The GOP is Officially Dead - What Now?

What has happened recently to cause the supercharged Black Pill:

It is becoming untenable to shill for this guy any longer. That’s fine but we should remember the people who were right about this. This is important because these sunny day friends threw a lot of people under the bus to shill for Trump. I have noticed they have transitioned suddenly with no humility about how wrong they were.

So I propose an alternative: vote Democrat, and always make sure to vote for Democrats that are women of color. At this point, if you’re going to participate in the system, make sure you collapse it.

Follow me on Gab and Twitter (Ulfric and @Ulfric74 respectively) and also follow my good friend Tyrone Jackson on Gab and Twitter (cashmoneyglock and @cashmoneyglock respectively). My last thread got deleted for some reason and all I received was hostility. I’m hoping there can be civil discourse this time around.

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Sage negated, how about actually addressing my points?

what would YOU do?

Read what I wrote and you’ll know.

What are WE supposed to be doing? Outside of voting whenevr anyone suggests anything wether outside of the mainstream or that might actually produce results we are constantly told "NO! You did it wrong!" by a bunch of faggots with nothing to lose and yet uncomfortable with losing even that.


What are WE supposed to be doing?


Well, I would say my alternative is the only decent thing to do voting-wise. If you want to get into the logistics outside of that, I would say form local and regional groups with like-minded people and vet heavily and often. Think of RAM, maybe even smaller than that capacity.

Sage negated, and Gab isn’t necessarily social media.

We'd be better off collapsing the system by refusing to work and taking as much welfare as possible.
But voting for a woman or a mud… nope, not even once.


You’re not going to mobilize the masses into giving up work and going on welfare, it’s unbecoming of white people. Voting for the worst possible Dem candidates will do more damage than anything else we have going for us. Even the alt-right e-celebs are finally turning on their wall-touching “God Emperor” and see the writing on the wall, both regarding the GOP and their “careers”.

Sorry, I’m not from (((TRS))). Try again.

lol no
lol yeah

I can understand accelerationism from a theory standpoint, but proposing i vote for a muslim…..sounds like kikes to me.

If this is bait, it's pretty good bait.

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You fags are the fucking worst. Voting (D) won't collapse the system in any of our lifetimes, all we'll get are more shitskins driving down our wages and shitting up our neighborhoods while we lose the right to defend ourselves from said shitskins.
If I won't be alive to see the fruits of my labor, why the fuck should I care?

I think the main problem that so many anons respond like that is because they feel frustrated that other anons don't "just get it" but refuse to explain - either because this is a public forum, thus you should always be careful what you say no matter what your aims are, or because they are understandably impatient that other anons are not taking action.

Terrible argument, sage negated.

Better to vote for a Muslim than a ZOG puppet like Trump.

Proposing a viable alternative is bait?

And what are we going to get by voting (R) at this point? Trump showed his hand the moment he launched missile strikes into Syria the first time. E-celebs like Nick Fuentes were defending him saying it was “symbolic strikes”, but everyone else saw through it. Since then, we’ve had no proper immigration reform, DACA was a mess, no wall funding, lost the House, barely hold a majority in the Senate, nationalists from RAM being arrested, etc. So tell me, would you vote for the enemy or would you vote for the traitor? The GOP are the latter.

What more acceleration do you need? They’re already blatantly causing ejection fraud. They are illegally confiscating guns. They are attacking right wing figureheads and voters. So if you were going to do something then go do it faggot.

I get to keep the means to defend myself. At this point, the 2A is the only thing that matters.

No one needs vote at all.
The #WalkAway group didn't begin voting Republican. And even if they voted 'Independent', they only voted to soothe their conscience, because those votes were wasted.
No one to the Right nor Right of center will genuinely support biological enemies; so, why vote at all? The result is the same; Acceleration

Stop coming here and posting the same retarded nonsense over and over again. Accelerationism is not some big brained idea it's literally playing into your enemies hands and then shouting "5D Bazinga!" I can't believe you disilussioned Trumpcucks are such pussies that when you finally realized voting was a scam - instead of taking it in and starting to come up with a new idea, you go right back to trying to solve things with voting.

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Forgot to add, real accelerationism is shooting up CNN not voting for some sheboon.

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Exactly. Voting for either party is fucking stupid. It's perfectly legal to form militias, pay for protesting permits, march in the streets, and the Supreme Court ruled against recognizing "hate speech" as an exception to free speech. It's also legal to overthrow the government as per the Second Amendment, it's just also illegal as per it being treason/sedition, so it's actually legally a grey area.

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Jordan Peterson Brags On His Soviet Art Collection

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1. (R) does not represent white people, it just panders to us for votes, it's controlled by jews just as much as (D)

2. there simply aren't enough white people for GOP to win anymore, 2016 was the last time

3. the racial struggle was never about elections, nobody ever thought elections were going to change anything

4. stop arguing about Trump and elections and political parties, they're a distraction and a dead end

5. focus on redpilling and improving white people, we need to spread JQ and embattled minority mindset among white people

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Whoa, Imkikey is full effect

ngl I’d fuck those women

You are absolutely right, but the problem is it's impossible to redpill Americans at this point. They have been conditioned since birth to love "diversity". Europeans on the other hand still have a chance, just look at the increasing resistance in France and Italy. Not to mention Eastern Europe. The only chance America still has is with a civil war and balkanization.

2 solid years of jew infested nigger lovers in the media pushing TRUMP IS NAZI! RUSSIA COLLUSION! REEEEEEEE! 24/7. Illusory truth effect. Demographic replacement. The US is completely fucked. If you don't see it, you're fucking blind.

Oh, and the Republicuck filth who were voted in didn't do what the fuck they were supposed to. Remember how we were going to fix immigration? Yeah, that didn't happen. But at least there was a shit-tier tax cut. Yay? Why even vote (R) when they're nothing but (D) nigger loving open borders kike trash?

Anglin over at the Daily Informer unironically believes elections are going to change everything.

The retards who watch fox news and mainstream media think zognald is a closet racist. In reality he's a commie Jew puppet.

See this part of OP's fagtastic post, moddy-coons? This is the part that means you need to delete this thread.

Those are good accounts to follow. Now fuck off

I second this.

They seem pretty gay.

Is not accelerationism, thats just shooting yourself in the foot and helping (((them))) since the whole reason shitskins are brought West is to disrupt safe White communities.

You are suppose accelerate their doom not yours by creating chaos between two rivals or in their local system itself. Starting a campaign of blacks complaining how racist jews are and the negroes burning down their temples is much better. Then spreading the message that jews are hunting niggers at night as payback.


Giving away government seats and make sure niggers are put in to leadership in a White area only makes it worst because those niggers, mudslimes what have you aren't leading at all its their jew handlers. Who will just make it worst for the Whites currently.

Now putting a nigger mudslime that hates jews as a ambassador towards jewish relations is acceleration. Electing a a smart White ally that saw what the Nazis were fighting for in a poor non-white area from gaming the local voting system an tricking the locals with the promise of gibs then using the money to create a semi-private very prejudice brutal police force to smash criminal niggers all day.

Moving 10k somalis already in the west to the middle of a majority beaner gangbanging area or rival muslim area is also good.

Convincing shitskin males to take the free female hormones at the local gibs center so they create a homo culture that divides their community and so they don't have children. Would more big brained tier.

Fan the flames for shitskins vs. jew vs mudslimes wars.

Your first post in this thread seems to indicate that you glow in the dark, is this true?


I just said something you don't like and now you're butthurt.