Tfw you realise that demonising (muslim) men as being rapists makes you a feminist

If you are claiming that (muslim) men are all rapists then you are claiming that there is a rape culture ie you are spreading feminist propaganda.

By demonising muslim men as all being rapists you are implying that it is a masculine trait to be a rapist. ie when you say "all muslim men are rapists" you are implying that all men are rapists you degenerate cuck.

seventeen years ago allegedly some arabs flew planes into a building and who were red pilled people blaming for it? jews, bankers, the cia.

seven years ago a bunch of hippies squatted the streets. and even those unwashed hippies knew who their fucking enemy was. thats right, the greedy fucking jew holding the purse strings, the puppeteers in the background.

five years ago greasy red facedd fat man shouts out about how a cabal runs the world. four years later he actively tries to get one of them elected president.

what the fuck happened? people went from hating their slave owner jews to hating on some filthy arabs who can barely get two cents to rub together, let alone afford ammunition for his ak-74.

okay you dont like brown people, i get that, youre right wing after all. "brown people stay out of our country, white country for white people". okay if thats what you believe, fine. what gets me is that the "right" seem to be hypocritically preoccupied with protecting liberal ideologies with their characteristically right wing stance of nationalism.

well protip; if occidental women weren't such disgusting degenerate whores then there wouldn't be a problem.

when occidental women dress like sluts and ride the cock carousel of course they are going to end up in danger of being raped by sand niggers.

the reason they prey on occidental women is because they know they are sluts.

when you say "we don't want sand niggers here raping our women" you are effectively saying "our women should be able to be as slutty as they like without fear of being raped. therefore you are admitting that there is a rape culture, encouraging women to be degenerate whores who shouldn't be worried about being raped, therefore promoting the values of "slut walk".

little over 100 years ago a woman was considered a whore if she showed her ankles in public, now the degenerate feminist corrupted sluts can walk around in public practically naked and this is deemed acceptable. yet the typical "right" wing man will condemn a muslim man for wanting his wife to wear a burka.

"those simple monkeys are so antiquated that they actually have dress standards for their women. not like our progressive society where we lets our women dress like whores" is a sentiment you'l hear when "right" wing criticise muslims.

to the right, the problem with occidental countries is not that thier women are progressive liberal degenerates, its that progressive liberal degenerates should be allowed to be progressive liberal degenerates without fear of muslim conservatives.

the reason why its a problem is because our culture is so liberal, and their culture is so conservative, that our society is so disillusioned and morally corrupt, that their rigidly conservative society is jsut that much more cohesive that our corrupt society cant help but be cucked to it.

im not saying that the ideas that their conservatism represents is better than ours. theirs is good for their society, and ours is good for our society. its jsut that our conservatism is weak. it should be strengthened. we shouldnt be quick to shame other peopels conservatism to distract from and protect our weak conservatism, ie protect liberal degeneracy.

dear god you even hear "right" wings types criticising muslim treatment of homosexuals.

so protecting the rights of homosexulas is important to the right now? what kind of topsy turvey bs is this?

fine, hate the sand people, build fuckign walls if you have to. but dont forget your treating the symptoms, not the cause. why not instead treat the problem. go after the liberal jew media telling women its oaky to be sluts.

teach our daughters not to be degenrate and there will be no rape problem.

and remember, condemning (muslim) men as being rapists rather than telling women to not be sluts makes you a feminist.

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picture of your average "right" wing

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did it never occur to anybody that the migrant invasion might be "fake news". concuted by the jews to convince the goyim that the brown people are the enemy and not themselves.

or are we only calling things fake news that conflict with the "right" wing paradigm?

when are the "right" going to wake up and see that they are just as easily manipulated, if not more so by the media than the left

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There is a rape culture for muslims, yes that's true.
But the (((rape culture))) that's perpetrated by the left is aimed at white males, for which there is no rape culture. Go back to reddit you faggot

seems legit

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Keep shilling your pro-corporate globalist cultural monopoly right up until we burn you in a pyre.

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This is a brilliant new direction for our movement.

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I'm genuinely confused as to how you thought that was a good straw man.

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by saying this, as i have shown, means that you are implying that there is a white rape culture

so for you to then say

means that you are contradicting yourself

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There is a rape "culture" within Islamic and other neolithic societies, there is no rape culture within White societies.

This is how you get a head in the only polls that matter - physical violence.

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contradiction without reasoning

troll or retard

We're going to kill you. Tell your friends.

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Islamic culture is not White culture. Do you agree or not?

seeing as your not willing to provide reasoning, your "argument" is that of name calling / contradtiction.

which makes u either a retard or a troll

is that your argument?


when your liberal cuckoldry disguised as edgy alt right memes becomes so autistic that it manifest as empty threats of violence to strangers over the internet

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the fact that its explained in OP and your asking me makes you ignorant

Hahha OK fam

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Citation needed u retarded troll

If you're trying to be a smartass, my argument is
X(White culture) does not equal Y(Muslim culture) and also Z(Casual acceptance of rape) is a subset of Y. Therefore Z can not also be a subset of X.

I heard if you kill 999 jews your foreskin grows back.

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okay see

the fact that i needed to find OP for you makes u pretty fuckign retarded u fuckign spastic

this non sequitur logic

why can't it?

U can't be this fucking braindead, citation still needed

god bless america


No, dumb evangelicuck boomers, but it takes you the same place. Still I intend to take it out on jews and shitskins. christards will fall in line when we restore racial order. Shitlibs are the lowest form of racial, intellectual, and genetic trash on earth and they have far overplayed their hand.

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Didn't deem it worth the effort.
That entire argument is predicated on the idea that Zig Forums claims
It's such a gross oversimplification of the problem that I assumed only an bonafide idiot or a shill could possibly think that is the overall point anyone is actually trying to make. Hence straw man; feel free to google that term if you're still struggling to grasp the meaning.

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Feminism is an explicit attack on the white family unit. Therefore all femisit propaganda avoids POC and targets the white male. It’s a heavy duty jew-funded and controlled psychological warfare operation.


still on you to show how i have oversimplified and how that oversimplification constitutes a strawman

until then you have no argument


No, you’re just mentally ill.