We're staying in the Middle Easy
He's not a stepping stone, he's a road block. A radioactive, cancerous road block.
Trump will get elected and remain in office for Israel's sake.
Sooo disappointed in this fucking traitor. I guess I'm the idiot though for believing in him
thanks for informing me user
At least we're not protecting our own borders while 5K US troops play wet nurse to illegal immigrants helping DHS maintain kike optics
Daily reminder that if you want a new identity, all you need to do is go to the border and pretend you're a refugee.
It's like restarting the game you call life if your current life is shitty. And you get the bonus of getting a lot of starting help: tent housing, food, learning English, getting a GED, etc
well then, please lead us by example and kill him.
Fuck at this point I dont even have anything to say. Could he be anymore obvious about how much he craves jew cock in his gullet?
Checked for truth.
Every single cartoon frog posting spastic needs to die if we're to ever shake off the shackles jews have clamped on the world
It's starting to get ridiculous, this orange kike will never fulfill any of his promises. Trump was and always will be a mistake, a big fat mistake
and another sharenigger thread.
sage, report, hide
Who's more likely to take him out, Mossad or disappointed MAGAturds? He just doesn't want to end up like JFK.
Maybe tweet this at Iron Ann? She doesn't seem to give a fuck about Mossad.
More whites dying for him, $38b for Israel Military budget and $3.5b annually. Israel getting bigger walls while US gets nothing. but at least MAGA, right?
It's like jewish poison is slowly seeping into his brain more and more and "America first" is turning into "Israel first"
It's just another 4D chess move guys!!!!! These kushnershills are so fucking stupid to think we'll believe trumps shit
Is this 86D chess?
And now the fucking shills finally have nothing to stand on.
Or we are very close to a world war and keeping troops in important places on the Eurasian continent is strategically important for being a dominant power at the beginning of the war. Or, even just as a preventive measure.
You realize to fight a war with most anyone in Eurasia we will need troops on the ground in their continent.
In a nutshell, you guys are fucking idiots.
Fuck off, Kushnerbot.
Your kind isn't welcomed here.
Trump is my president and you're a degenerate traitorous coward. You'll hang too.
The Trump Train was always an esoteric metaphor for the cattle cars carrying the remaining Whites in the USA to their Holocoaster-style deaths.
And you
Suck my dick, golem.
Go die for Israel.
What retard would want to start a new life in Weimerica?
I'm a better patriot than you'll ever dream to be. Fuck off the Trump train, flip flopper, no loyalty, "I can no longer support how he's fixing our economy and securing our borders CUZ I THINK HE LIKE DA JEW!", pseudo-immigrant. If you hate my president GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY.
So was King Nigger.
Yes, yes, more wars for muttmerica. And frankly, I welcome global destablization at this point.
What happened to America First, user?
sage sharenigger threads
We didn't put Obama in office, we put Trump in. I don't have any duty to stand and fight for his ideals because I didn't push him into office. How many of you were memeing him and voted for him? How many of you are so irresponsible that as soon as he is not 100% of what you expected, you drop him and start trying to work against him instead of working together as a country UNDER THE PRESIDENT WE CHOSE (if you didn't then we were never on the same side). If so, then your level of responsibility and obligation of duty for your actions/what you've preached is nonexistent. If that is the case, stand on the line and prepare for gunfire. I don't plan on working hard to make my country great for traitorous, lazy, flipfloppers. I'd rather see your resource wasting collection of carbon return to the Earth. One less person to have to deal with to make America TRULY GREAT.
He is America first. This thread is full of cowardly traitors refusing to stick and work with the man we worked to put in office.
this post makes a lot of sense
Absolute state of amerimutts.
Die for America. Not Americans, you guys here are not worth my used chewing gum. I'll die for the rise of a global super empire that can become powerful enough to essentially run the world. That's America. If America falls, think of how many decades to centuries it will take for another country to reach our level of world domination potential.
So in essence, I'd die for a cause and dream. What are you willing to die for?
israel isn't America, retard.
Wrong faggot. "we" worked to ruin hillcunt's career and make libshits kvetch, this isn't a GOP forum fuckface.
Last pics.
Muttmericas are a bane upon the amerimutts themselves. Just hear your babble. "Fight for Muttmerica, NOT AMERICANS". You fight purely for a state that imports shitskins to replace YOU and you are proud of that. Or maybe you are shitskin yourself thinking the kikes won't put you in chains like they did millions of their own soldiers after 1945 in WW2.
Don't even respond to these kushnerbots, just report and hide. People are starting to wake up to rabbis trumps shit, he'll be kicked out of office soon
You're a fucking idiot if you wouldn't be supporting Iran, Syria, Russia, and even North Korea in a war against the Zionist Occupied Government of the United States of America.
Put MAGAnigger hat onto the mutt larper, and it'll be perfect
A future for White children. You aren't White, are you?
And you're uneducated on the art of war.
Done here. Y'all traitors, kill yourself before I die, cuz I dont wanna die for your prosperity. Eurocucks against Trump, well, you have to be dominated by us one day. May as well hate our great leader and country preemptively. Because of our troops in Eurasia, along with all of our military bases, you weak former empires would crumble before the Great American Might.
All you Patriots here. Fight for America, not Americans. America's best interest is humanity's best interest.
Yeah, you're not White.
I'm one of the (you)s. I'll support trump if it's against someone worse. I will not buy into this retarded personality cult. I won't disparage White americans that haven't earned my dislike. Ignorance is very common right now so that's somewhat excusable.
I hope you get Hamas'd, rabbi.
On the off-chance you're sincere and deluded:
The american dream is dead. These jews killed it, but that's just fine. It was only ever a dream.
Trump is a means to an end at best. You should seriously rethink your life. Patriotism without purpose is just foolishness. You don't care what this country represented, you're just a sad person who is easily ensnared by rhetoric. Go die for israel.
The only traitor here are kike firster traitors like you.
Can the mods please contain Trump news/twitter posts in a single general
We need mods to remove these blatant pro trump shills, make them not welcomed here
Wars are supposed to be waged TO YOUR BENEFITS, not for a fucking zog entity looking to replace you with spics, you stupid fucking subhuman.
I fucking wish you do it, mutts. I double dare you niggers.
Lul. Dad wut an SJW wood say. xDDD
Checked, but you will never be White.
We get it you're a cuck.
Back to cuck chan for you. Dont you have some BBC pics to post?
have a template
Calling it a forum shows how much you don't belong here trumpnigger
Such 4D chess
Based trump
Thanks. Any anons with finer hand want to put a real cuck cap on the mutt larper's head?
Someone has gotta make a le based MAGA mutt version
Trump brings attention to Jews and indirectly names them all the time, if anything this is another tip top opportunity to drop redpills about Israel on social networks you stupid nigger.
Trump will lose the next election, mark my words. Democrats are way better at handling this terrorist pariah state.
But do you know why Trump will lose? Right now he can faux kvetch about the illegals and caravan but in the same mutilated kike cocksucking breath of his he pardoned a kike who used illegal spic labor and fucked over real Americans. He basically screamed he supported illegals and criminals. The moment the Democrats bring this up 2020, he's finished because he has nothing. No policy that benefits Americans, no wall, no supporting his supporters in court, no promises. Hypocrite and a liar just like king nigger but with no backing.
As long as the Democrats do not run a clown like the current roaster we do know, they will win. They just need to pull out someone nobody has ever heard of before and is white and 'clean' there is zero chance ZOG traitor Trump will win. I hope to God the Dixiecrats return and someone out there crushes the GOP Evangelical base which is really all they have left with redpills straight from the Bible and Christ.
(((Trump))) lost my vote– Israel first, I guess.
Another 4D move by trump i guess. face it, you were duped by this kike
That doesn't matter much to the kosher sandwich, if Trump gets reelected in 2020 it'll definitely mean a Democrat victory in 2024 because of how liberal democracy just switches back and forth, that's why the midterms worked the way they did, also for many states that election year will be the last time Republicans (White people) can win against Democrats (non-white people) in many counties.
To be honest, this doesn't seem like much. I'm not even sure what he's saying. He's saying we don't have to stay but there's a reason to stay. Obviously, if he was really in with the Jews he wouldn't even be saying we shouldn't be there.
Trump does this shit a lot where he says two things that completely contradict each other at once, so half the time I don't even have the first clue what the hell he's even thinking or doing.
Democrats will choose someone to maximise the female, Christian and spic vote. Most likely some beaner Catholic goblina.
The only good thing about Trump is that either it's 3D chess or he's too stupid to shut his mouth and not give the game away; either way, we win. Other Presidents did everything for the Jews, but they never outright stated it. Trump is dumb enough (or smart enough) to actually come out and say the things that were only hinted at before, things we knew, but the average pleb didn't. That's a good thing. Trump certainly isn't a pressure valve, but a blockage that increases the pressure, and when it blows, we win.
Reasons why every single MAGApede must die
Exhibit #6,000,001
And at this point, would it even be any worse? at least when they kick him out of office, we'll be rid of these trump niggers shitting up this board
Everyone report this turd
oh well
I love you user
Once again another fucking thing maga faggots can't defend.
you'll never kill anybody. It's proven over and over again that people with these crazy violent fantasies are always losers who backdown to everyone in real life. That's why you stroke your cock to murder so much, because you're a powerless worm IRL.
Trumpcucks are pathetic.
You better hurry before he grabs your guns Amerispastic, only you won't as your rights to bear arms against a tyrannical government hasn't been actioned despite Trump false flagging you retards to the point where the most based and fashy NeoCon kike you could have ever elected will grab your guns just to get a flash of Feinstein's panties.
All Americans are born to serve their jewish masters, hence the spiritual and intellectual circumcision they have conducted from your births and manage through their mind control media to your graves.