I worship Allah, the god that Hitler worshipped AMA
I worship Allah, the god that Hitler worshipped AMA
Does the goat baah once for yes and twice for no, or was it the other way around?
Baah, baaaaah
Why haven't you collected your 72 virgins yet?
We're trying man
can you send me a sandy gf I'll give her my jizya
Look up a girl called Hannah Epstein Toronto/LA
Those Trips
Are the Trump-Tards triggered yet?
There's a Jewish woman who works against your people. . .
Lol no
Based and islampilled.
Why does the entire world hate jews but we are stuck here fighting each other?
Good question bro
Why haven't you faggots just suicide bombed all of Israel?
Because islam is a religion that wants to convert the whole world, including white countries.
If islam takes over Europe, it will not be good for Europeans.
Observe the racial damage they caused in southern Iberia and the Balkans.
If whites convert then why not though…
Honestly, Khabib Nurmagamedov is the most honorable and humble man I've seen in recent history.
Maybe if whites held to a spiritual foundation with the same conviction, we wouldn't be threatened by differing ideologies. Do they need to get the fuck out of european land? Yes! Is there an easy way to have them self remove? Yes! Remove welfare and they will leave on their own.
It's the fucking jews who brought them to Europe and it's the fucking jews who give them welfare with European money. Islam is no more a problem to the west than jehovas witness are a threat. The fucking kikes that have hijacked the world need to be the only focus and threads like this are a waste of fucking time pointing the finger at the wrong enemy. It's distraction from the only enemy, the jew.
Because is lame is a kike religion.
Because your religion supports interracial breeding even more then Christianity. It also promotes the highly dysgenic practice of cousin marriage.
On what grounds do you say these things
Whoa…doesn't know his own religion. Why am I not surprised?
Don't forget about the rampant bestiality.
Regardless if the jews are removed or not, they will never stop trying to convert Europe by the sword.
You are seriously deluded.
Not really. Shills argue between each other to stir the pot in a complicated form of consensus cracking, and it's painfully obvious to watch. It's the same tactic the CIA uses to spread disinfo.
Semites…uncivilized part niggers from the Stone Age
Global report.
I'm still receiving knowledge
When did Hitler drink camel piss and support killing dogs because they scare angels away?
That's not what Allah commands of us
You don't belong faggot.
Receive it faster (use your god given antenna). This is not a secret user.
Pict: I colorized him so that you could 'relate' better.
Meant to type HWH
I'm trying to follow you
Oh shit…THAT is why they haven't come round my place.