So, according to Renegade, the racial policies of NatSoc Germany were basically that everyone is equal and all races should basically be kept separate.
I disagree with this and believe that whites are the superior race. I also believe that colonialism and genocide is a good thing so long as it is beneficial to the white race, whereas Hitler did not. In fact, to give you one example, you can google Chandra Bose who was sort of the Indian George Washington who, with the help of the Nazis, liberated India from British control.
I wonder if I can get a consensus as to where Zig Forums stands, because I personally hate poo-in-loos and think they're a bunch of disgusting street shitters.
While I also believe that whites are naturally superior and should have our own nations, seperate from the colored folks, I don't necessarily think we need to go out and genocide the other races, except Jews of course. Honestly I believe that if a white ethno state with a First World economy and resources existed, it wouldn't take long to start colonizing the galaxy en masse, which is the true destiny of the white man.
Asher Perez
True, but you're poisoning the well by associating this sentiment with (((renegade))) and other alt-kike namefags. Fuck off with that.
Hitler also didn't think that we're all equal, he thought we all have redeeming qualities and we all ought to be seperate and strive to better our respective races. I overall believe this, except for the case of indians. fuck indians.
Angel Turner
Is it true that the Strasser brothers were more radical on their views on race than Hitler?
no strasser was a commie shill, no wonder siege larpers idolize another perversion of Hitler's stances like their own american larp
Isaiah Walker
White supremacy is a meme. It’s also a dumb position to take because it implies that every white person is better in all measureable ways than anyone of any other race. Good luck winning that one. Is white society superior? I think that’s obvious given how many shit skins are coming into it (with help from parasitic kikes of course). If niggers want to go be niggers in niggerland that’s fine by me but Europe and North America is for Whites only.
Anthony Moore
Both and sort of, I think history empirically shows superior quality of Whites, but not superior whole cloth because still equally manipulated like other races through propaganda, religion, fads, jew indoctrination, etc., this quality being far from superior, so the raw material is there, but set it on the wrong programming and disaster(we are here.) In regards to other races, should be kept separate, I have no burning desire to go on a murder spree, though various races are disgusting, the problem I see is assisting, Whites have been breeding non Whites and spreading White tech and civ, this was a huge mistake, they should been left to their own devices, and in contending with them let White superior quality win out without needing genocide, regular capitalism and warfare in response to aggression would have yielded results of Whites winning and gaining.
Kayden Evans
Not at all, they were harsher on jews from an economic standpoint though.
Nathan Lewis
No. Theres your problem. Whites arent even equal, nothing is equal in nature. Equality is for bolshevik Jew lovers.
this, why should we risk losing good blood in fighting a war with niggers on their homeland?
Hunter Turner
No, they were pushing equality bullshit. Complete opposite. They specifically went out of their way to make a big deal about how they werent anti-semites and its not Jews its just capitalists.
So you want to larp as a jew? There is no white race you mongoloid mutt. I have no interest in being lumped in with the rest of you, no matter how accomplished you are. I do not want to take credit for accomplishments of the peoples within Europa proper. We are all different, just slightly related. This mashed potato scheme of Kalergi-esque generalization is one of the most jewish things to come of our present time. This jewish coined term of "whiteness" and the "white race." I would say the same thing of the "black race" or that of a generalization of the "yellow race." These generalizations are used to reinforce miscegenation of ethnic groups to the point of genocide and the creation of a mongrel world.
You can try to hide all you like. But White Genocide is coming for YOU no matter if you're Swedish, German, or English. You're already wearing your uniform, bucko
Yeah lets ignore the fact that africa will reach a population of 4 billion in the next 100 years
You fucking idiot.
Hitler was a White supremacist, deal with it.
That doesn't mean we shouldn't move to the right of Adolf Hitler and become more openly radical
Owen Phillips
Take a look at this D & C shill retard and laugh
Nolan Perry
You're right, but that doesn't mean I have to constantly refer to myself as a generalized term and live in an unrealistic arbitrary reality where logistics and mobilization become infinitely more difficult. Always work at the local level, to develop a larger sphere of influence. We don't control our own farms anymore. We don't get food from our own countries anymore. Our children don't attend segregated schools anymore. If you want to win, you start by no longer playing the game. Mobilize in streets all you want, you will accomplish nothing. Insurrection is pointless if you do not first take back industry. You must sweat and bleed with sleepless nights and restless days if you want to see any semblance of progress.
The many of us must take the sacrifice, stop living in cities, move out, find ways to acquire land, start congregating, rebuilding segregated communes where our children go to schools with their own people, taught by their own people, fed off of food grown by our own people, sleep in houses built by own people. Trained and armed by our own people.
Keep playing the jewish game, and you will lose, every time. Resurrect of the folkish movement, and you will see the true nature of the jew. Force them to reveal themselves in all their ugliness and pettiness. Word games and generalizations are fun and easy. Hard work and hard labor are not, but are infinitely more rewarding.
Hitler never said all races were equal. Zshe clearly stated that Aryans were superior. They were culture creators, and moved their race to the top with struggle, while most asians (sans Japanese people) and mestizos were culture sustainers (preserved their culture, but never innovated themselves), negroes are culture-less, barbaric animals, and jews are slimy parasites that destroy other cultures and Hitler, races were unequal, but he wanted all of them to improve themselves, on their respective lands. However this is a moot point, because just before the white man arrived to this lands, this same races were hundreds if not thousands of years behind Aryans. No amount of isolation would've let the niggers or chunks evolve into smarter, more benevolent beings. Also, consider the enviromental situation right now. Overpopulation is a norm on India, SEA, Latin America, China and Africa. Add that the fact that only very few non-whites give a shit about the planet, and you end up with billions of chinks, pajeets, niggers, and mestizos permanently damaging the oceans, tainting the landscapes, driving thousands of species to extinction and ultimately ruining the world for whites. They have to be dealt with, it's not natural that Africa will have over 4 billion niglets by 2050, what will happen to Africa and to the planet if those 4 billion are left alone?
Noah Howard
I don't know what country you're in but in Texas it's possible for me to get all of my food from only from America, or Texas, or locally, or grow & raise my own. Unlike Germany and elsewhere in Europe we can home school and have private schools, though not officially segregated. I completely agree on taking industry, make things yourself, on an industrial scale, go into business, take away jew market share, shekels, power and influence, and do vertical integration/start multiple business that your primary is dependent on so they can't cut you off at your knees like they do online, taking away domains, pay processing, and web services.
Ian Gray
whites are superior.
but national socialism is supposed to be a government system adopted by anyone. believing both dont conflict in any way.
Tyler Sullivan
as mentioned they were against them because of capitalism not race. thats why strasserists are so common in germany. they can criticise (((them))) from "legitimate" socio economic standpoints instead of racial ones, since the masses are so alergic to racial theories etc. IMO this strasserist approach to (((capitalism))) should be adopted by anons here so we can redpill normies (anything about race and so on is already thin ice, and theyll label us as racists etc) and also allows to subvert anyone not a complete faggot on the left to join in. this ideological war is one that requires mass so we could use a few dumbasses with our talking points
Luke Richardson
That's because White altruism and pictures of starving African kids caused their population to explode far beyond sustainability. Any people would've become fat and lazy if the nice foreigners kept giving them everything they want and need. Feed a man a fish and all.
Jace Richardson
Niggers were already lazy to begin with. Their continent is rich with minerals, flora and fauna. this is why the black race never advanced and accomplished anything worthy of mention. Or maybe it's because blacks are a genetic dead-end, like English bulldogs or pugs. Still, my point stands, non-whites cannot be left alone to thrash the world after their numbers exploded. At the very least they should be genocides and/or castrated and leave a tiny fraction of them alive to segregate in reserves, constantly studied and watched by whites, where they cannot harm the environment.
That's christcuckery breeding and applying White tech to non Whites. Stop the breeding and propping up and there wouldn't be 1.2+ billion niggers in africa, they aren't capable of such numbers on their own.
i see no reason in allowing inferior races to use land that we could be using to further the superior race
Isaac Foster
How is their population going to reach 4 billion without aid from the US and Europe and why the fuck do I care if they aren’t allowed here anyway? Fucking brainlet.
Carson Johnson
This is your answer op. The NSDAP wasn't "muh white power/ white supremacy" and didn't feel hatred to other races, but they recognized that there were differences between races including average cognitive ability.
The idea that all of one group of people would be better than all of another group of people is absurd, as there are inherent inequalities even within groups. The NSDAP cared about their own folk because they were their own folk, not because they thought that all germans were better than everyone else.
Gavin Thomas
You're demonstrably wrong. Europeans are a distinct genetic group.
They will just come to White countries illegally you fucking mong. And there will always be a white nation that lets these subhumans in because women can vote and people are fucking stupid.
You're a dumbass who can't think 2 steps ahead, just shut the fuck up.
Leo Murphy
You're a dumbass, the population of Africa will continue to grow. Food is no longer the defining factor in population growth, it's all on the women. Since black women are so easy they will continue to produce 6-8 kids while white women focus on their careers.
Christopher Bailey
kike detected
Evan Thomas
That'd be you. nogs boom and busted before christcucks came along, they had 6-8 kids then like now.
Elijah Perez
Are you 14 years old or just retarded? How do you actually reason that a nation could be National Socialist and still accept muh poor niggers especially after deporting them all? It doesn’t work that way. Kill your self.
Andrew Bailey
Not at all. The groids that the French had brought in to western Germany were sterilized for a reason. National socialism does not say all races are equal, it says races should be kept separate and should try to be the best they can be. Just because none of the African hominids can be equal to whites, doesn't mean they should be exterminated. They should stay in African and be the best apes they can be, just like Chimps.
Michael Hughes
WS and NS had nothing to do with eachother because there were no or very few mixed mutts and niggers. The overwhelming majority of people were still white. The White Supremacy thing was linked to it during the 1960's with the hippy fags getting their panties all in a bunch at everything and just tossing labels at things they didn't like
Joseph Howard
in that case youre just provoking redundant conflict in a situation where were not even in control of our own lands
Christopher Garcia
the problem is that theyre reproducing exponentionally with the help of western medicine and aid, and the excess of the population doesent die off, they migrate to europe.
Ryder Taylor
he was trying to say that europe is to liberalto defend itself. and that radical change needs to happen at home before any action against immigrants is taken because if you start shooting and deporting them now the public will just label you a radical wacko like Breivik
Yes, exactly. christcucks have been breeding them for about 100 years "for only a dollar a day," with the fantasy of saving souls and spreading christcuckery. christuck leaders have declared africa and china the future of christuckery, that Whites don't matter, okay if Whites are genocided, guilty sinners that deserve to be punished anyway, and are actively engaged in carrying out said White genocide hand in hand with jews.
niggers have always bred like rabbits past the point of support, which followed famine, starvation, along with them killing each others tribes wholesale, this cycle kept the nog numbers down, then christcucks and "aid" got rid of most of the bust yielding steady boom, and before you know it 1.2+ billion niggers.
Jose Perry
Other races are inherently are bioloigical and evoloutionary competitors. We are pitted against each other in an eternal war for resources and dominance as prescribed by natural law itself. To not acknowledge the necessity of genocide and domination is to submit yourself to such treatment by other groups who will assuredly not show you the same compassion.
Christian Gomez
It’s (((funny))) how white nationalists are always referred to as “white supremacists” but black nationalists are never called black supremacists despite having identical political aspirations in terms of racial segregation being a good thing.
Asher Flores
Intellectually dishonest people, co-opting of ideologies with your own take or anything similar certainly doesn't make you an icon for speaking about these positions. A National Socialist doesn't have to think people are equal or think of superiority, the fundamentals of your leader should be the future success of your peoples and instilling the idea that anyone overstepping their "natural" boundaries ought to be taught a painful, painful lesson. So that the lesson is received and it should be used no more. The idea of total war across the world is so ludicrous we would be only Haiti'ing ourselves at that point. Every caste of the European gene that extended its boundaries had faded into obscurity, it is not about the outside, it's the inside. It's about the homeland, your roots. People are trying to dig up those roots, don't let them deroot you. Only then can you strike back.
I want an ever expanding ethnostate all around the world, countries like India and most of Africa are a lot of wasted potential, we could use them and make them 100 times better. I don't buy this pseudo egalitarian horseshit, we're better than anyone else and we should act as such
Dylan Fisher
I have found that nothing gets the kikes to roll back their eyes and launch into a hate-spewing tirade than to simply say that I am happy to be a White man and want to preserve my race. It really tips the jews hand when you say that. Ironically the jews agreed with Hitler. Hitler warned us that Europeans and jews cannot cohabit the same countries. That was almost 100 years ago. Today, if a single White child merely says that he believes that White people deserve the same rights as every other race, the jews roll back their eyes and scream YOU NAZI! YOU RACIST! YOU BIGOT! and start to shriek about Hitler and their precious "Holocaust." The jews themselves prove Hitler 100% correct in his analysis about our ability to cohabit with the jews. The disgusting, hate filled jews cannot even tolerate sharing the PLANET with us.
Nothing will change for you, and certainly not your offspring until you DO IT. Every day you do not labor to free yourself in every possible way from dependence on the (((system))), you serve to reinforce the (((system))) and it's hold on all. 3 options faggots: 1. stay in it and npc your life away, traitor to self, countrymen and god; 2. bowers the fuck out for an infinitely reactive cyclic opposition; 3. quit the lies and live in truth. Make your food, build your home, get guns, and chill with only those you choose. Do this and you will deny the (((system))) it's power over you and the world. #Meincraft
Wyatt Foster
Separation does not have anything to do with ekwalitee. Only a moron would even think to write such a thing. However, I also think ideas of superiority are not relevant. Why would you need to tell yourself that you're "superior" to care about surviving as a group? I have never given the slightest fuck about superiority. I want Whites to survive instead.
I certainly see plenty of anti-whites talking about "supremacy" and "superiority" though. They're the ones who are obsessed with it, and they use it through their marxist lens to incite hatred against Whites.
Thomas Long
What a faggot LMAO.
Dominic Foster
natsees tell the TRUTH, shlomo
>asking "innocent" (((subversive))) question Did you answer yourself or did your partner in d&c company do it
Charles Harris
Nigger, mongoloids don't exist if races don't. Stop being retarded.
Luis Evans
Atomwaffen niggers go home. Genocide is not sought, but a collateral damage of changing circumstances. How many organisms go extinct every day that isn't some malicious bogeyman seeking it? Thousands if not millions
Jason Anderson
im saying that we should keep an appealing outside appearance that wouldnt draw away normies so much. that was the whole point of the "power levels" thing a while back. we redpill people step by step, we dont go to the town hall screaming 14/88 join us. lolno. the only case where that would be acceptable is if it were a low key step toward enlighting the most bluepilled normies not the best word but yeah if those morons do the fighting for us then why not. i mean if (((they))) use people like the left (that theoretically wants to ruin their system) why couldnt we?
Jose Perez
The absolute state of amerimutts IQ. Fuck you all.
Juan Brooks
i think he was trying to say that food is no longer a critical variable due to it being in such constant supply.
Cameron Brooks
That's not how generalities work.
Xavier Price
I don't like any of that. The men I most admire and respect did not sugar coat the truth: Uncle A, Rockwell, Dr William Luther Pierce, and I'm not religious but even Jesus went to the grave speaking Truth about the pharisees. That this even needs to be asked
Following up in case you are well I intentioned and not JIDF. I'm going to visit family for holiday and no I will not be arguing for any "final solution" but as the conversations provide opportunity, I will comment about the border, about crime, about Poland and national sovereignty. That is what's meant by redpill dispensing while hiding power level. It is not: promoting wrong ideas in order to appeal to the big, reeking diseased tent.
Which the other user correctly asserted that without help from Europe and the ex Colonies, niggers would starve on mass, the like of which would make the Holodomor a simple skip of breakfast. I just fucking hate mutts that want to lump National Socialism with pure hatred.
Gabriel Ward
well we cant act as elitists and expect to win this thing. change comes from below, and for that you need critical mass. as wise as they were we both know theyre demonised for the normies and that theres a need for a bridge to allow a steady transition into the redpill yeah a good point but two counter arguments: -they need to be redpilled just enough to start a domino effect -the left has it going on and theyre apparently doing pretty well with these retards
Jace Fisher
no ofcourse not. moderation is a key political tool in a polarised society. this exactly. the whole redpill thing is a process not a one time 1984 brainwashing session as for that i said that this should be done with people where we need to bend things for them to desert from the (((other))) side. its not just about winning people over to us, its about depleeting the enemy support base. and if that means just making them neutral, thats ok,because it still takes them out of the game.
Carter Jackson
thats true but a few things need to happen for such descisions to be put into action yeah i do aswell.
Adrian Jenkins
Communist revolutions fomented by international agitators, you mean? The prosperity and glory of the Third Reich was a top-down project. Yes because the parasites control the media entertainment and academia. Not possible. We can't even get them to admit Acosta used his hands to fend off relinquishing the mic. Whites are thoroughly brainwashed and muds voting for communism is a fact. We are at the tipping point where conservative white voters will have no voice in the political process. I see no way out of this besides a fascist takeover which purges the left from all aforementioned institutions.
Mason Walker
Absolute bullshit. Hitler saw the strong displacing the weak as the will of Nature and he says so again and again in Mein Kampf. I'm going through Mein Kampf again and taking note of every instance to dismantle this ethnopluralist lie once and for all.
We have a better chance at surviving the challenges of the harsh cosmos if we have this planet to ourselves. Anyone who supports giving Aryans worse chances of surviving is either an enemy or a traitor.
Cooper Evans
Only if white people keep feeding them and China somehow stops colonization.
Zachary Lee
No, he has a good point. The populations of Europe evolved in separate environments with different cultures, and "white" is a Pan-European racial construct that blends it all without regard to nation and heritage.
Adam Walker
This world is ours. Crush the alien under your boot and skin the heretic alive. Our war is endless, our crusade is eternal.
No. Aryans are the only ones who are worthy to possess Africa.
Ryder Sullivan
Well, don't hesitate to spill your blood to be the conqueror of this new land, you big talker… meanwhile, I thought this board's main concern is losing the race war to "white genocide"?
Aaron Foster
No. Hitler said land belongs to the one willing to claim it and utilize it; Nature does not put aside living space as the exclusive possession of any race or people.
Africa deserves to be possessed by the only one capable of valuing and preserving her the way she deserves.
Easton Torres
Possibly said by one of a people who wiped out the buffalo and created a dust bowl?
Benjamin Gonzalez
We NEED conflict. The only one who doesn't understand that this is a war for survival is the white man. He needs something that shakes him from his stupor before demographics make any awakening completely futile.
This. Nature abhors pacifists and bestows its rewards upon the bold and willing.
Ian Nguyen
I consider myself a white separatist. Not a white supremacist or natsoc.
Thomas Jenkins
We're living in it.
This absolutely true. What we could build and discover if 90% of the planet wasn't squandered is beyond comprehension, but pacifist wimps want us to settle on a tiny sliver of it while inferior races which can produce nothing of value hog nearly all of it while polluting them into wastelands.
Juan Brown
You're telling me that the strasserists were a bit more civnat?
Henry Sanders
That's perfect as what we want is all white people to realize that we are unified in a struggle that is not about any one people but all of us. This isn't about English vs. French it's about the whether every people of European decent lives or dies.
And why is that? We could kill every non-white in the West in a week, because non of them can fight for shit, yet here we are decade after decade. Why?
It's because we have been infected with the cuck faggot mentality that "we don't have a right to" and we do not get out of that mindset by constantly underscoring how the we don't have a right to do this or that in some retarded attempt at trying to be a clever moderate.
The antidote to this faggotry is proclaiming the truth that we don't just have the right to kill our enemies but that we have a right to claim Africa just as much as we had the right to displace the savages who squandered America.
Benjamin Richardson
And just what the fuck do you think the other races would have done if we had given them sufficient technology an set them loose? Even when we are at our worst we are still better than the other races are at their best.
Colton Ortiz
How about this? White nationalism for Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand Ethnic nationalism for Europe
Camden Anderson
Let's take a moment to reflect on the absurdity and flimsiness of your excuses.
Angel Ross
Canada - First Peoples US - Native Americans Australia - Australian Aborigines New Zealand or "Aotearoa" - Maori Why? Did you evolve in these places? Did your genes modify to adapt to these environments? Do your cultural practices honor and preserve these environments? Do your mythologies and spiritualities evolve from or concern these places? Did your people live there for millennia before colonists destroyed and irreversibly changed the environments?
Liam Carter
I believe that the nation belongs to those who built it. And guess what? These four nations were built by whites from the ground up. Do you want whites to keep the countries that they created or do you just not care that they're being taken over by non-whites?
Robert Walker
Enlighten me
Owen Powell
You're arguing with a leftist whose mind is mush. SHe advocated returning the American continents to rule by savages who populated the land in 17th century
Yes ideally we would all dwell in the lands of our ancestors but that is not our reality
Liam Turner
So by white nationalism, an emigrating European, by dint of being white, has more claim to those countries than a native, who, not being white, does not belong in those countries? That seems right to you?
Nolan Sanchez
Sure, before you want to dismiss it as all leftist nonsense, put it through a Hitler filter - blood and soil. What then?
Andrew Long
Yes. Human history is a series of conquests. The weak should fear the strong. It is nature's way. Denial of this leads to clownworld where we find ourselves today, propping up the dredges of society, while thinking we are doing 'good'
Carson Johnson
Then consider they failed to maintain sovereign control of their lands. Just as the Germans did.
Lincoln Scott
It's like if centuries ago, you broke into someones house, and forced them to live in a shitty shed in the back yard. Through the centuries you turned the house into a luscious mansion. Then 3 centuries later the descendants of the people you left out in the shed demand they own the mansion. You let them move into the mansion, but you refuse to leave, because you built the house into the mansion. Not that guy, but I for one support doing the best we can to live peacefully side by side with natives. At least they weren't systematically placed here by (((them))).
Landon Roberts
You want to strong-arm your arguments over your logical inconsistencies, so I can see it's futile for me to expect honesty from you that acknowledges your hypocrisies.
Kevin Reyes
Well I'm not saying it's right but by your logic perhaps then you should shut up about "white genocide" and cultural invasions of your own land.
Lucas Lopez
yes goy, promote unnecessary ideas of grandiosity and genocide that even historical conquerors shied away from. White traitors are clearly lacking in self-importance and narcissism. This will help your (((movement))). National Socialism is not the answer goy.
Dominic James
Well anyway, let me leave you with a thought. Nationalism is an acceptable response against globalism. National socialism and Hitlerism is the shareblue extreme version of conservatism that Democrats prefer to be against.
Colton Morgan
(self fagging) And white supremacy is even better!
Jordan Gonzalez
You are engaging yourself in meaningless hypotheticals. Our objective is to gain political control over the tiny slivers that we have to ourselves, and you are whinging about the fact that we don't control the whole world. In general I avoid people who talk like you irl because you aren't helpful in the least.
The weak should fear the strong. It is nature's way. Incidentally, the Jew totally controls the politics of nearly all western nations, NGOs, and intragovernmental organizations. And here you are having a tantrum that whites don't control the world…like the Jew does. The Jew has lots of walk and publicly denies any talk of their supremacy—people like you have lots of talk but no walk.
Logan Garcia
Do you destroy animals that are less intelegent? Or do you trust In a natural order of things? Indians are fine in India. They don't belong here, and they should not be employed by American companies. This shit Isint difficult.
Mason Bell
I believe it's in every race's nature to imagine themselves to be superior to other races. It's just that Whites have a solid factual basis for those assertions whereas you'd have to reach back hundreds of years to find a Muslim scholar worth half a damn (and their accomplishments only piggyback off of white accomplishments) and all of eternity to reach a point where the negroids had parity with the rest of our genus. East Asians could try to make a case for themselves. It's not compelling to me, but at least they have some accomplishments to speak of. Unlike Polynesians, Abbos, or Injuns.
Henry Richardson
I dream of a world where the thought of these people doesn't ever cross my mind. I don't see why we should even care, except as exotic trivia. It's like seeing naked Amazonians in the old fashioned National Geographic magazines. They were interesting to look at and read about, and the thought or 'superiority' never once crossed my mind.