Based nip naming the
Japan's deputy PM blames women for nation's falling population
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He's right though. Feminism has festered in Japan, on par with South Korea in terms of misandry and romantic inequality. With women dating the best men or refusing to date at all, 80% of men are left out. Beta uprising could become real in one of those countries. If not, the alienated beta populace could supplement the numbers of an extremist ideology that promises to alleviate their suffering. That's what happened with ISIS, after all.
Women are shit but honestly we already have too many humans as is.
The two problems are hilariously correlated. Giving birth is the only way women can have value in a private property driven society. They can prosper only robbing Paradise of its souls. Needlessly to say, this increasing environment toxicity parasitic behavior will devour itself, alienating fine young men (the "losers") and squeezing "winning" enslaved husbands to the bone until there's nothing left.
Now imagine if only a woman would ever want to end this system.
The issue with Japan is their terrible work culture. If a man and a woman have a child, the man obviously needs a job. In japan, people are expected to give up their entire lives for their company. They get almost no free time. Meanwhile, you have s woman at home with a child by a man she never sees, sexually frustrated and hasn't been fucked in years. Eventually they get so horny that they end up banging their own sons.
Why would a person willingly sign up for a life like this? Both the man and woman are expected to give up their entire lives and a child is raised not knowing their father and dealing with whatever mental trauma comes from having your mom reverse cowgirl you every night.
Stop watching porn this never happens.
What about everything else I said? Everything I said is completely true and Japan does have slight issues with incest between mothers and sons. Look it up fuckboy
That should make you think whenever you hear of Japan being presented as a land with a more decent, upright and tolerant people.
Reminder that in spite of hysterical stories all over mainstream news outlets (both Japanese, and around the world) about rampant NEETs, otaku, "herbivores", frigid fujoshi, browbeaten salarymen, etc., etc., causing Japanese to avoid sex like a zoo's panda exhibit, their postwar fertility is almost exactly the same as USA's or Europe's if neolib-era mass economic immigration is subtracted. Hardly surprising if you're aware of fertility trends effecting nearly every country in every corner of the globe for decades. And yet, aside from Zig Forums, nobody thinks white families are going to go extinct in a generation or two unless we immediately send all tweens to mandatory rape camps.
Furthermore, this statistical fact actually underscores Japan's high fertility, considering that Japan is one of the most densely overpopulated countries in the world, as most of Japan's geography is too rugged to be habitable.
Whether by natalist fundies, or open borders shitlibs, remember this is nothing more nor less than yet another plot by porky to keep the proles desperate, pliable, and disposable.