The Myth of the Twentieth Century, by Alfred Rosenberg
Here is neither Jew nor Greek, here is neither slave nor free, here is neither man nor woman, wrote Paul to the Galatians — that last remnant of a great Celtic migration down the Danube valley and into Asia Minor. On the basis of this nihilism, which is a denial of everything organic, he then calls for a belief in Christ. This constituted a total rejection of all the culture creating values of Greece and Rome — although to be sure, Christianity took over a degenerate form of such values — and effected their disintegration.
The Vatican has again made itself known as the bitterest enemy of the improved breeding of the biologically valuable, and as the protector of the preservation and propagation of the inferior. Even to serious catholic eugenicists, Pope Pius declared — at the beginning of 1931 in his encyclical Concerning Christian Marriage — that it was not lawful to restrict men who were capable of entering into a marriage, but could only give life to inferior offspring; to in any way prevent propagation because of the inviolability of the body. The individual man has the right to use his own limbs. He must use them corresponding to their natural purpose. This was revealed by reason and by the catholic Christian moral doctrine, and the worldly authority never has the right to go beyond this. To set up unrestricted propagation of idiots, the children of syphilitics, alcoholics and the insane as a Christian moral doctrine is undoubtedly the height of a thinking that is hostile to nature and folk. This has today been declared to be impossible by us. In reality, it represents nothing other than the necessary outflow of that racially chaotic system that Syrian African Roman dogma has forged. Therefore, every European who would like to see his people physically and spiritually healthy, and who takes the stand that idiots and the incurably sick infect his nation, will have to permit himself to be represented, according to Roman teaching, as anticatholic, as an enemy of the Christian moral doctrine. And he will have to choose if he is the anti Christ, or if the Founder of Christianity can really have himself conceived — as a dogma — the unrestricted breeding of all kinds of inferior types. This is what His representative boldly demands. Therefore, whoever wishes for a healthy and spiritually strong Germany must passionately reject this encyclical. Such is the work of a pope who aims at the breeding of subhumanity. We thus reject Roman thought as antinatural and hostile to life.
The church has given every murdered missionary the stamp of a martyrdom and named him a saint. Even when Emmeram, represented by Christian tradition as a Jew, violated the daughter of the Bavarian duke and was therefore killed, the infallible church declared this disgraceful end as dying for the faith. Today Emmeram is a saint to whom prayers are uttered in pious Regensburg. But it is the duty of a coming German generation to mention with great respect only the names of those who in storm and wrack fought for the greatness and honour of the German people. We will honour them for what they are: martyrs of the folkish faith. Here, in this corner of our soul, lives the hope that the peoples of Europe will one day recognise the nature of the present frightful catastrophe. We hope that they will recognise the folkish Leader who is coming soon. We hope they will recognise what is most precious; the human blood of their nation. We hope they will become everywhere conscious that an application of the latter principle can be the only final solution. It is not found in heeding the call of any kind of Christianity or of liberal pacifism.
"The state has a responsibility for its citizens' well-being. In this capacity it is legitimate for it to intervene to orient the demography of the population. This can be done by means of objective and respectful information, but certainly not by authoritarian, coercive measures. The state may not legitimately usurp the initiative of spouses, who have the primary responsibility for the procreation and education of their children. In this area, it is not authorized to employ means contrary to the moral law." (Paragraph 2372)
Dylan Richardson
The Myth is one of the best things you can read. Some guy made an abridged audiobook version some years ago.
The Myth of the Twentieth Century is one of my favorite books for many reasons, one of them being that in it Alfred Rosenberg supported Ukrainian independence.
Jackson Perry
Catholic eugenicist here. Pope Pius was a dumbass who would probably argue race is a social construct if he were alive today. We know for a fact that it is not and thus its existence can only be interpreted as the Lord's will. The Church will continue to dwindle in numbers and fail until it reconciles these simple facts of life with its teachings.
Carter Collins
One of my favorite part from the book.
Anthony James
I'm honestly suprised. Rosenberg was pretty cool. He delivered a nice critique of spengler as well as The Myth. Highly recommended stuff.
Rosenberg/positive-christianity related crosspost from /asatru/:
The benefits of religion are many. Religion is positively correlated with birthrates, social cohesion/ a high trust society, and personal happiness.
A religion should always aim for the truth. Otherwise it is vulnerable to empirical attack and can be rejected by it's adherents. This has happened with Christianity in white nations.
What is worthy of veneration and also "true"?
And probably some other points I have missed.
All these are objects or ideas which certainly exist and are worthy of veneration. Of these, the one most important is one's people: the argument could be made that you can't have one's people without nature, the what does nature matter without one's people. The same applies for the other items.
Notice this list contains no deities. Why should deities, which cannot be demonstrated to exist, take precedence above one's people? Even if a religion supports the prosperity and continuation of one's people, why would you place the deity first and the people second?
The demoniac want to make a show of religion and advancement in spiritual science, although they do not follow the principles. They are always arrogant or proud in possessing some type of education or so much wealth. They desire to be worshiped by others, and demand respectability, although they do not command respect. Over trifles they become very angry and speak harshly, not gently. They do not know what should be done and what should not be done. They do everything whimsically, according to their own desire, and they do not recognize any authority. (Srila Prabhupada, Bhagavad-gītā 16.4)
The living entity is qualified as light because he is part and parcel of the supreme light. As sunlight maintains the entire universe, so the light of the soul maintains this material body. As soon as the spirit soul is out of this material body, the body begins to decompose; therefore it is the spirit soul which maintains this body. The body itself is unimportant. Arjuna was advised to fight and not sacrifice the cause of religion for material, bodily considerations. (Srila Prabhupada Bhagavad-gītā 2.18)
Oh look, a jew shitting on Christianity, how original. Kikes hate christ, as he's the antidote to all their schemes. Hitler was a christian (no matter what post-war "found" documents say), Mussolini was christian, and so was every European man of worth for the last 1500 years.
Nicholas Turner
Hudson Myers
So what you're saying is, Jesus was wrong about the entire history of jews being murdering subhuman filth, and that the jews being spiritual frauds and "synagogue of satan" is completely wrong. I take it then you think jews are really our based bros and we could finally achieve peak civilization if we drop that nasty New Testament racism. Neato Mosquito, newfriend.
Individual theists like me also don't care for Christ. Ya he was a nice dude and I respect him a lot but he put the Jews first. They will be saved first, everything comes to them first! Also he was a pacifist, this type of pacifism is destroying civilization.
I think that's the idea behind the Catholic Church. You see, it's a international religions
Nathan Edwards
Why are you pretending to be stupid? It's not funny.
Jesus never said that jews are the synagogue of satan. He said that some jews claiming to jews are not real jews. He's clearly speaking agains't the pharisees, not agains't his own followers
Carson Allen
I can't tell if you're being pathetically dishonest like all jews or just a plain illiterate niggerwit like all their edgelord golems, but either way, thanks for giving me a sensible chuckle, retard. It never hurts to be reminded you're intellectually superior to the trash of the world.
Jonathan Wilson
Did you just get here from you stupid bitch? You don't think Zig Forums has already savaged your IQ60 kike copypasta a gorillian times? ALL JEWS ARE EXACTLY HOW JESUS DESCRIBED THEM YOU DUMB FAGGOT
Jesus' Mom was a jew that makes him racially a jew He got what he deserved for sedition and treason Pontius Pilate did nothing wrong Also he's dead and won't ever comeback Also for a bonus the Eucharist or Jesus sacrament rituals are literal spirit cooking and also ritual canibalism Take this bread as my body take this wine as my blood I am not wrong
Wyatt Hall
It actually means that Jesus was legally a jew. Unless your gay bar has some DNA of Jesus in a sequencer, go back to sucking dicks with your butthole. Of course
Brody Howard
how does it feel being such a retard you don't even know how to crosslink?
this, something about these subjects attract the bottom of the barrell gorilla niggers who decide to have opinions on things they've never read or seriously considered
pic related against the jews… you like jews? except listen to the jewish leaders who asked him to execute Jesus? are you saying it is a good thing for goyim to follow the instructions of the jewish cabal? fuck off but he literally did are you one of those kids who was sodomized in catholic school and decided to become a faggot, Jesus said DO THIS IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME, it's just a Christian tradition to celebrate Christ's sacrifice, only Satanic catholics see it as anything else. funny you have to tell yourself that, clearly you're not as secure as you want to present
another low iq gorilla nigger who bases his beliefs on a single misinterpreted verse where Jesus emphasized not to match pettiness against pettiness also jews killed him for NOT being a jewish supremacist, this is simple stuff
So you're saying that Jesus was just lucky and predicted that out of the four dozen judaic sects, only pharisee teaching would survive and be perpetual enemies of Christians, but that's just a lucky guess? Or was it that all the other kinds of jews were good and based? Its hard to keep up with tardlogic.
Bentley Ward
One, holy and true, Catholic, Apostolic Church
And it's not in Rome
Leo Hill
You can't be saved except through faith in Jesus Christ. How is this putting jews, those who reject Jesus, first?
Jordan Stewart
You really are a retard aren't you? Stop talking about things you don't understand, better to learn in silence. At the time of Christ there was only 3 sects, Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes. Jesus spoke against the Sadducees and Pharisees (normally enemies) who were in turn united in their hatred against him. No one knows about Essenes because they all went into the desert and died out, afaik Jesus never interacted with any. In terms of just being bad, Pharisees were way worse that Sadducees, and got into more fights with Jesus, which is why they get mentioned more. It's not a case of one jew being good and another bad, they were all varying levels of evil, and there was only 2 real ones, not four dozen you retard.
Eli Jones
Jesus was disparaging the Bablyonian Talmud - the "Oral Torah". Pharisical Judaism morphed into Rabbinical Judaism. Jesus also had issues with the sect that opposed the Pharisees - the Saducees (Both sects appeared in the Sanhedrin High Court)
Jesus' main issues with the Pharisees were: 1: Talmud/"Oral Torah" worship 2: Spreading the "Judean Religion" to non Israelites
Jesus' main issues with the Judean's of his time: 1: Many, many of them were edomites AND/OR They were descendants of members of the 12 Tribes (but mostly Judah and Benjamin) who interbred with non-Israelites incl. Edomites, against the OT laws.
Basically Jesus had MAJOR issues with the Judeans, not just limited to the Pharisees, because they repeatedly defied god.
The Pharisees became dominant for these reasons: 1: They opposed Jesus the most vehemently 2: They wrote the Jerusalem Talmud 3:They gained ideologic supremacy amongst Jews as Christianity spread like wildfire - Pharisees openly combated Christianity, esp. during the times of Bar Kochba 4: They took Khazaria - There they established Rabbinical Judaism and the rest is history
Cameron Foster
I'm endlessly surprised even though it's not surprising that the christian end of the JIDF always shits up an Alfred Rosenberg thread. They truly do not want people discussing him or the Myth of the Twentieth Century. Recycling the same lies to promote christianity is probably the easiest part of being the JIDF these days, and also the most difficult, because it means that whites caught on and don't want to worship jews.
On that note it makes sense that the JIDF is pushing christianity harder than ever. Zig Forums dismantled all of the other jewish schemes and the oldest one still active is in jeopardy. So as Zig Forums redpilled itself on the jewish essence of christianity, the JIDF scrambled to defend it and reassigned shills to that.
Most of their energy is directed towards recycled christianity scripts and less on other topics. The bulk of derails and slides are pro-christian. There's also no end to the recycled myths used to defend christianity. They seriously want people to believe that about 2200 active users haven't followed the last few years of christianity discussion. They do what Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf, just pretend the last one never happened and recycle the same lies.
(((They))) seriously think no one notices and that pro-christian posters are somehow organic posters with differing views. It's no wonder that christian posters are constantly the most disengenuous on the board. It's because they're just the JIDF.
You really need to read the Evangelicalism thread. They are pushing "Judeo-Christianity" and have fully subverted the Roman Catholic Church. There are fewer and fewer real Christians left. The truth of Christianity is Anti-semitism, so the Jews have been subverting it to a slave morality for a LOOONNGG time. Hitler was 100% right with his "Positive Christianity" plan. I don't know if it could have been effectively done with a Reich Central Church, but the spiritual is JUST as important as the material. Better a Positive Christianity that pushes for Christian Unification and de-programming than abjectly assaulting Christianity because of bad actors and kikesuckers.
David Robinson
Hitler was an artist. He created hundreds of works. Next question.
Nathaniel Price
Are you saying that people just paint for no reason? That they don't have any real reason for choosing their subjects? You still haven't answered my first question, you JIDF shill. Even cuckchannelers know how to crosslink.
Luis Scott
Religious people like to paint reoigious stuff
Jason Ortiz
Hitler painted a goddamn house.
Explain a reason why he painted a house.
Josiah Foster
Hitler also was at the opening of the Neues Museum in Berlin in 1930. Until 2002 it still showed the scars of bullets and bombs of the fighting that had occurred in it during 1945. This Nu-german government did a poor restoration in only covering the scars with plaster, I think Hitler would have preferred to see the signs of sacrifice which happened inside its halls, but that's thing, they're still there, we only need to cut out the plaster to wear our scars like badges of honor as each of the Aesir do.
lmao kys kike. Christ was the anti-jew, and Europe thrived under christdom. The jew's main goal has been to dismantle christian civilization. You're a fucking joke. Anti-christian posters will either outright lie about scripture, or completely misrepresent it. "lol jesus was a jew haha" is basically as deep as their arguments get. Anyway kys kike.
Jonathan Morgan
Again a new christkike pops up out of nowhere, gets BTFO and then do the same after the thread gets crowdy enough.
Europe thrives because it's european. Nothing else.
Landon Green
was going to answer but then you outed yourself
Another JIDF detected, are you some new recruit from reddit? We don't put spaces between new lines here.
Angel Lewis
go to Zig Forums, you aren't national socialists
Andrew Ross
Wow, attacking Christkike is JIDF now. Be careful, you might be killed by christians for insulting Israel.
I do, plenty do.
Eli Nguyen
yes because you are all shills with muscle memory from posting on reddit Christians and Christ himself cannot be kikes, again you reveal your ignorance. Kike comes directly from those jews who were too scared of Christ to even write the letter X.
Christians are kikes and pseudo-kikes, jews convert then convert back to being jews like nothing.
Jews fear the cross because Titus crucified them and destroyed their temple, not because of any phony sickly jew.
Julian Kelly
Look another reddit JIDF shill has appeared. But kike means Jew who hates Jesus, it is right there in my image, are you illiterate? If Jews love Jesus they can't really be called kikes then, can they? inb4
I've seen that passage, its not that simple. The jews say because Titus destroyed the second temple a gnat flew into his nose and up into his brain and picked at his brain for 7 years causing a large growth in his head which drove him insane and then it killed him during the grips of fever.
This is also the same thing which the jews say about what happened to Nimrod for trying to attack Abraham. Interestingly Nimrod wanted to shackle Abraham to a stake.
Further Nimrod is also said to have killed a bunch of his own people's children trying to stop Abraham's birth which is the same thing the jews say Pharaoh does to prevent Moses's birth.
Robert Ward
Kike just means jew, kike. Because Jesus is a kike, thus he deserves to be crucified like ALL kikes do. He is a weak kike that cannot even defend himself.
Easton Gutierrez
you probably believe that Europeans were the ancient kikes like the good christmutt you are
Tyler Hernandez
No, I don't, christian identity-ers are KIKES.
Easton Lewis
sorry, I misreplied, christian identiterians are all christkikes in this movement
Jaxon Sanders
So you're saying sand-negroes built the Sumerian/Akkadian civilizations and Babylon? Migration must be such a hard concept to grasp.
Caleb Price
But it could be. The existing framework could easily be weaponized against the enemy.
The big idea is to put an end to blood sacrifice that people once offered in a bid to appease their gods or totem poles. Jesus has already laid down his life for us so God no longer requires blood sacrifice. Is there anything wrong with that?
Not necessarily. The Church has usually dealt with issues such as usury, Islam and various heresies throughout history. At some point it will have to broach the topic of race as well. I believe niggers and chinks can be saved but that doesn't mean I have to live anywhere near them or mix with them.
Lincoln Jackson
Furthermore, the Old Testament speaks of adultery and mixing with other tribes at length. Christ did not abolish the OT outright, he merely updated and added to it.
Nathan Russell
sumerians werent semites, akkadians were, akkadians took over sumerian culture and civ
semite =/= aryan
no amount of christcuck revisionism can change this
Wyatt Stewart
Define Aryan. Are you using it as a catch-all term for whites or are they a particular tribe of whites? In any case, my point is that the people known as 'Jews' today have simply subverted whites' heritage and, given everything else they've done, it doesn't seem such a stretch. I have no reason to doubt whether whites have ever lived in Palestine considering they've built settlements nearly everywhere on the planet.
Nathaniel Adams
Aryans are the most northern tribe of Caucasians ("white" in american speak) that started appearing and clustering in the broad ukrainian steppe and possibly northern europe
There is genetic and linguistic evidence for this.
Hebrews waer white but not aryan and so was the historical Jesus, Hitler himself stated that Jesus wasn't Aryan when people started larping too much.
Genetics confirm my words. As do Hitler, Himmler, Rosenberg, Goebbels, etc.
Its a shame that the wording, and the content mean that this book, and also the modernized youtube things (in total of 3 hours lol?) are probably only digestable to an audience of IQ's of 110+ and probably even higher. Its a great counter narrative of the old, its direct contrast to the niggerfied garbage most people are under.
Leo Morales
Like his followers? Of the 12 apostles, can you point me one that a goy?
Jordan Fisher
You mean the jew who betrayed him for 30 pieces of silver? Or the jew who betrayed him to the Romans and ran away crying? Maybe you mean the jews who let the Romans nail him to a cross instead of helping him? yes, edgelords really are this retarded
Samuel Bell
Messianic jews
Samuel Jackson
Wtf are you talking about? Do you truly think the 12 apostles were not true christians? Without Peters there would be no christianity today
Daniel Evans
nobody cares, your European forefathers did care for Christ and no European nation worth its salt over the past millenia was "theist" or "atheist," they were strictly culturally Christian
Justin Ward
I'm talking about the fact that every one of Jesus' jewish followers betrayed him and acted like standard piece of shit jews, aka greedy, cowardly liars and murderers, which you would know if you weren't an illiterate fucktard with the IQ of a sleeping nigger.
Charles Brown
Treason against Rome Sedition against the Emperor The only thing Pilate did wrong was he didn't nail the other juden in jerusalem to a fucking stick too while he had the chance Word semantics are semantics - call it what you want it's still ritual canibalism and literal spirit cooking with deistic connections to an dead yid He didn't come back period. He won't and can't come back period cause he's fucking dead Period Nope no rapey here ain't a nigger either kid Yeah I may have burst your precious little ( ( (messiah) ) ) bubble but I am factually objectively 100% correct
Isaiah Bailey
Yeah …. with jews you lose user You know this
Caleb Morales
Christianity, blah. Its very useful as a form of "ideology" as many others are, to get to 1488. The problem is that many of its tenets are no longer in sync with the current reality to get to this goal. People constantly butt blast themselves about what and how and whatever. But the thing is that we may not need an ideology of sorts. In the way of it being iconic or whatever. To handle this hastily changing modern century filled with degeneracy, we already have a handle of many smaller segments of direct paths to 1488. One of which is racial realism. All of these take time to learn obviously, so using the old icons, the old ideologies that people already have may be beneficial of sorts…I dont know man.
But if you were to look for the truth, you would not find it in christianity. The truth of how this world operates so to speak.
we already hold a vast array of other adaptations which we share within this community, like nofap, fitness (test increase), "eternal struggle" mindset, any a great deal of many other things still which bring us incrementally closer to adapting ourselves to the current environment. I think one of the great goals that we could have around christianity is trying to persuade the christians that we share many of their values, and that we are sane as they are, and that its safe to come out to this new thing that we have. And that one can discard many of the disadvantageous things that its religion offers, and only leave the good ones up.
Ryan Lopez
An honest mistake. But he's not. It's kind of like how Forsberg is a common Swedish name for actual Swedes. As for the rest of your post, what is it with christians and having to make everything centered around them and their little sand cult?
Except there's a difference in discussing Christianity, and then making brazen claims such as that Hitler was christian, how christ is the antithesis of the jew and nothing else, or that all European accomplishment is due to Europe being christian and nothing else, or whatever wewuzzery you types tend to come up with in terms of khazars, edomites, or whatever poeple you use to justify how judeans aren't jews.
John Morgan
they simply cannot deal with pandora's vase being opened and exposing the early years of muttstianity and its plague-like spread in Europe by the hands of ethnic judeans, it's pure distilled damage control at this point
credit for the following text goes to the other poster(s) that wrote it:
Some are obviously JIDF. Some. The rest are mentally deranged semitic worshipers. Each of them have their own headcanon that revolves around denying objective incriminating flaws with christianity. There's no consistency with any of them. They get proven wrong and called out, then they show up in a new thread to recycle the same old points.
Here's some off the top of my head: Bonus: look up testimony on how it used to be customary to kiss the pope's feet if you visited, but never for the rothchilds ^This is not an exaggeration. A semite worshiper has said this on Zig Forums, with no irony or sarcasm. For that matter, everything I'm listing has been said multiple times across tons of pointless threads > [placeholder for pathetic attempt to excuse the (((holy roman empire))) in pagan genocides and burning of libraries] ^ The reference to babylon is explicitly a callback to when jews were kvetching about babylon in the old testament - jews saw rome as the new babylon > [placeholder for pathetic attempt to disprove that (((jesus))) literally and only hated the pharisees and thus christianity is originally just jew infighting and saul of tarsus saw it as an attempt to make a cult to control whites aka gentiles] Note: All placeholders represent major flaws that no semite worshiper has ever answered, because they can't. Note 2: I am very sure I missed many pointless semitic worship recycled delusions, but if you think this list is long, an exhaustive list would be way longer.
For good measure, because of a definitive lack of actual historical evidence, it's far more likely that saul of tarsus invented the jesus story. Every non-biblical historian mentioning jesus only mentions him because they were noting their observations of christians, who were observed as odd characters. There are two exceptions. One was a gentile historian that worked with the early christians. Archeologists have learned over time that all of his work is fraudulent. Most damning is that his source was a jewish historian. I reiterate: there is an actual and verifiable case that (((jesus))) is not just a fictional invention, but his story was invented precisely when saul of tarsus was sending letters, and this easily explains why some of saul's references to (later) new testament details do not match up.
Why would they? Christcucks never argue in good faith. If you read his post, you read every christian thread on Zig Forums.
Oliver Wright
Hitler taught us that. Rockwell is but one of many who came after. I have far more respect for Pierce than I do for Rockwell.
He wasn't anti-Christian, he was anti-Abraham. His hope was for a "Positive-Christianity" to spring forth from the Third Reich. One that exemplified purity of race, and was rich with the Aryan ideals, not those of jews and mongrels.
Gavin Flores
the christian idea of salvation through jesus christ alone simultaneously denies the importance of race, sexual dichotomy, intelligence, physical health, aptitude, "virtue morality", and everything else that is not jesus christ/trinity.
europe largely did pretty well because europeans largely ignored those poisonous & evil christian ideas in favor of native european ideas, but advances in technology like the printing press resulted in the broader dissemination of these evil christian ideas, and that - combined with the disastrous results of World War II (reminder: Hitler persecuted Christianity) - led to present-day "late stage" christianity in society where racism is a sin and christian priests marry interracial couples in christian churches.
among other things, interracial cuckoldry is evil and your christian faith cannot change that.
So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
"We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity … in fact our movement is Christian. " -Adolf Hitler If Hitler wasn't Christian, Natsoc was.
The bible preaches anti-degeneracy and anti-materialism and anti-usury. Pretty anti-jewish to me. Never said it was "nothing else"
Never said all, just that virtually all significant European figures, and all the European nations of the last 1500 years (give of take) were christian.
Your argumentation reeks of JIDF.
Liam Smith
As William Luther Pierce said, Christianity is incompatible with healthy homogeneous societies.
Nathaniel Richardson
C'mon now
Also preaches racial egalitarianism and for people to hold god above their families, countries, and race Fair, but I'm willing to bet christianity played a very minimal/nonexistant role in their achievements for a good chunk of them.
We demand freedom of religion for all religious denominations within the state so long as they do not endanger its existence or oppose the moral senses of the Germanic race. The Party as such advocates the standpoint of a positive Christianity without binding itself confessionally to any one denomination.
Article 24 of Hitler's National Socialist Programme of 1920 had endorsed what it termed "Positive Christianity", but placed religion below party ideology by adding the caveat that it must not offend "the moral sense of the German race".[138]
In Jan. 1934, Hitler angered the churches by appointing the neo-pagan Alfred Rosenberg as official Nazi ideologist.
Alfred Ernst Rosenberg (German: [ˈʀoːzənbɛɐk] (About this sound listen); 12 January 1893 – 16 October 1946) was a German[1] theorist and an influential ideologue of the Nazi Party. Rosenberg was first introduced to Adolf Hitler by Dietrich Eckart and later held several important posts in the Nazi government.
The author of a seminal work of Nazi ideology, The Myth of the Twentieth Century (1930), Rosenberg is considered one of the main authors of key National Socialist ideological creeds, including its racial theory, persecution of the Jews, Lebensraum, abrogation of the Treaty of Versailles, and opposition to degenerate modern art. Unlike most other Nazi leaders, he is known for his rejection of and hatred for Christianity,[2] having played an important role in the development of German Nationalist Positive Christianity.[3]
In January 1934 Hitler had appointed Rosenberg as the cultural and educational leader of the Reich.[35][36] The Sanctum Officium in Rome recommended that Rosenberg's Myth of the Twentieth Century be put on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (list of books forbidden by the Catholic Church) for scorning and rejecting "all dogmas of the Catholic Church, indeed the very fundamentals of the Christian religion".[37]
Hitler awarded the first State Prize for Art and Science to the author of The Myth of the Twentieth Century. The official document accompanying the prize "expressly praises Rosenberg as a 'person who has, in a scientific and penetrating manner, laid the firm foundation for an understanding of the ideological bases of National Socialism.'"[5]
On 22 March 1942, the German Bishops issued a pastoral letter on "The Struggle against Christianity and the Church".[69] The letter … accused the Reich Government of "unjust oppression and hated struggle against Christianity and the Church"
The letter outlined serial breaches of the 1933 Concordat, reiterated complaints of the suffocation of Catholic schooling, presses and hospitals and said that the "Catholic faith has been restricted to such a degree that it has disappeared almost entirely from public life" and even worship within churches in Germany "is frequently restricted or oppressed", while in the conquered territories (and even in the Old Reich), churches had been "closed by force and even used for profane purposes". The freedom of speech of clergymen had been suppressed and priests were being "watched constantly" and punished for fulfilling "priestly duties" and incarcerated in Concentration camps without legal process. Religious orders had been expelled from schools, and their properties seized, while seminaries had been confiscated "to deprive the Catholic priesthood of successors".[70] The bishops denounced the Nazi euthanasia program
Hitler literally saying "our movement is christian" isn't enough proof for you? How about Goebbels saying that the conflict of the 20th century was that of Christ against Marx? It says all people are equal before the eyes of god. This means every soul is as important as any other. The bible doesn't state everyone is equal in ability, and actually outlines patriarchy as the ideal for of government. Supporting family, anti-degeneracy and monogamy I think had a great deal of impact in creating a society in which great men could flourish.
From the big man himself.
Joshua Hughes
You're obviously delusional if you think words in a speech to garner more votes/supporters trumps his actual actions on the subject
The Sanctum Officium in Rome recommended that Rosenberg's Myth of the Twentieth Century be put on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (list of books forbidden by the Catholic Church) for scorning and rejecting "all dogmas of the Catholic Church, indeed the very fundamentals of the Christian religion".[37]
Hitler awarded the first State Prize for Art and Science to the author of The Myth of the Twentieth Century. The official document accompanying the prize "expressly praises Rosenberg as a 'person who has, in a scientific and penetrating manner, laid the firm foundation for an understanding of the ideological bases of National Socialism.'"[5]
Jack Reed
the christian idea of salvation through jesus christ alone simultaneously denies the importance of race, sexual dichotomy, intelligence, physical health, aptitude, "virtue morality", and everything else that is not jesus christ/trinity.
europe largely did pretty well because europeans largely ignored those poisonous & evil christian ideas in favor of native european ideas, but advances in technology like the printing press resulted in the broader dissemination of these evil christian ideas, and that - combined with the disastrous results of World War II (reminder: Hitler persecuted Christianity) - led to present-day "late stage" christianity in society where racism is a sin and christian priests marry interracial couples in christian churches.
among other things, interracial cuckoldry is evil and the christian faith cannot change that.
So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Yes I know, not true christianity. You don't speak for Zig Forums
Carson King
So spiritually anyone who obeys God is part of the kingdom. Neat. Now here's a really hard question for dumb niggers to answer: Does "nor is there male and female" also mean men and women are equal like niggers and whites are equal in Christianity as you say, or is "Wives, be subject to your husbands as you are to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church" true? Which one is it, little nigger? it's a trick question because you're too stupid to understand your own illiteracy and hypocrisy anyway. I just like to laugh at how stupid niggers are when they try to sound smart
that is why we should worship a dead jewish rabbi as a god, right?
Levi Ortiz
But why is it not true Christianity? Is it because Christianity has actual documented criteria that Roman Catholicism fails to meet? Yes. But, feel free to make the case that Roman Catholicism passes all the tests for authenticity laid out in writing. as if you had the IQ for things like research or logic or even what "criteria" means kek