Winter is coming

It's cold out, it's snowing, winter is here early anons.

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Al Gore

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They've been calling it climate change for the last decade. sage for low effort and for owning an iphone

It's important to note that global warming and cooling does occur, as we know there is a record of cyclical climate changes between ice ages. In Roman times it was warm enough for Vikings to grow wine in North coastal Canada, and British made wine in Scotland region, Vikings lived and prosperred on Greenland and Iceland. There are currently more solvable matters than this in the way civilization brutalizes nature and our future capacity to survive. Some examples: soil erosion, radiation contamination of oceans and Chernobyl, biological monocultures, and of course CATS, the four legged Africans invade and destroy local fauna spreading mental diesease whilst underperforming the more efficient rat hunting dogs and weasels. While much of global devestation comes out of Africa and Asia, in Westernized lands we are still turning our lands in to radiated deserts.

You're a faggot, they call it "climate change" because they were proven wrong with time more and more people will see through it once the sun enters the grand solar minimum and we have 8 month long winters.

OP here
Yes well my post is more to dismiss CO2 as a cause for the climate change because that's entirely political. yes the reality is that the climate goes through cycles and we are about to enter a cooling cycle so the global warming will be BTFO here in the next decade and likely through the next 50 years when we see record cold weather and snow fall.

I know some anons are worried about crop losses, but we have greenhouses which is technology that really wasn't a thing in the last grand solar minimum our technology will enable us to survive through it as long as niggers don't chimp out when the prices of food increase.

I'm actually thinking of getting into greenhouse farming in preparation because it will be the best way to make money in the near future.

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The fuck ever happened to this bitch?

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Yep, I already had to steal my snow shovel back.

Even the zoomers are questioning climate alarmism.

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Hell yes!

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Here's to hoping DOTR comes mid-winter.

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let us have a winter wonderland.

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Snowmobile Season is upon us
My Snow Chariot of choice being a 1985 Yamaha SRV

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Eh. No. S. WI faggot here. We got our first snow in early November. It's all gone now which makes me sad =[


Maine here, it never went away, half of it did turn to ice, however.

I'm in Northern Michigan, it's pretty comfy and white up here.

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There's a family of deer that's been on the campus grounds for about a week now because of this. It's pretty funny to see non-whites blown the fuck out by the cold

Well I can say that I've only experienced one Christmas in Michigan without snow in my whole life. this year should be epic for snow though.

here have a Michigan deer

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It is the grand solar minimum, we're going to have a pretty harsh winter and they will only get worse from here on out.

Thinner, colder upper atmosphere means the Sun's heat reaches us more - it feels hot. However, Sun's changed spectral output and thinner atmosphere means less energy being stored in planet, and it is lost faster to space.
Hence global cooling.
They pretend it isn't happening, with excuse after excuse and adjustment after adjustment, but its getting COLD.

Winter Chan takes a bit of work, she's no easy slut. Meme harder.