Chink tried to indoctrinate kids into communism on Youtube
Crew: Series Creator: Kristina Wong Director: Jenessa Joffe Producers: Kristina Wong, Jenessa Joffe, Teddy Chao, Anna Michelle Wang
For Kristina Wong: OFFICIAL SITE:
Chink tried to indoctrinate kids into communism on Youtube
Crew: Series Creator: Kristina Wong Director: Jenessa Joffe Producers: Kristina Wong, Jenessa Joffe, Teddy Chao, Anna Michelle Wang
For Kristina Wong: OFFICIAL SITE:
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I saw it. It's pretty sick stuff.
Ironic she is holding up pictures of Jews saying they are white while simultaneously pushing an ideology make by those very same Jews.
Most like a gook sleeper agent tasked with subversion. Gooks have only 1 allegiance, their country and Mao.
Besides political subversion, slant eyed kikes of the east usually steal technology and military secrets and pass it to their country.
Correction, gooks have only 1 allegiance, themselves.
All chinks are sleeper cells for Chairman Mao.
Gooks are koreans you stupid nigger, chinks are chinese.
Chinks are just slanty eyed jews themselves.
Chairman Mao is a sleeper cell for Chairman Shlomo (or as he's literally known, Israel Epstein)
Nobody gives a fuck and all slurs from "gook" to "zipperhead" are used interchangeably with any Asian bug people
this is some wondershowzen-tier shit
It's a chink, not a book. Gooks make anime, chinks make literal hot dogs.
Don't talk shit about hot dogs.
okay, chen
fucks wrong with you hating on hot dogs
Chinks eat cats mostly with some dog. Gooks eat dog. Gooks also drink shitwine.
but why?
Because China now has more Freedom™ than the US.
Let that sink in.
Also because of massive graft and corruption resulting in a local school official having to use his budget to hire the dancers who were party member's mistresses
Chinese wood cooler
Table America's pig eating large
What do you mean tried? Is the show canceled?
Why does no one believe me when I tell them about this stuff?
I don't think they want to believe it. Would you if you were in their position?
Holy shit, Harrison Bergeron was the story that redpilled me.
Chinamen are autistic retards. They see wealthy businessmen go to strip clubs in movies pushed by Hollywood, and interpret it as "wealthy people in west get stripper" and hire them for their kids to make other chinks think they're successful. The entire Chinese system is based on this concept of face, which is a fancy way of saying keeping up appearances. Compare this to most European countries where society instead runs on the concept of shame.
It could also be somewhat compared to the glory/honor societies of Europe in the past, with Romans being all about glory for them and the empire and northern Europe being more focused on honor.
I'm Canadian and she reminds me of all the female teachers I've ever had. Are American teachers like this too?
that's two
I know it's Cultural Revolution style propaganda, but the Weinstein and Dumbledore bits were fucking funny. They had to have coached them through all the answers, or edited it anyways. Ah well.
I promise I'm not a nigger.
sage because I acted like one
He laughs like a little gnome, it's so heartwarming to see that lad.
The sheer joy in his face when he looks back is wonderful. But I want to know why there aren't 90 holes in him by that point?
Also: no user. He's clearly a fat fucking keebler elf.
It matters, try not to behave like a nigger user.
Fuck off you Korean nip.
Not anymore.
Unironically, watch Michael Moore's "Where to invade next".
how do we reach parents with this stuff? facebook memes? a video compilation?
You are a fool if you think bug people are coming here for a better life. Did you not just watch the video? They are coming here to spread communism. And make gobs of money from the idiot Americans.
I really need that laugh, thank you user.
I hope Cornette learned his lesson on siding with the left
This isnt communism this is racism
Jews are programming the minority kids whites are evil by showing them pictures of creepy jews.
shorter version of the video
there is a whole series of these
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ee5d1a: 5 (10.87%)
Be checkin' these dubs!
> 55's (3 total; 33.33%)
> 00's (2 total; 22.22%)
> 22's (1 total; 11.11%)
> 33's (1 total; 11.11%)
> 44's (1 total; 11.11%)
> 66's (1 total; 11.11%)
> 222's (1 total; 100.00%)
If this is a joke and the communism aesthetic is just a meme then this is really just the left's version of "meta-ironic dog-whistle, hiding in plain sight" politics
What is this shit and why haven't mods done anything about it? I keep seeing this garbage pop up in multiple threads.
a zog spambot trying shit up the thread
New rule, you only get to post about ecelebs after you've killed one.
Shit take down by that little chink
On a jewish capitalist (ideologically and economically) site.
Because they didnt grew up in Amerimutt land where any form of dance was turned willfully into complete degenerate and sexualized mating simulation rituals
Many of them who where born into an era that looked like 1900 America. To them it should be like
And even when they realize its actually more "intense" than expected they they won't see it with the same eyes as someone who grew up in a country where Miley Cyrus humping dicks half nacked on TV is the more prude type of entertainment and just try to laugh it off, hope it doesnt become a scandal and never do it again.