(((MOVIES))) - Addams Family Values
Good news kike. I'm vaguely a nigger therefore you have to give me your money because your vague whitness burdens you with white guilt and requires you to pay your white reparations to me.
Quite the opposite actually. The Addams family is a tale of old-world traditionalism and Victorian adventurism surviving in a post war world of modern jewery. Also the parents are a strong icon of traditional courtship and strong monogamous bonds.
This doesn't deserve a thread
Kill yourself, woman.
dr william values,
Dr William likes to honey pot the patients,
"Dr William" is a nickname for doctors who
honey pot their patients,
…and we should give a fuck about this, because??
Addams family is aristocratic dagos. Everyone knows that.
Why not post this in /tv/?
It could use threads that are about television and movies.
Just fucking read this.
Are they going to shit all over me when I point out kikery, the real point of this, and miss the point?
Then you have two threads instead of one.
I would expect a thread like this to have movies made prior to the 1960s and pilpul about how those movies are nonetheless jewish, or not jewish, despite availability of readings on sexual exploitation, pizzaphilia, etc in the industry. But I won’t hold my breath that anything coming out of Hollywood was ever positive programming despite Yggdrasil’s attempt to distill quality passive entertainment for families. Print is still the way to go if you consume propaganda.
the more money gets involved in entertainment the more utilitarian it gets by necessity of logic. Utilitarianism is embodied in spiritual rot, and thus the most expensive artifacts are generally more spiritually rotten. Not that I watch many movies, but even I can recognize one of my favorite movies, 2001, is spiritually vacuous. It's entirely morally grey when you think about it. An interesting plot, but it provides nothing to your soul.
what I forgot to add was that, movies, being naturally expensive and ambitious, tend to be more rotten than other common artforms.
I read Rawls and Peter Singer for my dissertation. It’s clear that secular political philosophy is vacuous. However, this is a natsoc board full of people who hate The Church and think the whole of Western philosophy is Plato, Marcus Aurelius, and Nietzsche. Our very own poorly read NPC police brigade who are otherwise decent people but fail to fill the spiritual vacuum created by the way our civ developed historically.
The very idea that a shitposter would want a thread on movies reeks of futility and brings me great despair.
I’m not sure how I would lambast such a tendency except to embark on the leftist admonition that capitalist things resemble capitalism in all its crassness like government science usually turns out to be a weaponization of technology.
The Addams are a white family surrounded by a world of degeneracy and poz.
This can be seen by the juxtaposition to the dumb normies at the summer camp & the bimbo thot uncle fester marries.
If you must watch movies because you want to feel rage at how the jew has perverted our cultures, maybe try watching something very much Zig Forums disapproved. Pic-related is the most insulting depiction of us I have ever seen on film.
poo. your thread is poo.
There's a lot of immaturity that's been programmed into just about everyone of the last few generations, and in many people it was laid underneath their core beliefs so it might be hard to displace. A lot of the Christian virtues take serious humility and maturity to embrace. It's not as fun or easy in the short term as a political ideology which gives you moral license to mass-exterminate anybody you dislike. It seems pretty clear to me that most of the neo-nazis here have such an attraction to hard power because it's a fantasy for them to slaughter, indiscriminately, those who they feel have wronged them, with little regard or examination as to whether or not they did wrong them.
The simple fact is, being right-wing and recognizing the one true God immediately places you outside of the position as ultimate moral authority. You cannot slaughter without being judged. This is not attractive to the narcissistic, power-hungry sects of this board. Once they realize this, they will quickly un-redpill themselves and join back with team Iron Fist so they can exercise their fantasies. When you believe in nothing other than your entitlement to kill others, you naturally gain the ability to switch ideology at the drop of a hat.
Ahura Mazda?
That isn’t going to save European people.
As for The Church stupifying and pacifying Euros, I think it is a correct assessment but that there appears to be a shortage of alternatives to Fascistic militarism and more Eastern flavors of Christianity on the right. Worse, nothing is breaking through: no reverse engineering of New Left, no heavy hitting secular philosophical theses on modernity, democracy, and the like (only critiques), no rural paganisms. But we have nonstop dialectical d&c based on ideologies and faiths that perhaps cannot go anywhere in being mobilized politically in this climate. For seven or eight hears now this has been the stalemate in online discussion in my experience. You can’t build a Party if you haven’t any clear set of values that inspire nonviolent people to defend. Hasn’t changed a bit and white countries are worse off. I don’t know where that leaves Euros, but lunatic violence makes sense in an irrational world, regrettable though it may be.
I'm pretty sure Happiness is the most disgusting non-pornographic movie I have ever seen.
Only the TV show was worthwhile. The Munsters were shit but the Addams Family was genuinely funny stuff.
The movie remake, like Rocky and Bullwinkle, The Avengers etc etc were superfluous and wrong.
Spoiler please?
The worst part is the attempt to build sympathy for a pedophile who wants to fuck his own son and rapes his son's friend. Everything in it is disgusting, though.
So some turbo kike identifies with a family of blood-sucking occultist talmudvision nutcases. Am I supposed to be surprised?
Shit movie, but Christina Ricci was a cutie.
Addams family is jewish.
This was a pretty cool toy that came out in the mid sixties for the Addams Family…
The Addams are Hispanic anti-Jews. Their ambiguous nature spits at kikes.
I think the communism hunt in hollywood was our last great attempt to get the keys to culture out of the kikes hands.
It's a shame through their usual tactics of slithering away to hide that enough were allowed to continue the grasp they grew to this day.
The ramifications of their influence are undermining and destroying our entire nation through the brain disease that is leftism, as well as the inept gullible cuckservative line of thought, all of which make an army of golems.
McCarthyism wasn't an attempt to get culture out of the jew's hands.
It was a purge of Stalinists by Trotskyites in the aftermath of FDR's death and the fall of Henry Wallace, FDR's VP, a strongly pro Stalin commie.
After all, McCarthy was a highly compromised alcoholic and homosexual who was closely controlled by Roy Cohn, Trump's mentor and Neocon Trotskyite jew
Addams Family are Sephardic Jews.
The Addams family has been wealthy for generations and they have accumulated many noble titles. Sephardim were granted titles by Spanish nobility and they earned their wealth by the usual Jewish tactics in Spain (Court jews).
Many members of the Addams Family are witches or have sold their souls to the devil. The origin of European vampire (blood libel, blood matzos) and witch myths (required by law to wear pointed caps) is Jewish.
Gomez and Morticia are very pale with Spanish facial features, and Old World/European customs - the Sephardic Jews were expelled from Spain but maintained their customs wherever they went. Raul Julia (played Gomez Addams) was Puerto Rican with a Jewish mother. Anjelica Huston (played Morticia) is Irish-Italian but has a long history of playing Jewish characters.
Members of the Addams family were present at most important moments in history; "We danced the Mumushka at Waterloo…. As Nero fiddled at the fall of Rome." They have family members from all over the world - just like the Jewish Diaspora.
They mention being persecuted in history. One of Morticia's ancestors was burned as a witch. Their family motto is "We gladly feast on those who would subdue us." That sounds pretty Jewish to me, nothing about right or wrong, just 'try to stop us and we eat you'.
The message of the Family is that it's ok to be eccentric with old customs and hated and feared by those around you. Jews are proud of never assimilating and maintaining their differences despite normal people finding their customs disgusting and abhorrent.
That's Adult Wednesday Addams.
Guess who was upstairs when Roman Polamski was reaming that loli he dosed with quaaludes.
She was out with her husband Jack Nicholson and they came home in the middle of his rapey rapey with the little girl.
But that movie doesn't count for shit.
I keep telling you; only the original TV show from the mid sixties was any good.
If I let you get away with this shit next thing you know you'll be talking about The Avengers as though Ralph Fiennes and Urma Thurman owned it.
Everybody knows it's Patrick McNee and either Honor Blackman or Diana Rigg. No don't say Diana was the original, it was Honor Blackman who left to make Goldfinger.
Why bother? It's clear the moderation doesn't care. The catalog is full of /fit/, /pdfs/, /fringe/, and flat earth shit that's allowed to stay up, while a thread that ended up making the OP look retarded while turning into an actual discussion got autosaged. Why not have a generic /tv/ thread with just a little mention of jews here?
In the expanded works ( even in the original tv show) , they have had family present in every major war in History. Meaning their lineage is impossibly strong to the point it can be traced back to when the Chinese started keeping records.
This includes the Crusade, which is honestly one of the more ironic aspects of the family. The family will survive. They fought on both sides of the Civil War. They fought on both sides of the World Wars, they laughed as they faced their deaths, they laughed as they slaughtered their foes.
Their motto? It means they do not strike first, but when they do strike; it's the decisive strike and the aggressors will not be around to make that mistake again.
The biggest, grandest irony of the Addams family? Is that they evolved to become a symbol of tolerance and love. Honestly, if anyone's actually read or watched -everything- regarding them including that stage play the Addam's family were the most progressive family on Television.
You know, the kind of thing that got people rock hard for values.
Now, the EARLY comics? They were just evil fuck sticks. There's no reasoning there , Mortica had a body count that would make Brevik blush. Once they started getting more panels, they completely changed from Rabid Murderous assholes to Your Weird Neighbors aka a complete Contrast to the Munsters. Compare them to the Munsters, who were in fact, literally Monsters who could snap and feast upon the town. There's nothing changing the nature of a flesh eating Vampire, as Grandpa constantly tries to bite people. Granted he fails in a comedic nature , he still attempts to harm people who have done nothing to him. Meanwhile, the later Addams had the whole " Come on in, we won't bite unless you want us to! Have a cigar! Lust after my wife, you can't have her though! Hah! Here's a 100 dollars, buy yourself a sense of humor - -oh wait, you want to HURT us? Well, nobody's going to find your body."
Now there's a man of taste.
Yeah I'd have loved to taste Honor Blackman back in the early 60's alright
About the film Addams Family Values
Now this is genuinely scary…
The Church sold us out in every conceivable way first.
man look at that honker
how about a pat priest vs beverly owen debate?
Your premise is right but your conclusion about RWDS being at it's core an immature reaction of the selfish or impatient is very off base, it is a survival instinct that you seem to lack.
And While I know up and down back to front christian theology and am a christian my self I do not see any direct theology that can help or immediate problems other than the state of war as war is what has really been declared against us.
The Truth is Christ was not beyond retaliation and we see this illustrated in his chasing the money changers out of the temple and his continual conflict with the pharisees. The pharisees and saducees are why it seems God sent his son to earth, the jews went one bridge too far and God Sent a new way to Him into the World.
Christ was against retaliation but not beyond it and so you see we have the story of an appostle asking Christ how many times should we be sinned against before we take action the appostles gueses that the number might be 7 times and christ says 7 times 70 times before retaliation which is to say you must be mistreated a truly cruel enumeration of times before retaliation becomes your option the exact number being 490 times.
I would say we can hold God to this number and that it jives with the nature of God's retaliation and vengeance. I suspect each money changer had been in the temple exchanging money for long enough that they had racked up nearly 500 or more transactions.
So with the figure in mind I believe we are clearly within the realm of self defense against holywood jews, porn jews, banking jews, communism, Islam, the ideology replacement and therefore political jews.
The Christian take on reshaping the west at it's most radical cannot be to murder all such individuals that offend white civilization but it can be to go to war with those who have waged war on us unrepentantly and provoked us to meet this enumeration of 490 sins against us, a single unrepentant ideology baring this number of offences or more which is unrepentant can be retaliated against, this means using force to drive them out. this means we may drive out Islam from all christian places, these means we may drive out jews, this means we may drive out communists and if they fight back they do so at their own peril. I think we can also remove blacks and latins.
Personal I believe the most expedient but not expressly Christian route to peace is killing all jews, banning islam and killing all Muslim men ans selling their women to countries who require more females and using the most caucasian females to repopulate the formerly Muslim countries, then we clear africa of the niggers, if we do it by hand let some christian niggers survive on reservations if we do the easy way a genetic plague kills them all or makes them all impotent.
The optimal Christian way of solving this problem we face today is by getting into bio/genetic engineering we force sterility on blacks arabs and jews, targeting their men and then targeting maybe Malaysians and indians too. this will purge 99% of muslims and jews and then wbring the ability to design babies to the world and simply encourage them to take white DNA and splice it into their child's DNA giving them all of the white beauty they've always wanted and allowing the poor third worlders to have a real brain boost.
kys shlomo
Noone cares.
You bumped it yourself, nigger.
Yeah, to prove my point and I'm doing it again.
Are we talking about the 1991 film with Christina Ricci, or is there some newer Addams Family film/TV show that the kikes have made more pozzed? I do remember the early 90s being a time far less pozzed than now, that's for sure.
His list is very much in need of an update.
This. The Production Code was our last chance at stopping the kikery. 50 years on since it was (((eliminated))) and the fruits show themselves.
I could never watch the movie beyond seeing a few clips of the most fucked up parts, hitting their climax in a dad admitting to raping his friends after the son tells him he cant jack off, then later on the son can finally jack off, but blows his load on a balcony banister, and a dog eats it. I'd post the clips from youtube but i'm not gonna get vanned keywording those searches.
Christina Ricci is probably a jew, but I had a crush on her when I saw this movie as a kid. That's probably where I got my love for big tiddy goth gf's…
I don't think that she's a kikess, but no doubt when she was a kid she got diddled by the kikes.
Same with the thread on faggotry. This place is compromised.
"To this day the bitter Christkillers in Hollywood won't let McCarthy rest …for decades, they've labeled him fascist, drunk, homo, schitzo …but they've never admitted one important thing…he set out to identify dirty commies in the state department and the arts and, by God, he nailed a mess of 'em…the McCarthy inspired investigations eventually reached the doorstep of many Hollywood Yids, who used to think it a quaint pastime to invite over a mansion full of filmfolk and chat about social revolution over imported caviar and champagne … a silly parlor game where they tried to out-pinko one another with lip service to a lot of international lost causes and visions of a Socialist worker's America that strangely would have no place for their soft and pampered ilk.. Joe's crusade made 'em all pay the piper for slinking around and giving secret handshakes and playing at being good little Tinseltown Trotskyites. Hail Joe !…Screw that airhead George Clooney and his new piece of crap film…from the sleep inducing trailers, it appears to be destined to do about as well as Kevin Spacey's biopic disaster as Bobby Darin."
A. Wyatt Mann, on Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy
Goths are Aryan tbh, notice how no one but whites make gothic music?
Hollywood's always been jewish, user, and Pedowood isn't new either.
And it was The New Yorker that published them.
Nah jew
The arch enemy of Wednesday Addams in Addams Family Values, Amanda (blonde to her left), later went on to model in Playboy.
I know there's a Rothschild 2 thread but that doesn't make it right
Said kek-approved thread with badassed dubs and trips.
I got some dubs and trips myself. Kek approved message right there.
sure is a man. you've been jacking it to a tranny user