Hey Zig Forums I need help bad right now. Awhile ago I was praying to god to remove deceptions and well my sister's birthday came up and well for the last couple days I've been up in Northern Ontario and they've been partying, drinking, listening to horrible pop music and nigger rap, and every single normie meme I never believed was actually real has been playing out before my eyes. They did this drinking game thing to where they have stuff like where they ask embarassing questions and people have to answer and such. Anyways, I am a virgin and don't drink alcohol or even coffee and don't do drugs… and I just assume they are all virgins because none of them are married and in my mind you just don't have sex outside of marriage, that's just a thing you DON'T DO. I am currently still at the party and can't leave but I am shaking right now. I found out my sister is not a virgin, none of her friends are, they've had many sexual partners, and they also don't even consider stuff like blowjobs "sex" so they can just do that like it's nothing. They talked shit about white males and how non-white males are better, making these weird comparisons to food, and calling white males "mac and cheese" whatever the fuck that means. They are all liberals, all of them have been in or finished university, and well it's obviously a certain demographic. That's my attempt at rationalizing this away. I asked one of them who is 24 if there's a lot of women her age that are virgins and her reply was a definite no, that they are very rare. Also from the conversations I've heard they're all anti-natalists who look down on and denigrate motherhood which is good in that they have interests in racemixing and yet fucking horrible at the same time. So anyways I'm in very bad shock right now and I don't even know what to ask God right now to do with my life. I am thinking about killing myself right here, right now, at this party because I don't want to live in this world if it's really like they're telling me but before I do this I am begging for your help Zig Forums. Tell me it ain't really like this. Maybe if I go to a different part of Ontario or talk in a different circle it'll be different or something and sanity and order will still exist. A coworker I have that doesn't speak English too well has been saying it's like this to me for a long time but I never believed him and yet right now I don't fucking know anymore. I have been praying and I don't even know what to ask God right now, I keep trying to formulate my prayers correctly for the situation. If anyone has a prayer apporpriate for this situation I can just repeat to myself right now so I can try get through this and get back home and rethink my life please help. Help a fellow white nationalist out Zig Forums I am freaking out and having a hard time to handle this situation.
I am in shock please help Zig Forums
Poe's law strikes again
In case anyone doesn't believe this is real here is recording of the party I am at right now. I … am in hell.
This is not a case of poe's law this is real please help. Tell me this isn't life. Tell me there is a way out of this normie hell.
Yes, I literally am. This is the death of the west. This is serious. WE'RE FUCKED. THE WHITE RACE CAN'T RECOVER FROM THIS THE FUCKING JEWS HAVE WON.
Are there any white nationalits even on this board anymore that care? Right now I'm just getting /b/-tier responses.
What the fuck do I do Zig Forums I'm counting on you.
Holy shit you are retarded.
Go get the mein kampf audio book immediately.
I'm going to read your stupid post now, since I was already wasting time for a few minutes.
If you don't recognize the reality of God that is sad unless you're an enemy of the white race in which case stay ignorant because God should only be known to loyal based and fashy trad posters.
Lol no.
This is a shit tier black pill.
Anyone who thinks like this is a traitor and needs only avoid the response for traitors by steeling themselves against the void.
We are beyond reading. You need the power of the spoken word.
New shill tactic? I'm going to be nice and assume you aren't actually this retarded.
I've already read Mein Kampf and Siege and all the other Zig Forums literature (will take awhile to list but it's highly improbable you can successfully recommend me something I haven't read already). Tell me which specific teaching from Mein Kampf you want me to keep in mind right now or fuck off.
You should just fucking kill yourself like you said you were going to do.
I endorse you ending your pathetic shitty life.
nice trolling b, go back to 2002.
Tell me one thing to save me from this blackpill because right now at this fucking party I seem to be an endless void away from ever finding a trad blond haired blue eyed wife to have 14 children with.
Onterrible, the center of the cancer that is killing Canada.
Toronto = degeneracy, greed, arrogance, cultural shit.
Ottawa = ugly little bureaucrats seething with greed and arrogance. Perhaps some of the most boring and uncreative assholes on the planet.
Kenora = if you have to live in Kenora for the next few years then you might want to consider becoming a slave laborer on a Dubai construction site as a preferable alternative.
No fuck you Shlomo I'll kill myself if the situation is completely hopeless which it appears to be but I'm going to think this over first to see if I can find a reason not to.
Get your shit together OP, humanity has faced periods of decadence in the past and the only way around it is to stay strong with your principles and guide the younger generations to avoid the same fate. It's sad to see your sister be one of the ones to go but that's life, at least you're here now.
As for the power of the spoken word I've been through plenty of Hitler and William Luther Piece and Harold Covington and White Aryan Resistance and other podcasts.
Try again /trannypol/
Fucking bend your whore of a sister over and fuck her brains out of her ears, you pathetic shit for brains retard.
Ontario is the kind of place that justifies groups like ISIS (too bad ISIS is kosher conrolled opposition though that cohencidentally never attacks Israel).
Degenerates are going to be degenerates. Things will change, keep your chin up, and morals strait. When shit gets bad enough, people elect an actual fascist to clean up degeneracy. Things arn't there yet. Most people are happy going to their wage slave job and coming home to a beer and talmudvisim every night. But when compounding problems like women getting raped by nonwhites meets a threshold, or ignorant shitskin diversity hires are unable to keep the electrical grid functioning and that TV goes off, people will wake up, or if (at least in the USA) the democrats actually start going head first into taking away gun rights beyond the small paper cuts they've been trying….again, things will get better but they have to be worse before people will wake from their slumber of comfort. I myself, choose not to participate in the modern degenerate culture as a millennial. I drink and smoke weed, but that's really it. I myself cannot understand the culture behind pre-marital sex with someone you know you do not want to marry. I mean, i understand if you're in love with the person and can see a future together, but from everybody i know it's not even something they consider before bumping groins. Every girl i know has had 10x+ dicks before the age of 21, and this makes it hard to find a mate off the bat but i'm getting off topic, and i digress… Hope for a better tomorrow where one can be proud of their culture, people and morals.
Would you actually do this?
Btw she's apparently had 4 sexual partners.
FUCKING FOUR. WTF. I thought up this point she was a virgin.
Yet you're still a Christcunt worshipping Saturn. It's amazing, how much I don't believe you that is.
Women are whores if men don't stop them.
Just four? She's lying.
It's literally all on me to keep the lineage going she is a genetic dead end. I was hoping she'd have racially pure children and pass on my genetics but now I'm literally the only child who can keep the family name alive. I am fucking upset about this.
You are right though. I'm not sure it's ever been decadence on this scale but Sparta and other ancient nations all had their periods of decadence all followed by collapse.
What should I even do at this point?
Thinking about how to even respond to you. I want whites to continue to exist and to pass on their genetics not die childless after a life of hedonism and nihilism.
this. 4 sounds like she made a mistake or 2 and had a "serious relationship" or 2 and sounds like she's trying to sound humble, but unless you admitted to fucking 40 people or something, she'll never say the real number since she knows she'll be ashamed and be shamed by a family member.
daily reminder to take politicians and ceo's on your way out
Go to the nearest synagogue
Why in the hell is this a surprise at all?
Stop being retarded. Nobody believes the whole blonde hair, blue eyed shit. Stop being hysterical and get a grip. We’re all depressed about the state of the world. At least you don’t live in a fucking third-world shithole user. Then you might have something pliable to bitch about.
Your ancestors would be ashamed. Fornication is textbook degeneracy and is the primary sign of social decay, it means families aren't being formed or falling apart.
Just remind yourself all these people are going to Hell and WILL burn in the lake of fire.
Matthew 13:43
And the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.
Oh come on up to that point I was liking your post then you had to throw that in.
I feel like a unicorn.
I don't want to have to marry a degenerate. I want someone that can match my own standards. It's not fair that after being a virgin, staying away from vices, etc. up to 25 that I can't have a wife that is like me. I have to find someone like me otherwise my existence is truly pointless. I don't want to just get a house and a bunch of random junk and live alone and childless because all the women around me refuse to be mothers.
A charitable attempt for good measure.
You won't like the help you get here.
I doubt you know how to do that without words in a way that would actually produce results.
Sounds boring.
See above.
New and popular trash music always sucks. What would you rather listen to?
Truth in memes, I guess.
Sounds like normal stuff if they're young and drunk. It loosens inhibitions; that's the point.
There's no prize for not doing any of that stuff waiting for you. Hopefully you have better reasons than that.
That's just not the case in today's shitty society.
Have you seen a television or movie in your life? This doesn't seem possible.
Literally shaking and posting on a tablet at a party. Are you also listening to your own music on headphones
Seems pretty standard nowadays.
They sound retarded and probably don't formulate intelligent thoughts of their own.
Sounds like a stupid attempt to create their own inside lingo. I still don't accept "selfie" as a real word.
No shit; that's what it's designed to produce.
Which is?
Try harder.
How old is everyone else? You? Sister?
Unfortunate but this shouldn't surprise you at all.
This will change when they hit 30.
I'm trying to imagine a person I know telling me they had an abortion. I don't even want to know, but I would probably never be capable of respecting them again.
That's not how god works.
Alcohol poisoning will work; about 40 drinks should do it. Good luck.
There is no alternative. Deal with it.
It's worse. Much, much worse.
Nope. It's like this pretty much everywhere. Maybe try Utah?
Was he trying to redpill you? Why did you resist?
Asking in words is useless.
Get closer to your perceptions to see where these feelings originate, then work on handling their source better.
You're not ready to deal with this reality, it seems.
I really don't know how to advise, since I know almost nothing about you.
Hey retard, I'm a Panentheist, and I love and worship God. I am heavily influenced by Christian theology but you won't find me addressing my prayers to the person of Jesus. I am a pagan although I would convert to Christianity if God were to reveal to me that indeed Jesus really did live and was the son of God.
This is one of the highest quality troll threads I've seen in some time.
Just find different friends.
Problem solved
Normalfags suck (literally), full stop. You're a deluded newfag if you believe everyone without a partner to be virgin, especially if they're a woman older than 12 nowadays. I was in your position when my pseudo-boomer stacey of a mother convinced my sister that premarital sex is normal. Meanwhile, my late great grandmother got married and had kids around 20, and remained a widow after her husband died til her death. Additionally, my grandmother got married and had kids before age 20 and is still happily married while my mother is divorced.
That's my 2 cents. You need to find a dedicated christian woman IMO. Go to church and talk to people. Hold your autism in if only for a little bit every Sunday.
I know exactly how you feel, it's tough being the last in the lineage. Sadly though, I don't see how your sister could've decided to become a good mother without being redpilled beforehand. What I would do is redpill younger people about the problems of the modern degeneracy, and perhaps even get in touch with people who's lives were destroyed by it and have them educate people about the false promise of hedonism. Also do the Zig Forums staple with a diet, weights, and a set of masculine hobbies and become a light in the dark world of degeneracy. I admit, I've never read "Ride the Tiger" but from what I heard from other anons about it, it's pretty good on this subject.
Also, don't blame yourself for this. Ultimately its not your fault people chose to be degenerates. The best we can do is abstain from it ourselves, and "ride the tiger"
And please OP, don't kill yourself. You're seeing firsthand why this world needs more people like you.
FOUR is already too many. Stop this!
Ahhh shit I meant to reply to this post
It's probably more like 10 or 15, you dumb fag.
she's like a used car saleman lying about her mileage.
That would probably be about 200 km away from here. We are literally in a national park way the fuck up north.
TLDR: Mac n Cheese from up north doesn't understand fat girl sexuality.
Unicorns are found through networking and getting past the men in the family.
Join the Mormon Church if you want to focus on building a family, they're really big on chastity. You'd probably like their theology and fellowship, they have a lot of 'pagan' beliefs and hate coffee.
Never watched television and lived an isolated life also never went to school.
That pic is an esoteric metaphor for our youth.
Drinking and smoking weed isn't like virginity. The problem isn't being sober forever, the problem is using them and having it lead to heedlessness. As in, you take the first drink, but a completely different person takes the second drink, and the third, and so on. Heedlessness leads to bad outcomes and lack of control over your actions. Like fucking someone while drunk and then getting an STD. Or drinking habitually. Or reaching for it as a solution when you get depressed. There is literally no advantage to being sober forever if you can drink and simply not get drunk. Same goes for some drugs. You could get closer to god after using LSD once in your life; you have no fucking clue.
I have blond hair and blue eyes and want to keep the phenotype alive. If you mean Hitler considered all Europeans regardless of phenotypes aryans I know that but I myself do not want to destroy this blessing of blond hair and blue eyes I have by mixing with some Southern European woman or something that has black hair and brown eyes.
Finally someone who isn't degenerate. Save me user.
Huh, fresh pasta for once.
You know how we know you are a faggot shill?
Drinking is pretty normal, the more extreme on this board will disown it, to each their own. Weed is controversial and I can see why, but in my opinion it’s less impactful than alcohol is to ones mind. Keeps me sane in a world where the state can declare you an unfit parent, take your kid away, and have tax payers pay for their gender reassignment surgery. Other than those two vices I do project a moralistic view of myself to others and playfully and passive aggressively put them down for their degenerate actions and world views.
This is pretty adorable. Like a rabid puppy right before you have to put it down or it will kill everything.
Pathetic. Sad. Shill.
Grab a knife and kill yourself, faggot, that's all you're good for
I know about that but it's not the kind of thing that brings me satisfaction. I know it is god's justice at work but I don't want things to get as bad as Sodom and Gomorrah where the moment I leave Ontario god nukes the place because its last non-degenerate has left. That would be a very lonely existence (unless god can lead me to another place that has people that aren't so lost).
Just get some headphones and go for a /nightwalk/ think about what you want to be and leave those hoes behind.
Don't look back or you'll turn into a pillar of salt.
Shitty "parties" like this is what made me pick up smoking, until all the other smokers start crowding you because you went your own way for some alone time.
God's True name is Yahowey - he is Moloch, the Violator, the King of Defilers, and the Destroyer of Hope. I will personally string the bastard up to break the semites' morale.
< My life game is the fifth-tier objective
It's not nice to laugh at retards, user. It is, however, warranted.
How were you recording these?
I was curious about that too, having not used a tablet in at least four years.
It'll be okay, user. Just keep it together and get out of this feminine way of thinking for starters (at least based on how you typed this out). I'd listen to some brutal death metal to drown out their voices then go for a walk or something, if I were you. Gregorian chants won't help you simmer a good, calm masculine anger you need instead of "freaking out," and those people you're with are fucked and not worth worrying about.
You dodged a bullet, state schools are normalnigger factories. Focus on building and protecting your clan, everything else is a past time. Don't let others pressure you into degeneracy, they will try very very hard to normalize their anti-social and stupid behaviors.
All drugs should be used ritualistically and medicinally, not habitually. Including alcohol as it once was.
sage for shitty false flag. stop sliding shit jews
sage and report, guys this is an attempt to scare off newfags so they cant get redpilled . look at how many replies this got jesus fuck
I took your sister's virginity OP.
You know how I know you're a bot?
Alright op, if you don't want to die of an opioid/alcohol overdose in the next few months, then do the following:
1) Visit /x/ , /fringe/ , /asatru/ , /sig/
2) visit Reddit theredpill
3) quit masturbating, realize that feminism is a lie, women are designed to be cumdumpsters, your sister and her friends and 25% of the american female population are now destined to be handmaids rather than goodwives.
4) (((they))) can't dox you if you never masturbate and stick to hetero mindbreak hentai and mlpol.
5) you can atone for your sins by helping to reallocate the engineering drawings that Nikola Tesla sent to Canada in 1943 from Canada back to the US where they were created.
6) for more on number 5, contact styxhexenhammer666
7) I'm sorry that life sucks ass. This planet is a cosmic soul farm operated by skypeople built to harvest the multidimensional spirit force contained in birth, death, pleasure, pain, emotions, etc.
8) 7 might be a little heavy to digest. Listen to Infowars.com for a more gentle approach.
fucking shit attempt op. I couldn't even finish that faggotry.
Would you be angry at your son for not being a degenerate like 'everyone else'? What kind of advice would you give to your son?
Don’t forget how many serial killers were gay - ALOT btw
I don't watch television or movies and when the normies talk about these things I'm completely clueless about what they're talking about but I can tell you everything they describe is just degenerate stuff.
I am pro at prayer but I want to hear your advice on deepening it. I was aiming for something like "see so clear that every intention, secret, and character is immediately revealed to me clairvoyently concerning any person" and "knowing as by direct gnosis the actual true history of all things".
I don't drink alcohol or coffee or do drugs because it's not in my nature to want to do these things just like I love god because that is my nature to do so, because I understand god enough that I can't help but love god, and not because of some other reason. It is my NATURE.
I am not listening to music on headphones also I don't like music and they didn't want to listen to any suggestions I did make that were more wholesome and not just songs about degeneracy and recklessness.
Yes they are all retarded despite their university education.
The demographic I'm thinking is urban university graduates. Hopefully rural Ontario isn't so degenerate. If that happens to be the case as well I'm going to be even more upset.
I'm 25 and my sister is 23.
Then it will be too late. Also the ones that still seem to have hope at 30 just carry on until they're 40 and they only ever seem to want to be mothers when it's biologically too late.
Yes I have no respect anymore for them and my sister may as well be dead to me at this point. I'm going to tell my mother about this that she's a dead end and maybe she''ll disown her. She hasn't lived at home though for years now though so disowning here won't mean much anyways as they can't kick her out of home when she already doesn't live at home.
You can ask god whatever you want and receive guidance through the universe afterwards.
Please no.
Pill me on Utah.
Yeah I guess so. I didn't believe him because he talks a lot of bullshit all the time. What, am I to start believing in his stories about people robbing the cemeteries and cannibalizing the corpses too? He tells me about a lot of fucked up shit and I can sort of suspension of disbelief but I would never actually believe it without actual experience. If everything he's been telling me is true then Ontario is basically a cannibalistic pedophile drug den where even 14 year olds are having gay orgies now.
None of them are my friends. It's my sister and her friends and her party.
I thought you were 16-8. Old enough to deal with it yourself.
Infowars is kikey bs. So that’s what we’ve been fighting for? Some dippy nlog who’s really actually just like all the other girls. Damn, and here I thought we were fighting for our our land, freedom, people, and respect.
Might as well ask this but how based are your parents? Could you get them to disown her?
I've been going to theology discussions and to churches. Some of the churches I've been to have gay rainbow flas and Israel flags everywhere and preach nothing but degeneracy and there's not only multiple races present but also couples that are holding hands that aren't even the same race, they're fucking racemixers.
One theology group I've been going to appears to be 100% non-degenerate though so there's that. I'm going to keep going to that.
You are a big boy now grow up
Pray to God for help and guidance. If you rely on men then you'll be disappointed. Besides, it's not as if your situation is special in history. Remember that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for their debauchery and filthy practices. Strengthen your faith in Christ and distance yourself from wickedness. And go to Zig Forums for Christian support.
I've read Men Amongst the Ruins and parts of Ride the Tiger but I have to still finish that one. I also read some other Evola books.
I think what happened is my father is always working so he fucked up in not dealing with his daughter properly keeping her in line.
I need to find people like myself ASAP though if my life is going to mean anything because one man alone can't save a race I require at least a hundred other men who can take up arms with me OR a single trad wife to have children. I am aiming for the later as the time for an uprising seems to never come.
Two sexual partners or 100 sexual partners doesn't really make a difference both get the rope either way.
The proper way things are SUPPOSED to happen is you only have sex with the woman you marry and who has your children.
It actually was a fat girl saying it.
Redpill me on "fat girl sexuality".
You seem like a good chap, OP. I went through this a few years ago.
As a Christian, you know the story of Adam and Eve. Small detail in that story: Adam was standing right there when Eve ate the apple. He stood right there when Eve was getting deceived by the snake. This story is an ancient warning - women are easily deceived, and if men don't intervene their actions can doom us.
Hey man, don't worry about it. They're all dead in one or two generations. All that matters is you prepare yourself and your kids.
The bible said it was going to get even worse, but there will be a chance to survive for those so inclined. I don't expect anyone to love me or even think like me, but I'm giving it my best to reach that boat. It's going to come down to the wire for a lot of people.
Sack up you whiny faggot