Zig Forumsacks: "But muh culture, muh nation, muh white race, muh Jooooos

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Do you even have a job, mr working class?

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to this day I still don't understand how these stupid commies still haven't realized their pig caricature IS the jews

because like the altright the majority of them are jews and masons attempting to build a cult of idiots that they can use to gain power, by scapegoating or leading depending how the chips fall.

this thread is kino. not for the content, but for the fact that op posted it in the first place. bravo

No, I prefer to stay free instead of being a wage slave like you.

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Said the Nazi… xD

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Anybody have the image with which the porky is baiting the Zig Forumsack in OPs image?
This shit is really getting meta.

You know, porky and the Jew might actually be a same person …

Not having a job was a crime in USSR. Artists were employed in shitty jobs to circumvent this. Famously Singer Tsoi had to work as a coal агктфсу heater operator, picrelated.

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I legit keked myself over that one. Oof thats a good one lol

Adolf was right about these people, wasnt he… wew

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You're so stupid. The USSR was socialist and only emerged from a revolution against the capitalist system.

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Sage hide and report.

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Stalin killed more Jews than Hitler.
Hitler helped the Zionist Jews to create Israel.

Fuck you too.
When building communis, all jobs belong to "the people" - the state. People could sometimes choose where to work, as long as the state and the five year plan had a place for them. To quote Lenin "Who does not work - does not eat!".

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This is the only place actual commies come where I can at least try to discuss communism. I get banned at leftypol and the like at the speed of light for all sorts of "capitalist/democratic/fashist propaganda". Even though each of these systems showed great faults and poential for violent selfdestruction. Literally picrelated.

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Maybe, just maybe, you don't actually support (((communism.)))
They call what you support the third option for a reason.

Unironically believes this. IT was the UK that created Israël faggot. And Stalfag dus niet kill more jews

How would communism maintain it's medical division? We like to think people just become doctors and other stressful useful things like that but in reality it's the money. In a system where I could be a fastfood worker and make as much as a doctor why would I voluntarily take on all the stress and awkward working hours on top of years of expensive education?

Also without market analytics how will you know how much medicine to produce without either making too much and wasting too many resources or not enough and potentially cause a modern plague? Or where to ship it due to different levels of demand?

You can daydream about your communist utopia but that's all it can be. We live in reality and as well as the modern world where market forces are so important to maintaining efficiently high populations.

Note I'm asking about medical because I already know how shitty you are at letting people starve already.

It's not hard to see why, Hitler wanted a nation for every man.
Stalin wanted one nation under man.
Plus it would make an actual holocaust much easier, just nuke the country they inhabit.