Violence and the Right Wing

There are more calls for action and violence today than there have been in quite some time. One thing is certain, we have a serious violence deficit. This is not a call to action, this is all based upon observation. There are a few Ideologies as to how, when, where and against whom violence must be done. The focus of this is to describe the state of violence rather than the application of it.

Many of the problems we presently face are a result of the hyper-pacification being pushed on the west since the "cultural revolution" of the 60s. It really didn't kick off until the financial crisis when occupy wall street was co-opted by feminists and then the LGBTBBQWTF, but ever since that point, when a real movement of disaffected people was made impotent by the screaming of hysterical women, communists and the mentally ill (arguable all of these fit under the last category), there's been no real violence. It is because men no longer are able to take the lead and "man up" in social groups due to "diverse" groups requiring hypersensitivity, and the laws in place to enforce such sensitivity.

Another cause of our inability to use violence is its complete monopolization by the state. If one looks at the same “progressive” trends which have been enabling the advance of feminism, homosexuality and transsexuality, they will see another aspect which has been largely codified into law. Violence against women, violence against children, violence against minorities, which all can be paraphrased as “violence by men.” These laws have taken all power from men. I am not saying men should be beating their family daily, but I am saying there is a difference between discipline and abuse. The legal system vehemently disagrees with this point. A man may no longer spank his child. A woman may now use the state against her husband using the provisions of these violence against X laws. Now all a woman must do is say a man is violent and he is kicked out of his house, only able to return with police supervision. She may then proceed to take a portion of his salary for herself, a portion of his salary for his children (whom he may no longer see due to his being “violent”) and all of this in addition to half of his accrued assets. This entire process is to use violence against men to teach them that they are not allowed to have power, authority or autonomy. It is to turn man into a more compliant and docile animal so he can be a good pet for the state.

In the United states there is a bit of a different impact. Due to gun ownership, there is a violence threshold of sorts. Violence is totally unacceptable until it is time to kill (see attached graph for clarification). The prepper and “office worker operator” (the guy in middle management with an AR, Crye precision tactical pants with matching plate carrier who is just waiting for the civil war to break out) are a symptom of this. People know somethings wrong, people know they are forbidden from doing anything about it. But damn are they ready if someone starts to do something about it. It is, sadly, consumerism. Rather than being engaged in society and mobilizing politically, people have decided to rebel by purchasing rebellion supplies. There is nothing happening because we’re too busy buying stuff so we know we are ready for the happening. People are pursuing violence by being passive, hoping for a war that will never come, because people are too busy making sure they are ready for that war.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This trend towards passive violence can be seen anywhere men congregate. They watch a sport so they can be armchair violence commentators. They play a videogame so they can play pretend violence. They watch a show so they can imagine themselves being the hero. They want to participate in violence, but it is forbidden, so they must find a way to feel violent while sitting down. The last realm of the most benign form of violence (violence only in that you can still have an impact on others), free speech, is being removed as we speak. Increased censorship of opinions against those who we saw earlier in the “violence against X” laws has reached every social media platform. “We can’t have people hurting other people’s feelings.” Such sentiment is being used to deny facts with mounds of data supporting them. Such sentiment is attacking people’s livelihoods, with people being fired for politically incorrect views. This is an example of violence used by entities other than the state. It is financial violence, but it certainly has a devastating impact.

What can be done? First, people must begin to organize. The office worker operator probably doesn’t tell anyone he holds politically incorrect opinions because he might lose his job. So he sits alone and thinks about what he can buy next to be more prepared for nothing to happen. People must start networking. People must start organizing. There will never be a protest, a march, a rally or anything if everyone keeps sitting alone, afraid of offending people. When you see something that’s wrong, say something. Be loud, be obnoxious, and if someone is loud and obnoxious about something, be loud and obnoxious back. If you agree with them, agree with them obnoxiously. If you disagree with them, disagree with them loudly. The first step to becoming organized is to become conspicuous and proudly express your beliefs. Do not take this as encouragement to walk into a bar and scream about hating niggers, but if a news story about a transsexual kid comes on comments like “It’s disgusting to see them abuse a child like that” are recommended. There is a difference between loudly supporting your beliefs and being a fool. Don’t be a fool, but it is okay to piss people off.

Beyond organization and networking, there is mostly political consolidation. We must first take back free speech. After free speech can once again be practiced, we can begin openly organizing. The last real right-wing movement was the Tea Party. The goals today have changed from the libertarian ideals of those opposing the bank bailout and mandated health insurance. Were a more unified “alt-right” political party to appear, we would see a very different world. Right now the right is completely fractured. Divide and conquer has left most of us as single issue voters (that issue is gun rights, in case you didn’t know). Everyone is controlled opposition, nobody names the jew enough (except Patrick Little, but someone will say he is controlled opposition too), you’re FBI if you want to do something and the BATFE would like to know what you plan on using to do that something. Sound familiar? It does. It also sounds like a bunch of women talking about reality TV. That is what this whole thing has become. A right wing reality TV show where everyone argues about which of the talking heads is getting FashyPoints™ for saying something that’s either RaceRealism©, JQ®, or about women being vapid whores. Meanwhile nobody is doing anything but watching. You are watching hoping someone will do something. Again, the right and its buzzwords and media personalities are bread and circus. How many threads are derailed because “Gavin’s a fag” “Ricky Spencer is CIA” “Tradthots should die” etc.

The only thing I want you to take away from this is that there is an argument against everything. This is what is killing the right. Just like “critical theory” criticized western civilization to its present decrepit state, we are allowing anything resembling a right-wing traditionalist revival to be criticized to death before it even starts. It doesn’t matter if everyone is 1488GTKRWN in a group. It doesn’t matter if someone can baselessly call something a psyop, controlled op, COINTELPRO, no true Scotsman or whatever the insult or discouragement of the day is. The reality we face is criticism is stopping action. Criticism is stopping unification. Criticism is killing any chance of organization for the right wing. We have become a “culture of critique” except we are using the weapon of criticism upon ourselves! We are actively ensuring that nothing ever happens because no plan is ever perfect and most successful plans are primarily making it up as you go. Do you think Julius Caesar knew exactly what he was going to do when he crossed the Rubicon? Do you think he knew the grain allocations required for each region? Do you think he knew how he would restructure the senate after he took Rome? I have a feeling he pretty much only had a plan for taking Rome and a few broad political ideas that were ironed out later. Right now, we are sitting north of the Rubicon. We are a legion without a Caesar. Until we organize, we won’t find a Caesar because when you are only able to congregate on the internet, you can’t congregate without shills (the people who gain the most by employing the constant criticism). As long as we are on the internet only, everyone who tries to take initiative will always be found to be deficient in some way. We need political candidates. We need leaders. We need organization. We need cooperation. We will never get any of these as long as we keep sitting at a computer talking shit.

I'm going to work so I won't be replying much until ~5pm EST, inb4 (1). There might be some phoneposting under a different ID.

:^) I'm reading it right now, I'll reply seriously later

Wew lad, that hurts because it's too damn true.

Adding on to this, we need to stop this constant retreat where we are driven from website to website in order to have a spot to discuss ideas. Shills are an online problem. We should be doing more in public and solidifying a real political party. Ideally this would coincide with a radical left party being formed so we don't end up splitting the vote, but even losing seats to leftists would be okay if it means a real political movement is started.

Finding a way to do this must happen in person for one reason, money. No online payment processors will allow funding to go to right wing causes. Nobody can stop you from handing someone a twenty dollar bill though. Without the initial, in person organization, we simply won't get the funding. This also means we have to be somewhat accommodating to people with money (boomers) without compromising on essential points (e.g. israel is not our ally). This is the point the criticism begins. Right when a group decides to try to become successful and marketable, it suddenly can no longer satisfy the ideal set forth by the intellectuals who motivated the movement. The reason for this is those intellectuals have spent years learning about the issues and realize the truth is racist and antisemitic. The majority of the population, on the other hand, have had "racism bad" and "holocaust" shouted at them incessantly for most of their lives and, as a result, aren't interested in getting behind the reanimated corpse of Hitler. So now everyone starts screaming "optics," and the community is once again devided before anything is accomplished. We need to look at Bismark and remember what realpolitik is. The arguments we are getting are of this "everything or nothing" variety and it keeps resulting in nothing. Again, criticism is paralyzing the right wing.

t. Phoneposting OP


and what is wrong with beaverposter exactly?

Cant vote to stop white genocide, cant do nothing.

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I don't know exactly what I was planning on reading in this thread, but this is all really great stuff and I think your perspective on activism is spot-on.
Hit up my secure e-mail at [email protected] – I'd like to hear you elucidate on this further.

Also, this thread is very much related and also has a lot of good info:

I need to get a cheap laptop and get back on linux. I know I can't be secure using my present OS/platforms but I need them for work. I wish I could find a laptop from before they put in all the hardware backdoors. For the time being I've pretty much gone full idgaf dox me. I really don't think I'm important enough to merit such scrutiny, and I don't advocate anything illegal. I will write a post here in a while that explains how violence will come about from this, but it should be pretty obvious. Antifa are violent, if there is a right wing organization you know they will go after it. The key is organizing to create a brick and mortar location. Once antifa have a target, we then get to play the "evil violent communists are attacking patriotic Americans on their property" angle and get more support (and more money, we need money badly for all this shit, I mean lawyers, I mean office space, I mean a real political party with all the bells and whistles). We have to get this whole country/world so divided that they see the middle is where the people with power want you. It's a media spectacle that must be created. It's already set up. We have violent idiots who want us dead. Now all that must be done is to give them a target on private property. Our mistake is all of these public marches on public land with police who may or may not defend us. They are dumb enough to do this, look at Tucker Carlson, they were ready to do stupid shit there. Imagine if you gave them a real, political target.

Quality thread. Have a bump.

I'm not counting any reversal of violence trend - now I'm not saying it's impossible, but in my opinion people are non-violent because there is no reason to be, the infrastructure is currently still too stable. You cannot get many people to go rogue when it's still possible for them to make money, have leisure time, and feed themselves well.

I'm actually pretty surprised, because I distinctly remember during around 2013-2014, people were talking a LOT about the Andrew Breitbart quote describing politics as downstream of culture. Yet people seem to have forgotten that, and never focused on culture in the first place. I mean, how do you convince people that it's okay to cut off a young boy's dick and call him a girl? Obviously, nobody was convinced of this because of an argument - it's something they grew up around and became normal, and now questioning it is directly tied questioning their entire childhood resulting in a high level of entrenchment.

The political right is literally going to go nowhere. It can't go anywhere. It needs a culture to support it. Right now, right wingers are disgusted by the politics of the Current Year but they are still slaves to its culture. I don't really know what can be done to convince people to stop listening to Taylor Swift, and stop making fashwave (literally, pioneered by a tranny - how right wing), but they need to stop doing it ASAP. I agree that people should network, but in the first place right wingers should stop being so hostile and dismissive of people who want to create a cultural alternative. Right now, most people on this board still think anything that isn't inline with Current Year aesthetics and style is cringe. That's a SERIOUS problem, everyone on the right literally hates the left but worships their culture.

Good stuff, bump.

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I understand where you are coming from, but I am being very general and talking about the cultural element of violence. As you state "politics are downstream of culture" and our present culture is one of passive rather than active violence. Violence as a spectacle rather than an undertaking. Another point I must stress is that I am not advocating for people to "go rogue." I know my post is a bit scattered, this all started as a reply to another thread that then grew into something totally different. I don't want to see Siege happen, I don't want to have RWDS be a thing unless we go full Weimar and antifa becomes LWDS.

I mentioned Bismarck earlier and I wish to return to him as he can teach us a great deal. When Bismarck wanted a war, what did he do? He conducted "military exercises" on the border of the country he wished war with, prompting them to attack him, so that he could gain allies. The Franco-Prussian war was one Bismarck wanted, he got France to attack Prussian forces which gave him Southern Germany as an ally (were they not his ally Austria Hungary indicated they would join the French). Let's keep running with this example, it is a great one that is rarely brought up (were it not for Bismarck there would have been no way Germany could fight the world twice in thirty years). Bismarck and the Prussian military wanted Alsace-Lorraine because it is A) culturally German and B) Full of natural resources needed for the German economy. France’s people wanted a war and Germany wanted a war. By manipulating the press in such a manner to demand French action, he got his war and was not the aggressor. Prussia prevailed and for the next twenty years Bismarck diplomatically undermined them. Now, go back and replace France with Communists/Antifa and replace Bismarck and German/Prussia with right wing. Both the right and left are ready to go for each other’s throats. We need to be Bismarck. We need to be the ones defending ourselves for both legal and political reasons. I hope this example makes it clear that I in no way support going out with the intention to become violent. Be ready to defend yourself but never escalate the situation.

This is another reason I am so adamant about doing more in public. Nobody has a cell phone recording you shitpost. If you are out in the streets and you get attacked, there will probably be a cell phone recording or streaming it. If you are defending yourself, you get a solid legal defense and the movement gets a new propaganda piece, casting leftists in a negative light. Be like Bismarck.

As for your idea that right wingers are still in Current Year media culture, I really can't say. I personally use no social media and I don't really watch TV. I listen to some "alt-country" (turnpike troubadours are breddy gud) some classic rock and some esoteric bullshit but It's mostly just there when I am driving. I don't really know how to gauge what media and culture people are consuming. I know that our way of life and culture is degenerate. I don't know how to tell if people are opting out of it though.

When it comes to right wing culture, fashwave is that, at least a small part of it. The matrix was made by a tranny and its ideas are part of Zig Forums culture. Remember, this place is a meritocracy and playing identity politics is stupid, especially when it causes you to reject content with merit. I also don't see people demanding it. Right wing culture is really Zig Forums culture, we have low budget shows like Murdoch Murdoch, we have our talking heads, we have a pretty substantial little niche. Of course, this isn't everyone who votes conservative, to get all of them would be impossible and would require the dilution of our mostly "underground" culture, which shouldn't be acceptable. The main problem behind having right wing culture is that we are deplatformed everywhere but here. Until we start getting money and building platforms that can host our culture, we are stuck with the chans and cheekyvideos and a few other niche sites. Furthermore, as long as the content can’t be monetized, we really won’t see much more right wing culture come about as people need to eat. This is also going to limit the production value of right wing culture.

As long as the left continues to control the media sphere (music, television, internet) we can’t develop right wing culture to the point you want it. So once again we are back to needing organization in real life to get money and network.

He might not be CIA, I haven't looked into it, but he is definitely a Ashkenazi jew on his mother's side, meaning that he is a jew by jewish law. Also, I personally had a problem with his family receiving farm subsidies in the tune of millions of dollars each year from the government. I don't believe in government subsidies (theft) from a group of individuals to another individual (or the unjust redistribution of wealth/communism; it is some sort of sick joke that America is 'capitalist' when communism clearly flourishes at every level in the USA). People should stand or fall on their own abilities not because they 'qualify' for government redistributions of wealth (communist theft).

I think you are correct on your take on re-instituting violence within European culture. The problem is that there is a large gap between 'what we are told' (LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES; Europeans, rugged, violent vikings, hair pulling, brutes) and the reality which is that Europeans might just be the most peaceful, laid back easy going people on the planet. Remember it is (((YOUR HISTORY))) that GUILTED THE FUCK OUT OF YOU and told you that you are something you are not. But it is plainly evident by looking, I mean even a cursory examination of the European people that this 'historic culture of violence' is not true at all; I mean not even REMOTELY TRUE. They are high trust, peaceful, cooperative, inventive, artistic and scientific. This (((GUILTING))) process has reduced what was capable of defending itself to NOTHING and the complete inability to defend itself in what is CLEARLY a life and death situation and the ruin of the entire people(s) of Europe.

What to do? IDK I field some real practical and FUCKING OBVIOUS solutions to things and these same people I am trying to save call me 'FBI' and CIA…because god forbid someone defend them against a foreign agenda to mass produce a nation of sexless drone workers, via the torture and genital mutilation which forever inhibits reproduction of their sons, in their own nations. Surely there is nothing worthy of killing someone for more than the deliberate cutting off and genocide of entire lines of DNA (unless you are eugenically modifying people for a specific purpose).

Part of the problems as I currently see it is the endless 'lists of normative' characteristics that we are all supposed to accept or the 'regulation' of everything from our personal expressions and emotions, to the long list of rules of engagement for sexuality (there are some crazy fucking 'rules' for dating, sexuality and marriage out there that are downright bizarre), to the methods of raising children, general education, social pressure and peer pressure; all of these 'normative ideologies' are determined and laid out by foreigners WITHIN our nations (via their agencies and media)…so it is a cultural overwriting of anything that MIGHT have been natural or understood within our own societies.

Anytime something becomes 'rule' or 'law' we should be asking ourselves; WHOSE 'RULE' and WHOSE 'LAW'?
You are correct that 'Law' is nothing more that a bunch of mashed up tree with ink on it…it is the most ephemeral of all ideas…something codified, without individual input, for YOU, BY SOMEONE ELSE. It supersedes the rights and pursuits of the individual to self expression or the pursuit of JUSTICE. Who decided this and why isn't it up to the INDIVIDUAL to ascertain his own ideological, moral and physical pursuits? I would not have someone else 'take charge' of the individual's decisions, but would rather see the individual express their own innate understanding of what is correct for themselves.

Anyway…some things to think about. This is how humanity has been 'made in the image' of the kikes, rather than in their own image or the image of their own gods. Honestly those kikes need a beating to end all beatings for superseding the natural diversity of peoples and nations and subverting them to their own agenda.

If fascism, the weapon of the jews against all nations, is what you want, then stop complaining that your genetic lines and children are being cut off forever from reproduction. The genital mutilation and taking of slaves without any hope for a future is part and parcel of jewish thought and this has been the agenda for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Kikes are original in their thinking. IDK just waiting for people to really DECIDE what is important for them, I suppose.

There's very little "right wing" about much that goes on here.

The main reason why calls for violence is making a major comeback is because white men are realizing they have lost almost every legal method of reclaiming their country and that leaves violence as the final option. Considering that within the next few years, shitskin populations will push out white men votes, and legal methods to remove them are no longer an option, the solution is now to remove shitskins by force.

This shouldn't be a surprise to no one. The (((left))) has successfully imported shitskins and bred them. The final phase of shitskins outvoting white men is almost complete. There are no other viable options available. They either start dying now, or whites willl face a slow death. We only truly have a few years left, but we have to act now.

That movie was a bit of really divine Chaos Magic including having both brothers make the decision to become transexual. I mean it was a MASTERSTROKE almost a ingenious as 9/11 (which was also Chaos Magic designed to destroy heterosexuality). Both had immense reverberations within many levels of reality.

My primary point is even though he has some baggage, he's still advocating right wing stuff. We can find something about everyone that will disqualify them. What I personally want to see is us move away from these criticisms and flame wars over who is what and therefore "unclean" in the eyes of Zig Forums. We should vet the people we listen to, to an extent. Going back to what I said here about content creators, we shouldn’t disregard an idea because of who said it. Anonymous platforms are about meritocracy and we need to transition that strength into our interpretation of events and individuals. Care about what is said, not who is saying it.

This is exactly what I was getting at. You also make the connection that European Civilization has, for the most part, been the most cooperative and peaceful. Denying violence a place in the world is not the way to create a peaceful society though. People must know when and where such things are appropriate or necessary, and right now it is only the state which may deem it appropriate. It has taken a fundamental aspect of the human experience and deprived us of it. When justice was not done, there used to be a lynch mob. Today we just shake our heads and complain about corruption. That is the best example I have.
Spot on. This and your point about the law go hand in hand and touch on what I meant when I was talking about the “violence against X” laws. Rather than being able to live and, using your example of dating, try to do what you think will “get you the girl” you instead have to be afraid of being accused of sexual misconduct. “Why are you touching my leg” “Uh sorry I though we were getting along well…” “That’s sexual harassment and I’m going to report it to…” Were that conversation to take place between work colleagues, the man would probably be fired. It is as if they have taken the idea of “thought police” and forced men to be in a state of constantly questioning “is this okay,” “Can I say that or will it offend someone” etc.

The reason why there are calls for violence is because we aren't making the calls. It's feds and shills trying to get low IQ types to commit crime since minorities benefit from their persecution complex.

Check out different sites, news outlets and media. Just because the Overton window here has Hitler as a centrist doesn't mean most ideas and discussion aren't right wing. It is one of the things I find interesting about political discussion on anonymous imageboards, the arguments that hold up are very right wing.

We have to get organized IRL. We need an organization, we need money, we need lawyers. I found my new mantra for this, Be like Bismarck. I go into it here

I don't know if I would give it mystical qualities, but it definitely started people thinking about the fact that "shit ain't right."

I am going to take this opportunity to plug the book from book thread 3 Forging the Hero, who does more is worth more. I'm still reading it, but it partially inspired this thread. Link

I have heard middle aged women talk about civil war recently. This isn't just an imageboard phenomenon.

Reminder that no one will ever physically fight back against this.

See, this must be discussed and ironed out. If people actually desire to be genocided or to be a remnant permanent slave class for all time, because they won't lift a finger to defend themselves, then that is your/their decision. But at least you can state that you desire forever slavery to semitic overlords openly. BTW There are worse things than dying user, if you think their misconduct is bad now, wait until they can murder you with a slip of the tongue…or order you to cannibalize your living but paralyzed child for their 'dinner entertainment'…because they think it is funny. You won't be able to 'disobey' a direct order BTW, just in case you are thinking that 'I won't do that'…LMAO, yes you will, you will do whatever they tell you and more.

Your problem is that you don't KNOW THEM or have any really clear perception of their inability to tell 'right' from 'wrong' on any real level. They are a level of criminal that your mind has no really ability to process or come to grips with, in many ways they really are 'beyond' your understanding morally.

Right wing is what exists pre-French revolution. Everything "right" since then has been conservatism or aggressive conservatism. In America, Right or WN just means going back to the 1950s.
Racial problems are largely a separate category and it's laughable to call the "reaction" right wing or traditional.

It's because all violence has been delegated to the state. it's not that we are not capable of it. we also know that the legal system is just as corrupt as a living jew. no one wants to go to jail for lashing out, especially now that everyone will disavow you like faggot niggers if you do strike back. there is no support for violence.

Good post, OP, I'll give my .02

I can get behind that sentiment, but not in the way that many on our side say is just "purity spiraling". Most of the time when they say that it's people enforcing a standard for their shitty behavior, much like pic related entails. The only problem is there should be wiggle room for the range of behaviors in for people born in this modern society (which can be rather hard to get rid of such as playing vidya or listening to certain types of music) without giving way to non white influences. Standards should be enforced such as not tolerating race-mixing or allowing nonwhites and jews, since that really defeats the ultimate purpose of white nationalism. But if say a person is white, pro-white, gay, and doesn't make their life centered around being a flamboyant sodomite. If this person is like Ryan Faulk, then they are okay in my book.
I'd say that's a case by case basis based on a person's actions. Take Jordan Peterson for example. People like him because he attacks low-hanging fruit such as feminists and gets people to clean their rooms, but he actively countersignals against right wing people for being "collectivist" or for being against jews, and he got his big start from jews.
TLDR; don't punch right if they're white and pro-white. Give people their lanes to ultimately reach our goal

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Very interesting read, this thread.

I'd say the obvious blame for the inactivity of people is definitely the ease at which we are able to entertain ourselves. Just as porn can replace sex for many, films, video games, and the internet (the best video game ever) excel at replacing other urges people might have, like adventure, emotional connection, and, as you said, violence.

I fall into these traps every day, and bonds I've formed with my friends/family are almost exclusively through shared addiction to these easy outlets. It's a fucking nightmare. Occasionally I get fed up and remove myself from access to these things, and it's amazing how many productive activities I start partaking in just out of necessity. You touched on necessity, as well. Necessity is necessary. The Matrix is an apt comparison here. Once they wake someone up in the movie, it is out of necessity that the person continues on with their redpilled life - they can't untake the red pill - but we don't have necessity when we wake up. The option is always there to just give into nihilism. Most of us are running on willpower, and it can't last; we see people burn out all the time. Something has to be done that gives people no other choice but to fight. That's why post apocalyptic films are so popular as escapist entertainment.

Right now we are free from necessity, but enslaved by frivolity. We long for challenges to be forced upon us so our lives have purpose, because we've found that no amount of sweet food or orgasms fulfills us. But the cost/reward situation with all these easy solutions to our basic needs still keeps us from taking big risks.

There's not going to be a battle for the future until there's no enticing alternative.

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IDK why but I have a psychological aversion to Dickey; it is his lack of humility and his own perception that he was 'born to rule' which means he is as 'organic' as a bag of cheerios because it is presupposed by him, in his own mind that this was 'his destiny', ergo he has been groomed for the position from birth.

I don't have the same reservation with Patrick though…everything I know about both I am far, far more open to Partick than Dickey. But that is mostly because he is pursuing things that I am interested in as well. Even though I know a little bit about him, I am more favorable to him than many others in the 'movement' which I consider for the most part to be little more than an attempt to butcher the USA to bits by a bunch of (((dogs))). He has the same 'cookie cutter' genetics as the rest, like a bunch of fucking GMO clones if you ask me, but he seems to be enduring a bit of 'discipline' right now for 'going off ranch' and I am mostly enjoying the antics and theatrics surrounding him and watching his response to the situation.

He at least has the potential for genuine (manufactured) leadership…kek…but sometimes you simply have to choose someone who is close to your own agenda if they are a 'chosenite' or well connected enough to wield power. It becomes a question of 'sympathies' (so subtle variations in goals) other than actual alignments of philosophy.

can you get to the fucking point instead of blog-posting a bunch of conclusions we all made years ago?

the answer is that we are post politics, we are post debate, but everyone has been made so fucking submissive we have to wait to be told to start killing the enemies instead of just doing it

the solution there is to practice always supporting men like roof and bowers. ALWAYS. no disavowing, no "hey guys dont do that." NO MORE. do you care about niggers organizing against our race? do you care about kikes actively pushing south america into our land?

quit being faggots. if someone goes commando, SUPPORT IT. when people see the support is there then they wont need to live repressive lives of desperation anymore. they can finally strike back.


Probably because national socialism isn't right wing.

Which nobody here wants.
The fifties were a decadent consumerist hellhole, which were made possible through completely destroying western Europe economically.

yes u can

vote bernie

So to you, right wing means Monarchy and Aristocracy? Serfdom? I am not trying to be dense, in modern terms right wing usually connotes patriotic fascism.

I think your example is a bit over the top, but I agree with your sentiment. The people at the top believe they can do as they please and the rules are only meant for us "little people." One part of Athenian history which is rarely brought up is every once in a while the working class would get together and start executing the rich, until the military decided which group they would help and stopped the violence. Everyone knows they are being fucked sideways, but nobody knows how to do what the Athenians did anymore. The concept of the lynch mob has been forgotten.

I hadn't read that cap, thank you and I do agree with it. My primary point is the way it is constantly used to derail threads. I know this is largely due to shills, but productive discussion is what I want to be promoted. I see criticism as being a shackle, holding back our progress. It is neccessary, it is nice to know "you really shouldn't trust X he worked for media matters 6 months ago" but constantly spamming an ad hominem makes legitimate criticisms of individuals less important. I guess the simple way to put it is that critical posts are often the most low-effort.

I also agree with you that we are going to need moderate people like Peterson as he is an entry point for people to start becoming politically aware. Some people need training wheels.

I know this is going to sound hypocritical, but everything I know about these people is from listening to people bitch on this website. I don't watch youtube, the only media I get is from the chans. I have never seen a Spencer/Gavin/Tradthot/whatever video and I would be perfectly content not seeing one. I read more than anything and I find most talking points of these figureheads to be banal and uninspiring when I read their transcripts. I am simply furious that people are wasting time talking about ecelebs when they should be organizing. The only people who should watch ecelebs are the politically illiterate who need to be spoon fed ideas.

I am really afraid you might be right. It would be a full accelerationist path though. We would basically be doing shit until they decided to take our guns and then shit would hit the fan. I really hope this isn't the only option.

I am with you. I don't touch any media but I drink myself to sleep with whiskey. I really like your analogy with respect to necessity. It's like waking up an hour too early on a cold day, you could get up and get an additional task done before work, or you can lay there and be comfy and everything will still be pretty okay. Jumping out of bed to do something difficult sounds great, but most people will stay in bed because it is easy and the consequence isn't obvious.

I can see and agree with your sentiment, user. However, I'm of the opinion that something new must be created by a transformed modern sentiment in line with the ideals of the past, but not exactly like it was before (As in it won't and can't be exactly the same. Sentiments are just too different then and now). Structures have to be created, not destroyed. It doesn't really matter how correct those from the past were or how they got it right, from a practical standpoint trends are impossible to reverse once they've started. People on Zig Forums tend to not agree. Everything has to be like before, and they might think it defeatist if anything less is acquired. As an example of what I mean, it's going to be very, very, difficult to create a 100% white America in its current form. Creating tax cuts for white families or families in a certain tax bracket can help with that instead of relying just on deportations, or creating a "new" system of segregation by having homeowners select who can live in their neighborhood, or making an amendment to the Civil Rights Act that extends to political beliefs instead of trying to repeal the Civil Rights Act as a whole not to say that it shouldn't be repealed, just that it'd be hard to in this current climate. This is much how pic related, Rockwell, and Mosley describe with their quotations on offensive cultural attack instead of relying on "conservative" tactics that have failed. Personally I think fashwave, Neon-Nazism, nofap, the ThotAudit, and the usage of memes are good examples of that too, as the proof is in the pudding. Our ideology has to be transformed and evolved into the modern mind frame in order to continue to survive.

Attached: not the last of yesterday.png (1457x1826, 604.04K)

I think you might have gotten the wrong idea, my post was meant to be a slam against people like Peterson and how if the "purity spiral" is to apply to anyone, it should apply to people like him. He punches right and actively gatekeeps to prevent political awakening

for no other reason than doing what the alphabets have so diligently taught us. Bait!
You litter a target city with a meeting place, give it a patriotic sounding name, and schedule it for a time already passed. Do this consistently. Ensure the fliers are weathered/worn. Then we all get to see who the Marxists are on both sides of the badge
- as far as grouping up, right now is not the time to make anything official beyond dog-whistling and the gravitas of already established community organozations

I interpreted your analysis of his links with judaism differently. He is an academic who publishes books. Higher education and publishing companies are extremely jewish. I interpreted your statement as being "par for the course for his field." I don't feel everyone should have to destroy their lives for the cause like GLR, hero that he was.

These are all just ideas. I guess you could call things like NPI a brick and mortar location. Another idea I have been entertaining is starting charities like a soup kitchen and calling it "Soup Nazis" and other stuff like that. We need to think about how we can get good publicity while getting bad publicity for leftists. "Antifa trashed a soup kitchen today" is a great headline.

On the subject of violence, I want you guys to get industrious with your rioting skills. Sure, sheet metal shields and batons might be okay, but if you really want to take it up a notch, try converting a spud cannon to fire something that goes boom (non-lethal mind you). Also, in the event of riots, you'll notice that most officers will have shields, which serve as a problem when it comes to fighting them. Since the shields can't be easily penetrated, either A come up with a weapon that allows you to attack them from different angles, or B find a way to disarm the officer of his shield. Bolas and nets could also be great ways of tripping them up

At this point in life, I'm ready for shit to go down whenever you guys are.

And this will always be the reason great civilizations fall. How do you keep the spirit of necessity alive? How do you instill into your offspring the need to work hard? As time passes, and the distance between people and the tragedies that forced them to enact change becomes greater, the clarity of motivation decreases.

Somebody screencapped me making this argument once before (second from bottom post)

Attached: intellectualism.png (1520x2800, 235.2K)

Jews and ZOG want you to be violent
Angry, incompetent, selfish, moralless, fearful, hedonistic and violent population is the easiest population to control
Jews want to be cold-hearted and you do not care when ZOG attacks people
This does not mean you should get emotional, rather that you see it as wrong and feel sorry for these people, but while fighting on
Immorality in population allows Jews to effectively D&C all movements you can find
It will help them to bribe people in these movements, helps them to bait these movements into legal troubles
People hate the Jews for being immoral and acting immoral too will just give them an excuse to make people hate your movement, which is weaker than ZOG in all the other ways
If you really want to fight the Jew, fight it with productivity, while being moral
Same goes for violence - bloodthirsty people are useful for the Jews
Vengefulness over small actions will not help you any further, will more likely help them to shut your movement down
Real vengeance is victory over them, it is the only thing that really matters
Antisocial criminals are more useful at destroying ZOG than political terrorists, who will more likely aid it

I like your train of thought, but it kind of gets redundant hearing

Yes. That's a real hierarchy. Crown, Church, Nobility.
Being a serf to a lord has more meaning than working in a factory, i can tell you that much. Serfs couldn't be replaced either, it was community based.
Not that we'd return back to everyone farming. Most of the problems in the middle-ages come from amateur tier healthcare which we've overcome.

My broader point would be, that for people to fight/sacrifice for something, there has to be genuine vision we're trying to achieve. An all white society in it's current form would be maybe 5% better than what we have now, but that would still be a joke. It isn't worth the effort which is why this empty right wingism goes nowhere.

I think I'm the one who misunderstood. I thought of the term "purity spiral" as them being just being disavowed, with efforts going towards destroying or converting that person's base (which there's been a couple threads here for our Peterson example). Perhaps we need a definition of "muh purity spiral"

In the book I linked earlier the guy touches on this idea that people presently couldn't work hard or take on the challenges of a crisis. The example he gives are the posh british aristocrat young adults who were shipped off during world war one to fight the ottomans. He used the famous example of Lawrence of Arabia, someone who had lived a life of luxury only to become a great military man. I think we could adapt, if it were necessary. You are correct in that we have no motivating factor presently. The economy is good, bellies are full and we're safe and comfortable.

I really have to get back to work, I will read through your image later!

To me the concept of purity spiral is when an individual does not meet a criteria, and therefore must be disavowed. So let's say Patrick Little is who we are discussing, a purity spiral argument would be "Yeah, Patrick knows about the jews, but he refuses to acknowledge race realism therefore we should not support him." That type of stuff. From what I understand, Peterson tried to make some academic arguments against the most popular leftist talking points and SJWism. He was pointing out left wing hypocrisy about being "enlightened progressives." He was then beloved by Zig Forums but then he was pretty much a centrist so now Zig Forums hates him because he won't nuke his life and go full Hitler. He's a college professor and writes books, he has to suck jew cock as part of his job. What do you expect him to do?

Zig Forums hates Peterson because he is a complete hypocrite. He constantly sucks off Zionists and Zionism, but calls European racial/ethnic nationalism dirty and evil.
Sure are a lot of people using that term here today….

Then our present situation is our own fault. I used to oppose violence. But when the System is committing genocide upon us and has broken all its own laws to silence us even though we have obeyed the law to the letter, then they leave no other choice.

You see the world as
in reality there are Zionist Jews and Liberal Jews
Peterson is definitely allied with the Zionist Jews
Zionist Jews see Liberal Jews as a bigger threat than National Socialists, because we are irrelevant by force

Then, Zig Forumsiticians, what is it going to take? What are we going to have to do to get people off of their asses?

I know I'm responding to my own post Another prime example of offensive cultural warfare that came to mind is creating words or language manipulation such as what was done with the word cuck or confiscation law instead of gun control. This denies thinking into the mindset of our enemies and forces them be on our terms. So with our conversation here: >>12483638
we should use a different term for purity spiral, as that is used by our enemies or misguided people. Perhaps "standard-enforcement"

The "he's not full 14/88 already is why you hate him" is a tired argument used in a strawman fashion more often than not from what I've seen. There's plenty more reasons to hate him than to like him based on his actions, such as his alignment with le intellectual dark web (aka a bunch of actual kikes), how he punches right, or his role in the UN 2030 Initiative if you're one to believe that. This criteria for standard enforcement should be based on actions and how they benefit/detract from whites, and Peterson does not fit that criteria for reasons other than not calling out jews

Attached: meet the intellectual dark web.jpg (960x960, 113.95K)

Ruin their lives.

This. If violence starts it's because they started it. And we should be thinking of how to bait them into more violence to further legitimize Right-Wing resistance to status quo.

Tbh, all we can do right now is spread our propaganda.
NPCs wont get off their asses until their bellies aren't full anymore.

Yeah because WW1 is the perfect example of post-industrial, inhuman warfare. What is a man going to do against a tank, or machine guns? Where as Lawrence became a revolutionary leader (which is something that at least enabled him to use all his faculties). IWe've got the mother of all problems facing us with the power of technology and nobody has real answer to it.

Thoughts on Accepting Responsibility
By Dr. William L Pierce

He's a millionaire. He could lose his job and still have the good life for the rest of his life, and eternal loyalty from the jew-aware if he went full Hitler. He's not doing it because he's not an ally. He's a traitor.

To add on to my own post again I'll sage, the phrase "silence is consent" I think plays into action here for determining criteria for people. In your example of Patrick Little not saying anything about race realism, he hasn't done any actions to deny it or to attack those who support race realism. In the Peterson example, he actually goes out of his to vindicate jews and attack counter-semites, which is the opposite of silence

That's one option, but I have a feeling there's a lot of people like us who are also looking for an excuse to start fighting back. I'm talking about the general patriots, and/or anti-corrupt establishment folks.
I know for a fact that there are plenty of people who don't trust their government, who know of the general corruption, but are in an isolated, weak position. What if we created a unifying group, that brought some almost redpilled people together, and organised demonstrations?


this might not be bad, but you should make it strict, to not let it end up like the (((alt-right)))
ban all zionists and do not let CIA niggers subvert it

Got it. Sorry, I really don't read anything by him as he seemed like a mild mannered entry point that was against leftism and for self improvement. I just took that at face value and recognized that he exists within the kikeosphere.

I really like this. I really want to start making more infographics and copypastas for these daily arguments and disagreements. List the eceleb, what Zig Forums approved points they acknowledge and what they refuse to acknowledge.

This really is the truth. We need to lay the groundwork and organize. Other than that we have to wait for a recession. If we have another stock market crash it will be perfect. Because of the jewish persecution complex, they have mainstreamed the idea that bankers and globalists are codewords for jews. We also already have the memes to further promote this connection. A recession gives us everything we need to begin political progress.

The only thing I could imagine would be an OWS 2.0 where bankers get off the hook with no justice, again. This would have to be a right wing occupy though, otherwise leftists will fuck it up again. This goes back to the lynch mob idea and if it is even possible in modern America.

t. Phoneposting OP

basically do not let "half-redpilled" people get any power there

Of course.
Honestly though, I don't think it's who they support that matters so much as who they are attacking. Once you cut the head off of the snake, the normie problem should correct itself due to no longer having outside influences.

I'd be down for a Right Wing OWS. Maybe if we're lucky, those cops will get uppity and incite a full on Ukraine situation.

The problem is that any group demonstrations conducted while most people are still getting their basic needs easily met is just going to piss people off, not rally them. We need to reach a tipping point where enough people's lives are shit that a demonstration is actually appreciated and joined. Of course, I'm not advocating anything, three letter agencies monitoring this thread! But infrastructure needs to fail, resources need to be sparse, things taken for granted need to be taken away, and all this needs to happen in a very short period of time at the same time so that it is shocking.

I know you guys hate it when we tell you we’re girls but you mentioned women talking about civil war so that’s the only reason I’m mentioning that I’m a girl, although not middle aged, and I know what you say is true. I have this constant bad feeling that something is going to happen in 2019 (like a war). Maybe it has to happen though….. I can’t shake it and my mom and bff both say that they feel the same way. They get upset when I talk about it. It’s inevitable and anyone who dismisses the claim must be in deep denial.

right-wing Zionist civic nationalists are just as big as a problem as the leftists

In that case, we need to be strategic. Think about it, how many times you've seen info get leaked about the establishment that both pisses you off, and affects how we live. Now, imagine if a protest against that one leak snowballed into being an anti-establishment protest due to its ties to the government.

those that punch right and countersignal are such as Anglin or weev that ban any ideology not similar to their own. Cut the head off the snake like says and absorb fellow pro-white whites

40.727363, -73.974384
40.757946, -73.946972
40.757987, -73.947238
40.756218, -73.938305
40.787731, -73.909261
40.787378, -73.912752
40.783734, -73.903551
40.781897, -73.906470
40.781583, -73.896981
40.860348, -73.920092
40.860969, -73.919575
40.957318, -73.856470
40.940047, -73.857276
41.077146, -73.831990
41.192766, -73.800226
40.705003, -73.984948
40.703832, -73.981964
40.659280, -73.993864
40.661939, -74.002759
40.699267, -73.813961

41.269838, -73.952437 **

41.043739, -73.965273
41.022975, -73.968059
40.981497, -73.959269

Attached: Speaking their language Nasim.png (2531x1000, 1.73M)

Okay, so I'm almost a 1000% sure these are coordinates, but why?

I'm trying to imagine how it would snowball into a country collapsing disaster that would be blamed on jews.

Yes, curious.

I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Exactly, people know shit ain't right.

The starred coordinate is for a power plant outside NYC. I think this is a critical infrastructure list.

the head is the Zionist Jews
if we kill them/take them out of power, that of course would be the victory, but that's of course impossible when you have MAGApedes/state/police/military/agencies who protect them
we need to have ZOG to be critically damaged for this

Not your blog, jew.

That's the biggest problem, naming the Jew, but I don't believe we will ever have to if we direct our attacks properly. Attacking their establishments is the same thing as attacking (((them)))
We probably won't be able to name the international clique until the aftermath of the movement, and with political parties being out of the way, we could just bring things like the Lavon Incident to light and go from there.
I propose that we could cause the snowball by also adding more fuel to the fire. Most Zig Forumsiticians have fuckloads of verifiable leaks, and proof of meddling. We could just keep piling on redpill after redpill after the movement begins.

Holy shit, is user suggesting knocking out these grids to incite conflict absolutely devilish

also calling civic nationalists "pro-white whites" is completely wrong

This is the NYC metropolitan area power grid critical points.

Also another note, by attacking their establishments, we also aid in the delegitimization of our foe, and critically damaging the foundation they operate from.

we need to directly attack them
naming the jew is the most important thing we must do
what establishments exactly?
be more concrete

You're not wrong about civic nationalists, they're misguided people. But we don't need to discard people because of one or two points that differ. They're still considerably pro-white in rhetoric and action most of the time compared to others out there. Give them their lane to do things except when it attacks our lane. When in our lane, do not relent with redpills and ferocity for wanting to encroach.

How do you get a movement with no enemy? No clear aim means no clear motivation, and then the movement fizzles out, like Occupy Wallstreet.

they are not
they are just as anti-white as leftists
their whole point is to keep up the system, which is more destructive to the white race than the total collapse of this system

Media is the first establishment to be undermined, and confidence in the media is at all time lows. Other establishments are finance, academia and commerce. The biggest issue we face is they are now censoring us so we can't continue to undermine the media. We were quite effective though. Finance eventually destroys itself because it is gambling, we just always prop it back up like idiots. Academia can only be attacked by removing government backed student loans.

They can do their thing, but presented parallel to a stronger movement, they will inevitably be forgotten, and lose members to the more effective cause.

Funny enough these office worker operators (note: all military/cops whom are aware are in this same category) are likely the ones most likely to be try hard utter failures, or the ones most likely to actually successfully pull off operations. There are many points in why for them on both measures. It is unlikely they will be somewhere in the middle of those options. Preppers tend to be those whom want to be left alone, bunker down because they have a choice in it on some level and want themselves or their loved ones to survive while 'fuck the rest of the world'. There is sometimes overlap and outliers but this is how it generally is divided. Preppers tended to have done the whole drop out instead of engage and feel some level of ability to fall back and survive. The office drone will have absolutely nothing as an safety valve, many will realize quickly that it will be either win no matter the cost or die.

The problem for both such groups are the half hearted cucks whom have no real passion to drive them that do similar shit just to fit in, be cool or just act tough. Those are the most likely to work against, sloth around, run or sell out said individuals when they join a group with either operator or preppers. My rule of thumb, if the guy is into nigger ball of any sort or he is not 100% fully focused on his family as priority hes cannon fodder at best. Two massive red flags I've found in collecting potentials. Tread lightly. See everything. Strike only when you have chosen to do so, and when you do, leave nothing off the table in the pursuit of winning over your enemy.

Attached: woohoo.jpg (640x463, 100.63K)

You can div it up into both physical establishments, and psychological establishments
The physical establishments include: their sources of income, their means of communication, and their media outlets.
The psychological establishments consist of ideas that they've cemented into the public narrative, examples of this are everywhere, from rampant funding of Israel to the degeneracy you see on a day to day basis

The physical establishments act as a means of creating the psychological establishment. The problem with this is that even if you destroy the physical one, there will still be people effected by the psychological establishment. These affected people will work towards rebuilding the physical establishment, because they are indoctrinated into believing it is correct. This is why we need a very dedicated Counter Intelligence force, to keep them from allowing the physical establishment to take root again.

All we have to do is rebrand the enemy. Everyone hates neo-cons, and neo-libs. Nobody likes a corrupted government. When we remind people that our ancestors killed people over much less, we will be able to label (((them))) as the government. Since we know that the government is basically completely subverted, attacking the government is attacking (((them)))

These attacks on their establishments will weaken (((their))) mouthpiece, so when we finally call them out for what they are, they will be unable to do a damn thing about it.

And while you plan to do whatever it is to take down ZOG, give others support for their lane to have white children, redpill others, punch antifa in the street, or otherwise buy time

Also, inb4
for being anti-government
I am not advocating for committing treason, in fact, according to our founding fathers, this is the opposite. This nation If we're discussing the USA Was founded on the basis that people should do what's right for the people, not what's right for the government.

you're right about everything. more and more words don't matter. action is all that matters. do what you feel you need to do. if that means opening fire and delivering fresh souls to Hell, then so be it. doing something is better than doing nothing and just talking about it.

Attached: take_the_shot.gif (600x338, 2.3M)

I also had an idea for Intel Ops that reflect the nature of the warfare we will possibly be fighting in the future: Guerrilla Intel Ops

One of the main complaints I've seen on this site is that there isn't any organisation. The idea that our movement could ever be one that gets recognised as a single entity is impossible, at least in the current climate, because they have establishments in place to prevent that from happening. So, we have to operate in Cells. This is also how actual combat scenarios would probably go down in shtf

I'm personally forming a small Counter Intel Ops group with a few friends of mine. This is sort of a reflection of what the internet already does. A great example is when /b/ or whoever the fuck decided to raid tumblr back in 2014. It won't change the world, but it can destabilise one of their platforms, and halt their progress. With enough of these Cells, we could do some real damage.

I think occupy failed because it was coopted by feminists and gays, which turned off middle America.

You are talking to one of the "all or nothing" posters I was talking about.

Exactly these points. Promote what is good for our cause. If you are getting something of great value, don't reject it because it comes with something mildly negative. Anti-israel civic nationalists multiply our numbers substantially. But 5% of them are based black guys. So we have a huge positive, with a minor negative. To deny allies is a recipe for defeat.

Zionist elites and thier money is on alt-right
These same civic nationalists will ban any criticism on Israel
They will just backstab us, when we help them to get power, they will also ban white nationalism like leftists
Keep it in mind that they never made any agreement with us, they have promoters here and they overtly hate us in real life

buy time for what?
a collapse today would be better than collapse 50 years after
the system is engineered against us, it's formula is something like
it will get worse and worse by the time

Good article on this topic


Reminder to anyone who's willing to perform violence to not attack (((easy-to-reach))) targets like synagouges or gay clubs. Kikes and other enemies can only stand to benefit from making scapegoats out of their infirm/civilians dying; case in point Bowers.

At the risk of sounding like FBI, attacking federal buildings, Banks, or important figures like Senators is capable of actually doing something beyond giving the enemy Victim Points by escalating the situation. Fight smarter, not harder.

Attached: thinkingfreezeman.png (120x184, 2.23K)