Okay, so this time of year programs like toys for tots pop up, and I gave some stuff last year. But this year I'm wondering, where do they go? My guess would be primarily niggers and beaners get these toys, which obviously I don't want to give toys to. What are local means of giving toys to kids? I don't go to church, and I don't imagine many younger parents do these days. People don't do door-to-door donations in poorer areas anymore. How can Zig Forums users give gifts to poorer white kids, knowing white kids are getting those gifts, and not some little nigger from the section 8 housing community the government set up 40 minutes away from you?
Donating toys to poor white kids this Christmas
Bump for fucking interesting in giving poor white kids a decent Christmas.
Kars for Kids
Only goes to Jewish Vermin
Be careful and do your research on these groups before making any and all donations.
Look for AIPAC, ADL, or SPLC ties too.
Bump, whites deserve this shit way more than some nigs. Any user with info please fill this thread with hopefully not-so-disappointing info.
its about family and food you faggots, gifts are for kikes
Alright, listen up. There's a charity called Angel Tree, when I was a poor lad someone got me toys through it and I'll never forget.
We do it through one of the companies I contract with, but I'm sure you could just contact a local office. The way it works is they go to poor families and get the kids name/desired gifts and then hand out these cards with that info, sometimes they even have more info on the kids on them. I always pick out the two whitest sounding names (one boy/one girl) and get everything on the list, usually only costs like fifty bucks anyways. It might not be perfect, but it's a much better chance than blindly donating to toys for tots. Oh also make sure it's not the prison angel tree but the salvation army needy children one
One thing to look for: Appalachia. Appalachia is still pretty white, very poor, and not jewish. I would look for organizations based there. You can look at demographic maps and find areas to support as well.
You will have to personally visit places of welfare like churches and such otherwise there are no such resources for white people. You need to connect with your community in someway even if through someone else if you are having trouble finding white people to give free Christmas gifts.
seems likely this would go to white kids
Gift giving is a part of European tradition which pre-dates Christmas, faggot. It's not for kikes, it's for us. It's our holiday.
Doesn't matter. One of the functions of a Pastor is to improve the quality of the community, regardless of religion. Spend a Sunday morning or two looking around for a mostly-white church (there's loads of them, avoid the fuck out of the megachurches because the pastors there are assholes), give a gift to the pastor/preacher guy, tell him that you want it to go to a poorer member of the church who has a kid, he'll be more than happy to do that for you.
no kid wants physical toys anymore you boomer. Either buy them an xbox, ps4 or legos.
Your best bet still are churches, that is still where you will find local white poor people because they run most of the programs like
The second choice would be Salvation Army.
Even if you did, mexcriment families swarm them during donation days. All white church starting a canned food drive? Expect only Spanish-speaking abuelitas and their 20 children to be snagging everything. Christcucks can't refuse them even if they wanted, btw.
Best bet?
Simply look around, and if you see a white family that looks like it's struggling, anonymously send them presents for their kids, just write on the return address that it's from Santa.
You run the risk of offending people this way, though. When these "charities" are institutionalized, the recipients of the generosity will often start to look at it as an entitlement, that institutions and government HAVE to gibs them stuff for free. Just look at how they already view welfare. If you tell them welfare is a charity, they become offended and will argue with you over it.
They're hands are always out, grabbing free gibs, but they're too proud to "accept charity"…fucking morons.
goddam it, I need more coffee…
This is what you will become if you have them focus on games. Legos also went the way of garbage kits for their kike films like Star Wars.
kars for kids? How about I give scars to yids?
There was a thread on reddit i swear im not a redditor and just saw it on the front page randomly about Hell's Angels ringing the salvation army bell at some walmart in the midwest. They were wearing their Hell' Angel's jackets with "ARYAN PRIDE" patches, and this caused a great deal of butthurt amongst reddit.
>confusing the (((commercialization))) of Christmas and "buy the latest Playstation goy" with the time honored European tradition of generous gift giving for needy people
Learn to use your brain and stop thinking in extremes.
This is a good charity. Very based.
The wife and I cleaned out our kids toys to make room for Christmas cause our fucking boomer parents give way to many gifts. She asked if she could bring them to goodwill and I said no. Because goodwill takes our shit for free and then sells it to niggers for a cheap price, a total jew tactic.
So instead we brought 5 black bags full of toys to the local church where its majority white and I know niggers wont dare go around because "it's a rayciss white man church sheeeeiit".
Kikes get filtered.
Those little cars look oddly familiar.
You shouldn't give kids toys, or any other jewish media, though. If you're going to give them gifts, give books. Mein kampf if they're old enough, european fairy tales if not.
Give them good white friendly toys too like nerf guns and good pocketknives or multi tools
A leatherman or a good pair of quality boots could go a long way for a good underprivileged white kid for sure
You donate to ᛋᛋ Winterhilfswerk ᛋᛋ of course. They give you a sticker you can put in your window to show that you've donated. Families that opt out of helping their fellow men will suffer intense public humiliation.
I sincerely apologize for the first image. I took it from a kiked source and they blurred out the Reichsadler.
Another correction: It's the Pateiadler. If the eagle faces left, Reichsadler; right, Pateiadler. You learn something new everyday.
Theres no point to donating. These welfare scum go from shelter to shelter, food bank to food bank, etc and collect free shit, especially at Christmas. When I grew up in the 90s, the poorest people had more toys at christmas and their mothers bragged about how they got 3 turkeys and 2 hams and all new clothes at xmas by basically abusing the good will of others.
"Charity" used to mean something. Communities helped out those less fortunate. Charity today is a bunch of "non-profit" fuckfaces getting overpaid to produce less and for the most useless and morally bankrupt assholes to abuse and steal from those that are actually less needy. You have people with iphones, 300lbs, eat mcdonalds every day and smoke, drink and do drugs collecting your "charity". they dont work, they dont contribute, they just leach. most charities are owned by larger groups with ceo's making millions, employing friends and family in 100k+ jobs and abusing the fuck out of the tax free money they get as a non-profit.
socialism is a disease. no one needs hand outs today. they need to know what it means to be poor again. to be hungry. to do without. poverty should not be rewarded with luxury. yet that is the world we live in today. a corruption of christian community and moral values funneled into corporate scams.
Millennial here. When my died died, I was 19, working a good job, with a nice apartment and cute gf. After he died, I had to sell a bunch of his stuff to pay off his debts. He wasn't irresponsible, he just happened to be on of the first generations of men to be completely robbed of their lifes work and to die with DEBT instead of an inheritance to pass along. He built houses into his 40s, then became a draftsmen.. pretty successful.. Long story short, I'm currently homeless and jobless for various reasons, but your logic here is bullshit. Sure, there are millions of niggers, spics, and undesirable whites getting 'charity' and welfare.. Nothing we do will change that except accelerating the collapse… But there are also hundreds, maybe thousands of good folk out there on the streets because the system took everything from their families. I'm out here, like i said, for various reasons. I basically gave up working for a system that seeks to replace/destroy my race.. But there are others who are just down on their luck, like I once was, who still have hope in your capitalist system… Something to think about TL;DR not all homeless (whites) are worthless
Toys wont fix the crippling single mom problem.
Oh, user…you got fooled. I'm sorry.
Why not give them a book then? Culture of Critique or Siege?
Or we can take no fault divorce away so that dads will be there fir the kids?
This problem isnt something you can fix by dropping something off in a box
Yeah, it was a rough time.. Thanks for the sympathy anyway
sometimes I think I would like to get with a single mom so that kid can have a full time dad and not end up messed up like me but I know logically that is the worse thing I could do for myself single moms are the most crazy evil manipulative bitches in the world
How the fuck are you homeless? Why don't you go build yourself a house in the woods or something?
They won't be there. Niggers ruin everything. The divorce laws are there because niggers abused the system.
That's my plan. I guess I'm still in the city (not a big city so it's not horrible) because I have a girlfriend here, and some good friends still, and I exist just fine here, and basically shitpost IRL sometimes. But I definitely plan on leaving eventually, either after making up money for materials, or once I'm fed up enough of this lifestyle.
Not just that but u will end up paying her for that kid. U wont even be able to see the kid too.
So you're not actually homeless, like you don't sleep on benches and box cartoons?
How did his debt get passed onto you exactly?
Sorry user but local church groups are probably the best way. If you know anybody in them, ask if there's any family down on their luck who attends. Might be real weird getting them a gift so selectively. Alternatively donate to a overwhelmingly white country's charity, probably Eastern Europe.
break into their house through the chimney and leave the presents under their tree.
No, I sleep outside most of the time. I stay at my girlfriends sometimes, but I usually sleep outside in some ducked off spot not on a bench or something. Her whole family is Christian except her dad, and they don't approve of her 'seeing' me at all.. despite the fact she used to be a degenerate and now she's actually on a good path.
Honestly I don't know how that shit worked, but when I went back 'home' for the funeral services, my aunts and uncles were telling me about 'the debt', and that we had to sell some of my dads old things.. Technically it was on the whole family to pay it, but they let me decide what we kept and what we sold, as the only son, and a young adult.
check'd and kek'd
I don't think there's any legal means of doing that, unless he had a house and left it to you and you took over the mortgage. Other than that I don't see how there's any legal way to force family members to pay someone else's debt.
Do you have a sleeping bag? Can't you afford to buy a used car?
This was in Jew York State, I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but yeah, it was basically a 'death debt' as my uncle called it, and it definitely cost us a couple thousand.. (not that bad, but still) But like I said, I don't know much about it, maybe we did just get swindled by some kike lawyers or something, I have no idea. My Aunt and Uncle told me about it and showed my 'official papers' about it, but I was 19 and just lost my dad, so I wasn't being very critical about all that.
Yeah, I've got tarps, blankets, sleeping bag, and I wear mostly german surplus clothing/gear so I stay pretty safe from pretty much all weather
What happened to your mother? This happens in New York? Why don't you make a documentary about it or live stream your homeless life on youtube so you can get donations?
My mom was honestly a bit schizo, baptist christian moved to Texas to remarry. We still talk, but she's in no position to help me (despite her having a good amount of wealth from her husbands farming) That's a pretty good idea, tbh.. I've thought about it, but it just sounds so absurd, but I guess it really probably would work. I've managed to collect all sorts of convenient things like a smart phone with unlimited talk/text, and a laptop.. So I definitely could do that. I'll consider it.
Go fuck yourself. Theres no such thing.
With all the poison unleashed onto the white race by none other than (((them))) I always give white homeless people the benefit of the doubt.
get a Bluetooth portable box so people can donate text to speech, if you walk around in new york with it people will donate to hear their text out loud
No refunds.
Yeah, to be honest, there are a lot who are tweakers, or junkies, and I don't really sympathize with them a whole lot because I see them almost on a daily basis, and after a while you just feel like they're just slowly killing themselves.. But even those guys, I try to help and motivate to quit that shit. Point is I guess, there are some folks who literally only buy drugs, and who are criminals, but they're a very small minority of homeless whites. Most just drink alcohol, and the ones who over-do it are easy to spot.
I grew up going to a Salvation Army. Families used to come before Christmas and they would sign their kids up to get toys, they match what the kids want with what the donations are. Not only are there a shit load of niggers using this charity, but the organization itself is saturated with niggers and blandas. Going to summer camp every year a week at a time, there was already a lot of niggers but there were other segregated weeks where only niggers went. The Salvation Army tends to have it's bigger churches and operations in the city where there are nothing but niggers. Giving any resources to the Salvation Army at all directly goes to supporting niggers, philosemetic gatherings with tambourine troops, "sacred dance", brass bands, hymnals from the industrial revolution, and more fucking niggers. The Salvation Army is usually frequented by the lowest common denominator whites. Giving a gift to the Salvation Army would have a slim chance to actually reach a worthy white child. Your local Salvation Army will most likely host a children's musical the next few weeks, casually drop by and see for yourself the racial makeup. Almost everything the Salvation Army has is donated too, these niggers literally swim in pilee of free shit weekly. We had a gym at my church and it was always filled at one end with bread donations from the local supermarket, while rooms were allocated to the free shit they would receive and store away for another time. A good portion of time at a Salvation Army is literally going all the donated shit, only to be distributed to who the fuck knows, probably a nigger.
If I were to even part with my resources for contributing to the proliferation of this cheap Chinese consumer good money grab of a holiday, I would take the time to seek out some very white families very close to where I live. Don't give to any Jew worshipping organization that benefits niggers, or worse the kikes themselves
Not in NY anymore, I'm in the midwest now. I've thought about doing survivalism style videos, but including urban adventure and survival… That's what I'd probably do if I had a stream/channel
Do it faget, your videos could help a lot of people in your situation and you could make some shekels while you're at it.
Alright, I'll do it. All the dubs in this thread have convinced me.
Post your channel so I can sub.
For inspiration.
Whites don't take charity and the ones who do are degenerate. I never took unemployment even when I could have. Stiff upper lip.
Here's the link for my channel. Obviously, nothing on there yet, but I'll probably put at least one video up within the next week. Thanks for the inspiration, Zig Forums!
Do you know anything about video editing, do you have the proper software?
I mean, I know that youtube has it's own editing tool. Most of my stuff will probably be either simple vlogs, or a video tutorial kind of deal. I could look into better editing programs though, for adding text to videos and stuff.
If you're on Linux, use Blender or Lightwork, they're the best.
Actually giving gifts on the Winter Solstice festival is a European tradition.
Happy Saturnalia.
Why not try to go and work in the farm, if your mother's husband isn't an absolute cunt? If you're not useless, you'd get a roof over your head and honest work
Most programs which help "homeless" Americans, read niggers and yeah Whites included primarily also help illegal immigrants as well. Any program in the South West is expressly doing this.
I wish we could somehow help down trodden Whites but any major program will have its means going to fund the breeding of Mexicans.
What a terrible thing to say, that you're proud of your people…
…if you're white…
You pay into unemployment, you are entitled to the trust fund.
What is charity is welfare, WIC, and a million other programs the lazy can get, even if they have never paid a single dime to support those programs.
We have oldsters being brought into the states by their families, right now, that never paid into Social Security, for instance…but they are eligible to receive payments, which should never be.
I donate to my Aryan church. Only because I know they will only give out to other white non-Evangelical Lutherans.
Toys for Tots equals Toys for Thots
It's hilarious, isn't it?
If you're homeless, you now have a salable asset.
Not saying your idea isn't a good on, it's very good.
But it's also very ironic.
I am 38yr old white in Los Angeles. My son is 8. I am homeless while the rest of my family is indoors. my son has a shit life and is controlled by his hateful mom who made false charges on me forcing me on the streets and losing my job I had for 3 yrs. Any real help would be a blessing. I need a cheap car to sleep in and get a job. My PayPal email is [email protected]. he wants a Amazon tablet likes Legos and Minecraft. Send me a email I'll prove everything I say is true.
Here's what I'm planning to do:
Buy a gift obviously. I'll probably buy a few books with European fairytales. (No jewish media, no video games/electronics…something wholesome that pretty much any decent white family will appreciate). Go places you suspect there might be poor people. Most of them will be niggers and spics, but there's bound to be at least a few white people around. Make sure the child (and both parents, whether both are around or not) are all white. No coalburning single moms either, and no obese pieces of shit.
Then maybe just say "Hey this year I felt like going around giving out some gifts to kids around the neighborhood. Here's some stories he/she can read or you can read to him/her." I'm sure they'd appreciate it. That way a poor white child can learn about their own heritage from their parents on OUR European holiday. If you were poor, wouldn't you be thrilled to have a kind random stranger walk up to you and give your child a wholesome, positive gift?
Celebrating Christmas, the true Aryan way.
Go find a family sleeping in their van at back of Walmart parking lot. Or go inside and listen to white parents stressing about present money.
Approach them and say, I'd like to give a Christmas gift, I don't have kids of my own and don't trust charities. Here is a 100$ walmart gift card.
You could pick it up off the floor and say I think you dropped this card/cash. But some honest people will go turn it in at the front desk.
Merry Christmas
You intentionally decided to look at the front page.
That's the problem, he is. They've actually told me they 'want to help me', but because I'm not christian, and because I'm critical of Israel (they've heard some of what I think) they basically won't help me until I 'come to god', which to them is being a pro-zionist christian. I don't mind though, I hate to talk shit about my parents, but my father was the one who really raised me proper. My mom was just a nervous wreck, and didn't do a great job as a parent, to this day.. But I still love her.
Yeah, trust me, I know all about how our federal and state government handles 'poverty and homelessness' and it's seriously depressing. They actually go out of their way to help nog felons raise large families, and invest money into pro-black leftist social activism fundraisers that don't do shit for whites. It's really very fucked up, which is another reason I just gave up, and decided to live 'outside the system', while still being in the city… Definitely a great idea to get out of the cities though, sooner or later they will become death traps for anyone left inside.
Let me tell you how I know you are lying Chaim.
I'd love to hear it, faggot.
Obviously you haven't met many other humans, especially ones who've resorted to hard drug use/petty criminality. Hate to break it to you, but not every single shitty person is non-white.
Weird how that wasn't happening among whites until jews pumped drugs into their culture, took their money from them, and then sent their sons to die in wars. Of course, it's the always the white people's faults with you yids. Even drunkard whites in the Middle Ages were more respectable than shitskin royalty.
Fuck I miss those. The hours spending building shit was unreal. Now they even include electrical/motors for the older ages.
that's a brilliant idea, user. Being personally involved in ANY charitable contribution is better than virtue-signaling monies into a project that is just cover for organ harvesting pieces&parts for some 80-year goy blood drinking tay-sachs ridden rabbi any day; amiwrong tho?
Look up why that "vacation voucher" is not available in Oregon. It's a "vacation" that's really a timeshare presentation. Also the klezmer music in the ads gives it away for those who are jew aware.
I do this every year OP. Look for local white charities not (((charities))) like united way where the cockscuker CEO just funnels money to his family and friends. Toys for tots and adopt-a-family are good ones. Also claim that shit on your taxes, keep every nickle you can from the kikes.
I blame the draft. Forcing a white man to fight a kike's war was the biggest crime to humanity. The one's that don't get killed come back broken and addicted to shit.
What if you end up giving gibs to non-whites who just appropriate white names?
Idk where that is, but if you wanted to maximize the probability of giving gifts to poor whites, find the whitest and poorest region and give it to some charity in there.
yea but the trade-off is there there are no more toy stores for children to see this and get motivated.
You can use this map
- incomes & spending
- people in poverty
- by race or ethnicity
- white
Lego are jews. You can get super cheap sets from China.
Right Wing Charity Squads.
I have buckets and buckets of lego that I've stored, which my children will be forced to use. They've had the electric motor systems for quite some time though, I had an electric monorail set. Lego Technic is also great for older kids, and then Mindstorm for making little robots.
Lego are master race Danes. You really want your children to play with cheap toxic Chinese knockoff blocks?
I wonder the same thing OP and other then starting your own just try to look for a poor White family at a dollar store is the best bet. Or a local White run down trailer park.
Perhaps the hells angels or the kkk i know they both have them?
Just doing a local charity in a White area doesn't means its guaranteed to go to poor White kids. A blue collar White town i was visiting in a conservative 90% White area had pictures from the local toy drives in targets community board at the entrance. All the toys collected at these locally ran toy drives didn't give it to the large locally working poor Whites living in debilitated trailer parks. They drove it a hour south to give to only Niggers and Beaner ghetto kids. All the kids pictured were shitskins and the adults were (((women))). The worst part is you know the little shitskins don't appreciate it at all seeing a White people give them free toys. Instead mad you didn't give them a Nintendo switch and they don't have any potential for them ever to do the same when older. While personal experience with poor white kids is they take it to heart when a stranger gives them a toy and reflect on it when they are older.
So you can't trust locally ran toy drives.