How to archive JewTube

Everyday I see more content lost so I thought I would post an easy tutorial to Zig Forums for downloading JewTube videos for archiving and posterity purposes. This tutorial assumes a Windows operating system.

The program we'll be using is called youtube-dl which is an open source command line program which you can download here which also lists other sites it supports besides YouTube.

First download and place youtube-dl somewhere accessible such as a folder on the desktop called youtube-dl. Once the file and folder are present open the folder then RIGHT click an empty white area while holding SHIFT and you will see an option to "Open a command line here" click and you will be presented with a command line in that folder.

Without adding some complications I will show you the easiest way to download a video/channel at 720p (if you want higher like 1080p+ you need to combine audio+video which is easy, but not the mission of this tutorial).

Once you have your command line open in the directory of youtube-dl you enter the following command: youtube-dl -f 22 -c

That is it it! It will begin to download the video(s) to your folder.

CLI options explained:

-f 22, this chooses what quality video and audio you want which in our case is 720p/best audio. If you want to see a list of all available formats like your video/channel is old/360p then replace "-f 22" with "-F" then replace "-f #" with the format you want.

-c, continue/resumes partial downloads

For a full list of command you can type youtube-dl –help. Goyt deserves a mention but depends on installing a ton of other shit to work. I'll try to help out with any questions if thread is any use/isn't deleted.

It is very important that we archive things on LOCAL storage than depending more on their existing infrastructure. Storage is cheap and compression can allow anyone to preserve history which is being deleted or altered by people who want to control information. If you control information then effectively you control a person. You could decide what someone knows and how much does the average person attempt to verify common information?

Attached: 3c661777a0138a92329c21613cf0fea0255913e91595d9c74ccd116a32c6f36a.webm (1000x544, 11.79M)

Other urls found in this thread: Fuhrer Is In All Our Hearts.mp4

1. Type a folder name for the channel in JDownloader settings download folder (or just group the links in the program)
2. Go to the Videos tab of a channel and copy the URL (have clipboard monitoring on in JDownloader)

Which is (partially) closed source and ridiculously bloated for the task. Another option is ignore all the bullshit and enter your link and click here.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (826x146, 12.87K)


Go to
It is compatible with Linux, Mac, and Winblows
Look at these images

Attached: 4k video downloader.png (1366x737 295.05 KB, 653.05K)

There's hundreds of shitty youtube downloader malware on the internet. Youtube-dl is open source and downloads the actual videos on youtube without conversion. If you can't use the commandline for such a simple task, you should absolutely fucking kill yourself right now.

youtube-dl is the one true way

t. not OP

What is the command for 1080p on youtube-dl?

Why would you do that at all? youtube-dl is dank as fuck.

get the list of formats with
youtube-dl -F
then download with
youtube-dl -f

My ~/.config/youtube-dl/config
--download-archive ~/.config/youtube-dl/archive--write-auto-sub--no-call-home--restrict-filenames--write-sub--sub-lang=en--recode-video mkv--audio-quality 6--no-warnings--merge-output-format mkv--embed-subs--ignore-errors--add-metadata--xattrs-o '/media/videos/other/youtube/%(uploader)s/%(title)s.%(id)s.%(ext)s'
Obviously change the -o parameter to your download directory.

You're a fucking retard. Use youtube-dl.


Umm? Just copy the share link and download the mp4 on

This will download 1080p or lower if not available.
youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo[height

youtube-dl --download-archive downloaded.txt -i -o '%(uploader)s/%(upload_date)s - %(title)s - (%(duration)ss) [%(resolution)s].%(ext)s' -f bestvideo+bestaudio/best --add-metadata --write-description --write-annotations --write-info-json --xattrs --write-sub --write-auto-sub --sub-format=srt --sub-lang=en --embed-subs --write-thumbnail --embed-thumbnail -a channel_list.txt

Create a text document named channel_list.txt in the same folder, paste in channel names. Run the script and the channel will be archived. You may have to change some formatting for Windows.

Attached: 1c3d8d921587fcb942ed9512e4b1c291162b3845adfec0c16ae8e065b7ebeeaf.png (1812x1800, 3.37M)

From the man page

TubeMate is great on phone

Attached: tubemate-youtube-downloader-005.jpg (900x1398, 100.95K)

I am well aware of the many programs that are closed source and are almost always botnet. youtube-dl is completely open for anyone to review the code, can run on a turnip, and does everything better in general. I don't really care what you use and long as it make an accurate copy and we can preserve what is being deleted. I saw some anons in another thread struggling so I posted.

It will fuck up if you leave it to select best. At least IME it is better ti directly state parameters.

NewPipe would be my mobile selection.

Why bother at all? Convert any questionable video into MP4 and upload it on They don't censor videos there. Your suggestions are a lot of nothing & a total waste of time. If you're too stupid to understand how to convert a YouTube video into an MP4, you don't belong on this chat thread in the first place. All you need to do to convert any YouTube video into an MP4 is this or any number of other conversion websites:

Attached: Good morning bitches.mp4 (356x200, 261.92K)

BitChute is great, but has nothing to do with what I am concerned with and that is educating everyone first on how to archive the video first. After that they can upload wherever they want, I don't care.

What happens when your site(s) 404's or for whatever reason mass censorship goes into place? I'll know how to run FFMPEG and have my files locally stored then convert any file I want and you'll be scratching your head wondering why doesn't work.

Git gud.

Attached: 0c2f548109ab1a09cc6f34545b7a942311f75a8b3b19e6570cc603ffd3b5f8bd.gif (320x240, 1.05M)

Always worked for me. You need to have ffmpeg or avconv installed for it to work.

youtube-dl can also download videos from hundreds of non-Jewtube sites like Vimeo, Liveleak, as well as all the porn sites like Pornhub etc. if you install ffmpeg you can also download music videos and it will convert them to audio files. Jewgle is better than Napster and Pirate Bay. you're a retard if you're not saving every video you watch because TPTB will eventually censor it and take it down. if you're a winfag you have no excuse either. install the Linux subsystem, install Python then download the youtube-dl source code tarball from github. youtube-dl is so great it makes me wonder why it is still legal.

use YTD boomer newfag

Attached: 32r3cd60002424.gif (309x313, 2.91M)

How do I download (((LOCKED))) videos?


Really interested in this. I was attempting to download some of the videos posted on a channel in the johnny gat thread but I honestly have no idea how to do it. Youtube's actual site is the only client allowed for those and it downloads the videos in chunks, so I guess you could reassemble it from that somehow.

obligatory acknowledgement of screen recording as an option.

Good thread OP, this shit is really important and deserves more attention.
For anons who are serious about archival, I would recommend also getting yourself set up with ffmpeg or similar, which youtube-dl can use to download videos in better quality (it takes the best audio and best video format available from Google's servers and combines them with ffmpeg into the format of choice). You can set up a youtube-dl.conf so that every download follows a consistent procedure, such as altering the filename convention. I'll see about writing up a detailed guide or maybe even an infograph.

>using proprietary (((Java))) spyware for something that can be accomplished better with an open source solution
You sure are fuckin stupid.


does this work on (((restricted))) videos?

Assuming you mean the op, and by that youtube-dl, I'm saying no. Still looking for a solution to this. I'm guessing a javascript snipped could be created to do it from the youtube page, but I don't know what format the video chunks are in yet and am not inclined to investigate.

Can someone give an example of a restricted or locked video people are speaking of? Like content blocked in certain countries?

This method works for limited state videos
ctrl+c on a youtube link
ctrl+n in vlc
ctrl-v paste into network url box
ctrl+j to open codec window.
Copy the Location.
Paste into a browser and download, rename.

Attached: 2018-11-27-003643_809x554_scrot.png (1191x1217 26.99 KB, 74.46K)

Is there any explanation as to how VLC is getting the location? It seems they're hosted the same way and place. I don't know enough of YouTube API to even guess what VLC is ignoring.

Only worked for 2 of the 7 videos I tried.
Just doesnt load
Throws this error and it's not even in limited state

Access to r2— was denied You don't have authorization to view this page.

JDownloader is a convenient yet powerful tool. Convenient to set folders, and pause/continue downloads too.

pull audio only e.g. music from a YouTube video
(Requires ffmpeg to be installed)
youtube-dl -xf140 --audio-format mp3
-x extract audio only
-f140 (normally will) get best quality m4a audio at 128kbps (if not, use youtube-dl -F uRL to see the formats available)
–audio-format mp3 (will convert to mp3 format, requires ffmpeg to be installed)

you don't really need to specify the audio only version ( -f140) since the -x will pull out the audio from the complete video anyway, but the audio only download size is smaller, and thus quicker - so it makes sense to do it like that.

youtube-dl issue tracker says you have to give it login info for youtube-dl to be able to auto-bypass these bad goy videos
this doesn't make much sense and I don't have google account info to verify, but it might work. can't grab these videos either. google isn't give the video info on the page, and youtube-dl / invidio's aren't full blown browser automation solutions like firefox/chromium + selenium, i don't think they execute javascript, so they can't auto click the button they need some info to go on.

Attached: youtubedl2.png (666x231 49.58 KB, 13.59K)

also make sure your using the latest youtube-dl. dont' install it from your repo's package manager if on linux. download it from the site or install using python/pip. having the absolute latest version of youtube-dl matters here, because of how often these these things change.

#!/bin/bashyoutube-dl -f "bestvideo[height

i question "bestvideo" and "bestaudio", i never use this with youtube-dl

h264/mp4 with 1500K bitrate
vp9/webm with 1000K bitrate
which is best?
arguably the webm is visually better due to superior vp9 codec, but youtube-dl will choose the mp4.

Can you recommend a way to monitor channels for new videos and grab them with ytdl ? Of course without yt account
I have some channels I backup on a daily basis with the use of "–download-archive archive" but it is not automatic and sometimes, bad goys videos are quickly removed..

your going to have to script it.
either write a script that runs 24/7 and checks every once in a while for updates or use cron on linux to run the script every once in a while.

you could probably pull this off with the windows scheduler and bat scripting but I wouldn't want to try. you could write the script that monitors with python and keep that running in the background, that'll run on windows

It will normally update within 24hrs of youtube changes
Updating:..if youtube-dl was installed via python:sudo pip install --upgrade youtube-dlor if installed by a repo you trust, or you installed manually:sudo youtube-dl -Usee the section "How do I update youtube-dl?" inman youtube-dlfor more details

Probably some kind of webscraper that would periodically get the channel list and diff it to see if it has changed from it was last downloaded, then download any new additions.

find current version with:youtube-dl --versionUpdating is the first thing to do if you find a video on *any* site (not only YouTube) isn't downloading.

I'm retarded. The –download archive option is already doing most of the work. (Checking for new stuff and download new uploads)
A cron job will do the job indeed, time to write this.
Also, any idea to grab the comments ?

@echo off
title Youtube-dl

set /p input="Input URL: "
echo 0=Format List
echo 1=360MP4
echo 2=480MP4
echo 3=720MP4
echo 4=1080MP4
echo 5=360WEBM
echo 6=480WEBM
echo 7=720WEBM
echo 8=1080WEBM
echo 9=Default output
set /p SS1488="Select Format: "

if %SS1488%==0 (
youtube-dl "%input%" -F
) else if %SS1488%==1 (
youtube-dl "%input%" -f 18
) else if %SS1488%==2 (
youtube-dl "%input%" -f 135+bestaudio
) else if %SS1488%==3 (
youtube-dl "%input%" -f 22
) else if %SS1488%==4 (
youtube-dl "%input%" -f 137+bestaudio
) else if %SS1488%==5 (
youtube-dl "%input%" -f 43
) else if %SS1488%==6 (
youtube-dl "%input%" -f 244+bestaudio
) else if %SS1488%==7 (
youtube-dl "%input%" -f 247+bestaudio
) else if %SS1488%==8 (
youtube-dl "%input%" -f 248+bestaudio
) else if %SS1488%==9 (
youtube-dl "%input%"
) else (
echo Invalid Format

Sorry; I literally only tested it with the pictured video.

It's basically doing what would happen to watch a live stream; reading the video in chunks and reassembling them. This works here because vlc runs some javascript in a lua script to get all the proper parameters that the browser would have used to download the chunks and generate a working url. It 403's if it doesn't like your IP. I didn't play around with the other parameters.

I figured youtube-dl would copy this function. Looks like I need to update.

youtube-dl + cron/systemd can do this. I started on it, but didn't get very far. You can tell youtube-dl to filter by a date range.

your going to have to use firefox/chromium + selenium, since youtube loads in the comments dynamically with the javascript. it would take some time to write.

you could also use the official youtube api if you want to go balls deep into the botnet.

I just setup an app password and tested this with an age-restricted limited state video; it didn't work. Too bad.

Attached: 2018-11-27-084356_984x164_scrot.png (984x164, 22.75K)

I have found that vp9 can be better but it also can be worse, depending on the video.

I found out youtube-viewer (cli) is able to extract comments.

youtube-viewer –no-interactive –no-use-colors –comments $URL

The following is working with cron :

youtube-dl –ignore-config \
–ignore-errors \
–format best \
–prefer-free-formats \
–download-archive archive \
–batch-file=channels \
-o '%(uploader)s/%(upload_date)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s'

–download-archive records yt videos id (for incremental updates) & –batch-file read channels listed in a file

This. It's a good program.

Kill yourself pajeet and your (((software)))

>youtube-dl -xf140 –audio-format mp3
Easier to use bestaudio.
youtube-dl -xf bestaudio --audio-format mp3

Here's one to archive and share

You suck, goy.

Attached: download.jpg (225x225, 4.19K)

the issue with downloading limited state videos is bypassing youtube and gettting the codec information to access the video directly from googles servers. This is easily done through VLC in FIREFOX browser. It doesn't work in all videos though.. In the case that it doesnt work, there is a bypass to download limited state videos (through googles servers), through any chrome/chromium based browser, you just need to find the external site that obtains codecs from googles servers. I did it yesterday through Vivaldi browser for the new Kasparov video that I couldn't get through firefox or VLC

you have to use firefox

use VLC method through firefox browser, chrome has a lot of restrictions however there is a method to get (((locked))) videos from chrome too.

this online application seems to work with all limited state videos. The reason is its obviously getting the codecs directly from (((googles))) servers. it has worked through chromium browsers for blocked videos I couldn't get through firefox.

I don't about the command line thing because I haven't tried it yet but over the last few months it seems that most past ways of downloading things off jewtube have been killed. It's a pain in the ass but I've been resorting to just recording the screen and cleaning up the raw footage before rendering it into something reasonably sized.

did u read the last few posts?

excuse me user, enjoy the thread.

Quit spamming that link you worthless torfag.

There's a GUI here
The commands can be added on the Extra tab

Attached: youtube-dl gui.png (1031x620, 13.51K)

i'm not familiar with YT DL, is there any known way to bypass the locked videos through this method?


i realize that, thankyou.

Is there 720p version of this video? I would like to collect it. Fuhrer Is In All Our Hearts.mp4

Hey thanks friend. This video was a sudden surprise. Kinda makes me happy every time I watch it.

Vertigo Politix has been archived.
Also, I have Goy Talk, should I put it somewhere?