot tradeless, noodle-armed "intellectuals" like you in the back of your head during the inevitable Stalinist phase.
You know Im pretty moderate, but if this is a typical leftist comeback to the mamy (not all, but many) solid points NatSocs make, you really just bury yourself
This is why I want nothing to do with liberals anymore. If you look at things completely unbiased its dead obvious which ideology has more going on
Work makes you free nigger.
shut the fuck up leftpol tranny
Actually 70-75% of Hitler's funding came from independent donations and membership fees from Nazi Party members and supporters almost all of whom were working and middle class. Capitalists for the most part didn't support him until the very end, when he was just about to win. Tbh Trostky got more porky funding than Hitler.
That would be a blast, we can even prosecute all the Jews as "porkies" and "counter revolutionaries" no one will care if we holocaust them as long as we do it in the name of ideology, instead of race.
Nationalistic corporatism is total capitalism, retard.
All of the Bolsheviks did, and communists across the globe, they were literally funded by fucking international banker kikes, Rothschild, Schiff and friends. Bring that up to a leftypol tranny though and they'll say nothing.
>everything that isn't (((communism))) is (((capitalism)))
lol trannypol
Just like how socialism is when the government does stuff, capitalism is when private individuals do stuff.
No, they are not all kikes… and besides, why are you even interested if the are kikes? So is it ok for you if a Porky is a Goyim?
Kill yourself, stupid Nazi-cunt!
You’re correct, he included Freemasons. Learn to read.
No, they’re not national socialists. Learn to not be stupid.
Sorry that you haven't had a single independent thought since grade school. We really as a society have failed to teach our children critical thinking skills.
Yeah moron, capitalism means that the market is free, so everything can be privatized…
This so-called "National Socialism" has made the rich capitalists in Germany even richer, you brain-dead bastard…
Sorry "comrade" but its not so simple, really commies should read more than books that already reinforce their autistic views.
If somebody is shot doctors will help them. That is socialism. If you choose your spouse that is capitalism. If you are a socialist and choose who you marry you are making an economic / social decision for your own benefit. This is because there is no such thing as opinon left and opinion right.
It killed genital mutilators.
Says the shitskin who doesn’t even know their father, how ironic.
By definition, the market isn't 'free" under corporatism. Price controls, protectionism, and government directives isn't letting the market decide.
Retard commie, everyone gained under fascism. Though porky gained remarkably less so, after all it was porky who hated Hitler and tried to have him killed during the war, the common man loved him.
Yes, instead, they should rather watch TV or listen to a crazy junkie with only one testicle while he blames everything on the jooooos…
You’re not even trying.
Evil Stalin blamed the jooz for everything, I didn't know he only had one ball though. The more you know.
lmoa stay mad trannykike
Yeah, thinking that just because Bill Gates is white that the 1% is all white. Is like saying that just because Trump is president, It means that our government is actually ruled by whites. It ignores the people actually running things in the background, in favor of paying attention to a well paid figurehead.
VIENNA, – Whether ex-King Ed ward of England, the Duke of Windsor, had anything to do with it is not announced, but his Jewish friend, Austrian banker, Baron Louis Rothschild, was released today by the Nazis. But the Rothschild Bank is confiscated. The Duke made a personal plea to Hitler for the release of Rothschild and others three weeks ago. But he was given a rebuff. Hitler replied, ‘regretting his inability to comply with the request.’
LONDON, Sept. 22. (A.A.P.) – The fortune of Mr. Julius Rothschild, a member of the well-known ‘ Jewish banking house, has been confiscated by the German Government, states a message from Berlin.
Was gonna ask that but didn't want to look stupid. Er .
Mcdeez employees make $ 12 to start,1st of the year in my state.
Complete nonsense, then you could also say that the market is currently not free, because there is a government …
Unfortunately this government is controlled and financed by the rich capitalists…
No, complete bullshit, the rich capitalists financed Hitler and made extreme profits in the Third Reich through fascist corporatism.
Friendly reminder
Capitalism is fucking disgusting.
Hitler deceived the workers and represented only the interests of the capitalists.
Retard commie, under capitalism the government is ran by the capitalist, under corporatism the capitalist Is run by the government. Learn more about Third Reich economics before you embarrass yourself further. Watch Cultured Thug's video "The Nazi Economy" if you're too lazy and stupid to come up with unbiased research yourself. Anyway I'm leaving, Chan debates are such a waste of time, and you're a stupid cunt. I got enough laughs tormenting you for one day.