44D chess.
Trump's New Asylum Ban Gets Blocked By Judge
hit the nail on the head, lad
Dont worry everyone, were going to help them cross into this country like trump said, legally!
Still not tired of winning!
right and left against the center brah
What would Salvini do?
His first mistake if he had ever meant for anything to be done was not immediately declaring martial law and sending the military the exterminate the (((judiciary))).
stopped reading there, kike.
This, I supported Trump because I feel for the le Trump is secwet gnatzee xDDD maymay. I thought he was actually a white nationalist and was gonna start a military coup and fix the country. Once a few months passed and he did nothing, and then Parkland happened and he went anti-gun, I stopped being a mindless supporter. I can't wrap my brain around how people are still defending him 2 years later, nor can I think of anything good he's actually done other than some basic bitch tax cuts and SCOTUS appointments that any Republican would've.
calling an user a "kike" "shill" etc. should be a bannable offence. explain why you disagree, don't just namecall
But communism and national socialism are both left.
How many times has this happened now?
Again, tbh I am glad you shills are here because the occasional mkultra retard who will sperg and screw the optics can back laughed off as a Nevertrumper thanks to your shilling.
Pick one. When Hitler is the republican candidate, I'll be sure to vote for him. until then, I'll keep voting for the best option with a chance of winning and that just happens to be Trump.
that's a liberal-tier method of "debating", just calling somebody a charged word to rile up the mob against them instead of actually confronting the substance of their argument
what has Trump done to benefit white people? he is a distraction that is ruining Zig Forums, I think Trump-related discussion should be bannable whether pro- or anti-. same with American electoral politics in general
Don't argue with the trumpniggers, the mods have coddled them for years which is why they think they get to shit up the board uncontested.
Isn't this act by the judge illegal?
I fucking hate the idiots who are concerned with muh economy, the only way to pull our shit back together is for it to crash permanently. The practical need for action would immediately inspire more change among the currently disinterest masses. Jew coupons are not money.
Maybe reddit is more your speed.
Nothing is illegal if there's no one around to stop it.
He doesn't have to follow this order. It goes against a fucking SCOTUS ruling ALA "muslim ban". Cool thing though is that he won't. He'll just make some super baste tweet and own the dems.
4 years later and you /intl/ fags are still spilling your spaghetti
When I voted for Trump I knew that he'd be able to accomplish less than half of what he promised, so I don't feel cheated because I never believed in a fairy tale in the first place. I tried to tell everyone through 2016 that Trump was no God-Emperor and would only be able to do a fraction of this shit, but nobody listened and I got called a shill and a kike over and over again for cautioning people about how unrealistic Daddy Trump's promises really were.
Now all the 2016 Trump worshipper's dreams are shattered, they're utterly black-pilled and ready to kill themselves over every setback, and they're either looking for a new Daddy to fix things or they're accelerationists who want to vote Democrat and burn the whole country to the ground like a little kid having a tantrum and smashing every one of their own toys because they didn't get what they wanted. Pathetic. People need to learn how to tell the difference between goals that can be achieved and pie-in-the-sky pandering that sounds good but is impossible in the real world and/or in a small time-frame such as four years.
I didnt feel cheated when he was getting blocked by the old obama appointed judges and backstabbers in republicuck senate but it's gone too far and now he's working against the white class of the US. He was either a plant to distract us or he was bought out or threatened because it's only been getting worse with his limp dick posturing.
this ruling is clearly illegal like the acosta thing, not a problem
Fuck off hapa
Yes and he's going to be censured by the Supreme Court. Even RBG is sick of this nonsense from lower judges.
I blame 2016 Zig Forums for having the worst moderation ever. If you said, "Trump won't be able to get much done at all, but at least it's a small step in the right direction. He's still going to be a Jewish puppet, but people will awaken to white nationalism in the process," you would be banned after people finished saying "DNC shill."
Trump is Jewish as fuck. Fuck his wannabe-Jewish slut daughter and her cunt kike husband, fuck him. He's done everything I thought he would do. I'm glad he got elected. Now let's do better and get someone who hates Jews in power.
Wasn't there some guy in Chigago during the Midterms who was apparently a holocaust denier? Arthur Jones or something like that.
Yeah, he got 55,000 votes and that really caused people to panic. It can be done.
Kike detected.
What do you think that loaded up Supreme Court is about?
That was bait for a federal judge to greedily lap up and send to the supreme court.
You leftypol are more ignorant than niggers.
Why are you on Zig Forums? This is a board for discussing politics.
This. Trump cucked out hard and when it came time to ban Muslims.
Why you hiding your source?
Fuck off yid.
Trump needs to start deporting activist Judges. to the Caliphate.
Welp, it was a good run.
Why doesn't anyone ever blame McConnell and co.? You know you need the congress to get anything real done don't you? No, it's just Trump to you guys.
And the authoritarian center being National Socialism. You are shilling Stalinism even though that is Authoritarian left
I'm starting to think that zognald wallposters are not that far away from truth, and that saddens me deeply.
Trump is done I seriously doubt he will get another term. He can't even stop a invading army at our gates because of some super cuck judge, what a joke America was over before I was born,only recently have I realized this. It's every man for himself now enjoy the decline boys.
Listen to you with your total lack of foresight for the future and what it holds. There's no blackpill faggot, the redpill means you are aware that voting is meaningless and that the race war is coming.
never gonna happen hell they just said they would nuke any resistance and I fucking believe they would. You got some nukes to fight back with?
Trumps second term rallies he will campaign on Building the wall AFTER letting in the entire 3rd world and making whites pay for it.
At this point it requires extraordinary amounts of faith and patience to stick with Trump. At best, he's playing far too much by the rules when the Office of the Presidency under earlier presidents have become practically a dictatorship by invoking the Patriot Act, NDAA, the terrorism clauses, not needing Congress for many crucial actions yet Trump keeps going 'well, if some random nobody judge says it then i guess we won't make america great again'. It's degrading, if you think about it. Don't think for a minute Hillary would've allowed anything or anyone to slow down, let alone stop her agenda.
Imagine what would happen if Clinton was blocking Afrikaaners from refugee status and a Federal judge said she cannot.
You're fucking stupid.
If you think he was joking you are fucking stupid bud.
Nice argument, oh wait . . . there is no argument in your reply.
Zoggy blumpf guise
Let's.save the world /b/
Who do you think founded the country?
This is called astroturfing:
ADL-Mossad is first posting all stories with an anti-Trump slant, because they have been paid to do so. Why? Trump won't invade Iran or Syria for them. So they find him useless.
But I know that the ADL-Mossad situation will not improve until US elements begin warfare against Israel - what else could see a reduction in their activities? But I could never support such vile and evil actions, no no.
English-Americans, Benjamin Franklin wanted only English gentry to be allowed in the country.
Kek damn him!
Spent the 1.6B on a 2000 mile barb wire fence and beef up patrols like orban did.
Agreed. Making every discussion about Trump distracts from planning our next move.
Non-establishment candidate rammed up the GOP's ass. Mission accomplished.
The ultimate redpill, imo, is getting 90% white people to vote together, like other races do.
A thread showed up a while back. It said "Trump bans their ability to claim asylum" and immediately myself and others are saying "Activist judges will block it". It's predictable political theater that achieves nothing as trash pours over the border.
While I generally had the same belief as you about what Trump's presidency would be like, I must admit that I have been disappointed in his reaction to all the attacks, obstruction and subversion they have set upon him. I believed he was a chaos candidate with an ego that outsized the tower he stamped his own name on. I thought (hoped) that a man like that's rage and vindictive spirit at being fucked with as I knew he would be fucked with by this treasonous snake pit would cause him to flip a table and if they were going to bring him down, he would bring them all down with him. Instead it seems they've struck a balance between hamstringing him into complete uselessness, whilst placating his ego enough to keep him in line.
They already invaded Syria via proxy of "rebels" and ISIS, and it failed. They might as well just give up at this point. They failed at greater Israel, they failed at getting Hillary elected, and they failed to impose refugee quotes on Hungary and Poland. Now they're also failing in Italy and Netherlands, and eventually Sweden, Germany, and France will turn around as well. The plays have already been made, it's just a matter of time now. So all they can do anymore is come on here and try to vent their frustration with shitty threads like this.
Yeah he's a lame duck. Maybe if we attack his ego we could see some action from him. I honestly believe we would be no worse of if hillary won. Instead of pouting and empty threats she would have rolled out the red carpet for them= the exact same result.
It needs to be made loud and clear that Trumps core base is done with him maybe that would move him to action.
Shut up styx the EU is building a army and after that they will use force of arms to make their insanity law.
Just a correction comrade, egos don't exist. The whole concept was invented by a one of our sacred jewish godesses.
What's wrong with non-whites and jews posting in Zig Forums? They are red-pilled too.
Kek. They can't even get their carbon tax shit rolled out. There's already massive protests in France, in part because of high diesel prices. Things are only going to go worse for them from now on.
This. More and more I'm seeing the desperation of the kike shills, they have nothing left but blackpill demoralization attempts while their agenda lies in tatters.
Who do you think will save the country?
Who do you think is trying to destroy this country?
The UK and jews
but trump is a boomer that supports israel, and thus im not willing to compromise to reduce 138 billion dollars a year we spend on illegal immigrants because jews will recieve a sum equal to 25% of that every year
im a sane person and everyone agrees with me, that picture I posted is clearly bait>>12450317
And Trump will slink off with his tail between his legs, shrug, go to his rally, shake his fist and say to the crowd "grr those judges", and then send more money to israel.
The English who colonized America were fucking protestants you retard.
"Sir….we have a problem. The magapedes are waking up."
100% agree with this post.
I knew he wasn't going to be able to fix everything in his first term, but holy hell he got a fuck ton done and revised tax/health laws that impact me daily. Must say I'm really impressed with him keeping his word with the things he can change up to this point. He's being butt fucked by the swamp so that obstruction will always be in sight for me
Is this bait?
"…I'll let the boss know…"
*hangs up*
*dials number*
"Let me speak with the boss…Hello?…Yes. We have a problem, they're waking up. What should I do?"
"Shut it down."
This is the Trumpshill from this thread.
I don't see any problem with this if they can integrate with our society.
Trump's executive power definitely became a "use it or lose it" situation…and he's lost it. Feckless boomer can't even kick a single reporter out of his house without the jewdiciary slapping his dick.
It's gotten to the point where I take a weird pleasure in watching him flounder. It's like watching the fable of our 'representative gov't' getting savaged in real time on the 24hr news cycle… Good medicine for the normalfags.
Well, they can't. There's your problem.
He could executive order a strike on Iran no problem.
Pardon jewish mafia no problem.
Move the embassy no problem.
Tax cut corporations (that should be broken up)as they begin automating, no problem.
Nobody in congress has said a damn thing.
They all have to go, both "sides"
Trump tried to play tough guy and the left called his bluff. Now he's done.
That's just your stockholm syndrome speaking, you don't need to "integrate" them but if you try to do otherwise then you'll be arrested.
This is exactly the same way they took down Berlusconi. And if Trump tries anything, he will be charged with contempt for the judicial system, as people start believing judges and not politics hold the higher moral ground.
Lefty judiciary is effectively in charge of the country now, it was a great oversight on the founding fathers side not to predict this.
No one integrates anymore, it's a thing of the 19th century. You are supposed to disintegrate your state into a myriad diversities, all of whom hate Whites and Christianity.
Why do christians always try to make everything about themselves? It's the same shit kikes do. Fucking stop.
This is why the left-right paradigm is broken. No one even knows what is left and what is right. And how could we? It's imaginary and was designed by self proclaimed leftists over two centuries ago. It's antiquated garbage.
Anyway, this is why all judges need to fear death.
The overton has been on a wild ride lately, that's for sure
You don't seem to understand, Sir Fedora. Even if you call yourself an atheist, or a pagan, or if you convert to Buddhism, none of that matters. If you're White, the jews and Muslims still count you as one of their Christian enemies. Like it or not, European culture has been heavily influenced by Christianity for 2,000 years. It's like when White pantyfa traitors try to impress browns and blacks with their anti-racism, or when cuckservatives use DR3. It doesn't work, because the people you're trying to impress don't care.
This all day
The scam is trump and republicans playing along like a judge has authority to just nullify the Constitution.