For several months now, I've been working undercover at the European Jewish Parliament, a subversive organization owned by a kike billionaire. I am a low-level employee so far, but am trying to worm my way in deeper.
Anyway, these guys are bad business. They have contacts across the entire Europe. They look for important and powerful people, find out if they have Jewish friends, then recruit these friends to influence them. Or just take a shortcut and recruit influential kikes in the first place. Their support includes almost all Jewish communities infesting Europe, as well as many large kike orgs, like Simon Wiesenthal Center.
They have a habit of holding conferences and meetings either behind closed doors or in places where attention will be minimal. Their most recent one just finished - it took place in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, at an obscure hotel at the edge of the city. They discussed future plans, strategies and failures, and this is exactly what I'm going to tell you about.
1. They have by now realized that mass migration is working against them. Some of the members proposed just packing up and leaving for Pissrael, but the leaders shot them down by saying that all that influence in Europe is far too precious to throw away. So now they will slowly backpedal on shitskin imports in favor of "rebuilding Africa", aka sending your tax money as gibs so that kike-run charities would leech them. Next year, expect condemnation of mass migration from prominent Eurocrats and heavy promotion of Africa-based projects. It's creation of a new money sink for kikes to suck on.
2. They are shit-scared of right-wing parties rising in Europe, even the most milquetoast and cuckservative ones, like Swedish Democrats. They have completely lost control of the left - since lefties are no longer pro-communist as much as they are pro-mudslime and pro-Palestinian. Soros was condemned as a gambler playing with fire for trying to control them. Their new plan is to cozy up to the new right-wing parties and slowly poz and/or subvert them. Be very, very careful of any "right-wingers" attending or speaking at EJP-organized or any other kiked events, or attending meetings behind closed doors.
3. Attention! Marine Le Pen and her party are officially 100% pozzed. EJP's leader, Vadym Rabynovich, openly bragged that it was thanks to his meetings with her that she ousted her father from the party and said "if I discover that someone in my party is an anti-semite, he will be kicked out within 5 minutes". EJP considers Le Pen to be their main point of contact with the new European right-wing.
4. A particularly venomous kike, Shimon Samuels, made a speech in which he claimed that Jews are behind everything good in Europe, starting with Ancient Rome, continued with Magna Carta and ending with women's rights and racial equality. In the same breath, he condemned Palestinians for "stealing Jewish history" and equated that with genocide. Using this angle of media attack could prove very effective, especially considering that kikes have zero [non-fabricated] historical heritage connecting them with Pissrael. He also kvetched about the Malaysian PM, heavily so.
5. Kikes in Netherlands are extremely disorganized and there is a huge amount of infighting. The Dutch yid they invited said that they are "too busy playing political games with each other to do things that make them Jewish". Use this to your advantage.