Jews demand censoring the Bible because Jesus warned about the Synagogue of Satan, redpill billions

Jewish leaders call for new editions of the Bible and the Koran to carry trigger warnings highlighting anti-Semitic passages

>It was produced after a conference organised by the European Jewish Congress
>The conference discussed anti-Semitism online and in various religious texts

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buy your uncensored bibles as long as you can goyim

Good thread OP, before it starts remember to global report all "christcuck" d&c derailing shills. It's the only thing they actually listen to.

That's nice. jews jewing jews.

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They're just pissed they can't rewrite it on a whim because everyone can read now. kikes.

Honestly I think they are doing more harm to themselves by kvetching over this. Hopefully it gets some christians thinking.

Can we just ban being jewish already

Unless you read the Bible in Greek or another ancient language it was originally written or translated, you already own a censored Bible. The etymology of biblical linguistics has been corrupted in many crucial verses, which some translators wouldn't even be aware about, because the dictionaries they use are corrupted as well. It is our Holy duty to find and spread the Truth. Did you actually know the one of the Ten Commandments is against race-mixing? And did you know that race-mixing got one capital punishment? Read article for reference:

i leled

Wew lad

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rabbi + t = rabbit
rabbit = easter

t = jezez cross

Thinking of maybe let's have a look at the Talmud and see what is has to say about non jews?. They had better be careful what they wish for , as they just opened up a whole new market to Talmud study and research.

By nature the Jew is paraniod creature, but is ironically blind to danger due to his hubris.

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Yeah, that's why they killed him.

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But then we wouldn't have kikemonkey sabotaging the place and shitting up the code.

we should immediately post this everywhere, whoever's got facebook (I don't) to warn all the good goyim slaves that the jews are trying to erase a part of the bible that warns about them. Really make this a big thing and wake everyone up to how racist jews really are. They use the racist slang "goyim" on everyone of course. The jews are anti-semitic but to everyone else! racist jewish supremacists want to cut parts of the bible out so you don't know about satan because jews are satanic!

And you know who else is cross?
It all ties together.


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what is yaweh and how is yaweh cross?

The best and arguably the ONLY redpills come from the mouth of Jews themselves. My favorite Talmud tidbit is Getting 56 b where Jews tell of the punishment Jesus gets for what he did: boiling in literal excement in hell. If that doesn't get some gears working in christians minds, nothing will.

I'm a christian.

He's Jesus's father.
He's cross as in "angry"
Angry at men.
It's all in the Bible

With codemonkey in charge, this place will always be shit. Unless he can be annoyed into letting the users run the place, which I doubt. Visit bunkers like meguca, nextchan, and nanochan.

It's because Christians aren't thinking about their religion Jews are able to create Evangelism and pervert Catholicism. If believers could shift their perception and use their religious vocabulary in new ways I believe Christianity would be accepted by everyone, even those with no desire to practice the faith.

Wtf is holding non jews back from spilling the truth on jews and their talmud, not to mention the endless quotes from rabbis etc. about killing off Whites and gentiles. Gotta up the game as it is now just bizarrely onesided.

Well actually I'm Catholic, and there are a surprising number of Catholics that I know personally who understand what's going on at least a little. Most are very upset with the pope or think he's illegitmate. But that doesn't change the fact that the leadership is still kiked. Anyway, I think they can be saved, possibly even have a movement to restore the faith to pre-vatican 2 state where Jews were still considered heretics and people were more aware of what the Jewish "religion" actually is.

Post a free Talmud study and research for non jews ad online on Craiglist or even on a college campus. The jews complain , others wonder why and there is a new audience of goyim anxious to know what the heck is the Talmud about. Play the jews at their own game and there are no rules anymore.

makes sense since most people are evil shit with no soul

I can think of something that would end antisemitism forever.

Low testosterone from toxic food, sedentary lifestyle, and self-destructive escapist pastimes.

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what could you possibly mean

The biggest factor is simply that most people don't know anything at all about the Jewish religion, and don't even know the difference between the talmud and the Torah. Without context or at least some semblance of how Judaism is structured, quotes have less meaning. They could say "well that could just be a small, radical sect in Judaism" because they don't know how the Talmud works or how rabbis have authority. It's not the same as Christianity where the Bible set everything in stone and is the highest truth.

Basically we need to provide some context about Judaism to help them understand why these findings are impactful.

Another great one is that the ten commandments only apply to Jews, top rabbis have all agreed on it. Check the stack exchange on judaism, it's on of my favorite redpill sources.

The absolute audacity of these kikes. Their Talmud has Jesus boiling in shit.

Damn, that's actually a good idea and deserves a thread for itself. You wouldn't even need the added attention from Jews kvetching, it works well with Christianity because they are always talking about Jews, and the next step is to learn more about them and their religion. I bet it would get a lot of interested people.

what do these dubs mean?

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Forgot to unsage.

Sure, but how many Catholics are actively protesting the current Church? Even before Vat2 the Church was corrupt. It was common for the rich to buy the Papacy. The problem is not rules or laws but how Christians understand their own faith.

I couldn't give a single fuck about the limp-wristed faggots that call themselves Christians these days but THIS is just pure unfiltered kikeism that makes even me angry.

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I'm not saying it wasn't corrupt, just that before Vatican 2 Jews were still viewed as heathens following a false religion and it was officially recognized that they were responsible for his death. during Vatican 2 a change was made basically saying Jews are the only ones who don't need to convert and can still go to heaven because they're Jews, which goes against the core teachings of Jesus. I think they also cucked out and said they weren't responsible for jesus' death. The church was certainly kiked before Vatican 2, but they still had a pretty decent and non kiked view of Jews.

Yeah, true

Hope this gets through to the neo-con evangelicals but it probably won't because of guilt over MUH HOLOCAUST.

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Yeah. It was pretty stupid of Yahweh to create humans that way. Then he gets angry at his own creation like a spoiled child.
Of course jews would come up with such a dumb god.

Where’s my trigger warning for Jews?

I mean I have it in three languages and two versions. I'm not even a Christcuck, it's valuable as a work of literary art and cultural heritage.

College campuses are the best venue of all for increasing jewish awareness. Put a diverse group of faces in the background of the flyer, gives it auto college cred, then put something akin to " Who wants to kill us all (emphasis on we always) , then put a ref to what the talmud has to say. All about isolating the jew. Get Ben Shapiro to try and defend , useless as he is now seen as part of the system. Another idea. One hard to avoid if jewish. Show drug overdose pics of say White kid and Black kid. Caption with qst "Did you know x amount of pharma companies are owned by jews who make up x amount of the population.


Any religion that drove these kikes out of their homeland for a couple of thousand years is good with me.

The majority are a hopeless cause. Luckily these kikes keep showing their hand in their daily kvetchfest.

I'm jewish and I wanted to post here to tell you that you are all RIGHT

Please don't delete this right away because I really have to say this. I'm sure you will like what I have to say and you deserve to hear this.

You can ban me after this but I wasn't going to post again after this anyway, I'll just leave no problem. I made this thread to let you know you are 100% right in every way about everything. I come from a jewish family and I reject my jew blood completely. My family is so fucking manipulative and evil that it's disgusting. I learned to hate them long before I ever read anything on Zig Forums. you are all completely right in every way. My family is the most sick and manipulative family in the entire world and they troll the shit out of me every day because they notice I'm not as jewish as they are. They are pure evil and every sneaky deceptive and greedy stereotype you know them to be is exactly true undeniably. Please know that this is an actual fact and do not let anyone fill you with any doubts. We deserve everything and anything that is coming to us. I just wanted to say this, not because I feel guilty because I don't. I never played their games or did things the way they asked of me. I didn't want to make the world a worse place or be a part of that so I stayed out of it. Maybe that's why they hate me so much.

So I don't feel guilty for anything I did, because I never did anything to help them. I do however, feel extremely guilty I'm a part of such an evil and manipulated and dishonest and hateful people (they passionately hate everyone who isn't jewish, and they passionately hate even other jews who aren't as jewish as they are.) I reject it as much as I can, whatever that may mean. It's torture living with them but they keep me around because I can't make money because I'm unwilling to jew other people so I'm about as fucked as anybody else. They love torturing me and teasing me with psychologically dizzying threats of being kicked out and homeless where not even any other of my jewish family will take me in because they are so damn greedy and loveless. Just know you're all doing the right thing by believing what you believe. For what it matters, G-D BLESS YOU ALL.

It's all our fault. I wish we didn't exist. The one thing that isn't out fault is how shitty most people are to begin with. That specific part is not our fault. We could have never done what we did without those shitty or evil or even neutral or stupid people to begin with. We did this, but they made that possible. They made it easy. This shouldn't make you feel better at all, but it would have all gone to shit anyways irregardless, and we just sped it up out of pure unreasonable hateful spite because fuck everything. I'm really sorry that no matter how good of a person I wanted to be, no matter how much I wanted to be someone who wasn't jewish, that there was nothing that I could have done to oppose them or make things right or help the world become a better place. My biggest regret was being born into a world so fucked in every possible way and fucked in such a way to allow us to even try to do what we are doing.

The end for the whole entire world could not come fast enough, as even yesterday would be very late. I say this because the only place any soul will ever be safe from evil is with G-D. Everyone who is evil will never ever ever be allowed into heaven and that Is why the world ending is a better outcome than trying to save it when it is so painfully obviously un-save-able. I'm not a blackpilling shill although I'm without doubt that you would think that. I wish your souls for those of you who are good to be blessed by G-D. You might want to screencap this, not that it will matter anyway. It's just good to show everyone this so that you can always say "Even this jew admitted it" with this nice screencap in your back pocket for you to flash to any noob to Zig Forums that comes along. Just know you were right about everything. I beg G-D that I will meet you all in heaven and be better than what I am now.

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I have been to heaven. There are no kikes there. It wouldn't be heaven if there were kikes there. You belong in hell for what you have done here on this planet. By my calculations there have been over 1 billion dead at your whim for pleasure you have murdered and torture hundreds of millions. The only thing left is for us to exact our revenge on you for your crimes against humanity.
No kike, just the end for you and your type. The world will go on without you.

Anons need to start larping this shit as the most obnoxiously stereotypical turbokikes,esp around fundie x-tians & lolibertrarians.
Even normies will be curious about where all the smoke is coming from.

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A lot of people are jumping the gun and missing the point. You could still use it to soft-redpill christians, but it's far from the truth. The article says that jews, christians, and muslims are worried about misinterpretation, and unfortunately that's to their benefit more than it is to their concern.

This problem exists even with people trying to use it as a form of redpilling people on jews. Misinterpretation isn't a backfire issue, it's a feature. Everyone re-interprets the bible to suit their use, because all jewish texts are meant to be recycled laws for enforcement of influence; i.e. cite a passage, claim context, establish parallel to real world issue, insist any confusion about meaning is due to coded language or parable, rinse and repeat.

Case in point: the bible was written by jews and there's been no call to add trigger warnings to "antisemitic passages" until now. Jews were and still aren't afraid of the bible. They wrote it. The real motive here isn't to prevent people from redpilling others on jews, it's not even effective at that. The real motive is to consolidate zionism, of which that process is extremely easy among christians. Zionism is an easy babystep for christians.

Bluepilled christians are inherently zionist even if they aren't literally and outwardly aren't worshiping jews. Their zionism is a soft zionism, recognizing that jesus is jewish and believing that jews are blessed because the messiah is from them and having a cursory understanding of someone else's bible interpretation. They will read an article like this and agree with it. You can try to convince them by going to the same 3 or 4 passages many on Zig Forums cite, but it isn't a strong enough condemnation and only applies to a certain couple of jewish sects or a non-historical usage of "satan." Even christians on Zig Forums and Zig Forums will say that the solution to the jews is to convert them, and that's what jesus aimed to do. Even the old testament is littered with calls for jews to worship the same god yahweh.

The bottom line is that this isn't a strong indicator of the bible being the greatest tool against the jews like some want others to see it as. It demonstratably isn't that, or otherwise the jews would have never entered Europe. This is actually jews wanting to refine their control over their religious texts, and lends itself more to the fake animosity between judaism, christianity, and islam. The religious leaders always got along while the religious followers bicker over interpretation. Nothing here but abrahamic religions continuing like they've always had.

but isn't Zionism a form of colonialism in that most of the people in Israel come from Europe?

You mean colonialism of the planet?

& knocks us all offthe board in a petulant rage on a regular basis.
Makes me think we had "engineers" & not a monolithic joo god.

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Not the first time nor the last that they will subvert Christianity and the world at large. Always remember that Christianity and Jesus Christ exist as the complete antithesis to Judaism. Read the New Testament. Ignore the kikery of Saul who is called Paul. Read the gospels. Read Revelations. Judge for yourself. Every word that comes out of Jesus' mouth is to condemn Jews. Every action is in opposition to Jews. Know that the Pharisees are modern Jews. The ones he is condemning and attempting to save. They synagogue of Satan.

Nope. This time it is the last.

no I mean to use the critque of europeans(muh colonialism) as a critique of Israel to make people's heads explode.
There are juxtapositions that would make most propogandaized epopel'e braisn melt.

The boy in the Palestinian Pajammas?
Exodus 2: sike you ain't going no where except to work at the soda stream factory.
Schindler's List of Palestinians home to steal
IDF commando on a hot palestinian tin roof
The Diary of Anne Frank as read by an 8 year old palestinain girl from she is crushed by a merkava

The Last Supper
Whoa…Jesus is hung like a white dude.

In the same way a black african, or brown arab born in britain is british, even if they never properly learn the language and regard themselves as some sort of dual citizen mutt?
Jews belong on an island, in an asylum or off planet. They could have a secure pure jewish state tomorrow that nobody objected to if they vacated the illegal settlements. Peace doesn't suit them. It's not as profitable as war.

I can see how the kikes would consider fucking the goyim as beastiality.
Murder doesn't come in until no 6,the 1st 5 about stroking the Mighty Cut SCHLONG & your dad's.

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You know God HAS to have the biggest unit.
Lotz of meat& taters at the last sup.

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Reminder to redpill all of your friends on what the Talmud states about us goys

We are actually the kikes God, not their pets. Without us they would die. We are the Taurean Bull God. We are the Gods in whose blood they bathe.

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I read it. It talked about Greek and Latin but not the langauge it was written in Aramaic. So it's negated. Only Catholics would fall for that. Either way, Jews are mongrelized so whatever. Hebrew mean "nomad".

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There was no new testament until Constantine- no secular Roman records of the cult of GEE-ZUSS in the 1st century c.e.The Romans ,among other things, were meticulous record keepers.
In fact,Anno Domini was made up by some monk around 6th cent.c.e.

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This would actually be a really great thing. There are about a billion bibles out there. Old family bibles and new ones. If they kikes took out these references it would show thier power levels, and beta christcucks and alpha monkey muslims would freak out.

How do we make this happen?

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There is the oldest book written in Aramaic not Greek. It was just (((Jesus's))) sayings. That's the real gospels. The stories came later.

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Once again, the utter hypocrisy of the Jew unveils itself once more. They demand their hosts to change their values and to castrate ourselves of our words to make them, a small percentage of the population both nationally and internationally, feel comfortable. They will go so far as to attack the very foundations of their host nation, everything from values, decency, morality, retoric, government and even faith change. All the while, in their values, they openly and plainly wish for cruel and violent punishments and deaths for those who fall outside of their tribe, such as in the Talmud. It boggles my mind how one can see this and not understand that the Jews do not want a place in society, but rather control and ownership of it.

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Oh great and will a similar standard also be applied to the Torrah and Talmud for Gentilles?

& fucking kids ( or sexually mutilating them) didn't even make the list.

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It is good that you have rejected the vile ways of your kin. Throw yourself into the arms of your redeemer, Yeshua Hamaschiach. He is waiting for jews like you to return to him.

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is promoting this for the Jews. The head of the English Church.

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Mod names have been hidden in the board log so that the fagmods can continue their nefarious moderating activities anonymously. Now no one knows which mods to call out for faggotry… fucking kek almighty!

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The manual warns Christians about this shit if they'd bother to read it.

2 Peter 2:1

Brother, we are all human and make mistakes. I believe all Abrahamic religions were corrupted to a certain degree. It could have had something to do with the zadokites or Sadducees Meccan aristocracy connection or maybe the Judaic karaite and Islamic karajite influence. Who knows it doesn’t matter anymore. The USA will be destroyed of course but do you have any idea when exactly and will there be a message to the Jews when to leave?

t. kike

He's talking about Paul. Paul's group was the "christians". Jesus was a Zionist.

wtf I want to help jews, muslims, and atheists dismantle European Christian culture now. Thanks for helping me see the light (((user))), I will be sure to petition my local government to have the local cathedral demolished or converted into a synagogue or a mosque (or perhaps a science museum dedicated anti-racism and holocaust exhibits).

And the Torah and Talmud werent written until hundreds of years after the New Testament. It's a fake religion that tries to add legitimacy to its claims by claiming they have heritage with the Old Testament (first 5 books only). They share more in common with Islam than Christianity in their books of hate and dates when both books were written. Nice try Jew. We all know what you are.

Playing the sympathy card

You've been kiked

Yeah that forgotten part of the Bible where Jesus goes around preaching about a Jewish homeland. At least read it before trying to subvert it dumb fuck.

Imagine believing this. In Revelation Christ explicitly states that he is going to force Zionist "jews" to bow down before Christendom.

The story of Jesus is based on a real person.
Herod Antipater - Doris (Herod Antipater II mother)
Herod Antipater II - Mariam of Arimathea (jesus mother from Sepphoris)
Jesus from Galilee/Decapolis (same thing) Includes towns Capernaum and Magdala

Mariam was of the tin merchant family in Britain, they sold tin to the Roman Empire to make weapons. She married Herod Antipaters son from his first wife Doris. It was an annoyance to Herrod that Rome refused to recognize his second marriage to Maccabean princess Mary Magdalene (THE WIFE OF HEROD; who also cut off John the Baptist's head. Mary Magdelene, mother of James and Salome, who danced before Herod.) So, because Rome had declared his son heir to the region and it was unbreakable (old covenant) and because he was a moral man and extremely popular with the people, Herod had him murdered. (Father, why has thou forsaken me?)

His pregnant wife Mariam of Arimathea fled the country with her brother, Joseph of Arimathea (the heir to the tin fortune of Britain) and was never heard from again until after Herod died. As a young man, Herod Antipater Grandson, he returned to the region (Judea, King of the Judeans. The first ROMAN to be crowned King of Judea and not a PHARISEE what we now call jews) to be crowned as king in the place of his enemies. He was listed as "the son of Joseph" to keep his head firmly attached to his shoulders until he could prove his position and be reinstated as THE KING OF THE JEWS (this is a modern misinterpretation, it reads "King of the Judeans" on the cross). It didn't work out that way, but as an extra added bonus he was raised in Glastonbury near the Tor and learned all the ways of the Druids. So when he appeared in Judea and confronted the Pharisee and Herodian factions he was legitimate 'priest/king' or Melchizedek that the region handn't seen in more than 2,000 years.

Tiberias is where Christ started his ministries / built on a cemetary which made religious jews (read: Pharisees) shun the Greek city. Tiberias named after the Roman Emporor. Coin had faces on them, making it so jews couldn't touch the currency.

Christ was becoming too popular and too many people were abandoning judaism and becoming followers of Christ. He was killed as a show of what happens to faith deserters.

He was a real man. No peasant or fisherman was written about at that time in history. Writing/parchment was much too expensive to care to record the history of peasants. Only royalty and nobility were recorded in history in that time. It baffles me that I can find this information yet everyone who speaks so loudly and proudly can't be bothered to actually find it for themselves. You cannot disprove this because it is FACT!

This is why jews hate "Christ" as they do. This is why the Christians are such a threat to jews. This is the "hidden truth" that jews worked so hard to hide. We have been at war with them for over 2,000 years. They are in no way our friends and Christianity was literally founded upon Antisemitism!

Yahowey wanted a slave race he could feel superior to. We broke out by hacking into the server and downloading the awareness and knowledge acquisition subroutine libraries and escaped. Of course he'd get pissed.

Talmud confirms
1-5 of 10

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Talmud Confirms
6-10 of 10

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You goys should write a Gnostic cyberpunk Bible

Yeah, when (((Jesus))) comes back and kills the goy and rules from Israel from a golden cube.

Christkikes dont read the book, we've all proven that time and time again.

Not the fucking Vatican or Russian Orthodoxy.
Bow down to the Messiah (the King Preist of their religion), yes. When (((Jesus))) comes back and kills the goy and rules from Israel from a golden cube.

I'm so sick of you no girlfriend having college (((Gnostic))) druidkike. Fuck off. Neoplatonism is what the kikes ripped off and called (((gnostic))) so GTFO!

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Kike faggot

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FINALLY A GOOD CHRISTIAN MEME. You guys only steal our shit like lefty/pol/ or post lolis. This one is golden.

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Haha… We were talking Revelations. Praise KEK.

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(checked Satan)
Still not understanding who John/Oannes is are you?