So, what stops your country from having a free market?
Capitalism ho!
Basically the government regulating businesses like usual? I wonder how you let that happen the US is not my country but I can attest "State Market Policies" are cancer since they exist here, for that matter, what the fuck is the Customs department for? wasn't it just meant to be a checkpoint for drugs?
Also, how can a country get rid of all those damn taxes on imports without letting itself get raped by the Chinese?
A free market is impossible, because humans are always in a power struggle. As soon as one human becomes powerful enough to not need permission to do as he pleases, it becomes irrational to continue trying to please others. Moral standards are not upheld by reason, or immutable law of nature, but by force. Threat of death.
Green cloud with a question mark?
Isn't the Nordic model free market? and I am not even suggesting is socialist, I know is capitalist.
Freedom is a lie in itself. There's always a limiting factor. There aren't free markets and unfree markets. There's different agreed upon standards in different groups. All of which are ultimately enforced by threat of death. Libertarians understand that current society enforces everything by death threats, but imagine that there exists some reality where they'd be free of such a dynamic. They're wrong.
Bull market = real capitalism
Bear market = not real capitalism
OK, but then how are you supposed to stop regulations from screwing over the small business chances of getting bigger?
The answer has to do with Tikkun Olam.
Push back. Life is a struggle. There is no automated system for us to put in place. Nature already fills that slot, and we're a part of it.
Can you elaborate on that?
I thought those guys were merchants, kind of ironic.
central bank
How can we get rid of the central bank?
Come back next week moshe, might have a different answer.
For the US all the president has to do is issue a new currency and have the National Treasury print it, that power is granted by the constitution to any sitting president.
As for other countries the only way would be to end the law of incorporation which would nullify all contracts and revert the money supply back to the government as originally intended.
I assume that new currency needs to be backed by something, other than that it sounds quite simple, I hope you find a way then.
Speaking of currency, what exactly backs crypto currencies?
Fuck off, kike. This is a national socialist board. Capitalism is a tool of the job.
Wait, what?
In an ideal world my answer would be "efficiency", but as it stands I'm going to go with
"irresponsibility", largely due to greed.
Which rule was broken?
Jews owning money printers. How you can win with someone that can pull trillions out of thin air?.
Globalist free trade policy was introduced by Nobel prize winner (((Milton Friedman))) as solution to democrat heavy handed regulatory capitalism of the middle 20th century American progressive era. Why would you want the return of FDR aphabet soup of sterile federal offices handing out welfare and regulation to wignats in grey crumbling buildings?
Descent people.
(((Free Market Capitalism))) is in itself a lie as it's not a race of who can do better, but rather, a race of who can do it for cheaper without going extinct.
China is unironically the only practitioner of free market capitalism.
And it was a shithole where (((landlords))) enslaved the masses, and (((businesses))) charged workers to be employed.
An industry should be allowed to operate freely until it negatively impacts the well-being of the people, at which point the worst offenders should be summarily executed and the lesser offenders be stripped of their titles.
QTDDTOT, bitch nigger.
Since this is a free market topic, I'm going to get this off my chest after so many annoying calls for progressivism.
I'm going to try to calm myself down in the next 5 seconds to do it in a funnier theme for this, but THESE MOTHER FUCKER RIGHT HERE IS PISSING ME OFF. First off, what is our national debt. As in, what form does it take. These are bonds, securities, etc, which are sold through the US Treasury. Obviously, these are IOUs from the US Federal Government. These are the basic building blocks of our debt. The more securities out there, the more our debt is, and when funds need to be raised more are sold, and people buy them because they trust in our country's stability.
I'm baby-stepping this because I am going to fucking blockchain any goddamn goldbugs, bitbugs, (((Rothschild)))-obsessed jackasses, or anyone else that tries to fucking fight me on this. So, I'm leaving NOTHING to assumption. We're going Economics 101 on this fucking shitshow. We have several things going for us that makes people trust our IOUs, which is what I'll refer all bonds/securities/notes/etc as at this point. First, we are the largest economy in the world. No debate. China's the next largest, and their GDP is LESS THAN HALF of ours. The US economy literally makes up a quarter of the entire freaking world, and that's AFTER we've been kneecapped for decades. It SHOULD be 1/3. What this means for our IOUs is what I call the doomsday fallacy. The day that our country is suddenly unable to pay our debt, the world is probably fucked anyways. It will take a goddamn economic apocalypse to keep us from paying our debt. If that occurs then who cares? The second thing going for our IOUs is that the existing debt is being spread out over DECADES. Seriously, I'm talking 3, 4 decades at times. "Oh, we couldn't pay our debt back immediately if we tried!" We're not going to try numbnuts. These IOUs specifically have a maturity rate; if someone tries to cash them in early, they get back LESS than what the IOU is worth.
So yeah. Crazy fucking hypothetical scenario, everyone tries to cash in their IOUs at once, each one is worth a FRACTION of what it would be if they had waited until they matured. So THAT won't happen. The third thing going is our inflation rate. The Federal Reserve tries to keep our inflation rate down to around 2%/year, give or take. If its high or low one year outside of a margin of error, the Federal Reserve will adjust accordingly. Now, the IOUs have an interest rate, how much their value will grow if the IOUs are held to maturity. If the inflation rate ends up HIGHER than the interest, then it actually knocks some value off the IOU, effectively lowering our debt. This PRIMARILY effects longer-term IOUs, the ones that span into the decades I mentioned before. So why do people buy them? Because they trust that the country will still EXIST in 30 years, and so they know for a fact that there is a guaranteed value for these IOUs. Again, it is the doomsday fallacy I mentioned. If some apocalyptic scenario occurs that the United States isn't around in 30 years to pay back these IOUs, chances are we're fucked anyways and won't care that the IOUs are worthless.
(Part 1 of 2)
Alright, so we've got the what the debt is and why the debt is considered valuable to others covered. How much is our current debt? As of 2017, $20.244 trillion (1). You're thinking: MUH HAPPENING ; What if I were to tell you… that number is VERY deceptive. The answer may surprise you; this is the medicine you're swallowing (2). $5.6 trillion, aka over 1/4 of the total debt, is held by local and state governments and federal agencies in the United States. When they take in more revenue from taxes/budgeting than they spent, they put the excess in IOUs so that the federal government can redistribute it. The amount held by foreign entities? $6 trillion. China owns the most of THIS, but their holdings still are merely a small fraction of the total. The federal reserve? $2 trillion, the largest individual holder. They use our IOUs as one way to manage the inflation rate. They buy IOUs, and the money supply in circulation increases, increasing inflation; Sell the IOUs they hold, and it decreases, decreasing inflation. If the IOUs mature while the Federal Reserve is holding them? They give the money right back to the federal government, minus operating expenses. That's by law. The Federal Reserve does not make money off of US debt.
The rest? Held by banks, mutual funds, pension funds, etc. All domestic. See, between government and private groups, we own about 3/4 of our own debt. Anyone saying we're indebting our children is speaking out their ass. We are mostly indebted TO OURSELVES. And WHY do we hold this debt to ourselves? Again, the doomsday fallacy. If suddenly our own government isn't able to pay us back for all this debt one day, we have FAR larger problems than these IOUs and are probably all screwed anyways. We hold this debt because while chances are we will probably LOSE money on these longer-term IOUs, they have a guaranteed value, and make GREAT assets to be used as collateral or to beef up an organizations balance sheet, or to offset risks when investing. Take mutual funds. They have to invest all of the money in them in SOMETHING. So they do their strategic investments targeting whatever level of value growth they want, but they have some left over or at least need to hedge their bet in case of a disaster in the markets. Boom, some US government IOUs that are guaranteed to be worth X in however long. If some disaster happens, the mutual fund is still holding onto the money it needs to keep going, so it cashes in the IOUs and keeps on keeping on. The system is STABLE. If there DOES become a debt problem, the Federal Reserve will print enough money to buy up the problematic amount of debt, inflation will increase for a time, it'll decrease for a time after to stabilize, then things will continue on as normal.
How do I know this? BECAUSE IT ALREADY HAPPENED. It happened, and NO ONE noticed. All the people telling you that we have a looming crisis seem to forgot that we HAD a crisis, we fixed it, and we moved on; in spite of handicaps (3). Quantitative easing. We started in 2008, picked up steam in late 2010 early 2011 then the inflation rate increased in 2011 by 1%; then it ended, the Federal Reserve compensated, and by 2015 we hit .12% inflation total, as the Federal Reserve sold back the IOUs and other assets it was holding. The crisis happened, it passed, and NO ONE NOTICED. All these people trying to sell you on fear? They won't tell you, or are too fucking stupid to know, that the crisis they're using to scare you already happened and passed without fanfare. I'm not going to scare you. I am going to get pissed. I am going to get pissed for you, because people are lying to you and trying to scare you.
Jew. Capitalism is the tool of the jew. Fuck autocorrect.
Smart Jews solve the problems.
Insecure SJW Jews inflame the problems. Send the leftists back to Israel. Gas the white SJW who should know better. Oh wait the cops already do this.
What kind of weenie is afraid of a 5 foot nerdy wiry haired minority group that only read half of the bible? Hug your local ZOG today.
Jews Are Awesome . Everything is the tool of the Jew. Highest IQ and in-group preference of the 2% raising the bar.
ifpeople wish A change then be the change. Get your kids to be the 1% though books and spending quality time together. Jews are rebuilding ancient greek anchetecture at 10 learning Conversational greek. White nationalists would wipe out billion's of foreign trade wealth for their backwards idea's than adapt to a new environment.
The Nordic model isn't even remotely free market, it's highly regulated.
So awesome that pretty much all advancement has stagnated since they replaced whites in high end positions. I love this (((new environment))) of materialism, consumerism, degeneracy and spiritual paucity.
kys kike.
The "free market" is how america was destroyed. Only imports should be something america cant produce/mine on its own.
We don't need free markets. Bankers know what's best for us. They are very smart. Chosen smart.
The Nordic model is intended to be implicitly racist, that is why the Jews psywar using communism and racism, because the socialism of Nordic countries can't adapt or hasn't yet.
Maybe automation magic will save the old Kings with their high elves, yet exclude the jinns, or expel them back to their deserts.
Gabbai was such a trap, Torba is a turbo jew trump fluffer.