Talked with some of my friends today about the Camp Fire...

Talked with some of my friends today about the Camp Fire. Before I could get a word in one of them straight up said "PG&E is fucking jewing us with this" and the rest agreed. They then spent the next 15 minutes talking about how PG&E's investors are jewish, how jewish investors are literally raping California with wildfires, and why Trump should nationalize them and have them executed for murdering people in the Santa Rosa, San Bruno and (current) Camp Fire. This dovetailed into a discussion about Fienstien having Trump ban criticism of Israel in all schools and colleges.

It's fucking spreading. Never stop reminding people of the jews, even if only subtly. As the damage from the fire increases, more people will be forced to confront the fact that jews are their enemy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I slowly stopped hiding my power level in the last 2 years. I only regret not doing it sooner.
If the Jews intended to use Zionald as a 'release valve', they fucked up enormously.

I can't say for other people but I only did so by naming the CEOs of large companies and their ties to Israel. Normal people will buy this and it quickly leads into activities of local jews.

But, at least for myself personally, the PG&E fire is really opening up eyes because so many communities are simply destroyed. A friend of mine lost everything, called PG&E a bunch of kikes since he lost pictures of his grandparents. And guess what, already the local Jew community groups offer free aid - but to Jews only. Normal people don't get to live in the hotel they rented out, which also caused room rates to spike.

no one cares about you guys , talk about jews??? Your neighbors are jews. Your mayors are jews. Your fucking central industry of hollywood is owned by jews.

America said ok blacks and gays go to california and enjoy life. Then your fucking parents said: "hey we like jews we are not racists"

you fucking did it to your self. California is the jewish problem.

All those Iranians in the San Fernando Valley and Simi Valley?

Iranian jews mah fren. Iranian jews. They are some of the worst, the most criminal and violent ones. If they call themselves "Persians" they're jews from Iran.

Didn't the camp fire start nearby one of those jewish camps because two campers "accidentally" didn't put out a campfire correctly? Our local news channel did a story on how (((their))) menorah is still standing.

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No, it was a PG&E transformer. PG&E is equally jewish though.

What upsetting isn't so much that jews start fires but their reaction to them. Instead of rushing in to help people they immediately lock ranks and fight others for territory, for example the local JCC dozed a guy's carport for their firebreak. And their clinics are only for jews, and their members go through each community looking for jews and asking for them. It's why the CHP now "monitors" the spic encampment, because when the jews tried going through there a riot almost started and they cried about it to their friends in Sacramento.

People (including "people" like taco-creatures) can tolerate daily jewing but when a jewish disaster happens and it gets thrown into their face, they stop being nice. Just look at how jews can shack up for free in RVs because the local retailer is a kike, but everyone else gets to freeze and choke in the shit air outside.

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You make some great observations.

What we really need is an economic collapse. Revolutions have historicslly occured when prices of bread rose. That's the only way to get the lemmings to wake the fuck up.

Look at this shit. Will the military build the new homeless tents have have AC?

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Also, people should bus in the homeless to these fancy tents. Move the overton window by having the homeless beat the shit out of the illegals.

so that explosion from the satellite was a transformer?
something launched up high enough to cast a huge shadow, but I guess that could have been part of the transformer

No, user, that is incorrect.
And some of the Iranians in LA are actual Persians, and not just because they speak persian.

What's PG&E, I thought the cause of why the Californian Fires are so big were Eucalyptus Trees

It IS an economic collapse. The whole county is fucked because of this. But not the jews. Many already know, and as homeowners realize that insurers will sooner fuck them over then pay out but will always pay jews more will know. It's easy to write off Palestinian children being killed in front of their parents as backpage news, it's hard to swallow watching your own children starve and freeze while the jews don't.

It's visceral, it's ugly and it's real. It is also PG&E's fault.

Probably not, at the very most they'll get FEMA trailers but only after the fires are stopped. Realistically, most people won't have any shelter through the New Year. And this assumes the coming rains actually stop the fires, instead of expanding them through the wind.

Jewish lightning strikes again.

Why do they call the fire "camp fire" any ways?

they could have called it the camp creek fire or the creek fire,
but i think its a psyop to associate it with a human cause
especially to associate it with the type of people who like to go out camping (white people)

A excellent thing to point out is that Israel has a specific policy that prevents giving aid to a goy on the shabbath, or preventing their deaths. Define goy as "Worthless farm animal" Good only to make money off of, but not valuable enough to protect or preserve in good shape. Hell, point out this link :*( and point out that Jewish lives in Israeli policy are limitlessly valuable, but non jew lives are worse than useless. Also point out how fucking insane Jews are in general, and how paranoid and delusional most are like plotting to stab their generous hosts in the back because if they're being generous its to set up a false sense of security so as to wipe them all out so the kikes must strike first…Even if the hosts are actually just kindhearted.
Also, the kosherswitch is plain nuts.

Because it started near a yid campground

I'm beginning to think we might have to do something about these jews.

Yup, and no utilities should ever be foreign owned.

Plus, if it went to gov coffers rather than jew pockets our infrastructure wouldn't be crumbling taking the yid contractors and funds out of the equation.

californians deserve that level of disrespect.
my only wish was that their shit tents were up on a hill that overlooked the illegals tents. separated by a fence so while theyre eating government cheese and gruel, while the illegals are talking on cellphones and given much better food packages and clothes.

maybe being cucked by illegals will wake them up.

The thing is about jews is that they will jew unitl the last jew.
Traitorous whites, on the other hand, are simply lemmings that act in accordance with the flow. Make it unfashionable to be anti white, however it can be done, seems a lot more doable than ridding every last jew, as what would need to be done to undo the stranglehold they have on the white man. Doing something about the traitors or the jews, either way seems like a path to reclaiming our homelands.I think reforming our own is a lot more viable. reform a few kikes and the other yids will still churn out their propaganda. the message needs to go directly to our fellow whites.

You bitch and complain, but I have never seen any goyim step foot onto my property or do anything but join up with meager protests until they feel satisfied. I could slap the fuck out of you in the street or pay some nigger $50 to cold-clock you and I wouldn't get in any trouble…even if I was arrested. I am starting to feel like you and your gentile folk were just meant to be kicked around and be our paypigs. Whites are losers with a loser attitude. Plain and simple.

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Here's another life tip for you. Are you tired of seeing shit in public go unmaintained, rundown and vandalized? Draw a swastika on it, or some sort of "Hitler did nothing wrong" and marvel at how fast that shit gets fixed or replaced with something new. Figures the Jews who got their fingers on the strings suddenly find the time and money to do something when they are reminded of summer camp.

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yes, but the good thing about this is that as soon as the tides change, so will they. they are not stuck in their ways, they will do a 180 as soon as whoever they see as the authority does a 180.
imagine if cnn, nbc, and all the major networks started exposing jews. 90% of those same traitors would blindly follow.

heres your (((you)))

tbh, this should be the next "its ok to be white"
major cities are full of jews, and full of decay. youd be able to draw swastikas or whatever and if you ever got caught you could fall back on the "i was hoping the city would respond and fix this"
start a thread about that, user.

One of your friends got his jaw broken by a pissed off "day laborer" when he told him to shut up about jesus. And now there's at least 200 people outside the hotel another one of you rented, everyone outside is keenly aware they do not have proper toilets, electricity, heating or air filtering right now.

Your day is coming. This isn't a joke, peoples' lives have been destroyed by this and they see the jews in their community prosper by locking ranks and keeping the homeless out. This street only goes one way and it ends with you being shoved into an oven.

Here's footage of PG&E jewing.
People forgot about the sniper attack.
DHS even called it a professional hit.

Attached: Snipers Attack U. S. Electrical Grid In Central California.webm (426x240, 6.16M)

that picture reminds my of my favorite movie
if anyone has not seen this movie, i cannot recommend it highly enough

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I read about that shit when it happened, never saw a video about it though, thought the media was ordered to keep it quiet so that people don't realize how the grid has effectively zero security.

This is the only whitepill I have. I think back on Weimar Germany and how the country went full NatSoc and feel not so bad. It's hard to feel optimistic.


Ohohohahaha. Now this is funny. I'd like to see you try and strongarm our interests. What are you going to do when The Military stands down on the 30k people coming into the USA from that caravan? How are you going to respond when The Military responds to any uprising or violence against your most hated rich Jews? Nothing, that's what. You're going to go back to your homes and accept our response. Those of you who refuse will be put down like "mad cows" and everyone in the know will look the other way.

Listen up and listen well, just because you got angry on your little image boards here and decided to have a rally doesn't mean shit. We own your land, your debt, your buildings/domiciles, and the food that you eat…and that's just for starters. It's not unlike when a serf got uppity and a lord slapped the shit out of him and made him kiss the rings on his fingers to remind him where his place is in life.

Be a good boy and you'll get nice things. Understand, goy?

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Do you have some proof of this? I believe you, but not everyone has been following the fires and knows what's going on on the ground. This is the first I've heard of any Jewish stuff.

Imagine a body covered in leeches from head to toe.
That's what America has become.
There is literally every type of jew jewing each other and Americans.
California has middle-eastern jews, eastern-european jews(ex-soviet), western-european jews, central and south american jews (communist),
What will they do when they kill the host?
What will they do when they have sucked everything dry?
Malls/retail stores are closing all over.
People have less disposable income than ever.
Taxes, Obamacare, and other new shit is bleeding everyone dry.
They flood the country with refugees and give them welfare but they contribute nothing to the economy.
Too many leeches, not enough blood.
Jews will destroy themselves.
It's inevitable.

What are they doingjewing? They are power company right?
How surprising.

"company" is the wrong term
they are a government sponsored monopoly.

This is a fake and bullshit post by the ADL-Mossad:

Both op and the first post are an ADL-Mossad team. The tell, in op, is rather simple:

You don't own shit, kike. Even the rothskikes don't own shit when society collapses.
You can scurry to your rat bunker, that's all you will do.


Well, he's a kike. Why would he tell the truth about it?

Can you offer more info on PG&E and how they are Jewish and fucking Californians over? This is the first time I've heard of them.

post pics or confirmed larp

Lmao get a load of this rat. Somebody got ahead of himself and forgot its place. Don't worry, our boots will show you where it's at soon enough.

What a grand and intoxicating innocence! Foolish goy, don't you realize that we're trying to help you? The lack of foresight from your peoples is most unbecoming, but fear not…we have you in our sights and are always willing to help the…less fortunate. I will not lie to you. Help comes at a price…however, once you are bound to us, then your prosperity is assured. I only ask that you have more trust and faith in us rather than playing the brave recalcitrant.

I lold at this
This is also true, nationalist stencils get painted over the very next day, commie shit can stay up until the paint fades.

it's exactly what you would expect from a state run monopoly (the state of california), that pretends to be a corporation. tax money is sunk into it and disappears into jew pockets, the rates still get hiked, the power grid remains shit, and california has rolling "brown-outs" they call them by default during the summer, where the shut off large swaths of residential power because the power grid can't handle it. of course you can also volunteer to have your power cut between 10am and 4pm for a 2% discount on your power bill, but they'll cut it off anyway at random times.

Should have just left it at (((1))) and done, you're not even a kike. You can't even use their words properly and you are not from here, so
fuck off.

*Teleports behind you*
Heh. Nothing personnel… Goyim…

Thanks friend, that's interesting. I hadn't heard of power outages either. I wonder if there's a way to see if Jewish communities in California have been free of these power outages.

Locals draw fluro dicks/swastikas on potholes and fallen rocks and they are fixed in a few days. Otherwise the useless faggots put cones around it and leave it for a year.

Pro tip: It's not. The thread is an ADL-Mossad op thread.

The larping kike is probably one of (((greenblatts))) little dickwashing faggots.

What debt? Come collect, nigger.

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Why did you find a need to change your IP?

Reminder aluminum barium and strontium make tanerite.

really makes the jello jiggle

Yes, we have confirmation it's an ADL-Mossad thread. 100% confirmation!


Oh me oh my, I dare say you've been paying attention at least a little. No, I am not Zionist scum. Remember that you cannot judge your "enemy" with one look alone, nor paint him with the same brush.

Gentiles are the basis of those who make good tenants and great "food."

You pay your bills don't you? Just a little off the top as they say. Collecting has been refined from an artform into an automated process. Thank you for your patronage. ;^P


no, fire started at Camp Creek

You write like a typical Rothskike, however if you were one you wouldn't make such infantile mistakes while trolling here. I love how you try to avoid saying kike as much as possible, while omitting that some Zionists are Christians, so that's quite the sidestep.

It's easy enough to judge kikes though, they are easily spotted and found even if a crypto, this time around they will not merely be herded to production camps, instead the holocaust will actually happen and they will be systematically removed along with your paycheck.
You are right though that most of the anons here are very subservient to the rothskike financial system and voluntarily participate, which I always found very laughable and quite pathetic.

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little goyim? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Harvard, and I've been involved in numerous secret pyramid schemes in the USA, and I have over 300 million dollars. I am trained in central banking and I'm the top jew in the entire society of intellectual hebrews. You are nothing to me but just another customer. I will bankrupt you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of lawyers across the USA and Israel and your bank account is being drained right now so you better prepare for the eviction, maggot. The eviction that kicks out the pathetic little thing you call your ass. You're fucking broke, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can extort money from you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my holocaust stories. Not only am I extensively trained in ripping you off, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the JIDF and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable trolling off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking goyim tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the unreasonable price of 10% above market value, you antisemitic idiot. I will overprice items all around you and you will drown in them. Oy fucking vey, kiddo.

Israel and Judea are not so great, nor does any reasonable unzealous person want to move to that miserable desert and draw water from it's polluted salty sea. I don't like Zionists or their doggos who play at being Rapturist Christians…when in reality they are nothing better than your typical greedy kike. Kikel be damned, but I think perhaps you and your friends would be lost if you didn't have people in charge of your finances to expand your investments. You want to do it yourself, yes? A little bit here and there and full control is necessary for fluidity as it were. Tell me, does debt drive you to work harder than you could on your own or does it hold you down and trap you in an exchange of human fears and sorrows?

interesting take, but why would jews say


I do what I do because I love it, the only limitation is what I don't know - it's beneficial to people in many ways whilst being magic to most. Never ever done it for the money, that is a small part of the benefit which comes naturally when one is good at what they do.
Anyone can still enjoy benefits you mention with Sovereignty intact, if done with tact and wit which is the real art of the game.
And I have no debt but time and not yet reaching the stars in this form.

What drives you?

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I lol'd heartily
thank you for that

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Source? I've read similar I recall
How? Add them to

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Why shoot the dog?

I've heard two of my friends complaining about the jews, they never talk politics at all so that was neat. Even my mother is sick of them. I stopped giving a fuck and openly say Hitler was right, there are a lot of people who know but dear to say so.


This is so true, it's easily seen in random normalfag comment sections when kikes are bought up, especially on kiketube.
IRL more and more people are discussing or at least openly talking about kikes in a much less overt manner than used to in the past if not naming them outright.

but dont dare*
I fucked that one up. Anyway heil Hitler, he is the man beyond time.

that movies shit

You just need to know your audience. It isn't worth your breath speaking the full truth to some people.

In regards to the wildfire the "social media opinion" that you can publicly and permanantly attach to your real name would be:
So I've told the truth through lies and feelings, got some catharic release and I haven't exposed myself to retribution by vindictive NPCs and (((NPC herders))).

speaking of the 300 confirmed kills original pasta, in a 9mo deployment as a drone wrangler my direct actions (find people doing bad things that results in an airstrike) killed more than 200 people.

So a military pilot might be directly killing ~5 people every time they drop a bomb, and if you do that several times a week for months it adds up fast. For an infantry dude actually pointing a rifle it is a bit more of an accomplishment for many reasons. Remember the aircraft pilot isn't usually finding his own targets, they're getting called in to snuff out targets with several hundred mile areas that someone else already found.

Elaborate on what bad things are?
You have to basically see them with weapons openly identifiable?
And what range can you detect someone at? What range for seeing weapons? What is typical search altitude? Loiter time?
Is dense forest pretty good for hiding? Hardly ever seen thermal from forests, that's why I ask and I have quite a decent selection of videos.
Cheers droneanon

openly carrying firearms near known enemy positions or moving towards friendlies, or exfiltration from an attack
Emplacing mortars/rockets/IEDs
and of course when they've fired on friendlies

All pretty standard stuff, never killed anyone 4no rasin. I didn't pull the trigger, but I did all the recon that justified pulling the trigger.

yes, dense forests (with leaf canopy) block visible and infrared. If you can see sky, we can see you.

Fair call, not judging kek.
How can you be sure on the IED one? E.g. it's not some local doing 'road repair'.
You're using cooled stuff so I presume human detection range is in the 7-10km+ range in the open?
Any other spectrum outside of visible and IR?
Ever heard of them getting jammed? E.g. Iran fucking with your shit?
Did you work mostly A-stan/Iraq or Syria too?

Nice way to put it. Thanks!

Sorry for million questions, hard to ask these usually and figured most Zig Forumsacks will be interested

Tal Eslick is PG&E's Director of External Affairs, meaning he has to protect PG&E's reputation in the press and media.

He looks like a Jew, too. He won some "40 under 40" prize, too.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 27.94K)

if somebody is putting holes along a road at regular intervals along a choke point, it probably isn't road repair. That said, other units had made mistakes and killed farmers who were working their fields at twilight and night because it sucks to hoe fields in 130F. There is an analyst whose job is to look at what we found and decide if it is IED digging or some civillian activity. I didn't make shoot/no-shoot decisions, I just searched and reported stuff to be considered, and I've actually saved people playing soccer from getting bombed.
you could see my small drone when we were watching you, but we're a grey speck in the sky and while you can see it once you've found it, it isn't easy to find.
jammers are easily located with direction finders. Unless you have some really smart jammer that listens on a specific frequency and only bursts when it detects radio traffic to interfere with.

If you're going to be bad, try and give yourself obsucred exfiltration that gives plausable deniability.

Fuck off Jew-loving nigger spic faggot.

Good on you for being thoughtful and a little conservative, can't imagine the locals liked you guys so much either way but you tried your best. Much appreciated and I had wondered about the plausible deniability bit. Good to know but doubt I’ll have to use this info.. hope not anyway.
I've probably seen a lot of video of your work results if it was in the earlier years of Iraq.
You'd hope they'd have a decent thermal set up but sandniggers usually don't do tech so much apparently.
You usually orbit a target when observing eh?

Must say sounds like a bit of a fun job, or was it boring as hell? Any long term PTSD/etc?
Ever see any UFOs or weird as stuff?

There is some powerful symbolism in these two pictures regarding how the Earth ruled by kikes will look.

Can confirm. A few years ago, I never brought up the JQ with anyone because it caused a harsh reaction.
Today, after sampling their response to a few key issues, I can casually bring up the fact that jews run our country with almost anyone who is not a flaming liberal.
Actually, believe it or not but I have even encountered a few flaming socialist liberals who not only understand the JQ but believe that the jewish control over the media and legal institutions is a big problem.

don't need to orbit the target, we can make circles anywhere that has line of sight
fairly boring, but also like a video game. No PTSD although watching a guy explode in hidef color like in an 80s action movie because he took a hellfire to the stomach is something you remember. His buddy heard the hellfire and jumped into the ditch before it hit.
large wild dogs that run towards explosions because they know there will be meat.

The jew cries in pain as he strikes you


muh hi power military rifle

Holy hell, no wonder they hate dogs. That's insane, you must have prepared a pretty nice buffet for them.
Damn, don't see that usually. Did it detonate on impact or behind him?
I've seen them react to hellfires once or twice like that but it's rare to see em paying attention, most of the time you guys catch 'em napping.
Also is some of the drone footage leaked or is it just released eventually? Or has to be FOIA i guess. Obviously official stuff is released but some drone/apache videos with high res don't appear to be 'official', let alone I have a folder full of official classified ones.

Could just as easily be applied to you.

operational stuff is classified as secret. The public affairs releases are approved, usually for a reason and they tend to censor the lat/long and other numbers. Just leaking the vid without authority would probably be illegal unless you were Hillary.

Speaking of fun conspiracies, the CA wildfire and lasers has some interesting features.

Digits confirm ones I have are real, neat. They're quite clear, you have some amazing hardware. I'll stick to uncooled, far less maintenance lol.
Here is one of my favourites because you can see the targeting system.

Plausible but unlikely. That said very easy to design a flying lasing vehicle that doesn't have a turret.
Sats are harder you need LoS and good air and you have quite limited power unless it's black project or nuclear powered, doubt there are many. Easy enough to do it from the ground with an few kW of fibre laser, much faster and you don't need the easier-tracked flying platform.
Can spit beams like that many kilometers with what could be designed to look like a vehicle light to most people. Other lasers with extreme beam quality are atmosphere limited, on a perfect day though can hit the horizon. So it all depends on what the air is doing with laser.
Wrong atmosphere can scatter thousands of watts and you will never burn through it.

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