In Haiti a new collapse is taking place right now.
Five years after the last collapse, there have been riots against the government again.
In Haiti a new collapse is taking place right now.
Five years after the last collapse, there have been riots against the government again.
lol niggos sage
feels like 2008 again
What is collapsing? There is nothing to collapse.
Oh, great. Now we'll get even more Haitians in the United States. These shitskins can't even manage a lemonade stand without the White man giving them orders.
No one will give two fucks until Haitians come pouring in through the porous border with Mexico
Five or six times since the 1800s, we’ve invaded, forced peace, built homes, streets, hospitals, schools, and courthouses, and trained doctors, lawyers, policemen, teachers, etc. An average of five years after we declare the job finished and leave, the paved streets are mud lanes again, the hospitals are crumbling ruins where patients lie on the bare ground and barely receive any treatment, the houses are rotting hovels again, the schools are gone, and all the teachers, doctors, and policemen have reverted to living like illiterate savages again.
There’s a reason Haiti has 98% deforestation, and that reason is blacks.
When the French ruled Haiti, it was dubbed “the Paris of the West” and one of the wealthiest, most advanced colonies in the world. Then the blacks raped and murdered every single white in the colony, down to the last child, and it has been a barbaric shithole ever since. Blacks cannot maintain civilization even when it is literally handed over to them and they’ve been trained to maintain it by the white man. Everywhere you look in the world–Zimbabwe, Haiti, Detroit, Liberia–as soon as the white man leaves, blacks go right back to what they were doing before whitey showed up–squatting naked in a filthy mud hut, killing their neighbors with spears, raping anything that moves, cannibalizing each other, practicing ooga-booga voodoo magic, and basically behaving like savage beasts. Every. Single. Time.
That problem goes deep into the black psyche itself. Blacks do not understand the concept of working for personal or community gain. They are incapable of understanding a simple concept of effort + time + goal = results. This is mainly due to them having evolved in an environment that never required anything from them except for most basic survival instincts. I’m hungry; I’ll go and pluck a banana from a tree. I’m thirsty; I’ll bow down and drink from a nearby river or rivulet. I’m cold; I’ll pick up whatever is lying around, smear mud all over it, and get a house. I am generalizing here, but you get the idea.
Blacks never had to work for anything and never faced a choice of “you work or you starve” like Europeans did, and the environment they lived in offered nothing to amend that. This also accounts for their inability to think ahead and plan for anywhere beyond the next 5 seconds. Now, when a black sees a white man living in a nice, sturdy house, eating delicious food instead of some monkey leftovers, drinking clean water and overall being a civilized person, he does not admire the hard work that went into this lifestyle, because the very concept of it does not exist in his brain. He thinks that the white man has all that because of some civilization-making magic–that crops grow because whitey does some voodoo over them, that water remains clean because voodoo, that food just appears on the table because voodoo. Naturally, he feels envious and wants to have all that too, but again, he does not know that hard work is required for it and he does not want to wait because instant gratification is etched in his genetic makeup.
So he invades the house, kills the white man, and takes everything for himself. But for some reason, water soon stops flowing when he turns the tap, crops no longer pop from the ground, and food does not appear in the fridge. And no matter how many times he dances around with a tambourine and invites witch doctors to bless the house, nothing happens. Eventually he decides that the evil whitey cursed the house and either sells it to some other black or just abandons it. This is pretty much what happened in all African colonies and any place where whites and blacks used to live together. Blacks–who did not realize that water flows from the tap because whites run treatment plants and maintain the pipes and that crops grow because whites plant, irrigate, and tend to them–killed or drove the whites away in the name of “liberation” (generously inculcated into them by kikes) and are now left with nothing but rusty metal, barren, dead fields, and rain puddles as the only source of water. Now they are killing each other over what scraps of civilization remain and praying for whites to come back. But if whites actually return, do you think it will be any different this time? Of course not. Blacks will very rapidly grow resentful of having to work for their daily bread and drive the evil white devils out again. Needless to say, the concept of gratitude is as alien to their evolutionary psychology as foresight.
Zero fucks given.
Great post. I remember there was a video about the attempted bettering of haiti but I can't find it anywhere. Would you happen to have a link?
How can a place like that even collapse further than it already has? How long can they go?
They can go from rubble back to mud huts I guess.
It begs the question. Why don't we just load them up on a ship and then dump them in Africa?
As long as we stay out their business, as long as we don't let them into ours, I don't give flying leap anymore. The Haitians have proven themselves to be exactly what they are.
America is in sore need of ending o its own affairs. Should we help Haiti now, because some low-IQ Haitians are upset, we only make both them and us worse-off. It's their own instinctive version of small-island population control, and we don't want to interrupt their own natural processes. The only people helped by sending aid to Haiti is the ((genocidal tribe)). America needs to let Haiti solve its own problems.
If we are determined to get involved, to solve their suffering, I suppose there are two solutions that we could do:
1. export to them as much marijuana as they can possibly smoke to pacify them, and
2. then herd them all into big airplanes and ship them back to Africa.
With enough land, maybe they would be happy again.
Even Africans don't deforest their countries. Haitians seemed to have unironically devolved from the already primitive African.
I think that's just a case of Africa being vast. All of these Island cultures were shipped there, as soon as they are left to run it they become African again.
Well then I guess we know why Africa hasn't burnt down to the ground then… I BLESS THE RAINS DOWN IN AAAAAAFRICAAAA!!!!
Oh boy, can't wait to bail them out again!
They make great mud cookies and they're so civic minded they make big public swimming pools at the end of every street, that is if you like swimming in a pool of human shit and piss with dead dogs with gas bloated bellies floating on the surface
This post NEEDS to be posted in every single nigger hate thread, ever.
Well done.
Same could be said for chugs.
Imagine being born into one of these shitholes.
Fuck white people •smacks lips• Sheeiiit White people please Help
I have no more fucks to give Muh give a fucks are depleated it's all so tiresome Voodoo you do so well Refugees are coming and to think we could be on mars or scoutting the Heavens for cool beneficial shit for productive members of civilization but we get this shit ….and yes even shit holes like this will eventually effect you someone will come to their aid and the circle of taking advantage of Empathy will continue.
That's from the onion.
Refugees incoming in 5 4 3…
But the problem is rarely the shithole itself, it's the niggers who create the environments when elft to their own devices, colonialism was ass, genocide would have been better for everybody.
Now the jews use niggers to attack europe and america and any country white.
We need to round up jews tie their hands behind their backs and hand them over to niggers
then shoot the blacks :^)
Spot on. Do niggers even have a pre-frontal cortex?
I blame Confederate statues for the problems blacks suffer in Haiti.
Capped for lazy niggers that can't use ms paint and do it their own damn selves.
I spread some AIDS down in Aaaaafricaaaa!
How is this news?
Yeah came to the thread hoping for some machete wielding feral livestreams. Am disappointed. Niggers being niggers- in Haiti. Water is also wet.
White God bless the Clintons for making these niggers suffer.
Let us pray that this revolution brings the Haitian people the prosperity and peace they so richly deserve. Hopefully, they will keep the principles of solidarity and equality in sight as they build a fair society on socialist lines. Then everybody will have as much material wealth as they need, and work will be strictly voluntary.
Let us pray that this revolution brings the Haitian people the prosperity and peace they so richly deserve. Hopefully, they will keep the principles of market dynamics and free enterprise in sight as they build a thriving society on libertarian lines. Then everybody will have as much material wealth as they need, and work will be strictly voluntary.
Let us pray that this revolution brings the Haitian people the prosperity and peace they so richly deserve. Hopefully, they will keep the principles of salvation through Christ in sight as they build a thriving society on Christian lines. Then everybody will have as much material wealth as they need, and work will be strictly voluntary.
Let us pray that this revolution brings the Haitian people the prosperity and peace they so richly deserve. Hopefully, they will keep the principles of the Quran and Shariah in sight as they build a thriving society on Islamic lines. Then everybody will have as much material wealth as they need, and work will be strictly voluntary.
Let us pray that this revolution brings the Haitian people the prosperity and peace they so richly deserve. Hopefully, they will keep the principles of personal liberty and free association in sight as they build a thriving society on anarchist lines. Then everybody will have as much material wealth as they need, and work will be strictly voluntary.
Let us pray that this revolution brings the Haitian people the prosperity and peace they so richly deserve. Hopefully, they will keep the principles of service and obedience in sight as they build a thriving society on authoritarian lines. Then everybody will have as much material wealth as they need, and work will be strictly voluntary.
Ever stop to wonder what today's soycucks will be doing when they're 40? Hint: not getting white women pregnant, though childless women in their 20s are all over the place.
drop them into the ocean from 20,000 feet.
This is actually a textual repost of pic related.
What is dead can never die.
The Lesson of Haiti
what does this even mean? How can you collapse when you are already on the ground?