Infact Swedes are the most rightwing people in the west
Your demoralisation of sweden yes memes have done little to help
Instread you have created not only a youth of nazis but a large population that wants to leave our beloved Sweden
Infact Sweden has allways been hated due to our wars we had especially with The east Europe, especially Poland, which had two Swedish Kings over it, very Buthurt, not to speak Russia, which was founded by Swedes
Now, let me tell you
The leftwingers, the normies in sweden is more based than you will ever be Zig Forums
Infact race mixing among Ethnic Swedes is non existant, i have never seen it, and looking upon national data we can find out quickly that even counting in rapes for a swedish woman of ethnic origin to mix with a Foreigner is below 1%, and this 1%, is majority of Polish and slavic immigrants in sweden having intercorse with these Animals from Africa
Infact the racial consciousness in Sweden very great,
I have a brown haired Swedish Friend, and elders refer to him as, the guy with the brown hair but is still white
The level of that is beyond anything Zig Forums can ever achieve
Heres out latest mainstream views at the moment [YouTube] Svenska nyheter - Rasism mot kineser (embed)
Where a swedish comedian of SVT is openly racist against Chinese, telling them to stop defecating in the Open, talking down to these insectoids of the east like they are kids, and threathening them with Violence, and this is mainstream,
While Sweden is openly Leftist liberal, and we proclaim the equal worth of all man, we do this becouse of Bussiness reason and image, infact the entire globe is looking upon as the absolute Standard of Humanity and it works as proven by the little mixing we have herre It would not have it any other way
So yes Zig Forums you are pathetic in your tries against the Land of the Svear & Goth
Infact you, Zig Forums Many of which are what we swedes would consider to be shitskin — part 1/2
And throughout history Us Swedes have completely dominated You shitskins, infact Sweden conquered the Roman Empire and held it through 300 years, A small amount of people doing this
absolutely dominating you
Infact the Historians descibed us as tall as trees and beutifull to look upon
But now, your all butthurt shitskins
Infact going on here all i see is nord hate, you can sympathize with Brazilians Algerians and Iranians in your hate against us Nordics of Scandinavia
You are completely off the Hook
Infact you shitskins of pol is bigger thread to white genocide than that of Immigrants of the middle east
Pic related the empires of the Goth tribe of Sweden
And let me not even start with these fucking swede cuch posters i see on pol, all they can speak about is how shit their country is and taxes are bad and how denmark is beter, or how their gonna migrate to Poland
Well guess what idiot
We deal with Traitors first
And about Poland?
Its to be flooded with 30 million shitskins in the coming years, you jump from safe sweden to a third hole shithole due to fucking fox news propaganda
And Denmark?
Have higher taxes than us, have no racial consciousnes either, infact thedanes have sex with niggers, like germans or britts and the Norwegians?
Highest taxed nation in the west
And their populace has been replaced in the goddamn Black plague, they are no longer nordic
And about these goddam ammerimutts of mixed heritage with a nation thats less than 50% white thinking they are being superior to us despite being massmurdered in the streets and schools
guess what Sweden is superior to you, and whatever ancestor you might have was conquered by us
Infact gun Ownership in Sweden is the second highest in the west only next to America due to their goddamn Israeli Military industrial complex they have higher
Infact you shitskins would do anything to be born Swedish
Did you oost this while getting tag teamed by Jamal and Abdul?
Joseph Bailey
This is even worse to clump together Germans and Swedes, these goddamn nazis of the 40s ruined the entire concept of national identity fueled in by Amerimuts wanting to sympathize with European nations
Oh, sorry. I couldn't remember a typical swedish name. German was easier, since they're actually a meaningful country, not "the place where IKEA is from".
Thomas Cook
Give me a fucking break you illeterate brainlet
Let me tell you
in the 80s, we had the third biggest airforce in the entire world
and out military was the top 5 biggest ones
Infact france has never been great since the days of the gauls
your french identity given to you by The Frank tribe from Scandinavia
It's "illiterate". Just goes to show how great your dump is, when they don't even teach you subhumans proper English.
William Watson
Josiah Stewart
NAZIS NAZIS NAZIS This is swede cucks can enjoy the nigger dicks they imported. You know why "race mixing" is rare? Because swedes are post modern liberal degenerates always on the pills and on the rubbers.
Chase Mitchell
Zachary Watson
Anthony Brooks
Keep on laughing you little kid
Whatever ancestors you might have you shitskins you were conquered
I mean, it's Karl Marx not Jarl Markus for a reason dud.
Lincoln Thompson
And why do you hate the french so much?
Justin Wood
Big mouthed
If they hold their shitskins mouths we can together as we have in the past, infact French and Russians are the only ones in Europe i can actually stand
OP is a kike and likely about as Swedish as Shaka Zulu. I knew a few people from Sweden, in my “shitty country” on a work visa. Ya know, because people go to other nations for work when their own country is doing great. They told me it’s basically like the memes say in large cities but out in the rural parts it’s very white. I don’t know what % of non-whites they have overall but I bet it’s not above 15%. In other words, not too late to turn around but the government, cities, normalfags, all pretty cucked just like anywhere else. OP is just trying to get us to shit on Sweden so we’ll infight. It’s what they fall back to when nothing else is going on. Watch carefully for it, don’t fall for it.
Mason Campbell
don't be so butthurt. all white nations including Sweden have bright pasts and WILL have a proper future, but don't delude yourself, in its current form all white countries in one way or another is a disgrace. ALL OF THEM. stop playing the 'my country is less cucked than your country' game. we are all cucked nations right now
Jonathan James
Still waiting on those demographic statistics OP, unless you're a massive fagget.
Ayden Foster
You watch yourself down there
Jason Peterson
i constantly see mudsharks and legbearded feminists and soylent goyim and the fact that this teenaged schizo sven thinks that haplogroups is the same as overall genetics is retarded beyond belief the reason for the nordic blue is that the corded ware and bellbeaker indoeuropeans didnt kill all the huntergatherer/neolithic farmers wich resulted in alot of indo european women intermarried with the native males wich would make the nordic males during the late neolithic infact anticucks. they are genetically however very indo europe Op is a faggot and needs to be shoved down a bog
Matthew Ramirez
Colton Rodriguez
Theres not a single argument in that just Butthurt
This is why Zig Forums is for brainlets your all a bunch of shitskins with genetic science done in the fucking 40s a time where they didnt even know what DNA was
Make no mistake, the Swedes are a glorious nation being destroyed by their state. The same can be said for any Europid nation. We must all stand together, any attempt at generating in-fighting is a divide and conquer tactic by a snivelling jew.
Thank you swede, I will always feel better knowing I'm not a gigantic homo like you who gets this mad from a single meme. Every swede might not be a nigger but they sure as hell are a bunch of women and your bitching just goes to prove that.
James Mitchell
Everyone shits on Sweden constantly and no one calls it d&c but when a swede shits on you Its always d&c. The mutt meme is a good example and shows that Americans cant take what they dish out
Isaiah Brown
he's wrong btw feminism and niggers a rapant problem here i cant go on the bus in gothenburg without seeing atleast 5 niggers at a time and way too much sandniggers to count and every swede i see looks misarble as fuck when taking the bus
Noah Lopez
Jason Green
Sage. This is an entire thread of banter. Swedes can act more manly if they want to be seen as such, end of story.
Leo Rodriguez
Samuel Rodriguez
Fucking coding in this place is horrible, but your completely right, These Amerimutts cry divide and conquer and jews if every criticism of them
Pathetic people
Caleb Anderson
And you banter my ass
These amerimutts have a large pole up their ass for being called out for their double think
Connor Thompson
You're not making arguments, just pathetic insults to great peoples based on their genetics. The Swedish state is cucked, that does not mean the Swedish nation is. I did not insult Swedes once, only you, because you're a jew.
Like all jews, you have a very low IQ and are dishonest.
Nation =/= State. The Swedish people are great. The Swedish state is not. Not an American btw.
Benjamin Gray
Still waiting on those demographic statistics OP, unless you're a massive fagget
Cameron Adams
I hope a Palestinian castrates you mr. shekelberg.
Caleb Thomas
Lmao i see threads shitting on swedes and "Sweden YES" memes all over the board and No one ever calls it d&c
Ian Rogers
Ill tell you what
I stop bullying you and your shitskin people the day you stop uttering a single negative word about Sweden
But i doubt you can do this, shitskins like yourself are blinded with Hatred
Jayden Green
reported and global reported. Nothing worse than a little inbred jewish faggot trying to larp as a white man, and start fights between white nations. Larping as a white man online is the closest he can get to masculinity, as his jewish wife cucks him for Palestinian men.
"YES" memes aren't only targeted at Sweden, and they are targeted at their jewish run government, not the actual swedish people. All the Yes meme means is that the government is fucking up. I haven't seen anyone hate on sweden, and i've been on Zig Forums all night. You are the only one pushing D&C memes from cuckchan.
Blake Myers
You are making the jew op look correct when you post literal cuck porn disguised as a meme. If you like cuck stuff go back to cuckchan with that shit.
Aaron Morgan
Here we have a good example, if it is targeted at the government Why is it spammed on this imageboard where no one from the government is? It serves only one purpose and that is to ridicule White swedes
Josiah Cooper
How many banners here are yours? I can claim 3.
Now run along with your little bitch accusations that everyone is from cuckchan like some Swedish faggot.
Hunter Stewart
So our demoralisation worked and got you to get your act together, huh? I guess there are happy endings after all!
Well maybe if the Swedes didn't let themselves get cucked to death we wouldn't mock their asses. Let's face it, Sweden is as cucked a country as they come. The people are doing shit to save themselves from the leftists. They earned that reputation until they actually stand up for themselves. I'd like them to prove us wrong, but until then, Sweden = leftist cuck fest.
Brayden Campbell
You are just talking out of your ass, america is much more cucked
Landon Evans
Still can't prove that Swedistan is white huh? == Where's the demographic statistics, f
Levi Ross
I'll give you that. It looks like some of those memes are meant to demoralize whites. Guess I was wrong. That being said, you do not need to attack southern Europeans. It is likely kikes, or nigs posting this type of shit, not other european brothers. I am pure Norwegian ancestry, living in America, all white brothers must stick together. If you are swedish, you are focusing your anger on the wrong targets.
How many black cocks do you have saved on your hdd as "memes". You are also using reddit spacing, so perhaps you should go back to reddit. My mistake.
Elijah Phillips
See that little corner where Spain and France meet? Yeah NEVER FUCKING CONQUERED only sold
Logan Thompson
Every euro nation is being flooded with shitskins, and guess what, Trump is calling them dreamers and always talking about how much he is going to help them. Every white nation is fucked right now, there is no point in falling for the D&C.
There will come a time when when we can uncuck ourselves. Americans might get mocked in the world as being overweight and stupid, but we're armed to the fucking teeth. We can be straight barbaric when the time comes.
Hudson Gomez
Jonathan Price
It is both d&c, if you can't see that then you shouldn't be here.
Joseph Martin
Why is "sweden YES" memes posted here all the time without anyone calling it d&c then?
Isaiah Williams
You know who's the most triggered by Sweden YES memes? imphaggy. He used to ban a shitload of people for claiming D&C against whites, and he's not even fucking white, he's a shitskin.
I wouldn't be surprised if one of these people is him.
Joshua Edwards
Apparently Its ok to call swedes cucks and mock them every chance you can but if you dare post an amerimutt meme you are a kike and a shill
Isaac Flores
What does that have to do with anything you are mocking other whites for no reason at all and then you have the nerve to say no more brother wars while mocking every white in sweden
Justin Bell
You can't be unraped friend, you can merely try to move on with honour.
Are you seriously suggesting that whites can't be mocked? I don't see it as a "whites", I see them as leftists. So yes, I'll mock all leftists irrespective of skin color. They are traitors and should all be necked.
Julian Johnson
You have to go back
Jonathan Hernandez
Cameron Phillips
I see it almost everyday and I don't even go out very often.
Elijah Price
I'm against all leftists, I don't care if they're American or other. Some of those leftists happen to be traitor whites.
Samuel Williams
Now tell me who has more leftists?
You Or Sweden?
Infact this leftism was started by mutts in the 60s
Kevin Collins
As a percentage of the population, Sweden.
Xavier Lopez
We werent talking about leftists we were talking about the demorilization campaign here to mock swedes every chance possible while screeching shill at all amerimutt memes
Aiden Torres
whatever Mahmoud Svenberg. You will never be as pure as us Norwegians anyway. Thanks for taking our jews in ww2 btw lol.
But if the police and institutions are the cucked ones why is it spammed on this imageboard where none of them browse? The only people browsing here are racially aware white swedes and all you do is mock them
Elijah Thompson
Daniel King
Robert Scott
Angel Sanchez
I only post those style of memes in a reactionary sense when a European tries to take a moral high ground, pretending they are better off than the US.
Landon Gray
All of you fags stop bumping this, OP obviously isn't even from here.
Evan Flores
Its still posted all over the board unprovoked and no one calls it d&c or fights against it while you all claim to want to ensure the future of the white race