side note: Israel in the new testament = christians, not the false "jew" state.
America: the gay disco
Other urls found in this thread:
Pay your taxes, bitch.
Oh wow, some faggot preacher got blocked from going to a shithole how exciting. I'm so glad you're sliding the board with this garbage instead of dumping it in Zig Forums where it belongs.
newfag gtfo
No one likes you, you hook nosed faggot
the one who made this, newfag
Pastor Steven Anderson is awesome. Traditional wife who gave him 9 kids, cooks and cleans and takes care of the children. They speak German at home. He calls out the jew. Calls for the end of the faggot agenda.
He's a cuck on the miscegenation question. Fucking dropped.
ah look, the kikes show up to shut him down again.
kys you degenerate piece of shit JIDF
Stop saying LGBT. Just say the gays, or gay community. Let's stop normalizing them as anything but fags
holy shit this is the first time I'm seeing this. fucking BASED
O shit it was E Michael jones?
I played his neocon song live for my friends.
The tax man cometh.
listen to the E Michael Jones video in the OP you mongoloid kike thread slider.
hi Schlomo
K then
you're not fooling anyone, kike.
Everythread is full of D&C ever since cuckchan arrived.
I'm getting real fucking sick of these pocket religious wars. Can't you losers see that this is exactly what the ZOG wants?
Christians: Stop calling pagans heretics and satanists, paganism is a true european faith, it protected the family and motivated the European tribes to defend themselves. Understand that the catholic chuch is another masonic institution, if you truly believe in Christ you will want to abolish the catholic church since it's controlled by irl satanists and jews, if you think that killing fellow whites just because they are pagans is acceptable behavior you are worse than jews
Pagans: Stop trying to exclude christians from the White Nationalist doctrine, even if christianity wasn't a European religion at first, it has come to be one with the passing of time, the Holy Roman Empire, Prussia and many other great European civilizations were christian, don't see christianity as a form of jewish subversion but rather as proof that the european will is unstoppable. If you think that killing fellow whites because they are christian is acceptable behavior then you're no different from a muslim.
Christianity and Paganism can perfectly coexist, the Third Reich was proof of it
Most of the writing staff are literal jews who converted to Christianity. Those jews must have no fear of Christianity to join with it.
Look at one of its main writers, Henry Makow, "I would serve the Illuminati Jewish purpose if I actually promoted anti Semitism.", he says, his parents survived the (((Holocaust))) by passing as Catholics, again I'm not seeing the fear, only the jews using that institution. Further Makow big deal as a converted jew isn't even primarily jews but the "Illuminati", which looks to be a great way for him in his older years to be a gatekeeper for the goys who find him, "In contrast to the Cabalist Jews, I express the authentic Mosaic Jewish spirit, a commitment to universal truth and morality. (This spirit is shared by good people everywhere.) I have always sensed there is an immanent moral order, an intuition that inspired my game Scruples.".
allahuackbar, fellow abrahamist
what do jews in christianity have to fear? they're still praying to yahweh, just with a little baptismal water sprinkled over.
Going to launch a movement by placing quotes and information in envelopes in public places. There will be an enticing message like "pandoras box" or "open for the truth" scrawled upon the front of the envelope to make the stranger who passeth the deployment that much more tempted to open it and to receiveth the message deposited therein. Some of the following sentiments will be included in the envelope.
Latest sermon: Free Palestine (Israeli occupation in light of the Bible). The heat is getting turned up for the satanic juden.
christianity is cancer
based & redpilled
e michael jewnes:
-thinks jews are a religious group and not an ethnic group
-thinks white guys don't exist outside of their subsect of judaism
-thinks national socialism was based on Richard Wagner
-is a dishonest cryptokike
gas youself
Yawn. Reported.