I don't want for Zig Forums to follow this trend, because forced memes are retarded beyond comprehension and I know that for each user that agree with me there will be one that disagree, plus seven shills sperging out. However.
This is a nice angle. Thought stopping words, the kind of words that sends normalfags, NPCs, SJWs or whatever you want to call them into a frenzy can be used against who created them Just as we began to use (((these symbols))) that originally the kikes used… for some reason, we can begin using thought stopping words against them.
This means that Soros isn't bad because he's rich and a jew… he's bad because he's a former Nazi! And not only that, we could begin pushing for other thought stopping words: accuse people to be communists, tell others that they are rapists, that they abuse others, that you heard a voice from a friend of a friend that the guy actually pays women 89 cents less.
I mean, if it works for them, why not for us? It doesn't even need to be well coordinated, just drop some thought stopping words when you see a classic NPC argument, try to act like a shill when they come on this board, black pill the masses or try to get a raise out of them. For the right PR doesn't matter… but the left cannot survive without it.
Just something I wanted to share, maybe some of you can find it useful to cause a bit more chaos, maybe not.
Careful. Shills will come in claiming that if you use your enemies weapons against them, you 'further' their own goals of demonization. I do it anyway though. You get better results when you use their logic against them. Zig Forumsacks should be doing that anyway.
Jeremiah Evans
Weren't there 150,000 jews in Hitlers army? You'd think we could muster up quite a meme-farm with some of those pics.
Evan Adams
Pretty much. It would make people actually question the holohoax even more if you start pointing that out.
Kill yourself yid. PER THE FUCKING OP You will never be white.
Robert Carter
Negated nigger.
Sad state of affairs kike. Sad state.
Dominic Nelson
Conveniently, you forgot to explain why anyone should do this or how it would be beneficial other than it may send them "into a frenzy".
Owen Scott
Oh gee, look who decided to show up in this thread
Eli Perry
Nathaniel Adams
arguing with kikes is like fucking your sister. Even if you win, the world is still left with a retard that should have been euthanized.
Kayden Parker
That's about right.
Benjamin Diaz
A white man would have seen there is more than one retard in that scenario proposed.
Ryder Clark
Says the kike. Sage negated.
Levi Butler
If you use your enemy's moral assumptions you fight him on his own ground. You not only give your enemy's moral system more power by conceding it as valid, you fight him on ground that he knows better than you and will win every single time.
This is why 'dems r da real racists' shit is almost universally ridiculed and ignored by everyone except total retards over the age of 50. Because everyone, even the people making the memes, know it's total bullshit.
I know your type, you think you're clever and talk amongst yourselves about how you're fooling others into supporting your cause. The only people you're fooling are yourselves and everyone is laughing at you. Just tell the truth.
Zero sum game. This is why the left hates the civnat Republikikes. They see them acting like niggers and most of them think they must be cynically "exploiting" someone else's victimhood for their own "white supremacist" reasons. I wish. You made this thread so you could post it in your leftypol discord currently being funded by the rich kike soros. If the choice is cynicism or pants on head retardedness, then I choose neither. Identity and victimhood is all that matters in the Current Year, why else would both sides ignore Soros' own sons account of his motivation?
Lucas Sullivan
Again, I wish this was true.
Julian Smith
He didn't call anyone a kike, nor did he sage the thread you autistic bot
Ryder Cooper
Carter Ross
natsoc uses at least one of the enemy’s assumptions, i.e. that tribalism/identitarianism is preferable to civnats.
Gavin Cooper
Thats Oskar Groening btw, not Soros.
Landon White
Jews claim that picture isn't one of Soros, and that while Soros collaborated he wasn't actually SS. Soros did admit in the 60 minutes interview he collaborated, had no remorse, and it was the best time of his life.
Adam Taylor
Moral: Evil is a good time.
Jack Scott
Ge didn't "collaborate", Alex. His father paid off a Hungarian traitor with a kike wife to claim he was his gentile godson to avoid being turned into a lampshade. During that time, he accompanied said traitor to take inventory of jewish property. That's it.
Soros was never a Nazi, nor is he carrying out a Nazi agenda. Although he is ultimately a front and fall-kike for the Rothschilds, everything he does is still guided by his jewish biology. >>>/infowars/ >>>/reddit/