Sony Bans Spic's "Kike" PSN Account Over Cultural Misunderstanding
It’s a holiday in the United States, so that means there are no press releases to mull over and games industry drama gets a big fat spotlight shined in its eyes instead. To be fair, this is an unfortunate story that we hope will be resolved promptly. Over on Reddit, a Mexican gamer claims that his PlayStation Network account has been closed due to a cultural misunderstanding.
According to his post, his username Kike_0615 was banned due to it including an offensive term. But as he explains, Kike is short for Enrique, which is his real name. Of course the word is also used as a derogatory name for Jewish people, which is why the ban was issued in the first place. “I’m really sorry if I offend anyone by posting my nickname, I swear to God that’s my nickname since I was little,” he explained.
Seeing as this is very clearly a misunderstanding, you’d think it’d be easily resolved, right? Unfortunately not. Multiple representatives at Sony’s customer services department have explained that nothing can be done, one even adding that he may need to try again in a few months when the PSN name change feature goes live publicly.
Of course none of this is good enough, because all of the user’s purchases are tied to his banned username. We’re confident that this will get resolved in due time, but it’s a sad situation. At least the victim is behaving very maturely about the whole unfortunate scenario: “I understand it’s offensive, and just like I don’t like it when someone calls me an offensive name I wouldn’t want to offend anyone I play with,” he said. “All I ask from Sony is to let me change my name.”
He's right. South of the border, that is a short-hand for that name. I don't know why though. I guess because "que" is phoneticall "Ke", so "Kike" where the ke is is not pronounced like a "ch" with a silent h like in "kike" but rather sounding like "que" as in "Enrique."
Henry James
Yeah the name doesn't fit but I'm sure they had a reason to nickname you that, thieving spic. kek
Jeremiah Powell
Hahahahahaha thats one hell of a nickname. To know who rules over you, simply see who you are not allowed to offend.
Gotta police feelings instead of just making video games and shutting the fuck up.
Evan King
My actual nickname is "Beaner." I like beans.
Lucas Walker
this is what happens when you buy imaginary things in the (((cloud))) never pay for extended rentals of intellectual "property"
Daniel Evans
this was especially lulzy when amazon banned 10,000 users for posting paid reviews and all their botnet devices, amazon phones, amazon tv's, amazon echo's, all their data stored in the cloud, family photo's, movies, academic books yuppy students purchased on their kindles for college, everything; disappeared.
they only restored some of the accounts and only after weeks of downtime, most did not get their accounts re-opened, and any accounts opened under the same names will also be banned.