You know what's funny about white nationalist/traditionalist/far-right types is that in a way, they actually kind of understand the way humanity is supposed to be engineered: people who want to live in a world that isn't built on vapid superstition and dogma are fundamentally different on an intellectual level than people like them. Where they are wrong, however, is their belief that they are the one and only saviors of the future.
Being a "traditionalist" must fucking suck
Other urls found in this thread:
Viva la raza!
It's not exactly a secret that those who define themselves by " saving and preserving America/the white race" and crusading against the "pozzed media" are prone to neuroses, depression, and self-destructive misanthropy. Just take a look at yourselves: a freakish array of browbeaten, lowlife misogynists and racists seem far from happy and content with their lives, harassing actors and actress off of social media and celebrating the firing of a man for making until-now irrelevant jokes any edgy ten year old boy would've thought of.
Reducing liberalism to its most predictable stereotypes makes for an easy form of providing an argument, but I doubt any of these mayonnaise ghouls even have the ability to back up anything they say physically. This brings us to another point: the narrow and juvenile definition of "life" one gleans from these types. Liberalism limits one's self-restraint and demands that one make compromises with one's pride for the good and health of the world surronding. Modern-day traditionalists seem unwilling to comprehend that reproducing and isolating your people from another people are not paths to long-term happiness; any kind of personal decision to whether or not one wants to be married or have children or the slightest hint of empathy towards another race must in their eyes necessarily be the result of DA JOOS and degeneracy and should be torn down at once.
Is that why the NGO officers bringing muslim invaders to Europe wear hazmat suits while handling the cargo?
But isolating your people from savages who want to rape them and throw acid in their faces is unarguably a good thing.
You're bad at this.
There will be no Sam Hydes, Andrew Anglins, Andrew Aurenheimers, and of course, average Zig Forumsacks in the future; people like them can't actually solve any problems or provide any thing of worth to the word, they can only regurgitate their talking points and ideologies in the desperate, fleeting hope that someone, anyone, will be sad enough to actually fall for what they say.
Also, in the case of GoyimNose's statement, it is so far detached from how things actually are that I wonder how he even manages to function on a daily basis. It is the right that are issuing rape threats, want to and have taken away healthcare from people including children, cheering on income inequality (and calling it morally right), and are doubling down on punch-down humor and bigoted slurs.
Death is a preferable alternative to diversity.
To be fair, your people can't solve anything either. You've created a world where everything is expensive, no one has money, and everyone has to lock their doors at night, at minimum. And this is in formerly civilized countries. You kikeslave leftists suck, and the future is ours. We're even winning over shitholes like Brazil.
I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that you were sincere in wishing for a discussion. But the more I read from you, the more I'm beginning to see you're paid, or trying to 'change Zig Forums's mind' like the rest of your soyboy buddies have failed to do before you. Either way, fuck-off back to reddit. Can't believe I'm even saying it.
LMFAO, it was never even yours to begin with.
I'm not trying to change anyone's mind; I'm just here to remind them that no matter how much they try to run around it, you'll all live to be sixty-eight and nobody will care that any of you exist.
By the way, one more thing before I close the thread, OP, since you're desperately trying to hit below the belt. I fucked my girl twice in the past 12 hours. When's the last time you even had a woman acknowledge your existence?
it's not yours, either. it's theirs.
You're just a corporate stooge Zig Forums. If Apple and Google support your ideology because it's good for corporate profits, not because it's actually good for human people. Human tribes naturally hate each other, even the French and the English have hundreds of years of enmity and they're both nominally "white." Your Tower of Babel is crashing down, right NOW. You should be thanking us. We are the liberators, and you, the oppressors. Oppressors of biology, oppressors of culture, all in the name of your corporate-backed "multicultural" ideology. Get rekt.
Your doubt about my meager, unimpressive boast only confirms my suspicions about you. See you in a better thread, you faggot tankie.
Fucking KYS, you leftist weakling.
leftists used to be at least rhetorically anti-corporatism. then the meatheads at corporations outsmarted them like an Alzheimer's patient beating a retarded 7-year-old at chess, and decided to pinkwash and greenwash everything in sight. result. PROFIT and majorfuckingincomeequalitywagesuppression but it's okay because everyone can be gay or have a ladybrain while they work 20 hours a day for $12/hr…which is gonna' go up to $15 any day now! Revolution!
Which is exactly why I doubted it in the first place.
I like how all /leftycuck/ arguments boil down to "lol ur wrong". I'm still trying to find the argument. It's really baffling.
>>>Zig Forums
At least the HRT is free! What do you think this kid's front hole smells like?
Hi there, filthy, dumb, shitskinned scum. You must be lost. Allow me to hyperlink you to a board more suited to one of your genetic legacy, intellectual prowess, and overall cultural "contribution" to mankind.
I don't think most white nationalists think they are the -only- solution, they just want things to be better and feel the role forced upon them because they're aware of how things are.
Being a traditionalist does suck, once you become aware of what you lost in society's downhill spiral it's like a knife straight to your gut. Every. Fucking. Day. Knowing that you could have clean streets, people that are proud of themselves, stand up for themselves and keep gov/businesses in check.
Instead we get mass degeneracy, mass migration, corrupt governments and the businesses that dance with them hand in hand.
Then maybe you should try not drinking the Kool-Aid all you mayofolk can never get enough of for once.
Because being a clown world tranny cuck is so much fucking better right?
I have the solution. HMU on gabbai and I will sell you fragmentary portions that never seem to lead anywhere and are built on a logical flaw only those who do not need my program are capable of perceiving.
Didn't even read it.
Because you're not drinking some corporate Kool-Aid yourself?
Fuck off leftypol
Every time.
Walk like a cuck, talk like a cuck, you're a cuck.
Zig Forums are such fake revolutionaries
At least muh nazis are risking their asses by posting this shit, commies get government and corporate funding and think nothing of the hypocrisy.
soon moishe
On a final note, for the record, yes, anyone with a functioning brain could care less about you and the world would admittedly be infinitely better off if you and your ideologies were to die.
Just know that we don't hate you as much as you all hate yourselves, though~!
I'm not even going to argue with you. I'm literally just waiting until I can get away with killing your kind.
fuck off to sucking a shotgun
aight kike, go back to your fucking tel aviv basement
oh wait..
nah, you're probably a mong that actually sniffs your own farts like it's not retarded
please exit yourself out of the board, >>>/cuckchan/ and don't come back, thx
Not always about profits. Sometimes it's useful for corporations to create controversies, steering people away from really sensitive information. The leftists then function as shills by drowning out actual information with inane bullshit. They realize the value of such useful idiots who they can string along as an unofficial PR asset.
You want us to not be isolated by being surrounded by people who don't speak the same language or have the same customs. In a world where the internet and telephones exist so we can communicate with others around the world without living next to them or under the same leaders.
Typical kikery-pushing extreme black and white thinking. Most people who care about the white race have empathy for others. Not everyone who cares about the white race is even white. You kikes (actual or honorary) always frame everything as either accepting destruction or absolute hatred with no inbetween.
i'll take festering wound for $100
It's only fun being a degenerate when there is still a backbone of a traditional society. It is like a necrosis. Keep pushing your globohomo shit and soon the entire world will be the trash+fags+AIDs
there's nothing more superstitious and dogmatic than modern day liberalism.
Sixty-eight is a good run. Gives me ample time to deag you down.
You dont see too many women do you user.
Everyone in the western world is suffering the exact same thing. Everyone is depressed, nihilistic, addicted to porn, addicted to dopamine, has no purpose in life, no vision or hope for the future, nothing they are willing to fight or die for, no way to express themselves in a meaningful way.
The only difference is that there is some sort of hollow comfort in adopting liberal ideology since you have an industry-wide support network capable of giving you social reassurance for supporting faggotry. There's no sliver comfort in taking "the red pill".
It's funny just how convinced people are of this. If you weren't conditioned to believe this, you never would have. Demographic displacement was never a demand from the white population from the ground-up. It was forced on us by hostile elites, to much resistance. 100 years ago, white people weren't demanding that their government import brown people for their own "happiness". Without decades of propaganda, the thought would have never crossed your mind.
I saw the Zig Forums topic on the same subject earlier today on the front page. Try not telegraphing your punches.
All caused by people like you as a result of the policies you push. Despite the fact that what your garbled nonsense says doesn't change the fact that we're still right.
Not really. Especially when I know that you faggots don't really ebjoy anything while we're becoming better, stronger, and more able to achieve our goals.
But thanks for projecting like an SJW while also being obvious, Zig Forums.
They enjoy getting dopamine hits from playing with their cocks undeterred and getting asspats from social media for 1upping other progressives.
OP. TFW, being a degenerate modern must suck. Being a progressive suckes even more. Being a Traditionalist White Nationalist NatSoc Fascist just plain rocks.
I always wondered if cartel bitches cheated on their men.
I guess one did.
Hi OP. You can also doubt that I make more than you, your dad (wherever he is) and your last 2 gay boyfriends combined. But I do.
That's one reason why you think we're all losers. Some of us unfortunately have to be quiet about things publicly and some of us are in situations where we have less to lose and can be vocal. But those like me are here and we care just as much. We're the pressure that doesn't make the news, and you can feel our weight or you wouldn't be here in the first place.
Wtf I hate me now
Are you pretending to be retarded?
Personally I always wonder what they're saying to it.
Nigger detected
I'll start taking coons like you seriously when you start policing your own the way naive whites morally-browbeat each other.
In other words
Here's the real question though. You ready?
How many mods does it take to not leave the board unattended for 8 fucking hours during US evening hours?
Answer: Who fucking knows.
Unless one of the mods made this thread, of course, and they haven't been inactive, but they don't want to delete their own shitposting thread, like the last moderator of Zig Forums used to do using the avatar of rachel maddow.
Its got pictures so halfwits like yourself can understand it.
It's the 'burgers are asleep and bongs are waking up' gap.
I used to vol it during kampfy for a few weeks till he fired me because he can't take user feedback or criticism.
I've also offered to vol here but am rescinding that now because they are a pack of uber kikes (who delete antarctica threads after 20 minutes and ban the good OP for a week ffs), plus deny 56 reports on their own shitty post which covers up why they don't want to mod blatant spam. At least kampfy kept the fucking board clean of spam and blatant shilling, he was such a power tripping faggot at times though.
its not too bad. I enjoy being a traditionalist in todays world than anyone else.
Can you imagine actually going to those rallies and doing that shit. Or being gay. Its fucking retarded.
No thanks Ill just stay traditional. God will take care of the future. He gave me everything I need to get through this.
But honestly shits funny, I fucking laugh at this shit. But its easy to feel good when you side with God.
this thread is shit OP, I pray for you
There are no saviors you fuck
China will kill the world with pollution and nobody can stop the fucks
Why do you fags fall for these bait threads?
Sage, report and move on.
doesnt make you any less of a pussy
there are no other good threads … place is dead , but its good for shitposting
i just figured we were debating them for the lurking audience, it's never about trying to convince the jew arguing with you it's all about how the argument is perceived by the audience, but ill sage in deference to your experience
They don't.
Being a lefty means embracing contradictions and retardation, no thanks. By the way please name the people who've been killed by Rebuplicans not doing shit about the ACA, you can't because it didn't happen even fucking over the wall spics can get tax payer healthcare you bleeding heart retard.
Go read Evola of you are going to throw around the word traditionalist.
Clearly you have no idea what it means.
Come back once you have read his works twice over.