Life before 2007

This was from a PSA from 1997
Was the 90s the last stand against modern day SJW bullshit?

Other urls found in this thread:

No, it was already irredeemably lost. 1913 was when the country died, BECAUSE no one fought back against it. 1920 proved this, and 1965 was the coffin being lowered into the ground.

So the American south was the last stand?


we were already terminally ill in 1990, notable milestones of the disease were:
Not included is the WW2 gold confiscation and the other damage of FDR.

something happened in 2001, then something worse happened in 2008, and by the end of 2012 it was all over, no hope left

at least it was a good run, peak white civilization between 1980 - 2000

maybe 2980 - 3000 will be as good

They put an end to it the very next year.
Pic related.

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The 90s were a better time than today but the signs of the rot were everywhere visible.
(Dr. William Pierce's take on things; )

The 90s were an interesting time because some patriotic Americans still had the spine to fight back against the System. Unfortunately, no one was able to effectively organize them against the System so lone wolves struck out at random and failed to do significant damage to the System. Also hampering our efforts were the softness, the decadence, the greedy selfishness of the American middle class. They refused to do anything to stop the rot that they saw plainly because it might get them kicked out of the country club. The disgraceful cowards!

Now the only way we can save our race and freedom involves more bloodshed and suffering than they could have imagined. And there will be no saving of democracy. The lemminsg have demonstrated quite clearly why capitalism and democracy are racially destructive institutions that can only lead to death and decay.

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all we had to do was pick our own cotton, user. that's all we had to do…

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Whites were. Jewish slave owners, of which they were the overwhelming majority to the point of being all slave owners, were the ones using niggers. Their ancestors brought them here. No sane white wanted them, so they used them and bred them.

Reminder that the civil war wasn't about slave ownership. The rights of states included the right to do that, so jews rephrased things until over a hundred years later american children think that was the reason it was fought.

why was the civil war fought?

sectional resentment over northern elitism and dominance of politics up until that point, triggered by some unresolved economic issues under Buchanan.
slavery was a relatively small issue in the grand scheme of things. northerners liked to talk about abolishing slavery, but they were really just virtue signaling. the vast majority of northerners didn't really give a shit about slavery. people only think it was important because of the emancipation proclamation, which had less to do with slavery itself and more to do with trying to blackmail the south into rejoining.

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Are you implying that the Oklahoma City bombing was fighting back against the system?
Maybe you didn't know that Biden wrote the first draft of the Patriot Act and tried to push it through after that bombing.
Maybe you didn't know that members of the SPLC were on site during the bombing and were also FBI informants. (Look into Elohim CIty)
After Russia collapsed, the NeoCons went to work on the USA and it it started with the 1993 WTC bombing. Really it started with Gulf War 1 if you want to get technical. The FBI was caught providing the terrorist patsy with a real bomb. They also did's expect the patsy to record his conversations with his FBI handler but it happened and they were caught. Nothing became of it of course.
It went like:
1993 - WTC bombing
1995 - OKC Bombing (Patriot Act being pushed)
1998 - USS Cole false flag (blamed Bin Laden)
2001 - 9/11

The North were Nigger lovers and the LOVED NIGGERS.
They tore the country apart over their LOVE OF NIGGERS.

one side wanted to get away and the other fought to keep the other side in the union forcefully?

You don't live in reality. Piss off to the FEMA Camp thread.

What purpose would it serve to believe that the world is far worse than it really is?
I WISH I could believe that everything on TV was true like I did when I was a child.
Grow up. I did.

True, the union exercising tyranny over the states by use of force and the one party state that emerged afterwords, which completely ushered in the rise of big banks and (((barons))) in the 1870s-1880s was the end. 1913 followed naturally after the (((pieces))) were already in place.

What purpose does it serve to try to convince people on an anonymous image board that no one has had the courage to resist the evil institutions that are murdering us?
What purpose does it serve to try to convince people that even when the government literally massacres children and burns pregnant women to death in a CHURCH, that this somehow does not motivate people to strike back in righteous fury at the deraigned monsters who ordered this vile assault upon our liberties?
What purpose does it serve to try to convince people that even as this wicked thing that has infested our government and usurped our freedom funds genocide and murder across the world, no one is outraged enough to strike back?

Grow up boy. This isn't another one of your video games.

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Bruh, the fucking power rangers and all other TV shows were multi-cultural. Go back and watch all the 90's shows (children and adult) and tell me that the 90's was any different than today. IT WASNT.

They started in on the kids really hard in the 80s. 70's wasn't too bad, their attention was still focused on the 60's idiots.

Back when you didn’t even need an address.
Chicago, IL

GI Joe was multiculti as fuck.

And these cocksuckers were the furry inroad.

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Actually, both are correct.
In some state's secession documents, such as South Carolina and Texas, they explicitly cite wanting to keep slavery as a reason for leaving.
However, the North offers to permit the South's use of slavery to prevent war. It just wasn't the main reason.

What we were taught:

What actually happened:

There was no "War on Slavery".

-Abraham Lincoln


"white boy" was already a big insult in my high school in the late 90s, some white kids (which there were only a handful left) would pretend to be half Puerto Rican to be in the in group and avoid being labeled as "white"

And these fucking douchenozzles.

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2007 was the end of the net

What does that have to do with what I wrote ?

So that's why they have such a high crime rate: their police force is just K9s.

1993 was the end of the net.

Soon as AOhell hit the internet.

Debatable, ultimately the globalization of the net killed it.

Yeah, same here. "Cracka" and "Saltine" and other inaccurate and unthoughful labels were used as well. However, everybody was called by their insult labels. We had Nigger Daniel and Beaner Bill, names we used to differentiate them from Nigger Bill and Beaner Daniel.

In the 90's, all comedy was racial.

Exploding a stupid building does absolutely nothing "to resist muh hurr durr evil." If you think some noisy glownigger explosion that kills a speck of NPCs in FagturdAIDS Nowhereland achieves anything, you have the IQ of a dead pig, which makes you a standard muslim.

OP must be a youngfag. In the 90s, America was really starting to spread its buttcheeks for the multiculturalism, the 90s had the first big gay pride parades, "zero tolerance" bullshit which targeted white kids so they could suspend or expell you for minor things like fighting…in other words, white kids get treated like common niggers for being regular boys. I got suspended from school in 1996 for having snap n pops because they are "explosives". 30 something year old boomers like me know how incredibly gay and nigrafied the 90s were. In fact, Id say the SJW bullshit was worse in a more subersive way. At least the "counter culture" these days laughs at SJWs, but back in the 90s, they were cool and edgy. Only the craziest people were alert to the jewish problem, they were seen as bad guys. Now even some conservacucks are starting to wise up to jewish tricks.

at least the 90s were Xtreme

Idk if the 90s was better or worse than now
Cuz the degeneracy was less bad then
But the hive mind conformity bullshit was worse than it is now tbh

It was pretty insidious. "Wholesome fun" with tantalizing edge.

Sieg Heil.
Regardless of what some conspiritards say, or the pacifists faggots insist about the bombing/lonewolf attacks.. It's our responsibility to revolt now. Let's just hope we can organize despite the high levels of faggotry, in time to actually save our people.

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Yup us 30 yr old boomers remember the 90's quite well.

I remember the talks we had in school about being inclusive and caring about other people who aren't as lucky as us (aka support niggers and illegal immigrants).

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It's worse than you think. Without the biological farm equipment, the Americans might have advanced industrially at a much earlier time. White people don't do manual labour if we can ever help it, so at some point, some poor bastard would have looked around, said "Fuck this!," and gone and invented some sort of steam powered picker robot.

It was certainly better on the surface, it wasn't as gone to the point of insanity as now, but it wasn't healthy either and the machinations behind the scenes were pretty much the same jews as today.

Do not accuse me of advocating random acts of "terrorism" against non-important targets.
I never once said that what Tim McVeigh did was effective political "terrorism"
In fact, anyone who has lurked on more than a few threads related to this subject has glanced over my essays on what constitutes effective target selection.
Of fucking corse a lone wolf is unlikely to select effective targets. Lone wolves almost never select effective targets because the loneliness of wolves severely limits their ability to go after more vital instalations. The nature of their limitations incentivizes a loner to go after low value/low security targets.
And of fucking corse angry people don't target important institutions. They're angry! And Tim McVeigh was an angry man who felt that it was his duty to strike back at the men who murdered those children! Bob Matthews was angry at the filthy jews for stealing our land and geocoding our race, so he struck at an obnoxious, bigoted kike! And Palestinian terrorists are angry at the jews for stealing their land and genociding their race, so they strike at the jews wherever they can with nothing but knives and hatchets! or blowing up busses filled with random jewish civilians.
Angry, desperate loners almost never know who, how, or where to target. So they lash out at objects rather than institutions.

That said, Tim McVeigh actually targetted a more important institution than any recent political terrorist. He killed some members of the team that murdered those children at the Dividian church. If only he had thought about the bigger picture.
And yes I know he had one or two friends to help him. However he was the brains behind the operation and acted essentially alone

But ironically you are in violent agreement with me. Yes, I lament that McVeigh acted on his emotions rather than cold, calculating logic. I lament that he wasted his life killing lemmings of little power. I lament that he couldn't think larger than revenge.
But you know damn well that many of the people even here on 8/pol/ suffer from the same short sightedness. They are angry at niggers for being pushy, greedy thugs so they fantasize about shooting up a church full of them in vengeance. But what about Sumner Redstone and MTV? What about the (((people))) who trained the niggers to hate us and encourage them to rape our sisters?

Armatures target objects of oppression. Revolutionaries target the institutions of oppression. What are the institutions?
Economic targets (causing massive economic damage to the System), political leaders (not politicians but LEADERS), and irreplaceable-expensive infrastructure (to cause unrest and confusion). Also, collaborationist corporations such as the Alphabet corporation and other censorious institutions. Which as it happens, tend to be owned by kikes outright. Funny how that works.

Note, I am not advocating anything. I'm merely stating facts. Don't do drugs, or terrorism m'kay?

In time, as things deteriorate and the independent minded minority can no longer evade their responsibility for the future, the revolt will come and thanks to the cowardly middle class, it will be bloody. But in the meantime, all we can do is enlarge the portion of the population that can think racially and warn them about the dangers of the jews.

Next time there will be no camps and swimmingpools. No showers either.

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By some strange coincidence, feminism crossed the Atlantic and came to the US shortly after 1913.
Probably just a coincidence though.

That's why Teddy K. was so great. He targeted people who deserved it.

this. things were more insidious because everything was pushed a bit more subtly in the 90s. now, it's all out in the open

You wanna see redpill TV watch Married with Children. The daughter Kelly goes on about immigrants wanting to rape underage blonds whites multiple times

That sounds more like late 90s shit. I was taught stranger danger and everyone hated capt planet.

Not on my watch.

I still cannot decide on this decision. Something bugs me about gold standard.

As I recall they tried very hard to push homosexuals in media in the 90's which ultimately failed until sometime in the 2000's with the arrival of shows of shows like queer eye for the strait guy and will and grace (as well as countless other ripoffs) which re-branded faggots as trendy& "bitchy gal pals" rather than degenerate predatory biological failures…with the rest of the media (Lügenpresse pushing this view point as well)
due to the organized saturation of fags as "good" women of course ate this shit up and fags became largely accepted by them ….this was further cemented by kang nigger (& complicit media) forcing fag "marriage" and trannies bathrooms by law on the country in 2008+ despite fag marriage being defeated at the state level even in retarded communist shit-holes like California.

As a result of their victory in making faggots mainstream they now openly target young children with this retardation as seen with sex change genital mutilation being pushed as completely normal rather than gross child abuse. Republicans, Christians, & anyone else that was opposed to the degeneracy of course capitulated completely did and nothing to shift the overton window back on this issue which allows them to further escalate their abuse and destruction of society for virtue signaling points. pic related.

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Are you a jew?
The only way to ruin gold is to irridiate it.

usps has definitely gone down hill since the 90's they are spotty as fuck in my area often losing mail and not showing up for several days at a time.

The other way to ruin gold is when the jews own all of it which is what happened in post WW1 Germany.


Feminism already won by 1880s with the abolition of coverture and the establishment of age of consent laws. That was wave zero of feminism which kickstarted it all. Wave one gave women the right to vote. Wave two secured their right to work. Wave three absolved women of any and all responsibilities left and eliminated the concept of biological male and female roles. Every great change in society has an inherent inertia of its own. Feminism works in 20-30 year intervals. Every new generation of women is more emancipated than their mothers and demands even more feminism for themselves. We only now started to see the true effects of sexual liberation. Fasten your seatbelts it's going to be a bumpy ride.

The utter state of schooling.

Meanwhile, robotics get more realistic.

Fuck off.

Born in '92. So can't attest to the 80's or early 90's but late 90's to 2008 was miles different than today. 2009 onwards has been a fucking hell hole. I just wanted it fucking to crumble.

Hmm, I wonder how that could backfire? The best currency is simply currency as a representation of labour worked, ie the Reichsmark. This severely triggers jews who will go on with all sorts of falsehoods when the Reichsmark is brought up, like claiming the German economy was based on militarization even though the German military was woefully undeveloped compared to the Versailles-violating Allies when war broke up.

Kill yourself slowly, cunt.

Yet you can make gold irradiating mercury.

You replied to the wrong person.

Yeah, those conspiratards who think it's suspicious Strassmeir lived on a kibbutz, spoke hebrew, and had a girlfriend in the IDF are the same kind of purity-spiraling 1488ers who think weev and Mike Enoch are jews.

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Nice try faggot.
Lynch yourself

Get out of here with that cuckchan meme, you fucking troglodyte.


the Jewish population nearly quadrupled in 1900's in the US and and doubled in again in the 20's

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The entire world died in 1945. That was the nail in our coffin

you know I never put two and two together here, but hear me out

does this mean that MOST NIGGERS ARE JEWS???

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No it was a bunch of gay wiggers and faggot kys kurt cobain types
-t.class of 98

American niggers, at least in part, yes.

Or to put it simply.

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Oh fuck, this explains a lot

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1865 was a good year

Actually importing niggers was banned at the federal level in 1808.

We should have exterminated them then.

Where do you think most niggers got their (((white))) admixture from? Additionally, their disregard for others and greediness compared to African niggers is exacerbated thanks to the kike genes.

You can't possibly be that retarded, unless you're a cuckchan rapefugee. Either way, the grandchildren of prominent members of the National Socialist movement have a tendency to be "so sorry" cucks who purposefully fuck niggers and scorn their grand and great grandfathers,

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No, it ended with The Cold War. America's last stand was when this movie came out. When you could be an unapologetic turbochad.

Now Maverick would be played by a nigger.

Kill yourself, you brainwashed retard.

Skip to five minutes where it gets really good where they talk about the what and why of the dogfights.

This is from the 80s

Anyone who thinks McVeigh was behind the Oklahoma City bombing needs to see this documentary.

Interestingly that film wasn't originally suppose to be clack and white so to speak dindu nuffin story.

No, because that's when it took off. Those few points you mention were few and far between. There was really no resistance to any of it. Also, the 90's is when all the assholes today were born. Online people seem to have loved the 90's because it was their childhood. They were still some what innocent and naive to the way of the world but to me as a teenager, it was shit. Real fall off from the 80's. For one thing, 89-92 was economically fucked. Mid 90's is when smack made a comeback. Just all sorts of shit. Of course compared to what came next (9/11) it wasn't so bad. I guess it's all a matter of perspective based on where you were in life and what you had going on and where you were headed. But for the country… again, 9/11 is the real marker in the sand so to speak.

Anyway, shit is past. Look foward.

This, I'm nearing my 30s and I remember when I was fucking suspended from kindergarten once for building a gun out of fucking lego. Not even a realistic gun at that, it looked like a scifi laser blaster. The thing that got me kicked from said school was when a wetback kid was pulling on my shirt and tried to rip it, which prompted me to pull him by his hair and drag him around until he stopped.

Last stand is eternal. You serve One truth, make it two when you desire.

Goebbels had a big, beautiful family. Imagine how painful it must have been for him and his wife to give cyanide to their kids.

im so sorry for making the wrong joke in your presence, Dr Zachery! Autistic cunt.


The processes already set in motion decades before were not yet completely bearing the fruit we see today. Pic related Weird to think though how closer in culture 2008 was to 1998 than it is to 2018

You can read the very same declarations and they cite plenty reasons of other reasons too for leaving. States like Tennessee didn't even give one. That said, your greater point of how both play into it is correct

Not completely true, but I'm seeing a lot of black/jew mixes lately, which does explain alot. Obama being a prime example.
>"Statistics further suggest that rapes were rare on plantations. Most people of 'mixed race' in the South were either slaves who lived in cities, where opportunities for interracial liaisons were far greater, or free. According to the 1860 census, 20 percent of urban slaves and 39 percent of free blacks in southern cities were mulattoes. But among rural slaves, who made up 95 percent of the slave population, only 9.9 percent were mulatto. Of the slave population as a whole, mulattoes made up only 7.7 percent in 1850 and 10.4 percent in 1860. Moreover, only 1.2 percent of the former slaves interviewed by the Works Progress Administration in the 1930s reported being raped by a master, only 5.8 percent reported hearing about the rape of another slave, and only 4.5 said that one of their parents had been white. According to Fogel and Engerman [Time on the Cross, 1974], all of the available evidence taken together indicates that the 'share of Negro children fathered by whites on slave plantations probably averaged between 1 and 2 percent.' Even Fogel and Engerman's most hostile critics concede that it was no more than 8 percent. There is also evidence of significant numbers of consensual relations between white men and slave women, which would make the percentage of children produced by rape even smaller." (in Thaddeus Russell, A Renegade History of the United States, 2010, pg 67)

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it's funny to me because 2007 is about the year that both SA and /b/ went to shit. talk all the shit you want about SA but 2003-2007 FYAD was the birthplace of pretty much all internet humor as we know it. sometimes i browse the archives from that times (i gave lowtax much more than 10bux over the years) just for the nostalgic factor and to relive those times