I am so sick of these fucks gatekeeping and blocking literally every step of the way to a path for a succesful life. Everytime there is some institutional or social or business or legislative roadblock, its some god damn boomer telling me i cant have it my way.
They raped and pillaged our birthright, created the great Pacific garbage patch, plasticized the oceans and our bodies, sold everything to the chinks, reeeeeee
Now we pay rent for their shitty 2nd properties to fund their boomer lifestyles and vacations and healthcare. Fuck them. Dotr for boomers when?? Gas the boomers!! reee
White people are just as bad as jews but the jews arent allowed to be criticized and this enables the prison world. Whites are glorified murderers, rapists , and thieves. You all worship money and approval and don't give a fuck about anyone else and you project your problems onto the kikes. That's why your entire faggot maga alt right movement has accomplished nothing but getting feds funding and letting some useless people "blow off steam" the twoof Huwtz. Sorry but losing a war doesnt make Adolf a great leader. Only in delusion land is losing winning. Your system sucks, you suck, kill yourselves.
Daniel Taylor
"Hehe watch this guy's I'm gonna use the optimal buZword to own him! Then I'm gonna pat myself on the back!"
Asher Reed
NO U politics go fuck yourself idiot, you misunderstand the entire situation. kill yourself. saged and reported
Austin Murphy
what'cha gonna do about it, faggot?
Matthew Thomas
Jaxon Wilson
We have a POTUS Boomer that is making a path for a successful life.
Boomers were heavily bombarded with psychological warfare and they didn’t have the internet to smarten them up. I don’t blame them really. As far as the “Jew-wise”/natsoc/wn ”movement” is concerned, we’d have no research on the jew world order if it weren’t for a dozen or so crusty stubborn boomers.
Saged More kike D&C for Aryans on Zig Forums. Snore. This time the divide and conquer is ageist. You guys do realize that this 'gets old' (pun intended) for us as well, right? That at some point we aren't going to buy into your constant D&C?
Asher Allen
noted, unironically NABALT
Xavier Evans
Easton Howard
90% of boomers are so goddamn retarded they can't see what's wrong with genital mutilation. Our country went from 90% white to probably less than 40% when they're all dead.
You IDF shill, we should all divide from you and be conquered by /ourQanons/
Xavier Moore
Oh hell yeah! Boomers caused me to be a lazy, unsuccessful jealous fuck.
Charles Brown
Why would the son taking heroin or the daughter going with a nigger have anything to do with their parents?
Why doesn't the son do what I did and bite the bullet and go work in construction doing heavy labor? I packed fucking gyproc ffs. And the daughter is just a fat pig so when the nigger slits her throat no big loss.
Jeremiah Cook
because they turned their back on their culture and traditions for free-love orgies,drugs and hep C
Ethan Brown
bought my first house at 22 years old and I can't even read, fucking lazy kids t. boomer
Nolan Mitchell
Maybe YOUR parents did but I never did that. I immersed myself in our culture.
Tell me, have you even read War and Peace? or any Dostoyevsky novels? Madame de Lafayette's Princess de Cleves? Hmm?
And I still don't see what boomer parents did to make their kids want to take heroin. You haven't explained that yet.
Logan Baker
fuck off weev
Evan Baker
yea but ur useless … you cant even holocaust a boomer.
If you were an alt-alpha-chad-tow youd fucking already be ruby red pilled enough to get your shit done
fucking fag
Jayden Rodriguez
yes i did, and not all boomers they rejected their traditions and failed to pass them on
Joseph Cooper
I can see you being pissed off about the niggers pouring into the country but really we never had any say in that, anymore than we do now. As for the jobs going to China…
Let's not even talk about the nation being driven deliberately into bankruptcy for the pointless Vietnam war.
It's your turn now; let's see what your generation can do to turn things around. We couldn't.
Vietnam is responsible for our new 22trillion dollar debt? Don’t trigger me right now. You guys all mindlessly fucking voted to repeal our fucking rights under the Patrick act and got my generation killed fucking overseas in a god damn war to expand Israels fucking borders.
Vietnam didn’t get us here. Countless boomers passing on the responsibility to someone else got us here.
Lucas White
And those damn worthless gen X’ers.
Brandon Sullivan
Vietnam is the reason that Nixon had to end bretton woods, so yes it is responsible for our debt and all the economic problems that have occurred since.
It's really easy to point the finger of blame, but what exactly do you think they should have done? How would they even know what was going on? Look at the trouble we are having now trying to fight the globalist/banking establishment, and we have the internet. All they had was mainstream news and shortwave radio.
That pic is bullshit. 2 years is more than enough. The fall out would be dangerous and hard to control, but if it isn't done quickly, they'll just take back control and adapt. We have to win with as few moves as possible.
Parker Diaz
Not a Qcumber, just think the pic is relevant
I agree that they will adapt and take back control, but why do you think 2 years is more than enough? We know that at least 75% of the power structure in this country is opposed to him. How do you deal with them?
Logan Richardson
I guess you’re right.
It was over when the federal reserve was established but nobody even blinked an eye when the head of the CIA was the sole proponent of the single shooter theory. You guys should have chimped out when they killed JFK but the public complacency had already taken place. Everybody let fucking Allen Dulles, who got kicked out of the white house by JFK run the fucking investigation into his death and cover up the federal banks fucking murder.
But I digress. How the fuck do we stop the central bank jews now? It’s literally always been ran by fucking jews. They’re going to crash our fucking country into the ground.
Boomers had an opportunity to eliminate all of this with JFK but ugh. There’s no way Trump is crazy enough to stand up to them.
Boomers will die in their jobs before giving up any power. They know when they give that power up, they can no longer fuck the generations below them, and in all likelihood, will be sent to nursing homes staffed by the same third world trash they're letting into the country.
Boomers would be smart to just off themselves because they are going to reap the hatred of every generation beneath them when SHTF.
Connor Martin
Some dumbfuck asian gook that lurks around our circles online for over a decade wants to play like he got the edge on us. You're a fucking retard garlic breath little bitch.
No, that would be the post-Cromwellian British. (aka, anglos). But, you don't care about details. That isn't the game you're playing. The only reason you lurk around our circles is to wait in the shadows like a thief, brooding for the opportunity to stab us in the back. This is the character of the Oriental snake. Don't think for a second that you know us. Because you don't. Sitting in Seattle, Vancouver, and Berkeley inside your Korean, Chink, Philipino, Japanese communities waiting… and waiting.
Here's an interesting documentary related to what you're saying about the Fed. In case anyone is interested
Isaac Russell
Nice iphone, faggot.
Angel Price
The world would of been dominated Dolphins the smartest species after Whites and non-white genetic trash would still be a waste of oxygen while being enslaved by the ocean dwellers.
Muh ancient asians were inbreeding retards that goes for the chinks gooks, nips and also were baby raping cannibals.
Civilization didn't start until Whites started it.
Xavier Sanchez
It's not that the tariffs were low, it's that they were asymmetrical. Western countries outsourced manufacturing to the third world but the third world put up barriers to trade in the other direction. Specialization increases productivity overall, but the West basically got ripped off. This is what Trump is trying to address by placing tariffs on China. It would have worked ok if the free trade went in both directions.
the problem is that the West didn't protect itself. We should have pursed the optimal strategy of reciprocal altruism and put exactly the same tariffs on them that they had on us. It that case the market would have moved towards efficiency. What happened instead was (((vested interests))) enriched themselves essentially at everyone else's expense. (((They))) got cheap manufacturing but instead of the savings going to the consumer, who could then spend them elsewhere, (((they))) just pocketed the difference as additional profit.
Free markets are generally beneficial, but you have to make sure that 1) kikes don't cheat, 2) Chinks don't rip you off, and 3) you protect yourself at all times.
Oliver Perez
And the federal reserve is basically the most extreme example of kikes cheating that could possibly be imagined (outside of the holohoax, of course).
Jason Hall
That man was genius
Easton Long
All jews shall burn, the fire of truth shall consume them, and the world shall be free.
Gabriel Taylor
I don't give a fuck about money and hate greedy people. Fuck off.
The holohoax isn't real. Lurk moar, faggot. Reported for wasting tripdubs.
Dylan Brooks
Well, he better step it up. Thus far he's only talked a good talk (and been lucky on scotus).
David Hall
Or that it was their fucking fault we got sold out to China. Or that it was their fucking fault they let the spics overrun the place on their watch.
Adam Hernandez
Oh, I see you mentioned (((immigration)))
Nolan Cooper
Oh, it's been explained alright. Muh jerbs, as you kikes put it. Oh, there shall be the scald for you kikes. Your yid books won't save you.
John Lewis
Yes, you could. You didn't do a goddamn thing, and you didn't even try.
Jose Sanchez
In truth unless there is some extremely violent uprising that includes vast numbers of the zogbots that keep them safe, police, military, etc; you/ we/ aren't going to prevent them. Sorry to be blackpilled about it but I have been asking myself the same thing for a long time. Then I re-read history and realized we are an unprepared moment, living in a planned system that's been running for a long time. Education of the coming generations of their ways and deeds may be the answer. All you can do is prepare for it, crash, system collapse. Then try to either carry on as normal, ignoring it, pretending everything is ok Try to prevent it. Try to accelerate it so they aren't ready (dumb, they are ready, if civil wars broke out globally today they would be quite well prepared, I believe, but you may disagree and I get that.)
David Garcia
< not realizing it started with kikes moving in < after kikes moved in we had the (((civil war))) gee what a fucking cohencidence < then we get the 13th and 14th amendments, what a fucking cohencidence
Gabriel Diaz
that pic is bullshit. Well, the MAGA bar is.
As much as I'd like to blame boomers (gen x here), trouble started way before them. And having absolutely no other source of fast-spreading info as the MSM, it's easy to understand how they fucked it up. The only woke people back then got it through books and they, as people, had very little reach to spread their knowledge to the masses. Now we have the internet, it's a very unique situation. People actually ARE becoming wise on the JQ. Check the comments on msm online newspapers: 5 years ago, redpills were nowhere to be seen. Now, average people drop them randomly like crazy, something has happened in the last few years. The jews know this and that's why trump happened: the perfect scape valve so as to keep the goyim under control for a few more years; meanwhile, zionism has gone full turbo mode: widespread LGBTQIFSDFN agenda being pushed harder than ever, feminism, faggotry, etc. We have entered a turbo-zion era, that is tryng to crash this plane without survivors as fast as it can. If something like jews being expelled happens again (like it happened so many times throughout history) this time it'll be on a global scale. Just imagine. The time for action is now though.
It isn't what they did, it's what they didn't do. Boomers are so wrapped up in themselves and appearances, they never want to be seen as "harsh" or "restrictive" aka "uncool" to their one or two children. They are permissive to the point of criminal negligence. Kids treated like that are as wild and unkempt as any nigger, so they become niggers. Fuck anything, do any drug, steal, etc. It's gross, and boomers will rot in hell for eternity for so many reasons, just like their own shit parents.
Logan Martinez
Liam Rodriguez
Boomers are just useful idiots. They're Israel's fodder in the jewish alligned christianity. Killing the boomers will not change anything at all
John Moore
Camden Cook
Some are actually redpillable, luckily. Not all boomers were or are in favor of what's happened to this country.
Hunter Watson
It must suck being a hapa. The barrel end goes in your mouth.
They turned the culture hedonistic and focused on nothing but short-term profit regardless of the consequences for the future. Massive immigration, running up massive debt, outsourcing jobs en masse, importing foreign labor en masse. There are huge social and economic consquences due to the complete selfishness of the boomer that are just beginning to be felt (even drug dependency and deaths among whites). The best thing that can happen is the civil war happens soon enough so the boomers can suffer from the massive destruction they caused.
And not ALL boomers are responsible for this.
Joseph Green
All Trump had to do - if he was who we thought he was, was to lay all this out in the open the day he got into office. Just tell the people what was going on and who was behind it and the problem is solved there and then. DOTR all round.
Nolan Nelson
Fuck off
Nolan Rivera
It sure does, but why not take out the people responsible for cranking out more of you?
Gabriel Edwards
Why the fuck do these gooks keep insisting on torturing the poor dogs? If you must have dog meat, just kill them! Sheesh. Fucking chinks.
The Chinese/Koreans believe two things about preparing, eating something while it is stealing alive:
One: The Adrenaline and other biochemicals released into the meat of a live-tortured and soon-to-be-eaten dog is said to give the meat an 'edge' similar to a drug-like high.
Two: It will have more 'vital force' or 'chi' and therefore be healthier and tastier the closer a thing is to life at the actual time you eat it.
And they are actually on to something…if you look at some of the live seafood that's started to be served in the US over the past decade, you'll understand that this is starting to become a thing here too.
We hold dogs as 'sacred companions' in a similar sense that Hindus do cows, and Muslims do pigs.
Ultimately morality is hyper-relative. Your pet Fluffy being someone else's table delicacy on the other side of the planet is simply something Whites are going to have to get used to, in a similar sense Hindus are Muslims have had to deal with our fetish for bacon burgers.
Kayden Long
The Chinese/Koreans believe two things about preparing, eating something while it is still alive:
One: The Adrenaline and other biochemicals released into the meat of a live-tortured and soon-to-be-eaten dog is said to give the meat an 'edge' similar to a drug-like high.
Two: It will have more 'vital force' or 'chi' and therefore be healthier and tastier the closer a thing is to life at the actual time you eat it.
And they are actually on to something…if you look at some of the live seafood that's started to be served in the US over the past decade, you'll understand that this is starting to become a thing here too.
We hold dogs as 'sacred companions' in a similar sense that Hindus do cows, and Muslims do pigs.
Ultimately morality is hyper-relative. Your pet Fluffy being someone else's table delicacy on the other side of the planet is simply something Whites are going to have to get used to, in a similar sense Hindus are Muslims have had to deal with our fetish for bacon burgers.
Jack Howard
The people already know what is going on, that is why Trump is in office. Knowledge is only half the battle, the other half is action. We are seeing action, albeit not as much as I would like, but there are a lot of powerful people and corporations fighting against Trump. Their goal is to destroy Trump at any cost and to make sure that there is never another Trump. We don't know what he is dealing with behind the scenes.
You know, I am actually a pretty tolerant guy. Though I would like to exterminate every single jew on earth which is not out of malice but our of self defense against a race of freaks trying to exterminate me I am actually quite mellow about the actions of other races. If the Chinese really think that they need to torture puppies in order to absorb their chi, then while I will find that morally repugnant, I wouldn't nuke them over it. But dogs being close companions of Europeans is a White tradition. And I believe that maintaining our ancient traditions is vital to preserve our racial soul. So I am 100% behind dogs being "sacred companions" and would never tolerate such barbaric practices here. Moral relativity or not, deep inside my racial soul I find the thought of torturing dogs absolutely repulsive. If Muslims want to ban bacon burgers in Palestine, that's fine. But anyone who wants to march into my ancestral lands and butcher a dog in such a barbaric fashion deserves to be thrown out of a helicopter.
I did NOT tell you to Trust The Plan. I was trying to focus on the timeline in the pic since this was an anti boomer thread. I will edit that picture before ever posting it again.
Well you won't get that from Trump or any president that I would vote for, and I personally hope that you're wrong. Revolutions turn out bad more often than they turn out good, and usually the most evil violent people are the ones that win and take power.
An open revolution in the US will be the beginning of WWIII. 1 because of the chance of a rouge radical government coming to power and controlling the nuclear arsenal. 2 because it will weaken us to the point that other nations will take advantage of that opportunity to carry out whatever plans and expansion that the US was preventing.
Your pic is precisely why we need to Support Trump. The majority of the global power structure opposes him. When he appoints people he is force to chose between the lesser of 2 evils, just as we are when we vote.
Aaron Price
Okay, fine. Though obviously you understand why I suspected you were considering you understand that the reason why I said that was because of that image.
You know, you and I agree. I am not a bloody minded person and I'd rather avoid a civil war because civil wars in nuclear armed countries simply have not happened (well, Russia but that doesn't count) yet. And it would probably turn out badly. But there is simply no other way. However, neither of us need to worry overmuch about foreign intervention in the civil war because 1. No other world power contender has the naval capabilities to invade the USA. Russia and China would only be capable of knocking off some of America's allies close to home. But a trans Atlantic invasion is absolutely ridiculous. Even the might of the Third Reich couldn't cross just 10 miles of channel. All of the might of China can't cross just 20 miles of ocean to destroy the nationalist government. And even with the two most powerful navies on earth, America and Britain barely managed to land an invasion force in France despite Germany having jack shit as far as a navy was concerned. And they had to wait until her resources were exhausted, her airforce destroyed, and her manpower depleted in 3 years of ruthless war. And that's just 10 miles of water. 2. If the USA imploded, we drag the world economy down with us. Why does that matter? Because that exacerbates all of the chronic problems in Russia and especially China. Russia would instantly descend into ethnic wars in the south. And China would find itself embroiled in wars with Vietnam, Japan, and Cambodia. North Korea might implode and cause a massive refugee crisis. And that's not even factoring in the collapse of international trade China would NEED to invade Vietnam in order to secure the Jakarta straights through which 70% of China's imported food travels. And what a nightmare that would be. Nevermind their Muslim problem that would explode when food prices soared. Everyone would be too busy fighting numerous civil wars to intervene militarily in the USA. Nevermind Europe. Nevermind Africa. Nevermind India and the Middle East.
He doesn't need to do that though. He could stamp his feet and legions of patriotic Americans would spring out of the ground to fight for him. Why does he restrict his "opposition" to the System to angry twitter posturing? And even if he appointed judges who wouldn't instantly betray him, that STILL wouldn't be enough because in 2020 or 2024, he'll be out of "power" a term I use loosely and everything he did would be overturned effortlessly. And you know what could stop this from happening? A paramilitary force that was prepared to kill such monsters if they ever thought about betraying the people. These judges are cowards and traitors. They will never change their repulsive behavior until they realize that treason has consequences. To hell with it. In just 10 years Republicans will never again win a national election due to simple demographics and math. Florida and Texas will be majority non-White. Playing the democratic game by democratic rules is a losing strategy because the jews will NEVER play by their own rules. Even if they lose an election, they just stuff the ballot boxes anyway and he cowardly, treasonous Republicans just shrug and say "Oh well, better luck next time"
Why doesn't Trump start ORGANIZING resistence to the System? Why doesn't he do anything to thwart the lawyers and con artists that subvert the law in order to destroy America? Why does Trump not fight back?
He has been. He's been challenging everything including immigration law and the bullshit birthright crap. All you want is a fucking war. Stop trying to beat around the god damned bush because you're way too stupid to be cunning or clever and are fucking transparent. Nothing he does that organizes a resistance will ever be enough for (((you))). No one gives a fuck what you want moshe.
Eli Sanchez
Even when the kikes are shilling they drag their fucking feet.
Camden Foster
Baby boomers get a lot of stick just because they were the gen that got the easiest ride in life. The generations that really caused this were the G.I. and Silent generations; people born in the early 20th Century.
Benjamin Hughes
Do you believe that you can just vote the kieks out of power?
Nolan Murphy
Easiest and most corruptible. The jews played them like a fiddle pushing them into financially untenable situations for future generations.
Those do nothing about the rampant cheating in politics that allow leftists to do what the fuck they want, as well as all of those leftist judges still in power still undermining things. Those do nothing about the jewish influence in congress and the federal reserve. Those do nothing about the demographic problems that is killing our nation.
Colton Brooks
The depression got their parents thinking greed and self preservation to put in policies to protect themselves in the future but those policies played right into jew hands. There are still boomers alive reaping multiple pensions from federal, and civil service on top of their private pensions. It was a fucking free for all with wealth and easy attainment after the war. It was very common for them to jump between multiple jobs as soon as they reached their tenure for their pensions. In some places like California they pass on their benefits to the kids. This is for life. It's like rent control but it's free money for hordes of niggers and diversity hires and they keeds.
Brody Butler
So do something about it, faggot rather than bitching about Zig Forums doing nothing to your expectations.
Liam Adams
they took the programming hook, line and sinker, but amongst them there were still renegades of high value. to be fair they were the first to encounter the mass media brainwashing edifice in full effect.
Jason Martinez
Yes they do. The obvious one is pulling the US out of the UN Global Compact on Migration. But the others help to. Think of the bigger picture. Everything is related.