IQ falls by 7 points per decade

IQ falls by 7 points per decade.

Read again: per decade

If trends continue, the average IQ will drop below 90 before you know it. And no one wants to stop those trends. Liberalism is crashing the future of whites headfirst into the ocean and we're being dragged along into the nightmare. After that, it's not unlikely that 250 IQ-engineered Chinese will turn us into subhuman cattle or something.


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Other urls found in this thread:

People will be as dumb as you?
Based stats always stay the same, nigger.

So used to shit posting. :)

I'm referring to feminism etc., you illiterate. Just do us all a favour and drive your car off a cliff, preferably into the ocean.


Even your hyperbole makes no sense, I should kill myself in machinery designed to protect the human body from high speed impact?
There's your problem, you are retardidoms.


Filtered, reported.

How long until the average iq is 30 and OP can have company?


maybe you should take that shitposting back to where it came from cuckchanner

pay your taxes whore

Does OP know what the difference between a decade and a generation is?
Kinda embarrassing in a thread about IQ.

Does this have anything to do with importing subhumans into the country?
100% it does.

who would have thought?

The real question is are white people getting dumber or are they just testing more mud people who are "Norwegian."

What do you think, idiot?


I came across these the other day.

5 Signs Humans Are Still Evolving

Humans Still Evolving as Our Brains Shrink

Why Have Our Brains Started to Shrink?

And the national French IQ fell a gorillion points due to "biological reasons" according to scientists

What is the point you are trying to making OP ?


ITT anons do their best to prove researcher right

linked from the same page
Noted authority says women now have higher IQ than men


Problem solved.

Properly formatted thread? Maybe there is hope against the 4cuck disease.

It's not all that unsurprising considering our current situation. Think for a minute about your average negro or sand monkey. Both, overall, have significantly lower IQ's across the board. This, as we all know is a given what with genetic, environmental and cultural factors. What has not been factored in on a long term scale however is the bending of the knee to allow these different strains of humanity to function in a high trust, high IQ European descended society.

I'll give an example from the British Isles. In Britain it was determined students were struggling with higher exams within last few years, I am unsure of the US equivilent but it concerned the age ranges of 16-18, mayhaps a kind American can enlighten as to the comparative tests. Regardless, it led to a "dumbing down" in some areas in order to allow for less vigorous pass requirements, all done hush hush you understand. Well what was *not* discussed by the (((media))) when this was happening was the demographic breakdown of those failing said tests. Full details were never officially released but analytical breakdown of data that *was* available showed schools in particular "urban" areas failed miserably, so much so that there was some under the table discussions on considering some schools being allowed to take tests in Arabic. You can easily guess the demographics of these locations such as Birmingham and large swathes of London. As an aside a rather entertaining way of disguising these tests was to claim "older generations could not pass these so clearly these tests are too hard!" which the media ran with for a couple of weeks. After said tests were leaked though suddenly it all went quiet on that front.

It is not just the recent arrivals though, rather entertainingly the negro population within Britain since the 70's, those that are somehow still considered "integrated" and "British" fared just as badly as the more recent arrivals on testing. A negro is a negro where ever you go apparently.

So what is the end result of this dumbing down for the "arrivals"? Well we recieve education systems which are tailored to these creatures. Where as a European child can operate in a structured, information driven environment by and large, negro and sand monkey children suffer under that and require it to be "hands on" and made simplistic. Oh, I know 4cuck and Reddit like to parade around that "Magic Space Negro" or "Le based ex Muslim activist from shitwallistan" but the proof of these examples being so desperate is the sheer fact their outliers. The reality is far different.

But of course, this is but one factor. Throw in a sprinkle of semetic concepts within media at large, the degeneration of European art and Music by said tribe, the adoration of negro sports players and you have the perfect mix of not only is it ok to be a low IQ simpleton but it's desired. And should you seek knowledge above your station do not stray too far from current dogma. Read about Lincoln, great, read about Rockwell, bad.

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Of course the happy spin masters come along to claim its due to evolution.
In clown world, the opposite of the truth is called "fact".
Whats really happening is we're devolving.

vegans undergo extreme depression and brain decay. The natural human diet is raw meat. Extinction will occur unless this is reversed. The Final Redpill. Unfortunately even anons are brainwashed on this one.

How about you read the fucking stuff linked in the OP? This data comes comes from drafttees doing compulsory military duty, so "hurrdurr shitskins" is not a sufficient explanation.

The average IQ is always 100, by definition.
However, the median/mode/average compared to previous median/mode/average is significantly lower.
This is why many non brainlets are increasingly of the opinion they are attempting to communicate with an entirely different species - "nigger cattle" as the late T.Davis eloquently put it.

t. not a brainlet.

>The average IQ is always 100, by definition.

future IQ's 100 average will be 90 measured in today's tests results fixing today's 100 average, dumbass

What do you think
meant, or did you fail to read nigger brainlet?

Yet i bet my savings they won't offer any racial information regarding the IQ test, specifically the fact that more imported subhumans have participated in the IQ test than a decade ago.

Or just stop watching porn and start reading.

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The study by the team consisted of analyzing IQ test results from young men entering Norway's national service (compulsory military duty) during the years 1970 to 2009.
Reading is fucking hard. Also somebody named Berg = must be da JOOOOS.
In a fucking Nordic country. an you even tie your shows without help?

This is no wonder if you know anything about animal breeding and it also validates the theories of the early pioneers in racial hygiene. Other studies have found similar results so I would say that the science is settled. Note that this study has so little diversity that it cannot be explained by anything else than decay in the indigenous norwegian stock.

Inorganic estrogen in plastics, most people are exposed to these even if they do will it. The water supply, bottled water. Microwaveable containers.
Men are getting more retarded, as women are.

The only solution is to nuke the gook.
Yeah seriously though, 7 points per decade is related to the quantity of shitskins being imported. White IQ will drop, but not by 7 points per decade.

5/10, no rifle and shovel on the top end, what a useless dumbass multi tool

What's the % of shitskins in Norway?

None of those things will fix your genetic nigger IQ level

Women are only breeding with low IQ men.

The solution: take away women's rights


Kek, refugee from cuckchan? I'll eat a broom if those two aren't Kikes. Also, look at pic related immigration of Norway, within the last decade timeframe in which IQ sunk immigration literally doubled.

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Intelligence doesn't stay the same you moron.

Immigrants only make up like 9% of the population, your IQ is dropping you wigger beta male.

Several factors Vox Day pointed out about this a few days ago:
>smarter women not making as many babies as they used to, instead opting for being careerist whores that sometimes don't pay their taxes
And some additional things I think probably factor in:
It's also worth pointing out that there are differences in brain structure between men and women. Phytoestrogens and other dietary materials could be causing male brains to develop in a more feminine manner (e.g. stronger corpus callosum, less gray matter). This would certainly impact IQ averages because men normally have greater IQ variance than women do.

but you're right, it's literally impossible for the mean IQ to go anywhere, anyone who believes otherwise believes in magic.

This is a fucking stupid argument. If people today can't make the non-normalized scores that they could 40 years ago, IQ is dropping, even if the numbers are the same because they are averaged and graded on a curve (normalized).

Solution to all problems: Mass die off
Maybe the Oregon guide stones weren't so bad after all.
If you lowered the population, you get a highly competitive environment, which requires smarter people. The smaller population wouldn't be able to do as we do today, with thots making their income from snapchat, or youtubers banking from subs. No, people would actually have to compete, and those who fail to compete would be left behind. Think of it as removing the imperfections in a metal via crucible.

haha "smart" womyn
Intelligence is GENETIC. The only way to produce smart people is through reproduction with an intelligent male. Think about this, are women attracted to smart men.

Intelligence is never a factor, behavior is. Which is where deliberate mal-education comes in: More intelligent men seem to tend towards accepting those lessons more easily and thus turning into soyboys.

I don't think we're actually disagreeing here.

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Well, it must obviously be over 9000% among military draftees to explain this decline because WHITE PEOPLE ARE FUCKING MAGIC and can't possibly succumb to dysgenic effects.

And how would these dysgenics come into effect in the first place? The genetics of a population should remain stable if the environment is stable as well.

OP is a fag who can't actually read, but the Norway study does show that modernity has a dygenic effect beyond the importation of third world detritus. Feminism and cultural marxism ensure that the highly intelligent, especially highly intelligent women, no longer reproduce, dropping the nation's average IQ. MGTOW faggotry aside, we need to recognize that feminism is attack on our women, to make them hate fulled sterile worker slaves who hasten the collapse of nations. The US IQ decline over the last 30 years has been similar (7 - 10 points), but it has also dropped because there are now tens of million South American invaders with IQs in the low 90s.

The guide stones want a small elite of high IQ aristocrats ruling over easily controlled mixed race goy slaves. Also, a lower population leads to less competition overall, but more emphasis on jobs that maintain the infrastructure of society.


Not accounting for race is one thing – they're going to do that, regardless, but, did anyone else find it odd how they suddenly jump to the decline of consumption of fish as being a possible contributor?
Are they trying to find solutions to the problem, or, merely verifying the methods by which they've been intentionally inflicting this upon the native populace?

Commong Core
If you've spent any time on here, you've probably seen a thread about it.
Here's the kosher explanation of it, to give you an idea of how they sold it:

Not gonna bother greentexting any of that because vid related is all you need to know.

The point is 9% of shitskins only account for a 2-3 IQ drop, the remainder of the 9 lower IQ is due to poor genetics

another worthless faggot

Of course intelligence is a factor, women don't want a man more intelligent than them. They gravitate to men who share similar opinions and have the same level of intelligence as them.

And intelligence doesn't make you a soyboy - where in the world did you learn that?


I'm fine with that. The Chinese hate niggers and mudslimes just like we do.

(Pic related) is what the last half of that sentence you quoted meant.
Are you willing to gamble the fate of your descendants on the benevolence of the yellow jew?

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bump for thread with actual effort put into it

Thats just the point, the norwegian environment has undergone radical changes the last 250 years. Let me explain by example: 250 years ago during the War of Independence white americans lived in an agrarian society trying to survive the little ice age. Technology level was late iron age. Life was hard. Present day white americans live in a decaying semi-post industrial empire enjoying the warmth from a normal sun. Technology level is present day. The same change in environment has happened everywhere where there are white people.

An average 40 year old white american from 1776 would be skinny, short, toothless and visibly worn down by his harsh life compared to an average modern 40 year old white bloatmerican but he would score far better on any IQ metric despite being stinky, ignorant and backwards because he would possess far more high-IQ genes than his decayed descendants.

The problem is that smart white people have a fertility rate of 1.0 while averages have 1.5 and dumbasses have 2.5 (numbers are for illustration purpouses only). The Flynn effect seems to be related to earlier brain maturity caused by indoor lightning, so it is really just a fluff effect.

If you go by the Flynn effect then people back in the days of George Washington would have been negro-tier dumb which obviously was not the case because they went on to research and develop the modern world from nothing. What we see today is that the brains of average white people mature so fast and to such small size that even despite the flynn effect test scores start to drop. That is seriously bad.

This is Norway, not Amexica.

Two good reasons we see a decline are.

1. porn addiction and addiction to masturbation will lower your IQ score.
2. Over eating and eating unhealthy will also do that.

(((welfare states))) pay for single mothers on the bottom rung to breed.

Pic Related from Article

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Lurk for two years, nigger

At least the rest are also falling so we'll still be on top. We can just level up again.

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Show me a nigger who buys into the post-modern feminism bullshit. That ideology only affects college-level men. Not to say that you need to be super smart for college these days, certainly not, but it seems to me that low intelligence creates a certain resilience towards bullshit like that.


The people who went ahead and discovered new technologies were always a minority and still are today. A real decline only set in after about 1950. Look at any highschool-level test from before that period and tell me those didn't require decent intelligence.

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Yeah precisely. An IQ drop of 7 points (1/2 standard deviation) is catastropic at the high end while filling the low end with morons. The average victorian had, by todays normal, an IQ of 115 and had a far higher drive to succeed. A smart one had an IQ of 145! Maxwell and the likes of him must have been up towards 160 or more. Such people do not exist today.
An average victorian soldier would have been considered special forces material today by his brains alone. If you read accounts of battle actions, shipwrecks etc from that day you will notice the high amount of inititative and the clever solutions to life threating problems people came up with. These people were way better than the white people of today. Devolution is real.

u will never take an IQ test, u fag.

the IQ debate in a nutshell:




Those are all incredibly easy and only require the basic geometry I know by the sixth grade.

Actually this the opposite of the case. The lower classes have been less likley to breed since about 1900, indeed the only population in any industrial nation which has an above replacement birthrate are rural conservative whites in the USA who have more STEM and technical degrees both in total and per capita than liberal whites. Even spics and saracens stop breeding after a generation of exposure to bread and circuses. Only those resistant to modernity are breeding. It doesn't seem to collate with IQ at all once racial factors are accounted for.

Well firstly the Flynn effect appears to be total bullshit and an artifact of them using different tests rather than standardizing them and changing the testing environments. Secondly no, even the seminal works of the past are actually based on pretty basic observations of readily encountered phenomena. The truth is that we've eaten all the low hanging fruit so now it takes hundreds of times more man-hours of observation to collect pertinent data to create more refined models, and that is without libshits and kikes fucking up the entire peer review system so that it is now a joke and networking research is nigh impossible. And we are dealing with observations increasingly removed from our macroscopic scale and thus the models have fewer practical applications. Physics at the sub-Plank and supercluster scale means almost nothing to us, it doesn't for example let us make a more powerful bomb.

The article is just trash and I can't determine anything about the sampling methodology because it is all behind a paywall. I can get data from the gss which includes IQ tests which were standardized in the 40s, they have in fact shown no significant variation within racial groups though the period sampled and have a sample set of over twenty thousand tests for every five year survey.

86 is the mean for Mexishits, the spics south of them are actually worse.

What I'm getting from this article, others like it, and the usual bullshit in this thread is the same ideal speculation I've seen before. I can't say the IQ of the distinct racial categories isn't decreasing for certain but the breeding trends don't support the assertion and what longitudinal data is available doesn't display any such trend.

Of course the jews will blame Aryans somehow.

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muh based niggers!
You cuck.
That's absurd
It doesn't, the term you're looking for is CHARACTER.

It's funny how you assume high IQ = soyboy because you're of a lower intelligence yourself. Wise men will always be worth a million times more than the average loser and low brow men are basically women

I'd be curious if we can break down how much of this is due to stupid non-whites immigrating / breeding more often than whites, and how much is due to white people actually getting dumber like worse education / bad brain nutrition / toxins.

So you have no arguments then. Okay.

What they don't say in the report is not that "people are getting dumber," but that we're importing niggers and Arabs. There are lies, damned lies, and statistics, to quote a famous Jew.

In this norwegian case the influce of immigration is too low to really affect the outcome, and the decline in white IQ is caused by genetics, not environment.

Reading is for early childhood, you filthy casuals.

They won't. Evolution takes eons, and we have lost much from 2000 years of kike dominion starting with christ insanity. Hopefully this shit can be fixed with genetic engineering.

Except people ARE GETTING DUMBER and the massive increase in support for interracial marriage is proof of that.

You post the same shit that's already been posted in the thread multiple times - you're just coping.

only one solution remains

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I blame dysgenics.
We should never have sullied our pure male blood by mixing with women.


That's the rate of miscegenation as well.

Niggers pretending to be Mexicans

You're the moron loading the area with niggers and mudskins

Makes sense. Whether on Zig Forums, youtube, or anywhere else I post comments, I'm confronted with people who can't comprehend simple information. It's like they have some sort of mental barrier, and they constantly loop around, saying the same things over and over. Whether it's a shit-skin or a white person, I'm constantly having to deal with these people. This is what happens when you remove natural selection. This is what happens when filth are allowed to multiply under the comfort of a protective civilization. We need eugenics. It's not like this wasn't expected. I'm so god damn sick of talking to people about anything because no one can comprehend anything these days. It doesn't matter how I try to explain shit, people just don't get it. It's infuriating. There's too many stupid people alive today.


No, you have it backwards.
You think there's less competition in China and India?

One euthanasia coming right up!
But in all honesty, OP is correct, but if you needed a fucking thread to tell you that, then you're probably going to be a part of that statistic. The jews WANT a cattle race, so of course they would be working towards low average IQ. Fuck.

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The Jews have succeeded in turning almost everyone into a NPC nigger.

Regardless of race the average person you run into these days online or in the real world is a fucking retarded narcissist that only cares about muh dikk, muh poosy, muh social media, muh manufactured political drama, etc, etc.

With nigger retards its all about stuntin and lookin good, fuck all dat educashun boo shit.

And again THAT my friends is not just niggers but your average individual these days regardless of race.

What a sickening "brave Jew world" we live in.

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And then their children are considered natural born citizens.

Reported for spam.