…and parents don't have a damn clue it's happening.
Valve's Artifact, described by PC Gamer as a "complex, rewarding game" that is "highly interactive," is getting rave reviews. But behind the scenes there is something monstrous going on: a crime against children. Behind the fancy graphics and sophisticated rule sets lurks a psychological trap for any gamer - but children & teens are the most vulnerable. Games such as these (Hearthstone being one of the more famous) prey on "loot box" casino mental dynamics, addicting the player to the thrill of paying to get new cool stuff. Only, with Artifact, the picture is most grim. We find Artifact has a play model that requires money for almost all play. In other words, you pay money for every game you play. Want to play more, insert more cash.
Imagine if Vegas came up with a way to keep people ADDICTED to giving them money, addicted to paying to play the games, without them having to pay out at all. 0% winnings here. You never win. You can never win anything REAL. Imagine such a situation! And now imagine that children were permitted to play!
We have the worst publicly available psychologically abusive product ever, created by Valve.
parents aren't that ignorant of where their money goes, they are just complacent sage for offtopic
Jonathan Wood
They're ignorant that the game is turning their children into pathological gamblers.
Landon Rodriguez
And, I should correct myself: PAYING FOR A >>>CHANCE
Jayden Fisher
Who cares? Take the blackpill faggot. Rome didnt fall in a day and US and friends wont either. Enjoy a nice slow decline while larping on the image board version of reddit about saving muh WHITE RACE.
Kayden Kelly
Off topic. Terrible post, stop being autistic, im not interested in your incel shit i have a life.
Luis Young
You sound like a fucking soccer mom. Mainly because you're worried over pointless shit. It's a shit pay2win game that was lambasted by the actual TCG comunity Not to mention the whole "buy game and then buy the cards" thing. The only people putting money on this are the same mongs that buy up microtransactions for mobile games and skins for CS:GO. If you were actually worried about this shit, you'd have been worried 7 years ago. This shit isn't new and the actual gaming comunity is already sick of it. If your kid buys into it, he's a little faggot that needs a beating and actually good videogames instead of colourfull skinner boxes.
Congratz, you just figured out Jewish plot #654254 from 2001. Only took you 17 years to discover it. Said it on /v/, I'll say it here: this is the same thing as that retard that used his rent money to buy a snapchat premium from some whore. A fool and his money are soon parted, and no amount of policing will prevent that.
John Lopez
Unnoticed? The Federal Trade Commission is launching an investigation of lootbox practices.
Nolan Evans
Go to bed grandpa we have to clean up the mess you people made in the 60’s.
Mason Gonzalez
< who cares about white kids White people. Not (((you))).
Then then pathological gambling doesn't involve fools, but ordinary people who are trapped, because we can show through statistics that areas without casinos have much lower rates of pathological gambling (people addicted to gambling).
Consider this: Ban condoms, and legalize prostitution, what will be the outcome? The outcome will be that innocent partners will become infected with HIV.
So, even if you believe that the individuals in question are fools and worthless, at least have a thought for those who are innocent.
That is, have a care, will (((you))), for white women and children that will be put on the street by a government to follow (((your))) disgusting attitude.
Jaxson Taylor
luckily I'm not a retarded child
Jason Lewis
It's quite unnoticed. I'll prove it. Today, Valve's monstrous, (((child-abusing))) Artifact launched. Here's CNN's front page.
WELL GEE, just like areas without drugs don't have drug adicts? That only means the retarded fucks don't have an outlet for their retardation. Thus, you never see them do something retarded. Take the philosophy a step further:
You massive fucking faggot. If you spend your whole life trying to bubblewrap the world so the retards don't get hit when they bang their heads on the walls, all you end up with is a world where half the people are trying to prevent the other half from being stupid and noone gets nothing done.
>will (((you))) Go call your own fat fucking gay ass a Jew, you retarded fucking mong. Your little brother maxed out your parents credit card on Neopets merchandise? Not his fault, not your fault: your parents fault. If they weren't related by blood, he wouldn't be an inbreed piece of shit.
Cameron Stewart
It's the same shit as Fortnite. God, I can't wait for 2025.
Blake Ward
And here's MSNBC. Nothing on the main page about Artifact.
You whore of gambling and narcotics, Adolf Hitler would gas you, and we would too, if we controlled this nation - all legally and above board, of course. We're not the lynch mob, but the law and order guys.
Lucas Thompson
Nothing trending on Twitter either. Valve is the invisible scourge.
Meanwhile the government protects those who are abusing children this way - if you were to pirate the game, or hack it, and neuter the addictiveness, you could well be prosecuted. Damn the government - filth and trash!
Where did you go? I have offered 4 pieces of evidence that this is going unnoticed. Furthermore, have you got evidence that virtual card packs will be examined? I think Valve would argue that they're not loot boxes, since you always get "cards".
Nathan Gutierrez
Isn’t it just like real life booster packs though? Can you sell cards?
Dominic Walker
Yes, that's all you want. Control. You believe yourself to be a Moral Guardian, a shinning beacon of Good and the right person to defend everyone else from Evil. I've known a fair number of people like you. The moment you set "Control" as a higher priority, is the moment I know you're a disgusting piece of shit. Other people aren't your subjects, they aren't pawns for you to order around. They're humans, fucked up and imperfect humans that do mistakes and engage in auto-destructive behaviors far more often than they should. But instead of educating them, instead of pointing other options and letting them choose (and even respecting if they choose "wrong") you seek to control, to rule over them so they can do as you think is best.
I have a nephew. A 9 year old kid that is pretty smart but severely inexperienced. He dropped 80 bucks on CS:GO skins, gambled them away and their parents found him crying. They didn't know what the fuck was happening or how to deal with this shit and called me because I "know games and stuff". All I did was pick a bunch of examples from EA, Ubisoft, Activision and Valve, showd him how these companies work, and the whole thing is rigged against him. All I had to do was point him to his "youtube heroes" and show him that those faggy ecelebs had their skins/e-content because they sink thousands of hours on a single game at a time. The little shit doesn't value money, how could he? He doesn't pay bills/food. However he values time. Time he spends with friends and family. And all I gave him was the ability to choose between sinking thousands of hours on those games or just accepting that he'll never have all that e-crap but could keep hanging around with friends and family. I gave him a choice that mattered to him, between two things he valued. I didn't even bother highlighting how good one choice is over the other, the kid picked family and friends in no time. He still plays (as I do with him) and fuck it, I bought him a couple skins for his anniversary, but he never sank a truckload of money on that shit again wile still enjoying them.
Did I need to control him? Did I need to threaten him with a fucking gas chamber? No. All I did was treat him as an equal.
Everything you just posted on this thread reeks of communism and forced group-think. So I'm also going to give you a choice. You could: a)Kill yourself and save everyone the displeasure of hearing more of your shit b)Keep trying to control other people as a way to make up for your own fuck ups instead of facing your own errors.
Take your time, think it through and pick one.
Jordan Wilson
No, it's not. Besides the fact that you don't get a physical equivalent (and thus, your "content" can be revoked/deleted by breaching TOS) you also cannot trade them. Atleast as of now. Valve has a solid player-market on steam, they might implement it later on. Besides these two things, yeah. Pretty much like booster packs. The only beef I got with the game was that shitty beta thing they did. As for the mechanics, it's not even that good. Passable, but won't be dethroning Magic or Hearthstone anytime soon.
Levi Evans
Well, it is different, but I don't think the difference matters. You can't really sell the cards. You can sell them for steam points or whatever they're called, and buy games, but it's hard to turn to cash. Someone said you can buy a game, then gift it to a friend who pays you for it. My guess, do that enough and you'll get B&.
But I don't think it matters, I think that YES, it's the same as the card games (pokemon is one), but with one crucial change: it has the instant dynamics we see in the casinos. Lights, sounds, social proof, and instant interaction, constant.
With the purchase of old-fashioned physical packs, you have the chance, the (illusion of) value to rewards…
…BUT, players didn't always know if they were getting crap cards (how many times did you see some stupid kid who thought he had the shit, and he had commons?). Also, as I said, it wasn't this constant automatic flood-the-senses feedback loop.
Eli Sanchez
< you want control Lad. This isn't the Alex Jones Libertarian webboard. Most here are hardline right-wing. In the least, we are virtually all against excess freedom, for freedom is pseudonymous with degeneracy and decline, with white genocide.
Xavier Foster
CIA. Errytime. Why is the CIA shilling for vidya?
Camden Roberts
Stringing half a dozen buzzwords without ascribing them any meaning within your post while ignoring every single point your responding to makes you look like a complete fucking faggot. And then, on top of that, you go and triplepost like a reddit nigger.
Trust me, suicide is a very wise option for you to take right now.
Evan Powell
shills are the worst when they try to call genuine posters the real shills.
William Cooper
You're moralists, the very people who Goebbels railed against. You're no-fun-allowed faggots who would ruin any pro-white movement in favor of an impossible and frankly useless righteousness. We must fight against degeneracy, of course, but the people should be allowed to have fun.
Evan Russell
Sure is kikechan in here.
Brody Nelson
You, I trust, will.
Caleb Jackson
Why do (((you))) want to do horrible things to children?
Adrian Myers
Lincoln Evans
With any luck, yes, it'll come to pass.
Owen Anderson
That's a really bad analogy. However, pathological gambling is linked to individual brain formations, in that, people that are compulsive gamblers have various parts of brain wired different and some glands and sections smaller than that of non compulsive gamblers. This bears no link of geographical location of casinos. It's more or less a predisposition condition one is born with, not something that can be forced upon one.
t. Psych Grad
Zachary Morris
How about uninstalling steam and any other video games which are mostly all designed to be addicting? It's not a very hard concept to understand.
Nathan Torres
It's not an analogy. It's MT:
Kevin Jones
fuck off my hearthstone you faggot. hearthstone is CARD GAME just like the pokemon and yugioh of olde. when was the last time pokemon and yugioh gave away card packs for free? kill yourself you retarded faggot
Dominic Sullivan
kikes are injuring white children of America for the sake of profit. (((you're))) fine with that.
Lucas Wright
Are you a child?
Oliver Cox
Hollowhoax narrative I mean, edgetard
Kayden Morales
kill yourself boomer scum
Julian Ross
So like arcades?
Zachary Sullivan
The ADL is shilling in favor of Valve. Wow.
Elijah Ramirez
No, in arcades there are no virtual winnings. They made the attempt, with the scoreboard, but actually that was just social proof. With Valve's pure poison, which preys upon children, Artifact, we have a concoction that activates the reward centers with equal ferocity as casino gambling does in adults.
There are other factors that increase the virulence.
The casino is now the plaything of children, and the psychological consequence is enormous and severe, for societies which have large amounts of gambling.
Josiah Jones
Chase Jones
ITT: assfaggots player who can't quit his crippling addiction to a shitty game shitposts in Zig Forums in a lame effort to make himself feel better for one day.
OK, I'll help you understand MT (modus tollens (why am I helping you????)): A. If someone owns a ferrari he will have good healthcare B. This person does not have good healthcare C. Therefore this person does not own a ferrari.
Hopefully this helps you understand MT better. I replaced "horse" with "ferrari", because it's a bit more obvious. Also, I used absolutes (if you don't, the problem becomes more complex, but it's not impossible).
that is why you will respect your children that choose to race-mix with niggers and give you nigger grandbabies, right?
From Mein Kampf:
It will be the task of the völkisch State to make the race the nucleus of the life of the community. It must make sure that the purity of the racial strain will be preserved.
It must proclaim the truth that the child is the most valuable possession a nation can have.
It must see to it that only those who are healthy beget children; that there is only one infamy, namely, for parents that are ill or show hereditary defects to bring children into the world and that in such cases it is a matter of honour to refrain from doing so.
But, on the other hand, it must be considered as reprehensible to refrain from giving healthy children to the nation.
In this matter, the State must assert itself as the trustee of a millennial future, in the face of which the egotistic desires of the individual count for nothing and will have to give way before the ruling of the State.
In order to fulfill this duty in a practical manner the State will have to avail itself of modern medical discoveries. It must proclaim as unfit for procreation all those who are afflicted with some identifiable hereditary disease or are the carriers of it, and practical measures must be adopted to have such people rendered sterile.
< "you're shilling it" Yeah, you'll use every tactic possible to shut up criticism of your kike crap, you scum!
Jonathan Ward
I know, but i was young and naive. I wanted to be a psychiatrist that actually helped people instead of being a pill pusher. But once too far into the belly of the beast i realized it was taken over by the globo-homo-gayplex(all be it that i didn't recognize it as that because that term was around yet). Even in my blue pilled days, i was disturbed that i had tranny teachers trying to teach me about individuals consciousnesses and the equality of all, also had a blind teacher. It felt like my department was just handing out positions to people of disabilities. I however did notice the IQ issue early on and challenged many professors on it, to which they always tried the classic "but muh socio-economic factor", which i always pointed out was addressed and adjusted for the study….they usually just changed the subject matter quickly. I got scholarships so i didn't actually pay that much thankfully.
Ayden Green
I remember a psych major who hated philosophy class…
Here we see a fascinating example of a kike attempting to silence the message:
So, by claiming that I am rather the one shilling for the product (when in fact he is shilling for the product) he hopes to prohibit the thread.
ADL//Mossad indications.
Colton Rivera
And now, it's a fight of personalities, the topic is derailed. See how I know it's a kike, and that kikes are supporting Valve?
Charles Green
I'm not saying i don't understand the concept you fucking simpleton. I'm saying it's more complicated than needs being addressed for the analogy made previous, to which you still haven't addressed(other than vindicating my point and making yourself look stupid) and have gone further into ad hominems and shoah mode of shaming your opponent rather than substance of argument and postions furthered. You're 31 of 65 replies…..i just WONDER (((who))) (((you))) work for.
That's because they're entirely two different fields.
Ian Ross
Don't diss logic if you can't into logic.
Parker Sanders
You're literally a brain dead idiot if you think the two fields are linked. Wanna explain how neuroscience, IQ tests and studies conducted based on hypothesis are somehow related to some nigger sitting on a rock jotting down his thoughts on ugga boogga? Also saging your shit thread because you cannot have a cognitive argument with an adult, especially not one on the original topic because you're too busy trying to divide and concur with your 32 posts of 67.
Dominic Wilson
< logic suks fuck off, nigger
Adam Myers
This exactly. The parents are both complacent and complicit.
t. Parent of three
Grayson Williams
Meant for
Nathan Stewart
< who cares what happens to white people, so long as I'm fat, dumb, and happy?
Lucas Sullivan
as usual, literally everyone who sage posts is a mixed race kike with no argument shitting all over the board
Chase Cruz
Not it at all. The parents are retards for letting their kids get brainwashed by a game in the first place. Apply the 5 why's and get down to the real issue
Brandon Smith
They're not getting brainwashed. They're being subjected to psychological conditions which give rise to pathological gambling (and the exact rate "infection" is probably about 10%).
Kevin Young
In other words, we are facing an epidemic, and this kind and gentle user has informed you of Day Zero technically there have been others, but this is the worst ever, and will be the most dreadful.
Justin Diaz
Dylan Flores
Luke Adams
My parents flipped a fucking shit when they found out that public schools were teaching me not only to not do drugs, but every class of drug, pharmacological action and behavior needed to aquire such drugs. They even brought suitcases full of real fucking drugs of literally every kind to show off to fifth graders. That's all they really spent time on, just briefly mentioned the consequences.
We were soviet immigrants and when my parents grew up, really alcohol was the only 'drug'. Any other psychoactives were extremely stigmatized. Heroin/opiates didn't really become a thing there till collapse which I suspect is thanks to glow in the dark niggers
David Davis
Jordan Ross
That would be horrible
Nathan Hernandez
They do love their afghani opiates and other similar drugs.
Carter White
Parents are giving smart phones with internet access to toddlers as a babysitter.
Christopher Rivera
Vidya is a creation of DARPA, honestly if bread and circuses never existed we would've had DOTR long time ago.
You could make a thread warning against the dangers of dehydration and the shills would rush to explain that there's literally nothing wrong with dehydration.
Xavier Cruz
What are you, a faggot? Just drink some extra water in the morning and take vitamins. The only people who get dehydrated are jooooos.
Jaxon Taylor
These games are predatory. Its really fucking simple. Go install alien shooter on your phone and play for a few minutes. The fucking game will throw up a store purchase window worth a goddamn 100$ US for digital gold to buy skins on a 2d alien shooter game. It pops this window up when you try and load a game hoping you'll mash buy by mistake.
This is predatory and evil. Irrespective of any laws the masses should be letting these companies know that they are scum and should not be buying these games. I'm not sure how to fix the problem but the day of the rope seems like a good start.
Fuckers had to go and pollute my hobby though, its almost enough to do a complete exodus from all gaming. Go paintballing and work on your light infantry tactics instead.
Eli Cox
These snakes ripped off my company name Artifact 1 1/2 years ago. Stole the logo and everything.
Also if your company has a website, could you link it here? Thanks in advance.
Jonathan Green
It does, it is currently offline for upgrades. There are four game titles under development at Artifact. Valve announced Artifact four months after we launched Artifact. When I first noticed it felt bad.
Lucas Myers
Maybe you should go back to Reddit.
Brody Long
Video games have been making addicts out of children for decades. This new game decides to throw some slot machine mechanic doesn't change much.
Like what if you buy a kid a gameboy and the then nintendo comes out with more gameboy games. You have to pay money for every new cartridge? Is that somehow different?
Stop getting your kids addicted to screens. That's the real solution here.
Jaxon Rogers
Go defend tarantino, harmon, and jones some more, faggot.
Jayden Perry
Why are you so obsessed with other people making bad decisions? Nobody gives a fuck.