Iran to Be Declared in Breach of Chemical Weapons Bans

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration is poised to accuse Iran of violating an international treaty that bans chemical weapons, two U.S. officials said Friday.

The officials said the administration plans to announce next week that Iran is not complying with the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention, which outlaws the production, stockpiling and use of chemical weapons. The non-compliance finding does not allege that Iran has used chemical weapons but rather that it has maintained facilities and equipment to produce them. The finding is based on recent intelligence, according to the officials who were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

The finding is part of the administration's effort to isolate Iran after withdrawing from the landmark 2015 nuclear deal in May and earlier this month re-imposing all U.S. sanctions that had been eased under the accord. President Donald Trump and his top national security aides have vowed to impose a "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran to force it to halt destabilizing activities in the Middle East and beyond.

Muh weapons of mass destruction 2.0

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And now,
We get ready for war with Iran.
(((CIA Confirms))) through Mossad that Iran has Chemical Weapons in violation of International Treaties.
Navy goes to Persian Gulf.
U.S. starts sending troops to the Turkish & Iraqi portion of the Iranian border border.

I would suddenly become a conscientious objector.

Thanks for the heads up

This is all very interesting, but our own congressman Eric Swalwell stated he will be nuking US citizens who do not turn over automatic weapons.

Yea I saw that he's a jackass, he thought that shit was funny but doesn't realize how bad it sounds coming from someone who represents us. Hopefully Congress takes action to discipline him.



Massive War in Iran soon fellow anons. I hope the Iranians have been preparing. Should conscript and train every young man they have and ensure they take the American 'behind every blade of grass' approach. Hope those S-200s through S-400s will do well, too.
Moment of truth for Russia soon too. Going to see if they actually stand by their supposed Iranian ally or not.
Endgame. We're probably all getting drafted for this meatgrinder. Expect to be purposefully put in the vanguard and abandoned on purpose by COs. Better learn Farsi.

A war should get (((Him))) re-elected

And to think all of this death and destruction for a stupid kike self fufilling prophecy.

Something tells Putin is just trying to sell his weapons and is not their to stop anyone when the going gets tough.

How involved do you think Putin will get with this bullshit?

Based zognald attacking iran for defending itself against the jew

I think at first when the US starts bombing with the f-35 and F-22's he will send a tanks more S missile defense systems and jets down there, but I don't think he will use his own men, I beileve he is just trying to make a profit for his country and doesn't really care about the situation.

Elections are scheduled to be held in Israel in November 2019, and from what I read there could be early elections because the other jews are jewing at king jew for making a peace deal with hamas after being pressured by Trump.

Basically the same thing he did with Syria

Oh no how terrible, dipshit Amis will let themselves get drafted and killed for Zog

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I don't want to die for the ZOG

Then do something about it.

Good goy Trump at it again.

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I think Iran's going to wish they actually developed nuclear weapons.
It's why Pakistan and India haven't been bombed.

I wonder if my uncle said the same before he died in Vietnam.

Who says they don't have some hand-me-downs laying around?

If a war happens and they try to draft me for a ZOG war, something bad will happen the government, and I'm going into hiding IDGAF what (((they))) say.

Attacking IRAN is so baste though.
The only tear I shed is that John McCain won't be here with us to enjoy the fireworks. Popcorn and beer time, yeehaw. Thanks for delivering Trump.

err *Mossad->Assad.

Flee to Canada like the hippy fucks of yesteryear. Maybe if enough of us do it we'll be able to turn a province white nationalist.

Nice vid btw

Are you shills really this fucking stupid? How many times is Zig Forums going to have to endure
There will be no kike wars, you eternal fucking niggers. Trump trolled you dumbfucks with Iran sanctions that never happened to get cheap oil from Saudi Jewrabia, and now he's doing it again before The House of Saud can cut oil production.
Fuck you stupid fucking blue pill fucks

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Yes, I'm sure the 4D chess was real in your mind.

Just a heads up, before any domestic invasion can take place, our military will have to largely be overseas. So, if large numbers of troops start deploying for war in Iran, grab onto your rifles and be ready to hit the streets.
I'll admit, I let myself get a bit out of shape but nothing a 30 day fast and an hour a day doing road work won't fix. It's time to lace up. Be ready.

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Pay attention to who Trump fires and when…

Rex Tillerson:

H.R McMaster:


Now pay attention to who he replaces them with (((Trump))) is a neocon kike loving peace of shit that tricked you all.

John Bolton:

Mike Pompeo:

General Mattis:

In prep for war with Iran, Saudi & US must FIRST secure alternative shipping route for OIL (pic related)

As Yemen removed their US puppet, and is now allied with Iran, this is why Saudi & (((US))) are bombing the crap out of the poorest country in the middle east.

Saudi are even targeting FOOD PRODUCTION.

Total scum


Ultimately its ALL for the Kikes, to start the Iran War.

And oh look

The is the Ultimate Deal Trump speaks of global domination and peace by the Zionist through tyranny.

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Excellent post.

It actually fucking happened you complete nigger. This isn't a theoretical idea, it went down right in front of your huge hooknose. You're so fucking stupid you can't even process events after they fucking happened. You're so inbred retarded, you don't even have hindsight.

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All things considered, Yemen has put up a tremendous fight and certainly bloodied the Saudi coalition. The sandal warriors would've probably won too if the war was somewhat more fair and not complete slaughter and genocide.
And to no one's surprise here, Yemen has been kept outside of the news for a year or more now.

If this evil thing that is the government tries to start another illegal war for IsraHell, they should be made to suffer dearly for it.

Trump is not as popular here as he used to be. This is not the board I joined 2 weeks ago.

Except you nigger dicklicks posted the same thing about syria. You remember? Do you remember little nigger? You remember how everyday was going to be syria war? You remember nigger? Every fucking day you niggers assured Zig Forums that kike war in syria was a comin' nigger?
I do, so you can take your autistic post and shove it waaaaaay up your pozzed nigger butthole

It never happened because Russia stepped in. All wargames and simulations have made it clear that no decisive victory could be won against Russia. There was also the USS Donald Cook incident. The Russians have pretty advanced EMP weaponry, not to mention the S- series anti air defenses. They wisely understood that it wasn't time yet - now it may be different, either because of the mind-virus of seemingly rushed, demonic bloodlust going wildly out of control (see the phenomenon in the simple-minded SJWs and all the way up to the top) and we got a recipe for sudden massive escalation.
I've always wondered if the Jews are on some kind of time-table and there have been so many small and large setbacks that they're in a maddening hurry to complete their victory.

Except Syria is already divided just like they wanted now all it takes is a false flag for Israel and shabbos goys to take half of it. They are playing 4d Chess alright just not for good.

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Imagining a "hippie movement" of the 2020's where we take that satanic "peace" symbol and invert it properly like the pagan symbol of LIFE that it is, and leave off all of the degenerate drug abuse shit.

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When they come to collect you, know that you have nothing left to lose.

If you don't literally murder your commanding officer for following orders and obeying zog you deserve the rope.

The media says soldiers are so tough, do they have the balls to just say no to war with Iran?

Remember all those times Trump said Bush lied about WMDs in order to justify a war with Iraq. He's doing the exact same thing now, only swap Iraq with Iran and WMDs with chemical weapons.

Russia is polishing their sarmat warheads and hypersonic nuclear bomb delivery jets which make a joke out of the US defence. They've made modern nuclear defence that make all US nukes useless, while Trump is flushing $1.4 trillion and keeps promising new missile technology and has nothing to show.

When is our greatest ally going to be held to account for breaking this ban on a yearly basis?

When bitcoin hits 25k

The US government doesn't want to prevent civilian casualties.

Witnessed these beautiful dubs.
Has sort of a (((9/11))) vibe especially with these revelations.
Next false flag coming on US soil?

Mabey? Marshall Law incoming but not the Qanon type…

Wrong vid

Oh, I see, so Russia, the home of bolshevikism isn't ZOG, and Putin isn't a puppet. Only Bad Orange Man is. I see now that you nigger jews have absolutely no ability to think. You're just some kind of weird insect that can mimic human language but not understand the retarded nigger gibberish you spew.

No shit faggot, go back to reddit no one here needs your useless auto-correct everyone but you figured it out immediately and moved on.

I'm sure at this point they know which units can be trusted you better believe it be our guys dying in the upcoming wars. People need to have groups of friends that are local and loyal, any attempts though to organize as a militia before the shooting starts would likely be infiltrated by FEDS.

lel, your posts are so worthless I didn't even notice that you responded until now.
Try reading these posts so that you understand the situation better:


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Iran literally dindu nuffin this is 100% for Israel. No one can argue any different.

Does the shit flinging at Saudi Arabia fall into this in some way or is it just unrelated distraction?

Iran did nothing wrong. Israel has never done anything right.

We'll see if the Orange Kike is crazy enough to take on Iran. If people think that Iraq and Afghanistan have been complete cluster fucks Iran will be the nail that kills the Pax Americana. It never ceases to amuse me that the USA is ran by a bunch of psychopaths that just can't help but kill people for Israel.

I really can’t vote for the orange shabos goy again.

That was the point of the war, it was about turning the region into a cluster fuck mission accomplished.

(((according to the officials who were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.)))
So the real problem here is that we have CIA officials that need to be executed for leaking state secrets to the media. And media that need to be executed for being traitorous kikes.

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I would agree to a point but in the end the mission has brought the USA to the end of it's run.

Indeed, and now we will meme oscasio cortez to the presidency in 2020.

who or what exactly is being betrayed here? aere you mad that the secret plan or excuse for war with iran is out?

I will refer to (((Chomsky)))'s manufactured consent. The media is a propaganda arm of the globalists who want an independent central bank to print Iranian money. This is inserting into the NPC's head that a war with Iran is coming so that way the war against Iran can proceed smoothly. The news agencies that are reporting this leaked information want war with Iran.

The secret plan isn't being spoiled, it is being advanced.

She's too young to be president in 2020

2024 then lol

Oh that's like predictive programming or something? ok I understand.

Yes, it is an attempt to change the zeitgeist in order to create public support for a war with Iran.

With Iraq we had a decade of no-fly zone reports to keep Sadamn as a bad guy in the news. Then 9/11 and the whole chem weapon theater at the UN. Our war with Iran may be years off, but it isn't like the elites are that worried about time.

How old do you have to be to avoid the draft?

More ammo for your point is how the western media has hyped the fake "uprisings" in Iran and the bullshit about that fake Saudi reporter being killed as a way to cow the Saudi's into supporting Israel and it's whore the USA into invading Iran. Never-mind that in the Mid East the Saudis are hanging on by a tread with virtually all of Islam and are in danger of being completely ousted because they have kissed up to Satan's Penis Tip the Jew and thus are no longer worthy to be the protectors of the holy cities of the prophet. This shit is going to be great but it is not going to go the way the Kike and the NeoCon fucks in the USA think. It is the last desperate gasp of the Empire before it all blows away in the sand.

USA 26, but in WWII they took guys into their 30's depends on what you do IRL and what skills you have.

In which reality is that?
The US occupies northern Syria.
That's the beauty of it: turns out when everyone is busy speaking about how much ice cream the president gets to eat, no one realize tens of thousands of US soldiers are waging a war completely illegally half a planet away.

Entire US brigades have been promoted to "special forces" (so they don't have to tell Congress what they do), the others pretend they are in Iraq (despite the Iraqi government being against it… but hey Congress signed up on helping Iraq, so that's where they are on paper).

Sure you have stuff like this
proving that per the US military own admittance, dozens of REGULAR combat units are engaged in Syria but since the MSM isn't picking it up morons like you don't even realize it's happening.

They don't need to march on Damascus, what's important is preventing Iraq and Syria to link up so the US can have clear supply roads to invade Iran via Turkey/Kurdistan.

Based. I love Judaism now

Nothing ever happens. Its interesting this thread just happened to come up a few days ago.

There are dual citizen kikes in our congress.

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It's ridiculous how many times I've read variations of that sentence over the past couple of years. Fuck "journalists".

This, I'm not dying for kikes.

Good luck, faggot, I'm behind seven layers of autism and neet stench.

pls no McNamara me

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Post counts by user ID:

a6b5b9: 18 (21.69%)

Check 'em!

> 11's (3 total; 25.00%)

> 00's (2 total; 16.67%)

> 33's (2 total; 16.67%)

> 55's (2 total; 16.67%)

> 44's (1 total; 8.33%)
> 66's (1 total; 8.33%)
> 99's (1 total; 8.33%)

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So fucking inbred retarded you can't even process events as they end and are over. The Iran talk is just a sham to drop oil prices. Just like Syria, there will be no kikewar of conquest

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are you talking about Jesus?

What the Jews need is a nice, big war. Then they can crack down on the dissidents. Then they can call us "subversives." Then they can call us "unpatriotic," because we will be against their war… That's why I am convinced that there will be a strong effort to involve America in another major war during the next four years. This effort will be disguised, of course. It will be cloaked in deceit, as such efforts always are. While the warmongers are scheming for war, they will tell us how much they want peace. They're good at that sort of thing. They've had a lot of practice. But they will be scheming for war, believe me, no matter what they say. And when that war comes, remember what you have read today.

There has to be a point where everyone has had enough of these blood thirsty satanic pedo jews and refuse to go to war for isisrael but instead go to war with the government and hang these kikes to dry

Sounds like they are describing ISISrael and burgers. Fucking kike puppets

Christ.. here we go

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Iran, Iraq and Syria already linked up when Al-Tanf (CIAnigger base) was encircled at least nearly a year ago now.
That's why they steamrolled them since and hence the kvetching.

This shit is just to keep attention off Syria while their kike puppets are being removed.

This is all the Jew John Bolton's doing. How many kikes in the Senate and congress are dual citizens of Israel? If Trump had any balls, the first thing he'd do is to make it illegal for any dual citizen to hold public office. Instead of worrying about niggers in Africa, how great would it be if bill gates used his billions to push all the kike money out of politics?

It's actually a real shame Steve Job's father turned out to be a nigger, or else he might have fuded a lobby for Iran and hezbollah just to counteract the kikes.

The Internet, user…instant globalism, massive acceleration of capitalism, fear of revelations of truth controlled by more and more invasive state control and censorship. They underestimated the speed of the internet and are now fighting themselves to keep control of their urge to come forward and end it all. It also doesn't help that their capitalism leaders are bloodthirsty for full control and utter destruction of any opposition.

Do you really think he ever was on another side?
He was saved from bankruptcy by the Rothschilds, was a Televizion host, a "businessman" surrounded by jews working on jewish loans.

Glad he continues to follow the neocon path. The humiliation after nations stop giving a fuck what america has to say will be priceless. Cant wait until that kike hell hole goes under.

and whos the faggot who keeps bringing these kikes onto his staff? Wake up and realize Trump is one of them and move on.


Oh vey