This isn't a shill thread or a thread dedicated to going "lol wrong poltards epic"
This is basic holocaust discussion over whether it happened or did happen. I expect sources to be brought up where the holocaust claims are there and we could debunk them. If we can't then this could make for good discussion so let's begin.
I recently stumbled apon a book titled "Destruction Of The European" by Raul Hilberg. It should be taken with a grain of salt as, ya know, (((Hilberg))) but I am looking to see if debunking this book is possible. The reason I am coming here is because it is quite large and would possibly take more than one person.
Yes it happened. And the winners blew it out of proportion and turned the losers into villanesque caricatures. It wasnt as bad as they say it was, but it was an european war, which like all other euopean wars since colonization, included heavy action taken along racial lines. Hitler did nothing worse than the French and Spanish in the new world and nothing worse than the US and definitely nothing worse than the Communists.
Easton Gray
You're on 8ch you should know it didn't happen as this subject is not up for debate here. But what convinced me is Bobby Fisher YouTube that, and the simple question. If you're at war why wouldn't you use the Jews for labor?!
Zachary Morgan
You see what I personally viewed as what happened were the "death camps" were just camps to hold off jews to send to madagascar after the war (havaraa agreement) but they ran low on resources including food to spend for everyone so jews ended up starving. Then allied bombings caused the spread of typhus. nowhere near 6 million died however.
I agree with the sentiment there but it must be understood that in order to prove ourselves right we must be prepared for any rebutal against our claims. This includes this book.
Chase Watson
jews rely on the goy never picking up a book again after (((college))) Seek answers and they will present themselves to you.
Christian Ward
You'll never win minds by giving even an inch. Stand firm and speak strong.
that's all that needs to be said. It evokes such a response that someone becomes inquisitive and will find out the truth on their own. Giving an inch means you aren't firm in your convictions. Remember, this is a WAR. There's no fairness in war. Do not concede, never give an inch!
Dylan Thompson
>jews rely on the goy never picking up a book again after (((college))) Ain't that the truth.
This book was published in 1981 by Canadian government along with a book on WWI remembrance. Each is about 90 pages with English and French translations. It chronicles Canadian history and contributions in each war with general summary of events. Jews, the Holocaust, concentration camps, gassings, murder factories and atrocities of any kind are not mentioned once, despite how long after the war it was written and being from the government. The reason is that "The Holocaust" TV series only aired in 1978 and the myth of the Holocaust did not exist and was not even known in Canada. Kids in the 70s were still scribbling swastikas in books and didnt even consider Nazis evil monsters - just the guys that lost.
It's pretty interesting looking at older printings of books and not seeing a single mention of the atrocity propaganda that binds us today.
Does anybody have direct info,articles,books,etc on the "Torch Men Order" other than some blogs?
Dylan Wright
OP IS AN ACTUAL JEW >If we can't (((debunk the claims))) then this could make for good discussion Raul Hilberg was an Austrian-born Jewish-American political scientist and historian Keep researching a Jewish Book Jewish Anthropology and Sociology are based on lies and a clear political agenda. OP should be permabanned for this thread, but because the mods are so kiked and that they have Codemonkey's tiny penis so far down their throat, they are neutered cucks.
Daily reminder that 8/pol is being watered down. Ideas will be lost in here forever Codemonkey has ruined 8/pol I don't give a fuck about how you think I typed it
The way Hitler dealt with the Katyn Massacre and the way during the war the (((media))) saying he did it shows to me that the whole Holocaust was a Judeo/Communist plan to attack Whites. Its no coincidence that there are more Holocaust Museums in the United States.
Christian Moore
If he were going to systematically kill them disassembly-line style, why on earth would he support a homeland for them, be it Palestine or Madagascar? Why pimp the "work camps" with 1st world amenities if he plans on killing the inhabitants?
Parker Ross
How about lurk in one of the million holohoax redpill threads
Nathaniel Miller
There is today, as there has been forever, infighting between the Zio-faction(Nationalistic Israel-first jews) and the liberal International diaspora jews. The former would prefer to completely rid itself of the latter, but their dogmatic teachings tell them to jew the goyim into doing jew dirty work.
Luke Flores
Dumb tard I said in my post "The author is jewish so don't take it too seriously". Codemonkey saved 8/pol/ you fucktard.
Landon Rodriguez
Even if the holocaust did happen, it wasn't hitler who orchestrated it. It was himmler. Hitler kept his "send them elsewhere" mentality to his death.
My Grandparent came from Latvia fleeing the commies way back way. Their father, my great grandfather, worked in a mental asylum as an accountant and they lived in a small apartment on the property that housed the inmates. The Germans came and killed all the inmates to use the facilities as a barracks. The were not necessarily Jews, but retards and autists and the like. My great grandmother was told by a German officer, "they are just going to sleep", as if it were humane and not that big of a deal. So, there was a tardocaust for sure there and my grandparents witness that. German command was not beneath putting an end to populations of people.
agree that it happened but the number of kikes that got killed was probably closer to low hundred thousands rather than the ridiculous 6 million figure that gets peddled.
if it was 6 million then the world would be a far better place.
Well WW2 did happen and I'm not gonna blatantly fabricate bullshit out of thin air like a jew. Normal people can come to understand that the holocaust was an insignificant part of WW2.
You need to learn the meaning of the term Holocaust. It translates as Burnt Offering and has historical significance. the ==FACT== that it didn't happen is equally important. Do not cuck on a topic when you're right. It certainly did not happen.